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Start-Up Costs Worksheet:

 These two worksheets list the things you need to consider when determining
your start-up costs.
 The first worksheets includes the one-time initial costs needed to open your
 The second worksheet covers ongoing costs you’ll face each month.

Capital Requirements: One-Off Start-Up Expenses

Start-up Expenses t Description
Promotion for opening the
Advertising business
Amount of inventory required
Starting inventory to open
Amount per contractor quote
Building construction and other
Amount needed for the cash
Cash register
Estimate based on quote if
Decorating appropriate
Deposits Check with utility companies
Fixtures and equipment Use actual quotes
Insurance Quote from insurance agent
Fee to be paid before
Lease payments opening
Check with city or municipal
Licenses and permits offices
Miscellaneous All other
Professional fees Include CPA, attorney, etc.
Remodeling Use contractor quotes
Fee to be paid before
Rent opening
Services Cleaning, accounting, etc.
Signs Use contractor quotes
Supplies Office, cleaning, etc. supplies
Include an amount for the
Unanticipated expenses unexpected
Amount of costs before
Total Start-up Costs opening

Capital Requirements: Ongoing Monthly Expenses

Start-Up Expenses Amount Description
Bank service fees
Credit card charges
Delivery fees
Dues and subscriptions
Exclude amount on
Health insurance preceding page
Exclude amount on
Insurance preceding page
Exclude amount on
Lease payments preceding page
Principal and interest
Loan payments payments
Office expenses Payroll other than owner
Payroll taxes
Professional fees
Exclude amount on
Rent preceding page
Repairs and maintenance
Sales tax
If applicable for first
Your Salary three months
Total Ongoing Costs
Amount from
Total Start-up Costs preceding table
Total Cash Needed
*Include the first three months’ cash needs unless otherwise noted.
**Include amount required for inventory expansion.

If inventory is to be replaced from cash sales, do not include here. Assume sales will
generate enough cash for replacements.

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