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Statement of the Islamic Emirate of Regarding the American Process of th... - Military News for Canadians

Statement of the Islamic Emirate of Regarding the American Process of
the Misleading Elections
Monday, 20 September 2010 16:38 -

Viewing that the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan foiled the so-called elections process of the parliament on September
18, as they have already foiled other conspiracies with the help of Allah (SwT) and the help of the Mujahid people of Afghanistan,
Therefore, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan congratulates the Mujahid nation particularly the heroic Mujahideen on this victory and
the resulting disgrace to the enemy. Hence, it declares as follows:

1. The wake and brave nation of Afghanistan positively responded to the call of the Islamic Emirate not to participate in the
misleading elections under the American process. Avoiding participation in this process, the majority people of Afghanistan unquestionably rejected the elections.
Therefore, the results of the elections are not acceptable to them.

2. Polling stations remained closed in 162 districts out of almost 400 districts. 1260 polling stations closed before 11 o’clock of the day. Mujahideen of the
Islamic Emirate, entirely attacked 480 polling centers. Only in capital Kabul and provincial cities of Mazar-e-sharif, Herat and other few provincial cities, some
government employees went to the polling stations to cast votes. So these elections were only limited to the administrative employees of the Kabul stooge
administration and which, ironically, the pro-government media still calls as elections. Therefore, the outcome of the so-called elections has no legal

3. The freedom-loving people of Afghanistan practically showed that they are against the foreigners and their flunkeys by not participating in the so-called
elections process conducted by the invaders and their surrogates. So the invading forces should take a lesson from this fiasco and should put an end to the
occupation of Afghanistan and their hostage-taking our people.

4. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan reaffirms to the public of the world that neither the invading forces nor their stooge administration has hold over vast
areas of the country, nor they are able to conduct fraud-free elections. Only, they want to pave the way for the most unscrupulous and corruption-ridden
elements to grab power time and again.

Therefore, all the public of the world should reject all anti-Afghan intrigues of the invaders, particularly, their foiled and misleading elections process and should
not recognize the would- be selected surrogates as the genuine representatives of our nation.

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Last Updated ( Monday, 20 September 2010 16:42 )

Accessed 210100UTC SEPT 10

1 of 1 20-09-2010 20:59

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