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Preparing VNC server for Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 for x86{75EA96B5-AC...

Preparing VNC server for Novell SUSE Linux® Enterprise Server 11 for x86

1. Start Putty and log on to the instance. See connecting to your instance with Putty for details about the steps.
2. Switch to root user: sudo /bin/bash.
3. Edit the file /etc/xinetd.d/vnc (using the vi or vim editor, as you desire). Make the following changes:
a. Within all VNC service blocks, change the default user = nobody to user = root.
b. Within VNC service blocks vnc1, vnc2, and vnc3, append -rfbauth /root/.vnc/passwd to the value of server_args.
c. Within each VNC service block that you want to enable, delete the line disable = yes or change it to disable = no.
The example below shows the setting of VNC service block 1:

# default: off
# description: This serves out a VNC connection which starts at a KDM login \
# prompt. This VNC connection has a resolution of 1024x768, 16bit depth.
service vnc1
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = root
server = /usr/bin/Xvnc
server_args = -noreset -inetd -once -from localhost -query localhost -geometry 1024x768 -depth 16 -rfbauth /root/.vnc/passwd
port = 5901

4. Issue the vncpasswd command to create a standard VNC password and (optionally) a view-only password. You can run this command to change the password later.
5. Issue the command yast to start the YaST utility. Configure the instance as indicated in the substeps below. Use the Tab and arrow keys to navigate in the text-mode screen.
a. From the YaST Control Center page, select Network Services>Remote Administration. Press Enter.
b. Select Allow Remote Administration and press Enter to enable the option.
c. Select Open Port in Firewall and press Enter to enable the option.
d. Select Finish and press Enter to save the changes.

Note: At this point, the operating system firewall is configured to support VNC service 1 (as defined in /etc/xinetd.d/vnc). If you plan to use any of the other VNC services,
complete all of the remaining steps; otherwise, go to substep j.

e. From the YaST Control Center page, select Security and Users > Firewall. Press Enter.
f. Select Firewall Configuration: Allowed Services > Advanced. Press Enter.
g. Add the TCP Ports for the additional VNC services that you wish to enable. By default, VNC service 2 uses port 5902, and VNC service 3 uses port 5903. Be sure to place a
space between each port value. Do not include other characters. When you finish, select OK and press Enter.
h. On the Firewall Configuration > Allowed Services page, select Next and press Enter.
i. On the Firewall Configuration: Summary page, select Finish and press Enter.
j. On the YaST Control Center page, select Quit and press Enter.
6. Open and edit the xstartup script by issuing the command vi /root/.vnc/xstartup and add the following line:

gnome &

Parent topic: Connecting to your Linux instance with VNC

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