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Pacific Northwest District

District Officer Training Conference

Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

Table of Contents 
Attendance  Page 1-2 

Approval of Board Minutes  Page 3 

Appointment of Chairs  Pages 3, 4, 10 

Summary of GATC (Governor  Pages 5-6 

Administrator Training Conference) 

Council of Presidents  Page 5 

Membership Development Strategy  Page 6 

State of the District   pages 8-9 

District Budget  Page 10 

District Convention Recap  Pages 11-12 

Proposals of 2019 District Convention  Pages 12-14 


District Email Proposal  Page 15 

Pacific Northwest Leadership Academy  Pages 15-16 

(PNWLA) Recap  

Governor’s Project  Pages 16-17 

Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

Position    Name  In Attendance 

Governor  Incoming  Esmeralda Hernandez  X 

Outgoing  Cody Li  X 

Secretary  Incoming  Anna Mylvaganam  X 

Outgoing  Ekanki Chawla   

Treasurer  Incoming  Angel Le  X (online) 

Outgoing  Rabia Kamboj   

Editor  Incoming  Michelle Chang  X 

Outgoing  Angel Le  * 

Snoqualmie Lt. Governor  Incoming  Kelvin Anderson  X 

Outgoing  Lauren Ho  X 

Rain Cap Lt. Governor  Incoming  ** 

Outgoing  Mohammad Alharbi 

Peace Arch Lt. Governor  Incoming  ** 

Outgoing  Esmeralda Hernandez  * 

Cascade Lt. Governor  Incoming  **   

Outgoing  **   

Columbia Lt. Governor  Incoming  ** 

Outgoing  **   

Inland Empire Lt. Governor  ** 

Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

Lt. Governor At Large  ** 


Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

Position    Name  In Attendance 
PNWLA Chair  Incoming  Gloria Guizar  X 

Outgoing  Serena Ranney  X 

Sharon Lee   

DCON Chair  Incoming  Tasfia Ahsan  X 

Veena Lin  X (online) 

Outgoing  Valerie Ebbay  X 

Technology & Marketing  Incoming  Shane Petrus  X 

Outgoing  Michelle Chang  * 

Chief Growth Officer  Incoming  Lauren Ho  X 

Outgoing  Lam Duc   

Parliamentarian  Incoming  Josh Kim  X 

Outgoing  Jasmair Bains   

Subregion A Trustee  Josh Kim  * 

District Administrator  Greg Wegrich  X 

Assist. District Administrator  Tyson Diep  X 

Area Admin. Cascade  Nicholas Hafez   

Area Admin. Peace Arch  Lisa McCoy  X 

Area Admin. Rain-Cap  Dick Rust   

Kiwanis PNW Governor  Roger Bell   

Kiwanis PNW  Jerry Deas   


Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

Saturday, April 21, 2018 

I. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez calls the Divisional Officer Training Conference (DOTC) Meeting on 
Saturday, April 22, 2018 to order at 8:35 am. 
II. Attendance and Introductions (Led by Governor Esmeralda Hernandez) 
III. Official Voting Procedures reviewed (Led by Assistant Administrator Tyson Diep and Past CKI 
International President Kathy Le) 
A. Per district bylaws, a quorum requires 50% of voting members plus one additional voting 
B. Chairs are permitted to make motions but are not permitted to vote 
C. Parliamentary procedure format proceeds as follows 
1. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez entertains a motion 
2. Voting party (or chairs) state full name, school name, and position and state “so 
moved” to show support for said motion 
3. Following the seconding of a motion, the floor is open for discussion on the topic 
4. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez moves to a vote  
5. Abstentions observed, and Governor Esmeralda Hernandez notes if motion passes and 
proposed motion is official 
IV. Approval of Board Minutes (Led by Governor Esmeralda Hernandez) 
A. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez entertains the motion to approve the Call-to-New-Board 
Post-DCON 2018 minutes  
B. Snoqualmie Lieutenant Governor Kelvin Anderson​ ​moved to approve the Call-to-New-Board 
Post-DCON 2018 minutes 
C. Editor Michelle Chang seconds 
D. Discussion (Led by Governor Esmeralda Hernandez) 
1. No questions 
E. Move to vote 
1. Motion carries 
2. Call-to-New-Board Post-DCON 2018 minutes are officially approved 
V. Looking ahead to rebuild (Led by District Administrator Greg Wegrich) 
A. Within the district, a loss of over 100 members was incurred over the past service year 
B. Expansion and retention should remain a central goal 
VI. Appointing of Chairs 
A. Appointment of Technology and Marketing Chair Shane Petrus 
1. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez entertains a motion to appoint Technology and 
Marketing Chair Shane Petrus as Tech and Marketing Chair  
2. Snoqualmie Lieutenant Governor Kelvin Anderson so moved 
3. Treasurer Angel Le seconds 
4. Discussion (Led by Governor Esmeralda Hernandez) 
5. Goals (Outlined by Shane Petrus) 

Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

a) Restart Twitter  
b) Publicize Snapchat group 
c) Change layout and colour scheme of website 
d) Connect with webmasters in the district to build a social media presence 
6. Move to vote 
7. Motion carries 
a) Appointment of Tech and Marketing Chair Shane Petrus is official 
VII. Appointment of PNWLA Chair Gloria Guizar 
A. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez entertains a motion to appoint PNWLA Chair Gloria Guizar  
B. Editor Michelle Chang so moved 
C. Snoqualmie Lieutenant Governor Kelvin Anderson seconds 
D. Discussion (Led by Governor Esmeralda Hernandez) 
E. Goals (Outlined by Gloria Guizar) 
1. Connection, friendship, and networking opportunities within PNWLA 
2. Team-building activities which allow for connection beyond individual groups and 
3. Implementing snapchat groups to enhance degree of connection 
4. Obtain a quality guest speaker- with a focus on CKI values and enthusiasm of college 
5. Enhance conference and retaining tradition 
F. Move to vote 
1. Motion carries 
2. Appointment of PNWLA Chair Gloria Guiza is official 
VIII. Appointment of Chief Growth Officer Lauren Ho  
A. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez entertains a motion to appoint Chief Growth Officer Lauren Ho 
B. Snoqualmie Lieutenant Governor Kelvin Anderson so moved 
C. Editor Michelle Chang seconds 
D. Discussion (Led by Governor Esmeralda Hernandez) 
E. Goals (Outlined by Lauren Ho) 
1. Implementing more resources and infographics for the chartering process 
a) Often confusion and lack of awareness among new members 
2. Working with Editor, Tech and Marketing Chair 
F. Move to vote 
G. Motion carries 
1. Appointment of Chief Growth Officer Lauren Ho is official 
IX. Overview of today’s agenda (Led by Governor Esmeralda Hernandez) 
A. Introduction of Council of Presidents 
B. Discussion of District Goals 
C. Reference of past board meetings  

Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

D. Officer Training 
E. District Goals 
F. Membership Retention Considerations 
G. DCON 2019 Preparations 
1. Proposals of date, time, and location to be considered 
H. Budget 
I. Sunday agenda: 
1. PNWLA  
2. Board pictures 
3. Closing Session 
X. Summary of Governor Administrator Training Conference (GATC) (Led by Governor Esmeralda 
A. Pacific Northwest District (PNW) selected for District Boot Camp 
1. Paired with International Vice President Eric Yan 
2. Discussion of preparations for Vacant LTG positions 
B. International Amendments 
1. Recruitment/Retention position has been proposed as a permanent executive position 
at the club level 
a) (+) Possibility of increasing resources to combat decrease in membership 
b) Circle K International decreased from 13,000 members to 11,000 members overall 
c) (-) Unnecessary and a decrease of resources 
d) Amendment passed ⅔ among the Governor’s Council at the Governor 
Administrator Training Conference (GATC) 
e) Pending updates from International Trustee 
2. Removal of Subregions 
a) Elected trustees to be paired with individual districts to target trustee strengths 
with district weaknesses  
b) Amendment passed unanimously among the Governor’s Council at the 
Governor Administrator Training Conference (GATC) 
XI. Lieutenant Governors and Council of Presidents (Led by Governor Esmeralda Hernandez) 
A. Solution to an issue of vacant LTG positions 
1. Only one LTG position currently filled 
2. Council of Presidents will serve as a solution this fiscal year, and in the future until a full 
roster of LTGs is obtained 
3. Discussion of Presidents attending District Board Meetings 
a) Past CKI International President Kathy Le suggests Council of Presidents meets 
semi-regularly with district board following the International structure and 
presence of Governors on International Council  
b) Communication between LTGs and club presidents- not at an even level 

Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

c) Area Administrator Lisa McCoy and District Administrator PNWLA Greg Wegrich 
note that the board meeting at PNWLA should be used as a President’s Council 
d) Outgoing PNWLA Chair Serena Ranney reiterates that officers must serve as CKI 
members first, and then district officers 
e) Past CKI International President Kathy Le discusses the introduction of a single 
person overseeing the Council of Presidents, as utilized in the Wisconsin-Upper 
Michigan Circle K District 
B. Questions for future consideration 
1. Separate President Council Meetings? 
2. Policy code change? 
3. Presidents serving on committees? 
4. Presidents as voting members? 
C. Specific duties of President Council in the Michigan District of Circle K International examined 
D. Ad hoc committee of Past CKI International President Kathy Le, District Administrator Greg 
Wegrich, Assistant Administrator Tyson Diep, Parliamentarian Josh Kim, Snoqualmie LTG Kelvin 
Anderson, and District Governor Esmeralda Hernandez is in practice. 
XII. Membership Development (Led by District Administrator Greg Wegrich and Governor Esmeralda 
A. New approaches to membership development in consideration 
B. Increased engagement of clubs through district board 
C. Spark interest of running for district position 
D. Outgoing District Convention Chair Valerie Ebbay introduces the idea of a Presidents’ Training 
conducted district-wide at once.   
E. Gain insight into Membership Development at the club level by adding MRF (Monthly Report 
Form) questions 
F. Presidents as voting members--? 
XIII. Observation of 2017-18 club stats 
A. Dues paid club report for PNW examined for 2016-17 and 2017-18 
B. Active dialogue necessary 
C. $600 fee is difficult to compensate for many struggling clubs 
D. Universities declaring no service organizations can charge dues or fees 
1. Presents difficulty with membership growth and retention 
2. Boothing tips 
a) No chairs- stay engaging 
b) Connect individually with people 
XIV. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez entertains a motion to adopt the Presidents Council (with exception 
of details to be determined) 
A. Editor Michelle Chang so moved 

Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

B. Snoqualmie Lieutenant Governor Kelvin Anderson seconds 

C. Discussion (Led by Governor Esmeralda Hernandez) 
1. Motion passes 
2. Council of Presidents to be adopted 
XV. Responsibilities of a Board Member (Led by District Administrator Greg Wegrich and Assistant 
Administrator Tyson Diep) 
A. School as a top priority, but continuous communication is crucial 
B. Administrators available as a resources 
A. Members Paid 
  2015-16  2016-17  2017-18  2018-19 

Goal  450  500  560  465 

Actual  443  463  325   

Progress  -7  -37  -235   

● Calculated based on 5 full new clubs of 15 members, and each existing club (13) adding 5 new 
New Charters 
  2015-16  2016-17  2017-18  2018-19 

Goal  1  3  5  5 

Actual  5  3  0   

Progress  +4  0  -5   

● Currently zero 
● SPU (Seattle Pacific University), Lewis and Clark College, Trinity Western (Sept), Central Washington, 
Mt. Hood, Lane Community College, UBC Okanagan, Simon Fraser 
● Use maps- and consolidate data  
Kiwanis Family Relations (KFRs) 
  2015-16  2016-17  2017-18  2018-19 

Goal  163  200  225  225 

Actual  100  225  144   

Progress  -63  -25  -81   


Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

● Definition of KFR: 2 Kiwanis Family members from same club 

  2015-16  2016-17  2017-18  2018-19 

Goal  5  30  40  30 

Actual  37  36  37   

Progress  -32  -6  -3   

● Hosted club counts the interclub 
● Club must be not suspended (clubs in formation don’t count) 
Service hours 
  2015-16  2016-17  2017-18  2018-19 

Goal  10,000  14,000  14,000  17,000  

Actual  12,831.5  12,015.25  15969.5   

Progress  +2,831.5  -1984.75  +1969.5   

● Planning of a service project (individual), time to buy supplies, travel time above half an hour 
(one-way)-- tabling not included  
● Service project → must be Kiwanis Family-sponsored 
MRF Completion (%) 
  2015-16  2016-17  2017-18  2018-19 

Goal  75%  100%  100%  100% 

Actual  83%  68.8%  85.6%   

Progress  +8%  -31.2%  -14.4%   

Discussion: Feedback to each MRF form 
● Separate website--? (confusion for members) 
● Detect “early warning signs” in clubs 
XVII. Club Training (Led by Assistant District Administrator Tyson Diep) 
A. How do we envision CLE Training? 
B. Valuable in CLE training delivered immediately- how  
1. “Just in Time” training- giving them training  
2. One training now- one closer to the school year 
C. Booklet- growth and retention information  

Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

D. Partnering with Greek clubs 

1. Benefits of drawing with brothers and sisters of organizations 
XVIII. Dynamic recruiting (Led by District Administrator Greg Wegrich) 
A. Subregion​ ​C Trustee Trevor Nicholas speaks of Dynamic Recruiting at GATC 
B. Get to know people, hobbies, and families 
C. People don’t join organizations they join people 
D. Start with the “why” of your organization 
1. Doing good in the community 
2. Introduce yourself, interact 
3. Include a pitch, gimmick (for tabling) 
4. Advertisements on campus 
5. Facebook banners 
6. 2 minutes to win-it 
a) Identify people you see each day 
b) Capture information in the database and manage the process- establish a 
person to make contact (facilitate introductions between members, and 
between officers) 
7. Everyone shared stories about joining CKI (emphasis on WHY we joined) 
a) Good experiences in Key Club 
b) Making friends and networking with people 
c) Increased service focus with CKI rather than Key Club 
d) More variety of service project opportunities 
e) Personal connections from executive officers 
f) Friends from district events 
XIX. Disconnection among Canadian and Oregon Clubs 
A. Discussion of how should CLE training should be conducted without LTGs  
1. Secretary Anna Mylvaganam to assist with Canada (UVic, UBC, UFV) 
2. Snoqualmie LTG Kelvin Anderson and Treasurer Angel Le assist with Oregon clubs 
3. District Administrator Greg Wegrich and Assistant Administrator Tyson Diep will speak to 
Area Administrators about the expansion of alumni association 
a) Add all seniors to CKI alumni page 
b) Add new and existing members to PNW CKI page (Secretary Anna Mylvaganam 
will add members and officers from MRFs) 
B. Consideration: How to demonstrate value of district resources- and encourage engagement in 
a meaningful way 
XX. District Board Budget (Led by District Administrator Greg Wegrich) 
A. Total budget at $4750 based on amounts approximate goal of 475 members (465 is current 
goal) and dues cost of $10/member 
B. Reallocate budgetary lines is possible, however top line will not be altered at all 
Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

C. PNWLA Budget 
1. $10/meal 
2. Number of attendees: 30 members 
3. Grant of $2000 
D. Speed-dating- PNWLA activity (following action to encourage district involvement) 
E. 15 attendees to 1 instructor (a little of 30 participants) 
F. Past CKI International President Kathy Le speaks to decreasing budget allocation to the event 
1. Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp-- money staying in the Kiwanis Family 
2. Reducing costs of alumni participation in camp by allowing a reflection period or 
different course available for them 
G. Voucher Reimbursement 
1. Send 6 days in advance prior to desired receiving day 
2. Appropriate uses 
a) Coping materials for CLE training 
b) Mailings to Key Clubs, Circle K 
XXI. Appointment of Co-DCON Chairs  
A. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez entertains a motion to appoint Co-DCON Chairs Tasfia Ahsan 
and Veena Lin 
B. Editor Michelle Chang so moved 
C. Secretary Anna Mylvaganam seconds 
D. Discussion (Led by Governor Esmeralda Hernandez) 
E. Goals (Outlined by Tasfia Ahsan and Veena Lin) 
1. Improve inclusivity and fellowship throughout the district 
2. Experiences in Peace Arch division- improve communication 
3. Why they decided to run for district board 
a) Change 
b) Expansion of experiences 
c) Ideas and suggestions for improving district events 
F. Move to vote 
G. Motion carries 
1. Appointment of Co-DCON Chairs Tasfia Ahsan and Veena Lin is official 
XXII. Discussion of DCON 2018 (Led by Past DCON Chair Valerie Ebbay) 
A. Attendees 
B. Fellowship 
1. Mandatory? 
2. Friday fellowship not maintained well (establish someone to work) 
3. Bringing board games and other activities is mandatory 
4. Karaoke, Wii games, etc.  
C. Service Activities 
Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

1. Highest rating 
2. Wished time frame was longer 
3. People signing up for own projects-  
D. Workshops 
1. Life hacks and skills 
2. Dancing 101  
a) Liked it but wished not all was K-pop 
E. Hotel received highest rating, not necessarily location 
F. Too much down time 
G. Talent show received mixed reviews 
1. Acts not lined up 
2. Didn’t know when to vote 
3. Implementation of MC and dress rehearsals to minimize confusion 
H. Food did not received good reviews- portions too small and few vegetarian options 
I. Scheduling was chaotic 
1. Disposable activities available  
2. Pictures taken on the side (so not affected by the backdrop) 
3. Transitions too slow 
J. Release schedule earlier 
K. Interest in District Chair positions 
1. Promote district positions more  
2. Not many chair applications received 
3. Constant engagement throughout term 
4. Look for successors now 
5. How to include district board members in PNWLA while enhancing visibility to club 
6. Implement a breakfast panel  
7. Transition packets (not read often) to fliers 
L. Miscellaneous feedback 
1. Change pronouns to gender-neutral 
2. Comments about lack of enthusiasm among board members 
3. Bigger committee 
a) Way to get other clubs involved 
4. Show club effort put into plans the event 
M. Awards 
1. Grading 
a) Changing point distribution to focus on supplementary material 
b) Interclubs need to include names of specific clubs 
c) Include specific definitions of service projects, service hours, interclubs, KFRs, etc. 
Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

d) Supplementary materials used as support for application 

e) Increasing number of committee members reviewing (specifically, number of  
2. Number of applications 
a) Few applications were submitted (5 clubs overall) 
3. Certificates used in the 2016-17 service year 
a) Each board member submitted a name 
4. Encouraging people to apply for awards 
a) Statement to be added clarifying that advisors shouldn’t be filling out the 
b) Importance of evolving criteria 
c) Based on the applications- not board member observations beyond the 
N. Share personal accounts 
1. Service projects and hotel were well-received 
2. Contingencies with planning and timing can be difficult  
O. Responsibilities as a Board Member 
1. Thursday night mandatory for preparations for DCON Friday 
2. Decorations 
3. Walking through the script- to make adjustments 
4. If not in attendance, will not be a part of the presentation 
5. Assigned decorations before DCON 
6. Work on events beyond the defined parameters of your position 
XXIII. Proposal of DCON 2019 in Canada (Led by District Convention Chairs Tasfia Ahsan and Veena Lin) 
A. 21 years since a DCON was held in Canada 
B. Benefits 
1. Increase membership recruitment within Canada 
2. Give club members the chance to bond and create memories 
3. Circle K members of colour have expressed-- unable to attend district events despite 
4. Exposure to Canadian Circle Ks 
5. Maximize attendance 
6. DCON Chairs- move to cycle system with 4  
C. Concerns 
1. Farther drive 
2. Passport concerns 
a) Note: Passport book ($110), Passport Card ($30), Processing Fee ($35), Expedited 
Fee ($60) and in addition 1-2 Delivery Fee ($15.89 only in the US and not valid for 
Passport Cards) 
Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

b) Passport Cards are not valid for Air Travel 

c) Canadian Services Agency- enhanced identification methods for members 
without passports 
d) Adult Passport Book and Card lasts 10 years 
e) Optimal time to attend  
3. Oregon has had the opportunity to host a district event but Canada has not 
D. Form sent out to Kiwanis Family members 
1. 50 responses received (42% of expected attendance) 
2. Co-chair Patrick Ewing (for Victoria location) was consulted 
E. Four locations 
1. Poco Inn and Suites 
2. Best Western Plus Mission City Lodge 
a) $150 USD 
b) Mission Hospice Society and other volunteer locations onsite 
3. Coast Hotel Chilliwack 
a) $165 USD 
b) Friendly staff 
c) More accessible- in room beverages 
d) Quality and cost-effective 
e) Service projects 
4. Holiday Inn Express Vancouver-Metrotown and Bonsor Banquet Hall 
a) $180 USD 
5. Conclusion- inclusivity, foster environment of fellowship 
XXIV. Appointment of Parliamentarian  
A. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez entertains a motion to appoint Parliamentarian Josh Kim 
B. Editor Michelle Chang so moved 
C. Snoqualmie Lieutenant Governor Kelvin Anderson seconds 
D. Discussion (Led by Governor Esmeralda Hernandez) 
E. Goals (Outlined by Josh Kim) 
1. Continuous involvement with governing documents 
F. Move to vote 
G. Motion carries 
1. Appointment of Parliamentarian Josh Kim is official 
XXV. Questions from Incoming District Convention Chair Tasfia Ahsan 
A. Pre-made sponsorship letters 
B. Tour the hotel in January 
C. Access to survey results in the folder 
D. Unused funds in the budget (overall) 
1. Affected by attendance of district events 
Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

XXVI. Additional proposals of DCON 2019 (Led by District Administrator Greg Wegrich) 
XXVII. Mt. Hood Best Western 
1. Challenges of Oregon: no state sales tax 
2. Costs tend to be higher 
3. Charging set-up fees 
4. 27th year we’d be going to the facility if chosen 
5. $200/member 
B. Holiday Inn Airport (Bellingham) 
1. $190/member 
2. Central location for majority of active clubs 
3. Same location as 2018 Convention 
XXVIII. Factors to consider 
A. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez observes that students with DACA are unable to leave the 
B. District Convention Tasfia Ahsan observes that many Canadian students of colour feel unsafe 
when entering the United States due to the political climate, and concludes students with 
DACA will be able to attend three of four conventions if a Canadian location is listed in a four 
year cycle 
C. Area Administrator Lisa McCoy observes that the same students seem to come no matter the 
District Convention location  
D. District Convention Chair Tasfia Ahsan hypothesizes that 30 Canadian students will be in 
attendance at convention 
XXIX. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez adjourns the Saturday’s District Officer Training Conference on 
Saturday, April 21, 2018 at 6:31pm 
Sunday, April 22, 2018 
I. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez calls the Sunday Divisional Officer Training Conference (DOTC) 
Meeting on Saturday, April 22, 2018 to order at 9:25 am. 
II. Attendance (Led by Governor Esmeralda Hernandez) 
A. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez present 
B. Snoqualmie LTG Kelvin Anderson present 
C. District Convention Chair Tasfia Ahsan present 
D. PNWLA Chair Gloria Guizar present 
E. Parliamentarian Josh Kim present 
F. Technology and Marketing Chair Shane Petrus present 
G. Outgoing Governor Cody Li present 
H. Outgoing PNWLA Chair Serena Ranney present 
I. District Administrator Greg Wegrich present 
J. Assistant Administrator Tyson Diep present 
Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

K. Area Administrator Lisa McCoy present 

L. Past CKI International President Kathy Le present 

III. District E-mail Proposal (Created by Secretary Anna Mylvaganam) 

A. Assistant Administrator Tyson Diep discusses how passwords and emails might be passed on 
1. Previously LTGs resigned and didn’t pass emails on 
B. Parliamentarian Josh Kim states that the website domain can be used to make emails 
C. District Emails would: 
1. Increases clarity of communication 
2. Share docs 
3. Coordinate dates 
4. District Convention Chair Tasfia Ahsan notes that the University of British Columbia (UBC) 
uses club emails for each office position and it has helped them so much with 
IV. Pacific Northwest Leadership Academy (PNWLA) 2017 Recap 
A. Attendance 
1. The earlier you can start advertising the better 
2. A lot of clubs have only one or two meetings before registration closes 
3. Add note at the bottom of registration of cut off date and refunds 
4. Attendance encourages them to run for District positions later on 
B. More bonding 
1. Ice breakers Friday night 
C. District officers Expectations 
1. District officers must be in attendance 
2. People who were interested in officer positions from DCON survey were only interested in 
the positions they had seen at PNWLA  
3. Assistance with planning and setting up 
D. Can’t control: 
1. The weather 
2. Date 
3. Location 
E. Past CKI International President Kathy Le likes the switch between guided learning to more 
hands-on activities 
1. Good combination of wacky things and sit-down activities 
F. Outgoing PNWLA Chair Serena Ranney notes that someone must be leading activities during 
the board meeting 
1. Make it meaningful to first time attendees and returning attendees 
2. Allow returners to opt out of ropes course because they have done it before or allow 
them to choose their ropes course 
3. If they opt out have them reflect on their leadership and CKI 

Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

G. Use of survey data to accommodate to learning styles of attendees  

1. Choosing different activities for the same topics each year 
2. Team leaders are often from the same club but this was limited to applicants and 
H. Feedback in the past have been mixed about team leaders so more training or instructions 
needed (make sure this happens afterwards without the team leader present) 
1. Pick team leaders early enough to train them or keep them in the loop about the 
2. Kiwanians to be involved as a separate team but perhaps not at the table as it may be 
3. Videos for promotions were useful for first time attendees  
I. Promotion 
1. Facebook-only recruitment fails to accurately encompass all clubs 
2. Leadership Academy focuses on general leadership but it might be helpful to 
incorporate club officer training in as well 
J. Notes for PNWLA 2018 
1. May not have many returners because of the number of senior attendees 
2. Treat team leaders more of a committee in order to make them feel more involved on 
the District level 
3. Actionable Item: Develop a committee for PNWLA and have the committee members 
be the team leaders at PNWLA 
V. Governor’s Project (Led by Governor Esmeralda Hernandez) 
A. WASH Project 
1. Educate youth on WASH project and conserving energy 
2. 6k hike 
B. Compass to Campus 
1. Program at WWU 
2. Mentorship for 1​st​ year students from Title I schools 
A. July 4​th​-8​th​, 2018 
B. Chicago, IL 
C. WWU will be going 
1. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez and Western Washington University (WWU) President 
Alexis Muniz recruiting members from WWU 
D. Funding 
1. Ask your Kiwanis clubs for sponsorships 
VII. Extending Gratitude 
A. Thank you to District Administrator Greg Wegrich and Area Administrator Lisa McCoy for 
opening up their homes to us and housing us 
VIII. District Convention 

Pacific Northwest District
District Officer Training Conference
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA April 21-22, 2018

A. Online meeting following this one to have a more robust discussion 

B. Release survey to the rest of the clubs in the District so that we can get a better  
C. Can use a list compiled by Michelle of club Facebook pages to send out a link to the survey 
D. District Convention Co-Chairs Tasfia and Veena have an updated budget for comparison and 
will send them to Governor Esmeralda Hernandez 
IX. Final Announcements 
A. President’s Council Committee, led by Snoqualmie LTG Kelvin Anderson and Parliamentarian 
Josh Kim, will finalize proposals 
B. Website E-mail Domains 
1. Technology and Marketing Chair Shane Petrus invest in emails and domains 
2. Proposal to be received by Secretary Anna Mylvaganam 
X. Closing Remarks 
XI. Area Administrator Lisa McCoy 
A. Make sure to have fun even though we talk about heavy topics like budgets 
XII. District Administrator Greg Wegrich states that we’re here to expand the experience of our members 
A. Communicate as much as possible with our clubs 
B. President’s Council will serve as a learning experience and bring us closer to our goals  
XIII. Assistant Administrator Tyson Diep is excited by possibility of district growth among members 
XIV. Past CKI International President Kathy Le states that once a topic has been voted on, no matter what 
side of the argument any board member was on, each board member must adopt the decision and 
do all they can to make it succeed. 
XV. Governor Esmeralda Hernandez adjourns the Divisional Officer Training Conference (DOTC) Meeting 
on Sunday, April 22, 2018 to order at 10:38 am. 


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