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Special Education

Lesson Plan Template


Teacher(s): Subject: Standard Math Grade: 6

Lesson length: 20 mins Lesson Topic/Unit: Drawing and graphing on Coordinate Grids

Learning Objectives:
I. By the end of this lesson, students will II. By the end of this lesson, students III. I will know that students have met
know: will be able to: this objective when:

The horizontal axis is the x-axis. Draw their own coordinate grid. The students complete this activity on
the quiz at the end of the week.
The vertical axis is the y-axis. Label the x and y axis accurately.

The x and y axis intersect at the origin.

IV. Essential question(s) for students to answer

How do I draw my own coordinate grid to use as a tool when I do not have axis to one?

State Standards:
In this section, identify and list the VA SOLs standards (or other) that are addressed in this lesson.

6.11 The student will

a) identify the coordinates of a point in a coordinate plane; and

b) graph ordered pairs in a coordinate plane.

Context for Learning/Background Information

Situating the Lesson: In this section, list/describe topics of previous lessons related to the topic of this lesson that
students should be familiar with.

The students will take notes on coordinate grids the day before this lesson is they. They have been exposed to the vocabulary
that relates to coordinates including the quadrants, origin, x and y axis, and coordinates. They have completed some practice
with adding points to a coordinate plane. After this lesson students will continue to practice identifying points.

Lesson Content: In this section, briefly list/describe the content of the current lesson. (2-3 sentences)
This lesson will be a brief review to help students be able to draw their own coordinate grid. They will need to label the axis
and add numbers to each axis.

Lesson Rationale: In this section, describe why students need this lesson the way you have planned it. What are you
offering them? What needs are you addressing? (2-3 sentences)
This is a skill that they need to show understanding of the grid and to help them complete SOL questions when they are not
given a coordinate plane.

Individualized Instruction

IEP Goals: In this section, list the IEP goals that this lesson addresses. You can list them by student/pseudonym.

IEP Accommodations: In this section, list the classroom & teaching accommodations that must be provided. You can
list them as accommodations or by student/pseudonym.

Accommodations for Students from Diverse Cultural &/or Linguistic Backgrounds: In this section,
list any relevant accommodations or other information that you will provide given unique student needs arising from their
cultural or linguistic backgrounds.

Co-Teaching & Collaboration

Co-Teaching: In this section, select the co-teaching Grouping: In this section, describe the way(s) in which
format that you will be using in this lesson. students will be assigned to instructional groups. Which
Check one or more. It is possible to use several strategies teacher will lead/instruct each group?
during a lesson.
This lesson will be taught to the whole class.
☐ One Teach, One Support
☐ Station Teaching
☐ Team Teaching
☐ Alternative Teaching
☐ Parallel Teaching

What is each teacher’s role within the model(s) you selected?

As I take the lead on this lesson, the other teachers in

the room willhelp students stay on-task and understand
the lesson as I teach.

Assessment of Student Learning

Assessment Procedures: In this section, describe the assessment procedures that will be used to measure learning of
the objective(s). Assessment procedure must be concrete and tangible, and teacher observation (without a record of it) is
unacceptable. Attach assessment probe or checklist to lesson plan. Multiple forms of assessment are strongly encouraged.

Assessment Type(s): In this Assessment Criteria: In this Feedback: In this section, describe
section, describe how you will assess section, describe how students will what feedback from the assessment(s)
students. demonstrate mastery on your you will give students and how you will
assessment(s). give it to them.
1. Homework review: for
homework that is due on 1. Some students will 1. I will provide immediate
Wednesday, the students were demonstrate understanding by constructive feedback as
expected to identify and graph coming up to the board and students work on the board on
points on a coordinate plane. plotting points on the board. As accuracy and strategies that they
The homework review is a they plot the points, I will use.
diagnostic assessment for the observe how quickly and
skills that the students already accurately they can do it.
have with graphing points and 2. I will review the exit tickets
as the lesson continues with the
which numbers are negative and 2. Students will show mastery if other teacher, and I will provide
positive. they can accurately construct the slips with feedback to
their own coordinate plane. students at the end.
2. Mini exit ticket: Students will
be given a scrap piece of paper
and they will have to draw the
coordinate grid on their own
with -5 to 5 labelled, the x and y
axis labelled, and the four
quadrants labelled.

Materials & Resources

Teacher Materials (I need): Attach teacher Student Materials (They need): Attach ALL student
instructional materials to lesson plan submission. If you are instructional materials to lesson plan (i.e., worksheet,
using a SMARTBoard during lesson, include a file with graphic organizer, test/quiz, etc).
materials (saved as a pdf). If you are using external websites,
videos, etc, list the links below. 1. Do-now SOL review practice.
1. Access to the homework on the smart board. 2. Homework
2. Whiteboard markers

Behavior Management

General Concerns: What routines Specific Concerns: Are there any Feedback: How will you provide
are already in place to help you specific antecedents, unique situations, feedback to students about their
manage student behavior/keep students or other student behavior concerns that behavior during this lesson?
focused & on task? may impact this lesson? Indicate how
you are planning to confront those I will set expectations as the beginning
1. Behave like a scholar. concerns. of the lesson, and then I will provide
positive feedback throughout the
2. Class routines: come to class Many of these students find whole-class lesson.
prepared, begin working on do-now and instruction difficult to focus. There are
get your homework out, go over many students that might roam the I will briefly have students come up
homework, begin class. room, talk with their neighbors, or call with some ideas of what it looks like to
out answers. be a scholarly student. Then, I will
enlist other teachers and students to pay
When using markers, the students might attention to those behaviors and report
draw, play with the markers, or get off- back at the end how it went.

Preparing Students for Instructional Content

Estimated time: 20-25 mins
Review of prerequisite skills: In this section, identify Student-Friendly Objective: Re-state the lesson’s
any skills or content that you will review with students prior learning objective in student-friendly language.
to new instruction. This could be the warm-up, “do now”, or
other introductory part of lesson that reviews prior learning. I can…plot an ordered pair and identify its
corresponding quadrant or axis.
The do-now for students is an SOL review packet. This
packet provides challenging questions and takes a long time
to review. While the content will not relate to the days
lessons, it will get their brains into math mode and have them
respond and work on questions.

Homework review: The night before this class the students

completed an activity that involved plotting points. As they
work on the do-now, I will assign students a number to come
up to the board to answer. I will tell them to explain how they
got that answer as they put the point.

Essential Vocabulary
Estimated time: 2 min
Reviewing vocabulary: In this section, identify any vocabulary that must be reviewed or re-taught.
I will tell students to stand up, and “play Simon Says.” Then I will be Simon and I will say, “Simon says to use your arms to
show what vertical means.” I will give students a chance to react, and then I will provide feedback on vertical. Vertical is up
and down. The up and down, or vertical axis, is the Y-axis. A y is a much taller letter than a x, so you can remember that y is
tall and the y axis is the tall up and down axis. Then, I will say “Simon says show me horizontal with your arms.” Ok, if y is
the up and down vertical axis. What letter is used for the side to side horizontal axis? [Students respond.]

Estimated time: 8 mins
Direct Instruction (I DO): In this section, describe the direct instruction that will be provided. How will you
model/demonstrate ideas? How will you use “think aloud” and cognitive modeling?

1. On the board at the front of the room, I will have a blank page that will be the work surface. I will
immediately begin modeling how to draw a coordinate plane. I will first draw the two axis and then I
will label them. I will do the x axis first and then the y-axis, and I will explain again that y is the up and
down letter and goes with the up and down axis. Then, I will label the four quadrants. Then, I will
explain that the x axis a number line and the y axis is a number line. I will model how to number from -
5 to 5 on the x axis. Then, I will model how to number from -5 to 5 on the y-axis, drawing attention to
how the negative is the lower part.

Guided Practice (WE DO): In this section, describe the practice that students will be provided with. Include how you
will determine that students are ready to independently practice.

2. “Let’s do another one.” I’ll start with my two lines. Then, I will take student responses to help me
label the grid again. I will prompt them to raise their hand to answer, and then I will ask the whole class
to respond with the same answer in order to engage everyone.

Independent Practice (YOU DO): In this section, describe the independent practice students will complete.

3. Students will be given a scrap sheet of paper where they need to draw their own coordinate plane
and give it to a teacher to get checked. I will write on the board that they need to label the axis, label
the quadrants, and number the lines from -5 to 5. A timer will be set for 2 mins for them to do this
activity and give it to a teacher.

Estimated time: 1 min
Lesson Review: In this section, Forward Look: In this section, link Homework: Describe any
review the learning that occurred this lesson to future learning. State how homework assignments. Use N/A if
during the lesson. Be specific and ask this lesson is related to the next lesson there is no homework assignment.
students to review in a way that reflects or future learning.
what they learned, rather than what the
topic was or what activities were used
to facilitate learning.
Now we are going to do some stations
This is a useful skill for you all to help you all practice graphing
because it helps you understand coordinates. Listen up for instructions
on where you are going to go.
how the coordinate plane works,
and you can draw one on your
scrap paper for the SOL.

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