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Game – Day 1, Day 2, Day 3

2 Dice Toss/ 3 Dice Toss

 1” wooden cubes ( 2 Dice: enough for two dice per group of student; 3 Dice: enough for
three dice per group of students)
 Sharpie permanent marker
 Personal white boards
 Dry erase marker
 Dry erase eraser
 Lined paper
 Writing utensil

Teacher creates dice by marking one dice with numbers 1 – 6, the second dice with numbered 3
– 8, and the third dice with numbers 5 – 11. (Adjust the numbers if necessary to work with
student multiplication abilities). Dice can be numbered with dots or with numerals.

Divide students into groups of four. (Change student groups daily.)

2 Dice Toss (Day 1 Warmup):

Use dice with #1-6 and 5-11.

 Students take turns rolling the dice and figuring the quotient of two numbers on
their white boards.
 If they figure correctly, they receive 2 points.
 If they figure incorrectly, they lose 1 point.
 Keep track of points on lines paper with student names.
 When one person gets to 25 points, the game is over (Or set the timer for a certain
amount of time).

3 Dice Toss (Day 3 Warmup)

Students play the same as 2 Dice Toss, except the use three dice to figure the quotient.

Player rolling the dice calls out a unit of measurement. When answering, students must label
the quotient with the correct measurement2 or measurement3 in order to earn their points.
Game – Day 1, Day 2, Day 3

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