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1. Let's agree that the best food in the world comes from your own country. Which country produces the
second best food?

2. Are you personally a good cook?

3. What is your favourite food? Can you cook it? How is it prepared?

4. What is your favourite foreign food?

5. Do you like blue cheese?

6. What food do you dislike?

7. Do you like "rare" steak or do you think it is disgusting?

8. How many “food scares” can you think of?

9. When you buy food, do you read the label?

10. Should we take nutritional supplements?


11. Which is the most important meal of the day?

12. Is there any meal which you habitually skip?

13. What do you usually have for breakfast?

14. What is your opinion of fast food?

15. If you no longer live in your home country - what food do you miss most?

16. "Right kids, what do you want for tea?" Is that a good question for kids?

Diet and health

17. Do you think that you eat a “balanced diet”?

18. Do you think that a vegetarian diet is healthy?

19. Do you, or anyone you know, suffer from food allergies?

20. During February 2013 it was revealed that many supposedly "beef" dishes sold in Europe contained
varying amounts of horse meat. It you had eaten some of this unknowingly how would you feel?

Junk food

21. Is there a difference between junk food and fast food? If so, what is it?

22. Why is junk food do so popular?

23. What do you think about the suggestion that advertising (or sale) of junk food to children should be

24. Do you think the following are junk food? Why/why not?

a. Commercially produced pizzas

b. Commercially produced hamburgers

c. Mass-produced sandwiches.

d. Chocolate.

e. Fried chicken.

f. Fish and chips.

g. Ice cream

Non-alcoholic drinks

25. Do you think there is any difference between bottled water and tap water?

26. If you order water in a bar (or restaurant) do you ask for tap water or bottled water? Why?

27. How much coffee, tea or other hot drinks do you consume?

28. Do you need coffee in order to function well?

Unusual food

29. In some cultures things are eaten which other cultures think are very strange. What do you think
about the following as food:

 Dogs
 Cats
 Horses
 Pork (pigs)
 Rats
 Snails
 Seafood in general (shrimps, oysters, crabs etc.)
 Different types of insect
 Pigs' feet
 Milk
 Cheese
 Black sausage (made from blood)
 Haggis (sheep's stomach filled with various entrails.)

30. What do you think is the most unusual thing that you personally have ever eaten?

31. Do you consider yourself to be an "adventurous" eater?

Fruit and vegetables

32. If you had a garden would you grow your own fruit or vegetables? Which ones?

33. How much difference is there between things grown at home and those bought at the supermarket?

Food culture and Culinary trends

34. How has food, eating and drinking culture changed in the last 20 years?

35. Have any cuisines or styles become fashionable or established? Why?

36. Talk about some foods, cuisines or ingredients that interest you.

37. Would you like to know you were eating GM foods?

38. Should GM foods be labelled?

39. What do you think about the '5-a-day' recommendation?

40. Are celebrity chefs or cookbooks a useful or useless addition to food culture?

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