527 Roaring Twenties Lesson Plan

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Molloy College

Division of Education

Heading for Coursework

Student: Peter Clark Professor: Stephen DiGiorgio

Course EDU: 527 02 Date: 4/20/18
Grade:11 Topic: Roaring Twenties Content Area: History

INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES (s) (Lesson Objective(s)*)

After listening to a brief lecture about the key ideas and works of Women in the 1920’s, Students
will be given an Analysis Worksheet to complete at each station. Students will be expected to
analyze and cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking their answers on the


CCSS. Social Studies-11.7a The 1920s was a time of cultural change in the country,
characterized by clashes between modern and traditional values.
Indicator: Students will examine the New Roles of Women during the Roaring Twenties.

Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide
an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
Indicator: This will be evident when the students analyze information from each station
to understand Women in the 1920’s


● Powerpoint
● Student Analysis Worksheet
● Primary sources
● Political Cartoon
● Kahoot

MOTIVATION (Engaging the learner(s)*)

The students will be shown a political cartoon depicting Women during the 1920’s. Students will
be asked questions from the teacher based on details about the political cartoon. Students will
understand the key concepts of The New Roles for Women during the 1920’s.
(including Key Questions)
1. First the class will be shown a political cartoon. Students will discuss and answer
questions prompted by the teacher. ( Questions:What is a flapper? Were all women
flappers? Why/how did the flapper emerge? How did people feel about flappers? )
2. The teacher will begin a lecture using a powerpoint on The New Roles for Women during
the 1920s. Students will be encouraged to take their own notes on the lecture.
3. After the lecture students will be placed into groups and rotate to five stations around the
4. While students go to each station they will complete their analysis worksheet.
5. Students will complete the worksheet and answer three questions. ( Questions; What is
it? Does it affect me? Explain why or why not. Use specific information from the station.)
6. After students complete the worksheet they will discuss as a class their findings and will
be encouraged to write any additional information they have received from their peers.
7. Class will conclude with the students taking a Khoot quiz on the information they have
learned during this lesson.


Discussion: (engaging in meaningful discussions about the content)

Indicator: This will be evident when students are discussing what the political cartoon

Discussion: (engaging in meaningful discussions about the content)

Indicator: This will be evident when students are discussing the answers to the worksheet.

Direct Instruction:(showing a powerpoint presentation)

Indicator: This will be evident when the teacher is providing background knowledge of
the Women during the Roaring Twenties.

Demonstration: (showing,explaining,clarifying the correct way to do something)

Indicator: This will be evident when the students must justify answers from the

ADAPTATIONS (Exceptionality*)
● The student who is an English learner be paired up with another student to help read the
● The student who is an English learner will be provided with google translate
● The students with learning disabilities will be able to use Dragon Dictation which is an
easy-to-use voice recognition that allows you to easily speak and instantly see your text
or email messages.

Sample way to differentiate

Struggling learners
Struggling learners will be given examples and are expected to give at least one example for
each station and answer the questions on the worksheet.
Average learners
Average learners will be expected to give two examples for each station and answer the
questions on the worksheet.
Advanced learners
Advanced learners must be able to give three or more examples for each station and answer the
questions on the worksheet using specific textual evidence.

ASSESSMENT (artifacts* and assessment [formal & informal]*)

The student must be able to answer the questions with clear answers based on the sources at each
station. Students should be able to read and analyze a source and answer the questions using
specific textual evidence. Students will take a Kahoot quiz based on the information in the lesson
to understand the New Roles of Women in the 1920’s.

Students will be asked to create a venn diagram comparing the Roaring Twenties to the present
day and give examples of what both periods of time have in common. Students are encouraged to
use websites as well as their class notes to fill in the venn diagram.


Direct Teacher Intervention
If there are any students who do not understand the sources provided at each station, the teacher
can sit with the student and provide in more detail examples of Women during this time period.

Academic Enrichment
Students who have finished the lesson before their peers will be encouraged to create their own
set of questions and be asked to present them to the class.


American History. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ushistory.org/us/

History.com Staff. (2010). The Roaring Twenties. Retrieved from


Kahoot. (n.d). Retrieved from https://create.kahoot.it/#

Public Broadcasting Service. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/

Rubistar. (2000-2008). Create rubrics for your project-based learning activities. Retrieved from

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