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Section 2: Creative Writing

You are advised to write between 350 and 500

Total marks for this part: 30
Topic: Dreams
“Nothing happens unless first a dream.” To succeed it is important to dream, but it
is just the beginning. To turn our dreams into reality, in addition to dreaming, we
need to have belief in our dreams. Dreams are the aspirations which make us soar;
the hopes which make us carry on and persevere for the better tomorrow and the
ambitions which accomplish the most difficult of feats.
The history of mankind is replete with examples of visionary people who turned
their dreams into grand reality which convinces every thinking mind that nothing is
impossible. From the ancient pyramids of Giza, to the magnificent Colosseum of
Rome; from the beautiful Taj Mahal to the tallest sky scrapper Burj Khalifa; From
the first flying machine of Wright Brothers to the state of art jumbo aircraft; from
the discovery of penicillin to the cure of the deadliest of viruses; all that is
quintessential is the creator ’s or the inventor’s gusto to dream something
immense and pursue it with relentless devotion and fervor to transform it into a
concrete reality.
Writers, poets and philosophers all have dwelt in the realm of dreams. Some were
inspired by the perception of their strangeness; others found them haunting; yet
others found their fondest hope, their worst disappointment, their deepest sorrow,
their best inspiration, their true passion and innermost feelings embodied in their
Even the study of human mind considers dreams to play a very significant role in a
person’s life. Sigmund Freud’s theory of dreams suggests that dreams are a
representation of unconscious desires, thoughts and motivations. He believes that
people are driven by instincts that are repressed from conscious awareness. As,
these thoughts are not consciously expressed, Freud suggest that they find their
way into our awareness via dreams.
According to Hobson dreams are a subjective interpretation of signals generated
by the brain during sleep. Hence, he believes that dreaming is our most creative
conscious state, one in which the chaotic, spontaneous recombination of cognitive
elements produce novel and configurations of information: new ideas. Another
theory proposes the dreams function as a form of psychotherapy. In this theory,
the dream can make connections between different thoughts and emotions in a
safe environment.
Yet another contemporary theory suggests that the activation of the brain creates
loose connections between thoughts and ideas, which are then guided by the
emotions of the dreamer. Although science has still not fully unraveled the mystery
of dreams, it is believed that they are essential for mental, physical and emotional
well being.
A wise man once said, “happiness doesn’t depend upon who you are or what you
have, it depends solely upon what you think.” If dreams are our thoughts and ideas,
then, we must nurture our minds with great thoughts as we will never go any higher
than what we think. Nothing is as real as a dream, because the dream is within us
and no one can take it away. So, we should make our dreams the noblest to make
our deeds eternally sublime.

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