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Lesson Plan for Teaching via centers/groups

Student-Teacher: Shamma Marwan


Course: EPC 1903

Grade Level: Kindergarten 2B

Subject: English

Strand: Reading

Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words): KRV2-Read high-frequency words in a continuous text

-by the end of the lesson students will be able to know some of high-frequency words.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students u-se? Be specific) class?)

-Plastic letters -I need make sure that the lesson plan and materials are
ready before the class begin.
-Download the songs.
-Board pen
-check the speaker
-Play-Doh paste
-check the number of the activities for the whole class.
-Colored sand

Key vocabulary
-A4 paper
Repeat the high frequency words (I, it, on, as, at, or, in, is,
to, the, we, away, today, for, he, she, you, of, to, and, your,
-Scissors will. Going, me, do, where, see, they, his, be, but, said, can
with, are, that, how, each).

- Board Magnets

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Time: __ min

First, I will say 'Good afternoon KG2, today we will be learning together the high frequency words and do

some enjoyable activities, so I will display song about high frequency words and learners should hear to music
then show learners flashcards and select a few of students and ask them what is this word such as, "Ahamed
says going" when they answers, I will say "Good Job Ahamed". In addition, I will paste the cards on the board
and keep learners reiterating with me the high frequency words.
Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)

I will play a small activity on the mat with whole class about a few words of high frequency by using website
link ( to help them get concept. After that, I
will introduce the four activities about high frequency words and separate the students into 4 group
according to their levels. Moreover, I will move around the table if someone need help and ask them ‘’what
you are doing’’.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

-Explain the first activity for low level of learners which is forming a high frequency words by using Doh paste
or colored sand, but students should see the cards printed with words and follow cards to can form their own
word. For instance, Amal choose going word then she has to use Doh paste or colored sand to form her word.
In addition, I choose multiple activities because of the learners because if they feel some of one activity are
difficult then she, he can do other methods as they prefer such as, colored sand or Doh paste.

-will work on the activity given.

Independent Experience (small group activity 2)

Time: __ minutes

I will explain the second activity for middle level of students which is cut out the sight words and paste it into

the correct boxes. Also, learners should color the words. For example, each of children have one paper with
four boxes unit include 4 words such, I, see, the, and. Furthermore, the high frequency students were learned
it before with her teacher but my MST she says please explained again to them but with a few that
reason I don't give them all words in worksheet.

-will work in the activity as directions.

Independent Experience (small group activity 3)

I will explain the third activity for high level which is worksheet include three boxes with different title such
as, Color it, Build it and trace it then students should be following the 3 titles. For example, Nadia has word
“can “so she need to follow step 1, 2 and 3 such as, first color word then forms the word by use plastic letters
and last step she has to try write the word can.

-will begin working in the activity.


-I will tell them ‘’ what you did learn through this activity’’ and show them different high frequency words and
Time: __ min

ask them’’ what is this word. After that promote them by star or some gifts for each of them.

-I will play with whole class other games in website link (
cloud-catcher/ ). As well as, this way help me to know if they understand the high frequency words.

-I will display songs about high frequency words again.

-answer question during lesson at the end.

-keep learners repeating together the different shapes by showing them 2D and 3D shapes.

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