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Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Untuk Bisnis Hari, Tanggal Ujian: Senin 3 Juli 2017
Semester : II /Kelas DKV /Sore Waktu (Menit) : 90 Menit
Dosen : Drs. S uhanto Kastaredja, M.Pd Sifat Ujian : Buku Tertutup

The world is in constant change and the role of the designer is changing with it. In our complex and fast-moving world, design
practitioners of the 21st century are facing a multitude of challenges in a much broader strategic context than ever before. To solve
problems in a global market and to remain competitive and sustainable, organisations, institutions and corporations are looking for
innovative solutions through design strategies. The growing need for reconciliation of tension between globalisation and cultural
identities requires a broad understanding of issues related to the cognitive, social, cultural, technological and economic contexts and
their relation to design.
This expanded field of design requires that upcoming designers should be able to anticipate problems and solutions, rather
than solving only known problems. By encouraging a way of working that accepts the unknown and the unseen, we focus on
optimising the designer's ability to embrace uncertainty and rise to meet the challenges of the future. Our emphasis on acquiring multi-
disciplinary skills and broad understanding not only raises the level of design expertise and achievement, but also empowers graduates
to find their niche in realising opportunities and possibilities.
Art or Design as a school subject is not a prerequisite for Visual Communication Design. The successful future designer will,
however, need drawing skills, design sensibilities, along with academic skills and critical thought. Every year, out of approximately
100 applicants, we select 25 students to enter the first-year level in our Visual Communication Design course. The selection is based
solely on portfolio submissions.
I. Match word and its meaning

Word Meaning
1. century a. a relative position or degree of value in a graded group
2.complex b. achieving maximum efficiency in storage capacity or time or cost
3. requiring c. relating to the shared knowledge and values of a society
4. identity d. The individual characteristics by which a thing or person is recognized or known
5. cultural e. connections among persons or groups
6. level f. a period of 100 years
7.relation g. making someone do something
8. optimising h. consisting of interconnected parts

II. Write true (T) or false (F) for each statement below based on the text
1. The designers never see the change.
2. Design praticionaers of 21 st century face few changes.
3. Cultural Innovative solutions are very important for organisations, institutions and corporations.
4. Up coming designers work in a relaxed way because they face no problem.
5. It is not necessary for up coming designers to acquire multi-disciplinary skills.
6. Design sensibilities are not useful.
III. Answer the questions
1. Who are facing a multitude of challenges?
2. What do the designers do to solve the fast-moving world?
3. Why is a broad understanding of issues ralated to the cognitive,technological , social and cultural needed?
4. How do we focus on optimising the designer's ability to embrace uncertainty and rise to meet the challenges of the
5. Should the graduates be empowered?
6. Do they select only 5 % of 100 applicants?

IV. Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d

1. How often do you play tennis? 7. What is your busiest day of the week?
a. On Tuesday. b. For two hours. a. In the morning. b. Every day.
c. Almost every day. d. With John. c. Tuesday. d. Last week.
2. Where do you usually eat lunch? 8. My mother is a good cook.
a. Sandwich. b. With Jane. a. I agree with you. b. I agree you.
c. At 12:00. d. In the cafeteria. c. I agree to you. d. I agree for you.
3. How long did you study last night? 9. What does "TV" mean?
a. With Bob. b. In my room. a. For one hour. b. Yes
c. English. d. For three hours. c. Television. d. For one hour.
4. What will you do this afternoon? 10. How do you spell "dog"?
a. I play soccer. b. I played soccer. a. No b. D-O-G
c. I'll play soccer. d. I was playing soccer c. No d. I don't
5. What kind of work do you do? 11. What did you do yesterday?
a. I work every day. b. I'm a piano teacher. a. I am swimming. b. I swim.
c. I worked for two hours. d. I have worked c. I will swim. d. I swam.
6. How many hours a day do you watch TV? 12. What do you like to drink?
a. About two hours. b. In my living room. a. Coffee. b. Saturday evening.
c. I watch the news. d. On Tuesday. c. Two. d. With my friends.

Good luck

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