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Local Studies

The Philippines belongs to this special are area and is one of only fifty-three countries

that produce coffee (pacita and regina). Several master’s theses and doctoral dissertations

focusing on the production and export of coffee was once a major industry in the

Philippines, which 200 years ago was the fourth argest coffee producing nation. Today,

however, the Philippines produce only. 012% of the world's coffee supply. Efforts are

being undertaken to revive the industry however, with the majority of coffee produced in

the mountain areas of Batangas,Bukidnon, Benguet, Cavite, Kalinga, Apayao, Davao,

and Claveria.

Local Related Literature

According to Rogo (2008), coffee drinking, both in-home/office/school and casual

coffee drinking outside in Metro Manila has turned out to be as common a practice as

dining. This is illustrated by the proliferation of coffee shops all around the metropolis

and its outskirts, and the increased sales of instant coffee variants. More and more people

are learning to appreciate coffee drinking not just as an “after dining” practice or a

morning ritual, but as part of an emerging lifestyle. Coffee has become a convenient and

easily available drink. Increased sales of both instant coffee and coffee beans and the

proliferation of coffee shops have contributed to the growth in coffee sales in both retails

and foodservice outlets. Retail sales of coffee have increased by 6% in volume in 2005

and more than 13% in value over 2004. This growth in the industry is remarkable

considering major economic downturns and political unrest.

Monge (2004) said that government and the private sector are both making efforts to

increase local coffee production, in order to reduce on imports. In 2012, however, local

production in the Philippines still did not meet coffee demand in the country. The country

imports the rest of its coffee requirements from Vietnam, Indonesia and other Asian

countries. In 2012, the key player in the coffee industry, Nestlé Philippines Inc., opened a

new coffee farm in Batangas City that will increase access to new coffee farming

techniques in a bid to increase the number of coffee producers and production in the

Philippines. Nestle Philippines Inc. dominates coffee sales with a value share nearly 90%,

due to its strong positioning and leadership in the instant coffee sector. The company’s

Nescafe brand was one of the first instant coffee brands in the country and hence was

able to establish a large and loyal consumer base through effective advertising,

continuous innovation and the good quality of its coffee products.

The more widespread health and wellness trend in the forecast period will encourage

various brand manufacturers to produce organic and decaffeinated coffee variants to

prevent a decline in the consumer base and capture a greater share of health conscious

consumers. There might be more marketing activities that will highlight the benefits of

coffee, as manufacturer’s attempt to counter any negative perception about the drink. The

positive economic outlook in the forecasted period will benefit both the instant and fresh

coffee categories. The goal of any food service institution in Philippines on in any part of

the world, for the matter, is the service of quality to satisfied clientele at reasonable cost.

The objective maybe profit or non-profit oriented. Those who primary aim is to gain

profit are the commercial restaurant, hotels, dining rooms, fast-food centers, coffee shops,

“carinderias” and other food service establishment. Presse (2010), said that after
watching its neighbors become global coffee heavyweights, the Philippines is taking

tentative steps towards regaining its status as a formidable grower of the bean. However,

that era is a long way back for the Philippines, among the top five coffee exporters in the

world in the 1880s after Spanish friars brought beans with them to their colonial outpost?

The Philippine Coffee Board, an industry group spearheading the revival attempt, knows

the country cannot compete with the likes of current regional exporting giants Indonesia

and Vietnam in volume. So they are aiming for niche markets and targeting the fast-

growing number of young Filipinos who crowd cafes across the country of 93 million


Foreign Literature

Mention coffee, and caffeine is probably the first thing that comes to mind—the

indispensable morning jolt often viewed as a guilty pleasure. But research is turning that

notion on its head. A recent Harvard University report noted these coffee benefits: lower

blood pressure, a slower rate of weight gain with age, and reduced risks for type 2

diabetes and heart disease. An NIH-sponsored study of 400,000 men and women,

between the ages 50 and 71, found that those who drank three or more cups daily, with or

without caffeine, were less likely to die from heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke,

diabetes, and infections. Other studies have found that coffee reduces risk for various

cancers, liver damage from overindulging in alcohol and food, and depression

(caffeinated coffee specifically) among women.

Why it’s Good for You

“Coffee is the new red wine, without the hangover,” says Bob Arnot, MD, a TV medical

correspondent and health book author who has tested hundreds of coffees from around

the world. The health-boosting ingredients are antioxidants called chlorogenic acids, a

group of antioxidants in the polyphenol family of nutrients, found in plant foods. “These

powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds are the most important health

components of coffee, just as they are in the freshest fruits and vegetables, fi ne red

wines, and premium green teas,” says Arnot. But given the way we eat, coffee is typically

the top source of these nutrients in the American diet

Foreign Studies

The Surprising Benefits of Coffee Consumption

Coffee consumption is a human tradition that goes back many hundreds of years, perhaps

thousands. Master Healer Dr. Pankaj Naram notes that research during the last several

decades has been conflicting about whether coffee is good for the human body. Generally

speaking, according to Dr. Naram, new research is showing that moderate coffee

consumption can be beneficial for most people

Dr. Naram points out that the research is interesting for several reasons. First, it goes

against the widely held notion that coffee is universally bad for the health. Second, the

latest studies agree with many other research efforts that point to coffee as something that

can actually be healthful in the long run, provided people consume it in moderation and do

not add unhealthy substances to enhance its natural taste.

Recent studies show that moderate coffee consumption can help with overall energy levels

and the ability to learn and remember tasks. In other words, according to Dr. Pankaj Naram,

the research says that coffee increases both alertness and mental acuity.

Other studies show that coffee drinking on a regular basis can help increase the body's

natural ability to burn fat. It does this, according to researchers, by boosting the metabolic

rate by as much as 15 percent.

Further aiding coffee's nutritional "resume," according to Dr. Naram, is the fact that studies

point to beneficial levels of several B vitamins as well as potassium and magnesium in

coffee. This fact has been known for many years but is only recently being discussed,

according to Master Healer Dr. Pankaj Naram. Coffee has had a bad reputation for at least

three decades until new research has begun to shine a light on its many benefits.

Finally, new studies have shown that coffee drinking may be able to lower the risk for

contracting Type 2 diabetes, especially in those adults who are otherwise healthy. Dr.

Pankaj Naram notes that there are still many unanswered questions about the overall

advantages and disadvantages of coffee drinking. Consumers should pay attention to

findings of the latest research as they are reported in the mainstream press.

Dr. Pankaj Naram has worked with famous people as well as the destitute. His work with

Mother Teresa, the Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela is well known, as is his loyalty to the

poorest people of India who usually have nowhere else to turn when they need medical

help. Master Healer Pankaj Naram is a recognized expert in pulse reading and the treatment

of dozens of physical and mental problem


Bookworm. A person unusually devoted to reading and study.

Brew. Become stronger in taste in the container in which it is made, or to make

a hot drink or beer.

Coffee. A hot drink made from the roasted and ground seeds (coffee beans) of a tropical


Coffee shop. A shop where different types of coffee are sold, either to drink or

as beans or powder.

Cookie.Small cake made from stiff, sweet dough rolled and sliced or dropped byspoonful

s on a large, flat pan (cookie sheet) and baked.

Comfort zone. A place or situation where one feels safe or at ease and without stress.

Espresso. It is a strong coffee brewed by forcing steam under pressure through darkly

roasted, powdered coffee beans

Relaxation. The state of being free from tension and anxiety.

Satisfaction. The act of providing what is needed or desired.

Stimulate. Meaning to encourage it to begin or develop further.

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