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Creative Writing Story Starters—

With these new creative writing story starters, students will enjoy 56 fun boosts of creativity.
Each story starter gives students a starting point from which they can take any number of

They’ll think about what they would do if they found $1000 on the ground or what would
happen if one of their best friends was elected President.

For extra fun, encourage students to share their stories with one another after writing. They’ll
be amazed to see how many different ideas they came up with from the same short story

Promote imagination and adventure with these new journal prompts and creative writing
story starters. Regardless of whether they write silly, scary, or serious stories, students will
love the chance to write something unique!

Creative Writing Story Starters

1. You become a character in your favourite video game, and…
2. Your grandma comes to town and brings an unexpected surprise…
3. You are an astronaut who finds something strange on the moon…
4. Your parents tell you that you’re moving across the country.
5. An alien comes to Earth, and…
6. At the beach, you find a special seashell…
7. At summer camp, the boys and girls wage a prank war against one another.
8. Every time a dog barks, something unusual happens…
9. You learn that you are heir to a throne…
10. At the library, you find a photo in a book.
11. The last seconds on the clock are ticking, and the ball is in your hands. What happens
12. You get stuck in an elevator with…
13. In the backyard, your dog finds a mysterious necklace…
14. Your best friend is elected President.
15. At the mall, you walk by a mannequin that looks just like you. Something odd is
16. You find an old photo of your grandmother, and see that she was a famous actress…
17. You receive a letter in the mail saying that you’ve won $10,000. What do you do?
18. Your favourite athlete shows up at one of your games—but as a player on the other
19. Your bicycle runs away from home. How do you find it?
20. You discover a magic button that will…
21. You suspect the school library might be haunted…
22. On Halloween, you discover that someone is handing out haunted pieces of candy…
23. You come home to find your cat eating a bowl of ice cream. What happens next?
24. You win a contest on the radio for…
25. Three kids get locked in the mall. What do they decide to do?
26. You travel to the prairie and see…
27. You switch places for a day with your favourite celebrity.
28. You’re a race car driver with an embarrassing secret.
29. Your favourite singer agrees to perform an exclusive show in your basement.
30. You come home from school to find a box on your porch. What’s inside?
31. At your birthday party, you receive a very special present…
32. Your luggage gets lost at the airport and you accidentally open the wrong bag.
33. Your class gets snowed in at school. What do you do?
34. You show up at school, but you can’t remember where of your classes are or who
anyone is.
35. You switch places for a day with your dad.
36. In the back of your closet, you find a basketball jersey…
37. You find out that your teacher used to be…
38. The pizza delivery person brings you something you didn’t order. What is it?
39. You find $1000 on the ground, and…
40. Your family wins the lottery.
41. You discover your parents are spies…
42. You become the youngest person ever to set a world record for…
43. You and your best friend end up on the set of your favorite TV show. What happens?
44. You take a ride on a tornado, and…
45. You run into some trouble while camping…
46. There is a magic swing at the park that will take you to…
47. The power goes out, and you’re home alone…
48. One day, there is a very strange weather report that says…
49. Everywhere you go, you keep hearing a song that no one else can hear…
50. You find a map leading to buried treasure, but it’s buried under the principal’s house!
51. You hear an ad on the radio for a magic product that will…
52. You stumble upon a cure for __________. What do you do with it?
53. On Christmas Eve, you hear a strange noise on the roof…
54. You’re in the school play and worried about forgetting your lines.
55. You get home from the zoo and find a baby monkey in your trunk! What do you do?
56. You win a cooking contest for your famous __________ recipe.

Daily writing offers many benefits to students, but the ability to explore new worlds is
undoubtedly one of the most important. So put these creative writing story starters on double
duty and use them as journal prompts for kids as well! Whether they’re writing creatively or
considering a topic of personal reflection, journaling improves critical thinking skills and
encourages imagination.

When students write on a regular basis, they gain more confidence in their schoolwork and in
their own ideas. Journaling is a powerful way to empower your students both inside and
outside of the classroom.

Until next time, write on…

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