2017 GradConf 01 - Event - Schedule - 3 Sessions Only

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XIIIth Annual Archbishop Iakovos

Patristics Graduate Student Conference

at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
Brookline, Massachusetts
March 2-4, 2017
Thursday, March 02, 2017
7:30 PM - 8:15 PM Plenary Session: Maliotis Center
Marcos A. Ramos, O.P., University of St. Michael’s College in the University of
Toronto Upper right
Theotokos: Mariology Clarifying Christology
Respondent: Donald Urso, Providence College

Friday, March 03, 2017

9:30 AM - 10:10 AM Parallel Sessions: 1
Lukas Buhler, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology Upper right
Pseudo-Dionysius’ Influence on the Metaphysics of Gregory Palamas
Respondent: Gregory Doyle, McGill University
Zachary Keith, The Catholic University of America, School of Theology and Religious
Studies Upper left
Authority of the Church Fathers as found in St John Damascene
Respondent: Jordan Rudder Jenkins, School of Oriental and African Studies,
University of London
Friday, March 03, 2017
10:20 AM - 11:00 AM Parallel Sessions: 2
Seraphim Ramos, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology Upper right
"A Hermeneutical Crisis Answered" St. Maximos the Confessor on the Fall, the
passions, and the two trees in Paradise in the Questions to Thalassius
Respondent: Lisa L Gierlach-Walker, Calvin Theological Seminary
Nick Roumas, Marquette University Upper left
The Christological Defences of John of Damascus and Theodore the Studite in the
Iconoclastic Controversy
Respondent: Patricia Marie Krupinski, Providence College
Jimmy Chan, Trinity College, University of Toronto Lower conference
How Neoplatonic is Augustine? A Comparative Study of Augustine's concept of the
Spirit and Human Embodiedness versus Anne Conway's
Respondent: Gregory Stackpole, Boston University School of Theology Alumnus
11:30 AM - 12:10 PM Parallel Sessions: 3
Patricia Marie Krupinski, Providence College Upper right
Creating a Moment of Sacrality: The Monk’s Cell and Paul of Tamma
Respondent: Louis Silouan Maltese, Boston College
Donald Urso, Providence College Upper left
The Idea of Kenosis in Theodoret’s The Life of Saint Simeon Stylites
Respondent: John Solheid, University of St. Michael's College and the Toronto
School of Theology
Jordan Parro, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology Lower conference
Clement of Alexandria and Wisdom’s Yoke
Respondent: Richard Palin, Providence College
2:00 PM - 2:40 PM Parallel Sessions: 4
Paul Colwell, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology Upper right
Memories of the Future: Time and Remembrance in Basil of Caesarea’s Anaphora
Respondent: Jacob Nielsen, Villanova University
Jason C. LaLonde, S.J., Boston College School of Theology and Ministry Upper
The Ethics of Wealth and Poverty according to Saint Ambrose of Milan
Respondent: Zachary Porcu, Catholic University of America
Henry Shea, S.J., Boston College School of Theology and Ministry Lower
The Cataphatic-Apophatic Dialectic of Maximus the Confessor:A Theological
Ontological Bridge between East and West
Respondent: Kevin Clarke, Ave Maria University
Friday, March 03, 2017
2:50 PM - 3:30 PM Parallel Sessions: 5
John Solheid, University of St. Michael's College and the Toronto School of
Theology Upper right
Origen, Scripture, and the Formation of a Christian Culture: Insights from Origen’s
recently discovered Psalm Homilies
Respondent: Ignatius Gardner, Hellenic College
Fabio Lins Leite, Hellenic College Holy Cross Upper left
Baptismal Controversy in the context of 6th Century Byzantine Iberian Peninsula:
Economia as handmaiden of Dogma
Respondent: Claire Koen, Boston College
Mary Beth Danckaert, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology Lower
Compassion in the Widow of Nain: Insights from Saint Ambrose of Milan, Saint Cyril
of Alexandria, and Saint Ephrem the Syrian
Respondent: Jason C. LaLonde, S.J., Boston College School of Theology and
4:00 PM - 4:40 PM Parallel Sessions: 6
Constantin Dancu, St Sophia Ukrainian Seminary Upper right
The Theocentric-Creationist Anthropology of Saint Basil the Great Encounters Secular
Respondent: Paul Colwell, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
Zachary Porcu, Catholic University of America Upper left
The Letter Kills but the Spirit Gives Life: Challenging Our Hermeneutical
Presuppositions via Origen’s Biblical Exegesis
Respondent: Corey Stephan, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry
Richard Palin, Providence College Lower conference
Human Salvific Speech as a Participation in the Saving Work of the Incarnate Logos
Respondent: Henry Shea, S.J., Boston College School of Theology and Ministry

Saturday, March 04, 2017

Saturday, March 04, 2017
9:30 AM - 10:10 AM Parallel Sessions: 7
Bishoy Dawood, University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto
Upper right
Early Coptic Monasticisms and Their Eco-Theologies
Respondent: Marcos A. Ramos, O.P., University of St. Michael’s College in the
University of Toronto
Christopher McLaughlin, Boston College Upper left
The Soul’s Sojourn in Origen and Plotinus
Respondent: Lukas Buhler, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
Corey Stephan, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry Lower conference
“Not One Iōta of the Law Will Pass” or be Changed:St. John Damascene’s De Hymno
Trisagio (Chapters 1–7) and Liturgical Orthodoxy
Respondent: Zachary Keith, The Catholic University of America, School of
Theology and Religious Studies
10:20 AM - 11:00 AM Parallel Sessions: 8
Gregory Doyle, McGill University Upper right
Gregory of Nyssa’s use of Providence in Contra Eunomium I
Respondent: Zachary Keith, The Catholic University of America, School of
Theology and Religious Studies
Jacob Nielsen, Villanova University Upper left
“Carving Ourselves into Beautiful Theologians”: The Contemplative Ground of
Trinitarian Theology According to Gregory of Nazianzus
Respondent: Bishoy Dawood, University of St. Michael’s College in the
University of Toronto
Rev. Todd Murphy, Providence College and Sacred Journey Church Lower
Home Economics: Household and Extended-Family Relations in the Halakha On
Generosity (Didache 4.5–8)
Respondent: Lisa L Gierlach-Walker, Calvin Theological Seminary
Saturday, March 04, 2017
11:30 AM - 12:10 PM Parallel Sessions: 9
Kevin Clarke, Ave Maria University Upper right
The Prior Arrangements of Christ in the Old Testament as the Principle of Exegesis for
Melito of Sardis
Respondent: Nick Roumas, Marquette University
Nicholas E. Wagner, Duke University Upper left
“The Liturgical Setting of Daniel 3 in Papyrus 967
Respondent: Jordan Parro, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
Ignatius Gardner, Hellenic College Lower conference
“The Wonderful Exchange, the Divine Business Deal:” Poetic and Rhetorical
Formulations of Deification in Augustine and Ephrem the Syrian
Respondent: John Solheid, University of St. Michael's College and the Toronto
School of Theology
1:10 PM - 1:50 PM Parallel Sessions: 10
Lisa L Gierlach-Walker, Calvin Theological Seminary Upper right
Gregory’s Macrina: Disguise and Recognition
Respondent: Fabio Lins Leite, Hellenic College Holy Cross
Claire Koen, Boston College Upper left
Interpretation as Legacy: A Study in the Critical Hermeneutics of John Damascene
Respondent: Constantin Dancu, St Sophia Ukrainian Seminary
Gregory Stackpole, Boston University School of Theology Alumnus Lower
Meanwhile, in the Aftermath:disenchantment and secularization in Augustine of Hippo
Respondent: Jimmy Chan, Trinity College, University of Toronto
3:15 PM - 3:55 PM Parallel Sessions: 11
Fr. Haitham (John) Issak, McMaster Divinity College Upper right
Symbolic Theology: St. Ephrem the Syriac
Respondent: Christopher McLaughlin, Boston College
Linda J. Peters, Providence College Upper left
Perpetua and the Piety Leading to Sacrifice
Respondent: Seraphim Ramos, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
4:05 PM - 4:45 PM Parallel Sessions: 12
Jordan Rudder Jenkins, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of
London Upper right
Early Islam and Intra-Christian Dialogue: The Foundational Trajectories of Anastasios
of Sinai and John of Damascus
Respondent: Fr. Haitham (John) Issak, McMaster Divinity College
Louis Silouan Maltese, Boston College Upper left
John Chrysostom and Exile: Ascetical, Ecclesiastical, and Imperial
Respondent: Nicholas E. Wagner, Duke University

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