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York University Practicum Summary Report

Teacher Candidate Name: __Frederick Kubu_______________ Division: X P/J J/I I/S

Mentor Teacher Name: ___Leanne McCutcheon_____________________________________
Mentor Teacher Signature: ________________________________ Date: __April 27, 2018____
School __Morton Way Public School__________ Board: _Peel District School Board_____

Evaluation Period:  End of ED2 Concurrent  EDPR3000 Evaluation Year TWO Consecutive
 End of ED3 Concurrent X EDPR4000 Evaluation Year TWO Consecutive

A. Creating the Environment for Learning Engagements

(Comments on: A.1. Materials, A.2. Classroom Organization, A.3. Affective Climate)
Frederick always prepares materials in advance. He has organized a variety of different resources from print,
to technology, to math manipulatives, to science experiment materials, which he has effectively used in his
teaching. Frederick was able to use classroom resources as well as independently seek out any other needed
materials from the book room, the library, and other colleagues. The materials that he used were engaging and
encouraged the participation of all students, even the most reluctant learners. He has effectively conducted
lessons in the classroom, the school yard, and in the school’s Makerspace. He was able to distribute and
monitor the use of a variety of materials in a safe and engaging way for students. He was also able to divide
the students into groups based on the nature of the activity, and the type of materials being used.

Throughout his placement, Frederick built an excellent rapport with the students in the class. He made the
effort to greet them and engage with them on a personal level every morning before beginning the day’s
lessons. The students quickly became comfortable with him, and enjoyed the positive learning relationship that
he had developed with them. Frederick is very welcoming and accepting of all students, even the ones who are
challenging to work with. He always treats them in a positive and encouraging way, even when redirecting their
behaviour. Frederick addressed all behaviour issues in a positive way, and taught the students how to be
inclusive and respectful of other cultures and individual differences.

B. Classroom Discourse
(Comments on: B.1.Teacher Talk, B.2. Student Talk)
Frederick always speaks in a loud, clear voice so that students can easily hear and understand him. He will
also repeat or reword information upon request if a student is unclear about the meaning of something that has
been said. As the majority of the students in the class have English as a second language (ESL), Frederick
frequently explained what words meant so that the students could understand the lesson. Frederick changes
the volume of his voice appropriately to suit the nature of each situation. Frederick provides students the
opportunity to talk and encourages their conversation in both social and academic contexts. He is inclusive and
values their ideas and experiences. Frederick acknowledges and validates all student comments so that they
feel comfortable sharing and taking risks. He encourages talk in pairs, small groups and large groups.

C. Individual Learning Engagements

(Comments on: C.1. Curricular Content, C2. Initiating, C.3. Sustaining, C.4. Culminating/Closing, C.5. Assessing)
This term Frederick prepared and taught lessons in guided reading, media, science, social studies, math,
physical education and dance. He also planned and taught entire units on Air and Water in the Environment in
science, Mapping and Globe skills in social studies, money and measurement in math, and advertising in
media. When planning units, he familiarized himself with the related curriculum expectations, as well as all
related content and concepts, so that he could effectively plan his lessons. For every lesson, he either found or
created resources that could effectively be used to increase student understanding and engagement. Frederick
always clearly introduced his lessons so that students understood what they were learning about and how it
related to their previous knowledge. He planned a variety of engaging activities so that students experienced a
variety of learning opportunities. When students were working on individual or group work, Frederick would
circulate around the room to provide assistance and redirection as needed. He has developed many positive
strategies for keeping students on task and behaving appropriately. He has become very comfortable with
using a variety of effective classroom management strategies. Frederick has also become much more effective
at determining how much support the students need and provides it accordingly. Frederick has also greatly
improved in his ability to monitor the time in his lessons so that he is able to reach the closing or culminating
activity before the end of a class. Frederick discusses expectations and the criteria for evaluation with the
students so that they are clear about what is expected. Frederick also designed and used his own rubric to
assess student work.

D. Learning Engagements within Units

(Comments on: D.1. Content)
When teaching a unit, Frederick connects the lessons and builds on previous learning so that the students
understand how concepts are related. Frederick effectively uses formal and informal assessments throughout
his lessons to determine student learning, and areas for future instruction. He seeks out visual aids and other
resources to clearly present ideas and information to students and increase their understanding of concepts.
He uses feedback from the students to determine what is clear to them, and what requires further explanation.
He uses a variety of groupings (e.g., individual, pairs, small groups, large groups) and activities (e.g., written,
oral, technology-based) to maintain student interest and provide a variety of learning opportunities. He also
had the students complete engaging culminating tasks to bring the unit to a close (e.g., inquiry experiments in
science, creating green screen videos in a media unit).

E. Professionalism
(Comments on: E.1. Professional Curiosity, E.2. Professional Conduct)
Frederick has demonstrated a great deal of professional curiosity. He asks questions, discusses professional
resources, and welcomes new learning experiences. Frederick has observed the teaching practices of different
staff members in the school, and takes away new learning and ideas from his observations. Frederick
participated in a number of school initiatives such as Earth Week activities, Black History month activities, and
helping prepare the class for an assembly performance. Frederick always behaves in a professional manner
when interacting with both staff and students. He respects the confidentiality of student information. He follows
all school safety procedures (e.g., signing in and out). He uses school resources, and consults with school
staff, in a respectful manner at all times.

Recommended Practicum Grade: X Pass  Fail

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