Online Buying Behavior

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We are a group of students from MFM department of NIFT, New Delhi and conducting a study
on consumer’s online buying behaviour. We assure that the all the information provided
would be held in strictest confidence and all the responses will be reported in a summarized
format. In addition, all the information will used solely for academic purposes and no personal
information will be shared.
1. Have you ever bought products and services online?
a) Yes b) No
2. How frequently do you buy online?
a. Frequently or at least once a month b. Once in six month c. Once a year d. Never
bought online.

3. For how long have you been shopping online?

a. Less than a year b. 1 to 5 years c. More than 5 years

4. How many times have you shopped online in last one month?

a) Once b) Twice c) Thrice d) More than 3 times e) Didn’t shop online

5. What products do you normally buy online?

a. Apparels b. Accessories (Shoes, bags, jewellery) c. Electronics (Mobile, laptops etc) d. Home
furnishings e) Beauty and personal care f. Food and groceries g Entertainment and Travel h. Books
i. Electrical home appliances j. Luxury
6. When you consider buying products In-store, how important are the following attributes?

Factors Very Important Neutral Less Least
Important Important Important
Brand name
Test the product
Sales person’s Opinion
Product availability
Form of payment
Seller profile
Promotion & discounts
Product Quality & Info
Customer Service
After sales service

7. When you consider buying products online, how important are the following attributes?

Factors Very Important Neutral Less Least
Important Important Important
Taxes & shipping/delivery
Test the product
Users Opinion
Product availability
Form of payment
Seller profile
Promotion & discounts
Product Quality & Info
Customer Service
After sales service

8. What are the main reasons that motivates you to shop online ?

a. Price b. Convenience & time saving c. Fast Shipping d. Promotions & discounts e. Referred by
friends f. Variety of content g. Others (Please specify)____________
9. Do you go to a retail store first before making your final purchase online?

a. Yes b. No c. Can’t say

10. What are the crucial factors which affect your decision making in the final selection of the
product ( Select all which apply)

a. The Best prices b. Convenience & Time saving c. Not available in local stores d. Price comparison
available e. Product reviews available
11. After receiving the product, do you?

a. Discuss with Friends / Family about the purchased product b. Write a review about the product
c. Contact typically the seller for further guidance if needed d. Others specify _____
12. What are the problems that you have faced while shopping online?

a. Safety of payment b. Low trust level of online store / Brand c. Value added tax / customs duty
d. High Shipping Cost e. Refund Policy f. Warranty and claims g. Delivery too slow h. Others
reasons (please specify) _____________________

11. Name (optional): _____________________

12. Age Group

A .Below 18 B. 18 - 25 C. 26 – 32 D. 33 – 40 E. Above 40

13. Gender

a. Male b. Female c. Other

14. What is your monthly household income?

a. Below 50,000 b. Between 50,000 to 1 lac c. Between 1lac to 2 Lacs d. Above 2 lacs

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