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The Animals

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Peter is considered the best hunter in the village. When he was young, he used to hunt and annoy
some insects and small animals. But the years passed and he improved his hunting technique, and
he wanted to hunt lions, leopards and big cats.

Every morning, he used to go out looking for animals, but after a few years he realized that he
didn’t find animals to hunt.

Narrator: It’s a warm day and Peter, the hunter, is walking through the forest.

Hunter: Today it will be a great day! I will hunt not one, not two, not there, but four animals. I
have to find them.

Narrator: The hunter had been walking for five hours but he didn’t find any animals. Suddenly a
peasant appeared…

Peasants: Good morning Sir.

Hunter: Nothing is good today

Peasant: What happens? Why do you say that?

Hunter: You don’t care!

Peasant: I’m just greeting you.

Hunter: Nobody could care less.

Narrator: The hunter feels tired and he sits down on a rock.

Hunter: Why? It’s been months since I can't hunt any animals... it’s because... Aren’t there animals
anymore? I think all the animals have been killed! But why? Animals are only useful for our meal.

I remember when I was a kid; I used to hunt ducks and chickens. I ran and took them to my mom
and she made a delicious soup. The whole family was happy eating hot soup. Now I can’t find any
animals so I go back home and nothing is fun.

Narrator: The hunter feels downhearted and he walks very slowly, suddenly he hears some sounds.

Hunter: I hear a noise. Any one is there?

Narrator: a cat, a dog, a parrot and a pig were gathered and heard the hunter who has got also a
good ear.

Hunter: Jajajajajaja… those are sounds of animals! I’ll hide so they can’t escape from me.

Dog: What fun it’s to play together peacefully and happily!

Cat: You’re right! There is nothing more enjoyable than this moment!

Parrot: Well I never thought I have so much fun with you!

Pig: We will always be friends!

Narrator: The animals make a round and they hold their legs each other.

Animals: Dog, cat, pig and parrot…forever…!!

Narrator: They continue dancing happily. Suddenly on the corner, a human shadow appears with a
shotgun and a net. The hunter enters quietly. He jumps and stands in front of the animals.

Hunter: Don’t move!

Narrator: The four animals are completely puzzled seeing the gun; they’re scared and start

Hunter: You won’t escape!

Narrator: The animals run. Suddenly the dog stops and gazes the Hunter.

The Dog: Wait! It’s said that the “dog” is the man's best friend but is it really the “man” the best
friend of the dog?

Hunter: What!? Animals talking? Since when?

The Dog: Since the abuse of human.

Cat, parrot, pig): You’re right. We’re fed up with the unfair of human.

Parrot: you think human beings are the most developed in world, but you often act as irrational

Cat: I agree with my friend, the dog! You always say that dogs and cats are eternal enemies but
you are envious, you fight worse than us and fight over small stuff!

Hunter: But, But...!

Parrot: But nothing! Even when I am the snack of the Cat, he has a great respect for me! But you
people! You don’t respect each other.

Hunter: But what audacity is it?! Animals don’t talk to people!!

Pig: You think I'm the dirtiest animal in the planet, but you haven’t realized how dirty your soul

Hunter: Why do you say that?

Pig: Your actions show how dirty you are. You lie all the time, pollute our planet, kill, steal and
there is an endless list.

The Dog: You boast of being the dominant race, but I think you need to control your behavior, you
must have values.

Narrator: The four animals are placed around the man and all say at the same time:

The four animals: You have to consider the importance of our existence!

Narrator: They retire holding their legs and jumping. The hunter is deep in thought about what the
animals told him and says:

Hunter: Maybe they're right and we behave like real animals. We, people have to try to change
and learn to respect life in all its aspects…

Narrator: The hunter throws his weapon, his net and goes with an expression of relief on his face.

The End.

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