Bulletin - May 6, 2018

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Helen Church
4106 Mountain Street | Beamsville, Ontario | L0R 1B7 www.sthelenscatholic.ca

Phone (905) 562-7427 | Fax (905) 563-0003 | office@sthelenscatholic.ca | www.sthelenscatholic.ca

Not Sure of a Gift For Mother’s Day?

Saturday May 12th, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Pastor
* Hanging Baskets * Ferns * Plants * Office Administration
* Mulch * Herbs * Pies * Goodies Aggie Agnino Ext. 1
St. Helen Great Hall ~ Great Prices!
If any growers or bakers in the area wish to support our sale, or if you
wish to help at the sale, you are most welcome to join us. Baked goods
can be dropped off at the church on Friday before 4 p.m. Please call
Anne Marie at 289-566-9090 for information! Come have fun! Mass Times
Saturday - 5 p.m.
Sunday - 9 a.m., 11 a.m.

Schools Contacts
St. Mark School Reconciliation
Catholic Women's League
Principal: Steven Ward Before or after mass or by appoint- Colleen Drake 905-563-8981
Phone: (905) 563-9191 ment.
Knights of Columbus
Marriage George L. Savage 289-566-9383
St. Edward School
Principal: Carla Bianco Six months’ notice; marriage prep Music Ministry
Phone: (905) 562-5531 required. Anthony van Engelen
cell/text 905-563-7067,
Anointing of the Sick Email adve1@yahoo.com

Sacraments Please let us know when someone

Ministry Scheduling & RFM
has a serious or prolonged illness or Rachel Reid 905-941-4150
Baptism ministryscheduling@sthelenscatholic.ca
is to have surgery. This sacrament
Available Sundays at 1:00 pm. Call
celebrates the healing of mind and
parish office. Fundraising Events
body and the forgiveness of sins. Joe Della Manna
First Communion & Confirmation josephdellamanna@yahoo.ca
Catholic Funeral Rites
Arranged through school. If your Youth Ministry
When a death occurs in your family,
child is not in a Catholic school or is sthelensyouthministry@gmail.com
please call the Parish Office and we
not baptized in the Roman Catholic Facility & Grounds Maintenance
will assist you in making the neces-
Church, contact the Parish Office. Craig Luey 905-988-6522
sary liturgical arrangements. craig.luey@gmail.com

Kindly complete the following and place in collection basket

☐ New Parishioner* ☐ Change of address ☐ Moving
Name________________________ Phone_________________ E-mail___________________
Address______________________________________________ City_____________________
☐ I would like to use offertory envelopes* Postal Code______________

We welcome you and invite you to share in the spiritual and social activities of your parish.
L & D (living & deceased) May 7th- 13th, 2018 Sanctu-
ary Lamp
Day Requested for Requested by burns in
Monday NO MASS memory
Tuesday of:
+ Maria Capuano Maria & Rolando Cipro
6:30 p.m.
+ Ernesto
Wednesday + Emmy Geczy, + Lilly Torek, Ermerich Borchok Alex Geczy Fracchioni
12:00 noon + John Derda Staff of St. Mark School
Thursday The
+ Luigina Monda Maria & Girolamo DiLettera Sanctuary Lamp
8:30 a.m.
burns to remind
+ Antonio Elia Connie & Louis Elia us of Christ’s
10:00 a.m.
presence in the
Saturday Blessed Sacra-
+ Ernesto Fracchioni Letizia Fracchioni
5:00 p.m. ment of the altar.
Sunday For the People of St. Helen & If you wish to
9:00 a.m. + Belinda Rea Maria & Lino sponsor the sanc-
tuary lamp for one
week the stipend
11:00 a.m. + Deceased members of the Cipro Family Maria & Rolando Cipro is $35.
+ Dolores & Joseph Beaulieu Michelle & Anthony Mackey

Stewardship of Treasure CWL News

Monday, May 21st - Our Lady of Scapular
April 29th, 2018 - Offertory (176) 3,665 Adoration Chapel, Thorold Stone Rd., Ni-
Loose 190 agara Falls. Memorial of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church. Prayer vigil
Building Fund (20) 1,895 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All members of the parish
Facility Maintenance (6) 85 and CWL are welcome to come and pray.

“May God bless you for your faithful stewardship!” Tuesday, May 22nd - 60th Diocesan CWL Anniver-
sary. CWL members are invited to come to City
Ministry for the Sick and Homebound Hall, 50 Church Street, St. Catharines by 1:00 p.m.
for flag raising ceremony and presentation at 1:30
We are grateful to those who give of their time and
p.m. St. Helen CWL scarves will be available.
care to bring Holy Communion to our parishioners
who cannot make it to church due to sickness or in-
firmity. If you know of anyone who would like to re- Popes Pastoral Works
ceive communion in their home or while hospitalized For those who wish to contribute to the
at West Lincoln Hospital, please contact the parish Pope’s Pastoral Works, please put your of-
office. fering with your name and envelope # in the
SVDP Society collection basket. Thank you for your thoughtfulness
and generosity.
What do we do? - We help our needy
neighbours that live within the bounda- Wed. Mass Time Change - Please note this
ries of St. Helen. All calls are screened Wednesday, there will be a special Mass celebrated
and a home visit is arranged with two by Bishop Bergie at 12 noon for St. Mark School af-
members attending.
ter which they will do a pilgrimage walk with the
How are we supported? - The poor box in the ves-
Bishop. You are welcome to attend the Mass at
tibule of the church is our main means of support. A
cheque made out to St. Helen St. Vincent de
Paul can be dropped in the poor box or the Sunday First Holy Communion
collection. There are also St. Vincent de Paul enve- Congratulations to the grade 2
lopes available for cash donations. Interested in students from St. Mark and St. Ed-
joining us, call Lorraine at 905-563-7043. ward Schools who will receive Je-
sus in the Holy Eucharist for the
Canadian Tire Money first time this Sunday. Thank you
We continue to collect Canadian Tire to all who assisted with the cele-
money to purchase raffle prizes for fund- brations and prepared the children for their first Holy
raising events. It can be brought to the Communion. Please keep them and their families in
office or in the collection basket. your prayers.
May 6th - 6th Sunday of Easter Welcome Deacon Mike!
We wish to welcome Deacon Mike
A New Community Timmins who will be joining our par-
God’s presence is available to all. (Acts) ish. Deacon Mike was ordained a
God is made known to us through love. (I Jn) Permanent Deacon in the Archdio-
“This I command you: love one another.” (Jn) cese of Ottawa in 2005. He served in
Teachers, parents, bosses and the parishes of Holy Spirit in Stittsville,
others have been accused of being St Mathews in Glen Abby, Oakville and the Diocese
“partial” at one time or another. “It’s of Grand Falls Windsor in Newfoundland. Deacon
not fair!” also expresses this frustra- Mike and his wife, Ina, moved from the Eastport
tion. Most of us have probably said Peninsula, in central Newfoundland and presently
or at least thought these words on live in Vineland. Be sure to give him a warm St.
occasion. Helen’s welcome and introduce yourself!
It would be quite a compliment to
be accused of being impartial. That CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK:
is exactly what the reading from Acts does today: Sunday, May 6 - Friday, May 11
“God shows no partiality.” Luke could have said that "Renewing the Promise"
God is partial to everyone and everything. The letter “For the promise is for you, for your children,
and Gospel of John root this attitude in God’s love and for all who are far away, everyone whom the
for us. Lord our God calls to him.” Acts 2:39
Do we believe it? Everyone? Even me? My exasper- Catholic Education Week begins on a Sunday to
ating neighbor? The person on death row? highlight the partnership that remains the foundation
-- Cele Breen of Catholic education between our Catholic schools
and local Catholic parishes. During Education Week,
the Niagara Catholic District School Board will cele-
YOUth Blasters Schedule brate the significant contribution that Catholic Educa-
YOUth Blasters upcoming gatherings will be at the tion has made to the community, the province, and
parish on the following date: to Canada.
May 27th - 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Catholic Education Week combines the themes of
reconciliation, solidarity, love, justice, and ecology
YOUth Blasters always have a great time growing and is marked by special activities at the school and
in our faith together through prayer, activities, crafts, system level, including prayer celebrations and ser-
music and snacks! All newcomers are welcome vice activities. Parents, family, and community
(grade 3 and up)! Please pick up a registration form members are invited to visit our schools during this
from the office and return it at our next gathering! special week and join in the many activities planned.
There are five sub-themes, one for each day of the
St. Helen Migrant week:
Monday: Remembering the Promise
Worker Outreach Tuesday: The Promise is Within You
Our parish supports Lincoln’s Wednesday: Praying the Promise
Migrant Workers of Hispanic Thursday: Living the Promise
descent that visit our area Friday: Proclaiming the Promise
yearly working on our local
farms. We continue our spe-
cial Mass for migrant workers on Sundays at 5:30 Fridays in
p.m. so that they may have the opportunity to come St. Helen
together as a community of faith while away from Church
their homeland. Great Hall
Once again, we are calling for Volunteer Drivers to 29 games
assist with pick up at 5:00 p.m. and drop off @ 7:00 with a total
p.m. Especially needed are large vans. If you are payout of up
interested in being a volunteer driver, please contact to $2000.
Frances at 905-562-5475 or place your name on the Progressive
sign-up sheet on the round table by the window in jackpot adds
the church entrance. $200 every week. 8 page book $18. Specials $2 -
$3 per game. Hot tasty food available for purchase.
Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for the Free coffee and tea. Doors open and food served
at 6 p.m. Bingo starts at 7 p.m. We hope you’ll
Month of May come out and join us.
That the lay faithful may fulfil their specific mission,
by responding with creativity to the challenges that If you have volunteered to help with the Friday
face the world today. (Apostleship of Prayer) Bingo, but have not received a schedule, please
leave a message with the parish office.

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