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For: Othe'r discussions relevant to economic change and to the strategy of economic revolution
The general problem of the right of rebellion or the right of secession, se~JusTICE lob; LAW
6c; LIBERTY 6b; TYRANNY 3; and for the issue concerning anarchy and the condemnation
of the rebel as an anarchist, see GOVERNMENT Ia; LIBERTY Ib; TYRANNY 3. ~


Listed below are works not included in Great Books o,fthe Western World, but relevant to the E)HETORIC is traditionally regarded as rhetoric with being an art of enchantment or a
idea and topics with which this chapter deals. These works are divided into two groups: ~ one.of the liberal arts. When the liberal form of flattery also distinguish between a true
I. Works by authors represented in this collection. ~rts are counted as seven, and divided into the ~nd a false rhetoric, the one associated with di-
II. Works by authors not represented in this collection. tll1;ee and the four-the, triviu1.n and. the quad- alectic as a wholly admirable pursuit, the other
For the date, place, and other facts concerning the publication of the works cited, consult ilium-rhetoric is grouped \vithgrammarand classed with sophistry as avocation divorced
the Bibliography of Additional Readings which follows the last chapter of The Great Ideas. gic, not \vith the mathematical arts of arith- froin virtue., According to Bacon, ,. the aim of
etic and geometry, astronomy and music.. rhetoric is to support reason, "not to oppress
BURKE. Thoughts on the Prospect ofa Regicide Peace
I. BYRON. Prometheus e implication of this grouping seems .to be it." Rhetoric may be misused, but logicalso has
MACHIAVELLI. The Discourses, BK III, CH 1-8 SHELLEY. Prometheus Unbound at rhetoric, like grammar, has· something to its abuses. "Rhetoric can be namore charged,"
__. Florentine History i . ,
T. CARLYLE. The French Revolution with language or discourse; and that, like in Bacon's opinion, "with the coloring of the
F. BACON. "Of Seditions and :Troubles, " "OfFac- THOREAU. Civil· Disobedience worse part, than logic with sophistry, or moral-
,ie, iris concerned with thought, with reason-
tions," in Essays TOCQEVILLE. L'an~i('n regime (Ancient Regime)
HOBBES. Philosophical· Rudiments Concerning Gov- PROuDHoN~General Idea of the Revolution in the or argument. But if grammar is the art of ity with vice."
ernment and Society, CH 12 Nineteenth Century iting or speaking correctly, and if logic is the
- - . The Elernents. of Law, Na/ttraland. Politic, '-.;, -', De lajustice dans la. revolution et dans l'eglis~ of thinking correctly, it may be wondered THE PURPOSE AND scope of rhetoric are capable
PART· II, CH 8 PICKENS: A Tale of Two Cities.. ,... .... ..'. , at rhetoric can add to these other arts, either of broad ·and narrow definitions. 'fhe broader
HUME. Of Passive Obedience; COSTER. The Glorious Adventures ofTyl UI~llSpiegl
ENGELS. The Peasant War in Gerrnany BAKUNIN. God and the State ()n· the side of language or of thought. view, which we shall consider subsequently,
---. Germany: Ret/Olutionand' Counter-Revolution HUGO. Ninety-Three Logic by;itself does not sufl1ee to ensure that tends to merge rhetoric with poetics as together
J. S. MILL. "A Few Observations on, the French A.ToYNBEE. Lectures on the Industrial Revolution ~oJds are properly used to express thought;.nor the art of eloquence in any sort of discourse.
Revolution" in VOL I, "Vindication" of the RITCHIE. Natural Rights, PART II, eH I I es gralnmar guarantee that discourse which The narrower view tends to restrict rhetoric to
French Revolution of February 1848" in VOL II, SHAW. The Revolutionist's Handbook
Dissertations·· and Discussions ANDREYEV. The Seven Who Were Hanged
is:f1awlessin syntax also complies with the de- the art of persuasion in the sphere of practical
-'--. Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform SOREL. Rejlexions on Violence mands of rationality.· Hence neither .grammar affairs. Rhetorical skill consists in getting others
DOSTOEVSKY. The House ofthe Dead LENIN. Collected Works, VOL XXI, Toward the Seizure norlogic seems to challenge·· the function of the to embrace certain beliefs, to form the opinions
--a The Possessed of Power other, as· together they·. challenge the {unc.. or make the judglJ)entswhichthe 'speaker or
MARX and ENGELS. The German Ideology, PART I - - . The State and Revolution tion of rhetoric. writer wishes them to adopt.U~ually actioIl,
MARX. The Eighteenth Brumaire ofLouis Bonaparte T. E. LAWRENCE. Seven Pillars of Wisdom
--a The Civil War in France L. P. EDWARDS. The Natural Hz'story ofRet'olu- Upon· the way this challenge is met depends not persuasion, .is .the ultimate goaL. The rules
tion otonly the definition ofrhetoric, but also the of rhetoric are supposed to give one power not
II. BERDYAYEV. Christianity and the Class War alueput upon it. In the tradition of the great merely to move the minds of men to certain
POLYBIUS. Histories, vOL I, BK VI TROTSKY. Literature and Revolution oks, rhetoricis both praised as a useful disci- conclusions but, throllgh persuasion of their
SALLUST. The War with Catiline :-'_.-. 1ne History ofthe Russian Revolution
line which liberally educated men should pos- minds, tOlllove men to act or not act in a cer-
ApPIAN. The· Civil Wars MARITAIN. Theonas, Conversations ofa Sage, 'IX
LUTHER. Address to the German Nobility --a "On·the Purification of Means," in Freedol1'J. ss, and condemned asa dishonest craft to which tain way.
- - . Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of in the Modern- T-Vorld ecent men would not stoop. Like the words The sphere of rhetoric,so conceived, is lilT!-
Peasants GORKY. Mother ""sophistical" and "dialectical," the epithet ited to-moral and political problems. The things
- - . Whether Soldiers, Too, Can Be Saved ---. Forty Years-the Life ofClim Sa1nghin, VOL II, "rhetorical" carries, traditionally as well as cur- about which ll1en deliberate before acting, the
BODIN. The Six Bookes ofa Commonweale, BK IV The Magnet; VOL III, Other Fires; VOL IV t
SPENSER. The Faerie Queene, BK I Specter ntly, a derogatory implication. The three things on which they pass moraLjudgments or
HOOKER. Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity MALRAUX. Man's Fate ords sometimes. even tend to merge in mean- make politicaldecisions, constitute the subject
DIGGES. Unlawfulness of Subjects Taking up Arms - - . Man's Hope g, expressing the same reproach against trick.. matter of oratory, or what Hobbes calls "~x­
Against Their Soveraigne BRINTON. The Anatomy of Revolution y. Yet of the three, "sophistical" alone im- hortation and dehortation," that is, "<.;ounsel
BENTHAM. A Fragment on Government, CH I (22-29) B. RUSSELL. Power, ClI 7
PAINE. Com1non Sense E. WILSON. To the Finland Station ies an unqualified rebuke. accompanied with signs in him that giveth it,
GODWIN. An Enqui1y Concerning Political]ustice, ORTEGA yCASSET. The Revolt ofthe Masses ''We do not speak of good and bad sophistry. of vehement desire to have it followed."
BK IV, CH 2 - - . TouJard a Philosophy of History dialectic has its defenders as v~ell as its de- In the narro\ver conception, rhetoric seems
BURKE. Reflections on the Revolution in France LASKI. Reflections on the: Revolution of Our Time tactors; and even those who, like Plato,charge to be confined 'to oratory.It is with oratory and
- - a Letter to a Noble Lord I)IW AKAR. Satyagraha : The Potver of Truth
orators that Socrates seems to be concerned the patient," he says, "to do for ine ,vhat he as these three are sometimes named, delibera- upon the perception of certain '\-vords, without
when he discusses rhetoric with Phaedrus or would not do for the physician, just by the use tive, legal, and epideictic. "Political speaking any ideas coming between."
with Gorgias. Gorgias, who was a teacher .of of rhetoric." Similarly, in a contest for public urges us either to do or not do something.... Engaged in the oratofical task of persuading
rhetoric, praises the power of the orator to per- office between a rhetorician. and a man of any forensic speakingeither attacks or defends the people of New York to fa tify the federal
suade "the judges in the courts, or the senators other profession, "the rhetorician more than somebody.... The ceremonial oratory of dis- constitution, the writers of the Federalist papefS
in the council, or the citizens in the assembly, any other would have the power..of getting play either praises or censures somebody. These are a\vare that "a torrent of angry and malig-
or at any other public meeting." In view of this himself chosen, for he can speak more persua- thfee kinds of rhetoric refer to. three different nant passions will be let loose" in the debate of
Socrates asks him whether he will accept the sively to the multitude than any of them, and kinds of time. The political orator is concerned that· issue. They realize- that arguing for the
definition of rhetoric as "the artificer of persua- on any subject. Such is the nature and pO\ver with the future; he tries to persuade men about adoption of certain political principles or con-
sion." When Gorgias admits that "persuasion of the art of rhetoric!" things to be done or not done hereafter. The clusions is not like teaching geometry, the ob..
is the chief end of rhetoric," Socrates goes on to In comparing it with dialectic, Aristotle party in a case at la\v is concerned with the jects of which are "entirely abstracted from
ask whether rhetoric is "the only art which seems to have a differentconception of the fun~­ past; one man accuses the other, and the other those pursuits which stir up and put in motion
brings persuasion, or do other arts have the same tion of rhetoric. "Neither rhetoric nor dialec- £Iefends himself, with reference to things . al- the unruly passions of the human heart."
effect? Does he who teaches anything persuade tic," he says, "is the scientific study of anyone feadydone. The ceremonial orator is, properly Hamilton admits at once,in the· opening
men of that which he teaches or not ?" If so, separate subject; both are faculties for provid- speaking, concerned with the present, since all paper, that "the plan offered to ourdelibera-
"then arithmetic as well as rhetoric is an artif- ing arguments." Both also are concerned with en praise or blame in view of the state of tions affects too many particular interests, in-
icer of persuasion." arguments which fall short of scientific demon- ings existing at· the time, though they often novates upon too many local institutions, not
Gorgias reminds Socrates of his initial point stration, that is, with matters of opinion con- n£l it useful also to recall the and to make to involve in its discussion, a vafiety of objects
about the ora~or, that "rhetoric is the art of cerning which something probable can be said esses about the future. foreign to its merits, and of views, passions, and
persuasion in courts of law and other assemblies on either side of the issue. "Rhetoric has three distinct ends in vie\v, one prejudices little favorable to the discovery of
... about the just and unjust." But Socrates is Though for Aristotle rhetoric is the counter- each of its three kinds. The political orator truth."Nevertheless, he tries to persuade. his
still not satisfied that rhetoric has been sharply part of dialectic, in that both. deal witharg~'" s at establishing the expediency or the harm.. audience to judge the issue on the merits of the
defined. He introduces the distinction between ments on any subject, his differentiation be- lness ofa proposed course ofaction.... Parties argumentalone.
knowledge and belief or opinion, and gets Gor- tween the two disciplines seems to indicate that a lawsuit aim at establishing the justice or in- The opponents of the Constitution, he says,
gias to agree that, whereas there cannot be false rhetoric is limited to the consideration of ora- tice of some' action.... Those who praise or "may be actuated by upright intentions." The
knowledge as well as true, beliefs and opinions tory in the familiar sense of public speaking. ack a man aim at proving him worthy of opposition may "spring from sources, blameless
may be either true or false. Persuasion· can, The rhetorician is concerned with persuading nOf or the reverse." at least, if not respectable-the honest errors of
therefore, be of two sorts-"one \vhich is the an audience, not, as the dialectician is, with car- minds led astray by preconceived jealousies and
source of belief without knowledge, as the other rying on a dispute in which two individuals tHIS CONCEPTION OF rhetoric as concerned fears. So numerous indeed and so powerful are
is of knowledge." may be privately engaged. The persuasion,fur" with oratory or public speaking gives one the causes which serve to give a false bias to the
Gorgias is willing to limit rhetoric to that thermore, is directed to obtaining a certain re answer to the question of what rhetoric adds to judgment, that we, upon· many occasions, see
form of persuasion "which only gives belief," sponse from that audience-not merely agree mmarand logic as arts of discourse. In ora- wise and good men on the wrong as well as on
to which Socrates adds the emphatic negative ment, but either action, or a decision to act, ry more is involved than the communication the right side ofquestions of the first magnitude
that "the rhetorician does not instruct the courts approval which, charged with emotional for ideas, the marshalling of arguments, the to society."
of law or other assemblies about things just and or enthusiasm, has practical significance. king of proofs. Discourse, whether written To recognize this, Hamilton tells his audi-
unjust, but creates beliefs about them." If an The divisions of rhetoric, according to.ttr spoken, has an effect upon the emotions as ence' is to be on guard "against all· attempts,
assembly wishes to learn about matters con- tode, are determined by the kinds of orator 11 as upon the mind, and disposes a man to from whatever quarter, to influence your deci-
nected with medicine or shipbuilding, it con- as these, in turn, are determined by the ty taswell as the mind to assent. sion ... by any impressions other than those
sults the physician or shipwright, not the ora- of audience to be addressed. "Of the three "The: cOlllmunicating of ideas bywords," which may result ffom the evidence of truth."
tor. But, says Gorgias, "when a decision has to ments in speech-making-speaker, subject, rkeley observes, "is not the chief and only He wishes them to consider him as relying upon
be given in such matters, the rhetoricians are person addressed," Aristotle writes, "it is d of language, as is commonly supposed. nothing but the merits of his case. "I frankly
the advisers; they are the men who win their last one, the hearer, that determines the spee re are other ends, as the raising of some pas" acknowledge to you my convictions," he writes,
point." I-Ie confirms this by reminding Socrates end and object. The hearer must beeith , the exciting to or deterring from an ac- "and I will freely lay before you the reasons on
that the speeches of Themistocles and Pericles, judge with a decision to make about things t the putting the mind in some pafticular which they are founded .... My motives must
not the suggestions of the builders, determined or future, or an observer. A member of th osition-to which the former is in many remain in the depository of my own breast. My
the Athenian assembly in the construction of selnbly decides about future events, a jury s barely subservient, and sometimes entirely arguments will be open to all, and may be
the harbor, the docks and walls. about past events; while those who merel ·tted.••. I entreat the reader to reflect with judged by all. They shall at least be offered in a
By ,vay of further illustration, Gorgias tells cide on the orator's skill are observers. selft and see if it doth not often happen, spirit which will not disgrace the cause of truth. ",
of occasions when he has succeeded in getting "From this it follows that there are thf er in hearing or reading a discourse, that the We can detect here another element in the
patients to do \vhat they ,vould not do on the visions of oratory: (I) political, (2) fOf ions of fear, love, hatred, admiration, dis- art of rhetoric. The orator seems . to be con'"
advice of their physicians. "I have persuaded and (3) the ceremonial oratory of display" and the like, arise immediately in his mind cerned, not only with the strength of his argu'"
ments and \vith the passions of the audience oratory seenlS to lead Socrates to tell .Phaedr to persuade, he ,vrites, "one must consider ~~e can point out any rhetorician of this stamp,
which he hopes to move by these arguments, that Thrasymachus or anyone else who teac RCrso n with whom one has to deal, \vhose splnt who is he?"
but also with the impression he makes upon rhetoric ought "to give an exact description and heart one must kno\v, the principles he ac-
tha t audience as a person of good character and the nature of the soul," to explain "the mode cepts, the things he loves." In view of such con- SOCRATES MAY NOT be asking a rhetorical ques-
honest intentions, devoted to the truth and, which it acts or is acted upon." The rhetorician siderations, Pascal holds that."the art of persua- tion. rIe may be presenting the de~enders of
above all, to the best interests of those whom he he goes on, "having classified men aIJ.d speech' sion consists more in pleasing than in· convinc- rhetoric with this critical dilemma:~either the
addresses. and their kinds and affections, and adapted th ing, to such an extent is it true that men are orator adheres to the truth and aims at the good,
The great speeches reported-or perhaps one to another," \vill be able to "tell the reaso controlled n10re by whim than by reason." He even if such highmindedness defeats his efforts
polished, if not invented-hy Thucycliclesex- of his arrangement, and show why one soul is does not doubt that "there are rules which are a t persuasion \vith an audience \vhorn he thus
empliEy this effort on the part of the orator,as persuaded by a particular form of argument as reliable with respect. to pleasing as· there are displeases; or the orator takes persuasion as his
do also the orations written by Shakespeare and another not." . , for demonstrating"; nor does he seem to con- end and subordinates everything else to the
for his characters, of which the speeches. of demn rhetoric for being such an art, unless he rhetorical means for succeeding with. any sort
Brutus and Antony in Julius Caesar are. among THIS FACT ABOUT rhetoric-that it must adaf1l~ writes with irony when he says that "pleasing of. audience.
the most· notable. as , the most familiar. speech to persons as well as to subject matters is incomparably more difficult, more subtle, Bacon rises to the defense by rejecting the
The point is also illustrated by the Comlnunist seems to occasion Socrates' definition of orato more useful, and more admirable." dilemma as ungenuine. "The duty and office of
Manifesto, which is denounced as "propagan- as "the art of enchanting the soul." Iris no~, Rhetoric so conceived appears to Locke to be rhetoric," he \vrites, "is to apply reason to the
da" by those who Inistrust the writers, but he tellsPhaedrus, confined to courts and publi€ "powerful instrument of error and deceit"; imagination for the better moving ofthe will."
to·· those who trust them is powerful and persua- assemblies. V,7'hether this art is a good or to Plato to ·art at all, but a form of He admits that rhetoric is controlled by other
sive oratory. thing depends on whether it requires thespea tery. As cookery tries to .please the palate considerations than the truth. 'fhough "logic
Separating the use of witnesses andclocu- er to·know-more than the nature of the person hout caring what is good for the health of handleth reason exact and intruth,"and though
ments by the forensic oratorfrom.what he calls he is . addressing-the truth about body, so rhetoric, according· to Plato, aims "the proofs and demonstrations of logic are
the strictly artistic means of persuasion-i.e., spoken of. To engender probabilities in the delight without caring what is good. for the toward all men indifferent and the same . . .
the means intrinsic to the art of· rhetoric- minds of the many by the likeness of the trutn, ul or the state. Cookery and rhetoric are the proofs and persuasions of rhetoric ought to
Aristotle divides the latter into the three ele- it is necessary, says Socrates, to kno\v the trutn. ams or simulations of the genuine arts ofmed- differ according to the auditors."
ments already noted. Persuasion, he says, de- "He who kne\v the truth would always kn 'ne and politics, which aim at the good, notat Nevertheless, Bacon thinks "it was great in-
pends "on the personal character of the speaker best how to discover the resemblances of t e easure. "This is the sort of thing/' Socrates justice in Plato, though springing out of a just
... on putting the audience into a certain frame truth." Such a man might be able, not only UsCallicles, "which I term flattery, ,whether hatred for the rhetoricians of his time, to re"
of mind . . . [and] on the proof, ,or apparent please and so to persuade his audience, but also, cerned with the body or the soul, or; when- gard rhetoric as a voluptuary art, resembling it
proof, provided by the words of the speech it- perhaps, he. might "be able to say what is acF r employed with a view to pleasure and to cookery that did mar wholesome meats, and
self. Persuasion· is achieved by the speaker's ceptable to God." ithout any consideration of good and help unwholesome by a variety of sauces to
personal character when the speech is so spokeri 'fhe issue about rhetoric. then-at leastso . ~ il." please the taste. For we see that speech is much
as to make us think him credible.· .... Secondly, as that issue concerns its belng an :art consist Socrates then asks Callicles whether he knows more conversant in adorning that which is good
persuasion may come through the hearers when with virtue-seems to turn on the admixtur rl1etoricians who "aim at what is best ... and than in coloring that which is evil; for there is
the speech stirs their emotions. . . . Thirdly, pleasure and truth. The question is whet kto itnprove the citizens by their speeches," no man but speaketh more honestly than he
persuasion is effected through the speech itself given a particular sort of audience to persua \vhether all "are bent upon giving them can do or think; and it was excellentlynoted by
when we have: proved a truth or an apparent the orator does not have to choose betw: asure, forgetting the public good in the Thucydides in Cleon, that because he used to
truth by means . ·of the persuasive arguments pleasing· them and telling them the tru tho ughtof their own interest, playing with the hold on the bad side in causes of state, therefore
suitable to the casein question.." the art of rhetoric extend to the persuasion Qple as with children, and trying. to amuse he was ever inveighing against eloquence and
These being the three technical· n1eans. of ;ef- bad men as well· as good? Is the skill . of t m, but never considering whether they are good speech knowing that no lllan can speak
fecting persuasion, Aristotle concludes that rhe- orator to be measured.· by his success in pers ter or worse for this." fair of courses sordid and base."
torical skill must consist in the ability "eI) to ing, without regard to the character of th hen Callicles replies that he thinks "there Aristotle's defense of rhetoric seems to be im-
reason logically, (2) to understand human char- dience he has persuaded and the means h some who have a real care for the public in plied in the remark that "its function is not
acter and .goodness··in· their various forms, and been forced to use? Does the· goodness 0 at they say," Socrates says that he is "con- simply to succeed in persuading, but rather to
(3) to understand the emotions ... to know orator~and of his speech-depend upon h" ted with the adtnission that rhetoric is of discover the means of coming as near suchsuc-
their causes and the way in which they are ex- ing Inoral1y virtuous as· well as rhetori o sorts: one, which is mere flattery and dis- cess as the circumstances of each case allow."
cited." 'fhe art of rhetoric, therefore, involves skillful? ceful declamation; the other, which is noble Just as, for him, the sophist differs from the
more than training in grammar and, logic. I t re- One view of rhetoric seetns to identify p aims at the training and improvement of dialectician not in the skills of argument or dis-
quires the study of ethics and psychology-par- sion with pleasure and to divorce it from souls of the citizens, and strives to say what pute, but in moral purpose or respect for truth,
ticularly kno\vledge of the typesofhun1an char- Pascal, for example, in his essay On Geom st, whether welcome or unwelcome, to the so the name "rhetorician" may be applied to
acter and· knowledge of the passions. Demonstration, speaks of" two methods, t1 ience." But, he asks Callicles, "have you two sorts of men. Rhetoric may signify "either
The same consideration of the conditions· of of convincing, the other of pleasing " In r known such a rhetoric; or if you have, and the speaker's knowledge of his art, or his moral
purpose." For want of separate names, both contribution to rhetoric. In the case of this sci. ences gives them a command of the relevant and poetry and to other types of discourse as
the honest and the sophistical orator are called ence, as with few others, Bacon finds no serious principles and methods of argument, only the well.
and can claim to be "rhetoricians," and it is deficiencies in the accepted tradition. He calls orator needs the special art of rhetoric to pro- Kant seems to hold this broader conception
this which confuses the issue. rhetoric "a science excellent and excellently vide him with the topics from which examples of rhetoric when he says that "the arts of speech
well labored," and places ""the emulation of, and enthymemes can be drawn and to give him are rhetoric and poetry." In the tradition of west-
IN THE TRADITION of the great books, Aris- Aristotle" first among the causes why,later \vrit- skill in the use of such arguments. But it is not ern though t, the t\VO arts tend to become identi-
totle's Rhetoric occupies a place comparable to ers "in their works of rhetorics exceed them- only the orator who must consider the character fied when each is separated from any particular
that which, as noted in the chapter on POETRY, selves." and emotions of his audience. It is not only the subject matter. As appears in the chapter on
his Poetics unquestionably fills. It seems to be Yet by another standard Aristotle's Rhetoric orator who must consider the best way in \vhich POETRY, poetry like rhetoric has a broader and
not merely the first but the standard treatise on may be judged· deficient. Because he confines to order the parts of an elaborate discourse. a narrower meaning. In the narrower meaning,
oratory. It divides rhetoric into three parts- his attention almost exclusively to oratory, Above all, it is not only the orator\vho is faced it is the art of the narrative, just as in its nar-
the first concerned with invention, the second Aristotle's discussion leaves rhetoric in a larger with the problem of using language more or less rower meaning, rhetoric is the art of oratory.
with the disposition or order of a speech, the sense almost untouched. This limitation of rhet..: effectively in the expression of thought, and The other sense in which poetics as an art can
third with problems of expression. To the last oric to the subject matter of oratory does not especially in its communication to others. All be understood is, according to Bacon, with re-
of these belongs the analysis of the orator's use go unexplained. "Every other art," Aristotle tHese considerations and problems are common spect to words, not matter. "In this sense," he
of language and his· style in speaking; to the writes, "can instruct or persuade about its own to the orator and the teacher. They are con- writes, "it is but a character of style, and be:-
second, the analysis of the structure of an ora- particular subject matter; for instance, medi- siderations and problems which must be faced longeth to arts of speech."
tion into such parts as proem, statement, argu~ cine about \vhat is healthy and unhealthy,ge- not merely by-the public speaker who tries to In this sense the poetic art is hardly distin-
ment, and epilogue; and to the first, under the ometry about the properties of magnitudes, move an audience to action, but by anyone- guishable from the rhetorical art. The prob-:-
head of invention, belongs the consideration of arithmetic about numbers, and the same is true poet, philosopher, or scientist-who ~ries to lems involved in composing a good speech are
the means of persuasion. of the other arts and sciences. But rhetoric," he write whatever he has to say as effectively as not the same as· those involved in writing a
.A.s we have already noted, the artistic means says, "we look upon as the power of observing possible. good poem (or what Bacon calls a "feigned his-
of persuasion are, according to Aristotle, three- the means of persuasion on almost any subject Competence in a particular art or science may tory"). But when poetics and rhetoric are each
fold-emotions, character, and argument. The presented to us." give a man competence with respect to argu.. separated from such problems to become the
orator must consider how to arouse and use the This last statement would seem to give rhet- ments in the field of his particular subject mat- arts of writing or speaking "vell about anything,
passions of his audience, as well· as calculate oric complete generality. Aristotle qualifies it, ter, but it does not seem to give him competence then, in becoming as general as discourse itself,
how far to go in displaying his own emotions. however. "People fail to notice," he says, "that with respect to these other considerations and they tend to become one and the same art-an
I-Ie must consider the moral character of the the more correctly they handle their particular problems, which he faces when he tries to com- art of style or expression, an art of preaching or
audience to which he is appealing, and in subject the further they are getting away from municate his knowledge or thought. Here, then, teaching the truth about any matter on which
this connection he must try to exhibit his pure rhetoric." So far as knowing good argu- is tHe possibility of a broader conception of the one mind seeks to communicate \vith another.
o\vn moral character in a favorable light. Final- ments and knowing how···to use them are con" art of rhetoric-an art concerned not merely
ly, he must know the various types and sources cerned, the physicist and the mathematician with being persuasive in the sphere of action, IN THE TRADITION of the great books, no book
of rhetorical argument-not only what sorts of need no help from rhetoric. The art of,rhetoric but with eloquence or effectiveness in the ex- does for the art of rhetoric in general what Aris-
argument are available for a particular purpose, is necessary only in dealing with such topics as pression of thought. totle's Rhetoric does for that art in the limited
but also how to employ each argument most do not fall within the subject matters or systems We find this view of rhetoric reflected in sphere of oratory. But Augustine'S treatise On
persuasively. In this last respect, Aristotle dis- of the established arts and sciences. Such topics! Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. In his Prologue, the Christian Doctrine engages in a general rhetorical
tinguishes rhetorical proof from rhetorical· in- are precisely those \vith which the orator must Franklin asks his companions "to forgive his analysis that is in a \vay comparable to Aristot-
duction-the use of \vhat he calls the "enthy- deal. "The duty of rhetoric," Aristotle writesi crude speech"; for, he explains, "I never learned le's analysis of oratory. In this work Augustine
meme" as opposed to the use of examples-and summary, "is to deal with such matters as w hetoric, to tell you the truth; whatever I say brings his own professional training as an orator
he relates this distinction to the difference be- deliberate upon without arts or systems to guid ust be blunt and plain. I never slept on Mount to bear on the problems ofreading, interpreting,
tween dialectical proof and induction which he us, in the hearing of persons who cannot take i il?arnassus or studied Marcus Tullius Cicero." and expounding Sacred Scripture. The fact that
treats in the Topics. at a glance a complicated argument, or follo .lnd the Squire apologizes for the inadequacy he is dealing with Sacred Scripture and hence,
Cicero and Quintilian may extend Aristotle's a long chain of reasoning." This is his answer t .f his English to describe the beauty of Canace. in his view, with the teaching of the most funda-
analysis in certain directions, but neither they those who have given rhetoric "a far widersu 'It would take an excellent rhetorician," he mental truths, lifts him above the limited con-
nor modern writers like Campbell and Whately ject matter than strictly belongs to it." ays, "who knew his colorful figures of speech, cernsof the orator; but the fact that he limits
depart far from the framework Aristotle sets up But Aristotle's explanation of his limitati o describe her adequately." Though Aristotle's himself to Sacred Scripture also prevents him
for the discussion of oratory. Even those who of rhetoric is itself limited to only one of .etoric for the most part negLects this broader from formulating his rules of interpretation and
reject Aristotle's authority in logic, natural rna j or parts, namely, the construction of ~~g ception of rhetoric in order to expound the exposition with the complete generality they
philosophy, and metaphysics pay him the trib- ments. As contrasted with the mathematlCla s of oratory, the third book of his treatise, would have to possess in order to be the rules of
ute of following (as does Hobbes) his treatment the physician, and the philosopher, whose ich deals wi'th the use of language, indicates a general art of rhetoric.
of oratory, or of approving (as does Bacon) his tery of the subject matter of their arts or s hat problems of style are common to oratory At the opening of the fourth book of Chris-
tian Doctrine, Augustine. declares that, having instruction," the temperate style "in order to I!E CHOICE OF WORDS and the formation of sion in language"-"can scarce pass for faults.
considered in the preceding books "the mode give pleasure," and the majestic style "in'oreer ' 'w \vords, the invention and employment of But," he adds, "if we would speak of things as
of ascertaining the proper meaning" of Scrip- to sway the mind." ures of speech, by which abbreviation or am.. they are, \ve must allow that all the art of rhet-
ture, he will no\v treat" the mode of making The great books of histot,y, science~andpHi.. 'fication of discourse may be achieved and the oric, besides order and clearness, all the artificial
known the meaning when it is ascertained." losophy provide additional materi~ls for gen.. agination freshened-these are some of the and figurative application of words eloquence
He disclaims any intention "to lay down· rules eral rhetorical analysis. They offer us the ligHt: nsiderations of style ,vhich Aristotle discusses hath invented, are for nothing else but to insin-
of rhetoric"; he wishes merely "to engage it on of examples at least, even if they do not, I' oth in his Rhetoric and in his Poetics) and uate wrong ideas, move the passions, and so, in-
the side of tru tho " To this end he tries to show Augustine's commentary on Scripture,give Us ich Augustine illustrates in his analysis of deed, are perfect cheats ... and where truth and
how Scripture itself, and such holy men as St. the guidance of rules. Such historians as He- ripture. They suggest the rules of a general kno\vledgeareconcerned, cannot but bethought
Cyprian and St. Ambrose in.· commenting on rodotus, Thucydides,Tacitus, and GibbON ex- etoric, founded on principles as universal as a great fault, either of the language or person
Scripture, have employed the art of rhetoric. hibit a diversity of styles in the writing of his.. ascal's insight that "words differently arranged tha t makes use of them."
"It is the duty," Augustine writes, "of the tory. I'he diversity is not only on the, gram- ve a different meaning, and meanings differ'" Descartes also declares that "those who have
interpreter and teacher of Holy Scripture .... matical level of the use of language, but also on tly arranged have a different effect." the strongest power of reasoning, and who most
both to teach what is right and refute whatis the logical level of order and argument. Rhetor- This observation indicates a further answer skilfully arrange their thoughts in order to ren-
wrong; and in the performance of this task to ical principles control the \vay in vvhich. tHe the question raised much earlier, namely, der them clear and intelligible, have the best
conciliate the hostile,. to rouse the careless,and language and the organization of the parts are y the art of rhetoric is needed over and po\ver of persuasion even if they can but speak
to tell the ignorant both what suited to each other and to the historian's pUt"" Dve the skills of grammar and logic. For ora- the language oflJower Britanny and have never
present and what is probable in the future. But pose---:to the effect he wishes to produce upon ry the question has been answered by refer'" learned rhetoric." Yet he qualifies this severity
once his are friendly, attentive, and his reader. e to those rules of rhetoric \vhich deal \vith some\vhat by identifying dialectic with rhetoric
ready to Jearn, whether he has found. them so, The way in \vhich f~uclid writes the Elemcflt/S e passions and with moral character. But for a and granting its "possible use ... to serve to ex-
or has hin1selfmade them so, the remaining ob- is a style of exposition, having rhetoricafas re general rhetoric, concerned with all dis- plain at times more easily to others the truths
jects are to be carried out in whatever ,vay the vvell as logical features. In its rhetorical (ifnoI rse, the answer must be in terms of rules of we have already ascertained."
case requires." The first rule ofa general rheto- its strictly logical) form it is applicable to other e of the sort Pascal's observation suggests. PIato for the most part tends in the opposite
ric \vould thus seem to be one of creating are'" subject Inatters.This may be seeninSpi- If there were never more than one grammat.. direction, keeping dialectic and rhetoric poles
ceptive frame of mind in the persons being ad- noza's adoptiol1 of it .in his Ethics and ·in· New.. Ily and logically correct way of saying any'" apart. But if there ,,,ere a true as opposed to a
dressed.This accomplished, the.· teacher must ton's adaptation of it in his· MathematicalPnin- 'og, then grammatical and logical standards false rhetoric, a rhetoric concerned with knowl--
proceed \vith various alternatives in .mind. ciples ofNatural Philosophy. The dialogue fonm uld suffice for the regulation of sound dis- edge and truth, not merely opinion and pleas-
"If the hearers need teaching," Augustine which Plato seems to have invented fon writing use. But if there are always several ways of ure, he would be willing, it seems, to admit it to
writes, "the nlatter treated ofmust be made ful- philosophy appears tO'recommend itselfrheton'" ring something and if each of them satisfies the company of dialectic, and regard it as an
ly known by means of narrative. On·the other ically not only to other philosophers, butalso to rules of grammar and logic, but differs in aid in the teaching, if not the discovery, of the
hand, to clear up points that are doubtful re- a scientist like Galileo in the composition 0:£ impression it makes on the mind, then cri- truth. The pedagogical utility of rhetoric as
quires reasoning and the exhibition of proofs. his Two }'lewSciences. If the doctrines of ia other than those of grammar and logic will well as dialectic appears in the summary which
If, however, the hearers require to· be:roused Summa Tlteologica or of the Critique of R e needed to determine our choice of vvhich Socrates gives to I~haedrus, after they have fin-
rather than instructed, in order that they may Reason were separated from the very spe use. ished exan1ining the speeches about love.
be diligent to do what they already know, styles of these two works, they would proBa Such criteria Inay take the passions and the "Until a man knows the truth of the several
greater vigor of speech is needed.. Here en,.. not have the same effect upon the reader; gination into account, but they may also particulars of which he is writing or speaking,"
treaties and reproaches, exhortations and up- as they are \vritten, they affect differentreade OK primarily to the manner in \vhich the mind Socrates says, "and is able to define them as
braidings, and all the other means· of rousing differently, as differently as do the styles elf naturally works. The fact that there are they are, and having defined theln again to di-
the emotions, are necessary." Dante, Milton, l\1elville, Dostoevsky,Ada veral ways of presenting the same truth to the vide them un til they can no longer be divided,
In Scripture and its great commentators, Au- Smith, and Karl·Marx. 'nd-and usually several ways in which the and un til in like manner he is able to discern the
gustine finds "wisdom not aiming at eloquence, Some methods of exposition may be more Id can interpret the same statement-de- nature of the soul, and discover the different
yet eloquence not shrinking from wisdom." I-Ie propriate than others to certain subjectmattt€ s the scope of a general rhetoric and the modes of discourse which are adapted to differ-
also finds examples of the three kinds of style "'"[here is a great difference in the deliver tion of its rules to those of gramluar and ent natures, and to arrange and dispose them in
\vhich Cicero had distinguished-the·eloquence mathen1atics, " says Bacon, "and of politi C. such a way that the simple form of speech may
of those "who can say little things in a subdued But in every subject Iuatter or field of learn' evertheless, some of the great authors seem be addressed to the simpler nature, and the
style, moderate things in a temperate style, and there is the common problem of how to au bt the vvorth of rhetoric in science or phi- cOil1plex and the composite to the more com-
great things in a majestic style." These three language serve most effectively to enlighte phy. Locke, for example, adnlits that "in plex nature-until he has accomplished all this,
styles Augustine connects vvith the th-ree ends convince in the communication of tho ourses \"here we seek pleasure and delight he will be unable to handle arguments accord-
which Cicerohad assigned to eloquence-teach- The problem arises in the writing of a .s er than information and improvement, such ing to rules of art ... either for the purpose of
ing, giving pleasure, and moving. The subdued sentence as well as in the organization aments"-as "figurative speeches and allu- teaching or persuading."
style, he says, should be used "in order to give whole discourse.



I. The nature and scope of rhetoric 655 To find the passages cited, use the numbers in heavy type, which are the volume and page
numbers of the passages referred to. For example, in 4 HOMER: Iliad, BK II [265-283112d, the
la. The distinction of rhetoric from dialectic and sophistry: the rhetorician and the number 4 is the number of the volume in the set; the number 12d indicates that the pas~
philosopher sage is in section d of page 12.
lb. The relation of rhetoric to grammar, logic, and psychology 656 PAGE SECTIONS: When the text is printed in one column, the letters a and b refer to the
IC. The relation of rhetoric to the arts of government: the orator and the statesman upper and lower halves of the page. For example, in 53 JAMES: Psychology, 116a-119b, the passage
begins in the upper half of page 116 and ends in the lower half of page 119. When the text is
printed in two columns, the letters a and b refer to the upper and lower halves of the left-
2. The function of rhetoric in expository, speculative, and poetic discourse
hand side of the page, the letters C and d to the upper and lower halves of the right-hand side of
2a. The devices of rhetoric: figures of speech; the extension and contraction of dis- thepage. For example,in 7 PLATO: Symposium, 163b-164c, the passage begins in the lower half
course of the left-hand side of page 163 and ends in the upper half of the right-hand side of page 164.

2b. The canon of excellence in style AUTHOR'S DIVISIONS: One or more of the main divisions of a work (such as PART, BK, CH,
SECT) are sometimes included in the reference; line numbers, in brackets, are given in cer-
2C. 1tfethods of exposition in history, science, philosophy, and theology tain cases; e.g., Iliad, BK II [265-283] l.2d.
2d. Principles of interpretation: the modes of meaning BIBLE REFERENCES: The referenees are to book, chapter, and verse. When the King James
and Douay versions differ in title of books or in the numbering of chapters or verses, the King
3. The role of rhetoric as concerned with persuasion in the sphere of action: the' analysis James version is cited first and the Douay, indicated by a (D), follows; e.g., OLD TESTA-
of oratory MENT: Nehe1niah, 7:45-(D) II Esdras, 7:46.

3a. The kinds of oratory: deliberative, forensic, epideictic 659 SYMBOLS: The abbreviation "esp'" calls the reader's attention to one or more especially
relevant parts of a whole reference; "passim" signifies that the topic is discussed intermit-
3b. The structure of an oration: the order of its parts tently rather than continuously in the work or passage cited.
3C• The use of language for persuasion: oratorical style For additional information concerning the style of the references, see the Explanation of
Reference Style; for general guidance in the use of The Great Ideas, consult the Preface.
4. The means of persuasion: the distinction between artistic and inartistic means
4a. The orator's consideration of character and of the types of audience: the signifi-
cance of his own charac ter 1. The nature and scope of rhetoric la. The distinction of rhetoric from dialectic
4b. The orator's treatlnent of emotion: his display of emotion; the arousal of his 7 PLATO: Phaedrus 115a-141a,c esp 136a-14Ia,c / and sophistry: the rhetorician and the
Men 0 , 176d-177a / Gorgias 252a-294d esp philosopher
260a-262a, 280d-283a 6 THUCYDIDES: Peloponnesian War, BK III,
4c. Rhetorical argument: the distinction between persuasion and demonstration, 9 ARISTOTLE: Rhetoric 593a-675a,c esp BK I, 425c-d
(I) Rhetorical induction: the use of examples CH 1-3 593a-599c, CH 4 [I35gbl-18] 599d, BK 7 PLATO: Protagoras, 39d-42c; 47d-48a; 50d-
III, CH 1 [I404al-2] 654a 52d;57a-d/ Euthydemus 65a-84a,c esp 83a-b
(2) Rhetorical proof: the use of enthymen1es 10 GALEN: Natural Faculties, BK I, CH 16, 180d- / Phaedrus, 131b-141a,c / Apology, 200a-201b;
(3) The topics or commonplaces which are the source of premises: the orator's 181a 203a-205c / Gorgias 252a-294d esp 253b-256c,
kno\vledge of various subject matters 12 EPICTETUS: Discourses, BK I, CH 8 113d-114c; 258b-259c, 265a-267c, 280d-285a / Theaetetus,
BK II, CH 23 170a-172d 525d-526a; 528c-530b / Sophist, 555d-556b;
14 PLUTARCH: Pericles, 129b-130a 559c-56Ia; 579a~d /Philebus, 634b-635a
5. The evaluation of oratory and the orator: the justification of rhetorical means by the 17 PLOTINUS: Fourth Ennead, TR IV, CH 31, 175a / 8 ARISTOTLE: Topics, BK I, CH 3 144a-b
end of success in persuasion Fifth Ennead, TR IX, CH I I, 250d 9 ARISTOTLE: Rhetoric, BK I,CH 1-2 593a-598b;
sa. The purpose of oratory and the exigencies of truth 18 AUGUSTINE: Christian Doctrine, BK II, CH 36- CH 4 [I35gb9- I 7] 599d
37 653d-654b; BK IV, CH 1-5 675b,d-677d 12 AURELIUS: Meditations, BK I, SECT 7 253b-d
Sb. The orator's concern with justice, law, and the good: the moral virtue of the 19 AQUINAS: Summa Theologica, PART I-II, Q 27, 14 PLUTARCH: Themistocles, 88d
orator A 2, REP 2 737d-738c 18 AUGUSTINE: Conftssions, BK III, par 7-8 14c-
23 HOBBES: Leviathan, PART I, 72a-d 15a; BK v, par 10 29b-d / Christian Doctrine,
6. The education of the orator: the schools of rhetoric 25 MONTAIGNE: Essays, 147b-d BK II, CH 36-37 653d-654b; BK IV,' CH 5
30 BACON: Advancement of Learning, 56b; 62c~ 677a-d; CH 12 683d-684c; CH 27-28 696a-697a
69c esp 66b-67c 19 AQUINAS: Summa Theologica, PART I, Q 83,
7. The history of oratory: its importance under various social conditions and in different
33 PASCAL: Geometrical Demonstration, 439b~ A I, ANS 436d-438a
forn1s of government 446a 24 RAB ELAIS: Gargantua and Pantagruel, BK II,
35 LOCKE: Human Understanding, BK III, CH X, IOlb-l06a
8. Examples of excellence in oratory SECT 34299d-300a 25 MONTAIGNE: Essays, 446d-450a; 453c-455a
42 KANT: Judgement, 532b-d; 535b-c 30 BACON: Advancement of Learning, 66c-67c
656 THE' G,REAJ? IDEAS Ib to
14 PLUTARCH: Lycurgus, 42e-43b / Phoc£on, 18 AUGUSTINE: Confessions, BK III, par 9J~a-b.;
15 TACITUS: Annals, BK I, 10d-l1b; 12c-1 606e-d / lYfarcus Brutus, 803b-c BK XI, par 35-37 97e-98b / CitjiofGo.d,BK Cxt~
(1. The nature and scope of rhetoric. 1a. The dis- BK XIII, 126a-b / Histories, BK IV, 290a-d 18,AuGUSTINE: City of God, BK XI, CH 18 331d- CH 18 331 d-332a /Christian Doctrine~ BK II,
tinction of rhetoric from dialectic and 18 AUGUSTINE: Christian Doctrine, BK IV, c 332a / Christ£an Doctrine, BK III, CH 29 668a-d; CH 36 653d; BK IV, CH 14 684d-685b;CH 17-26
sophistry: the rhetorician and the philos- 677a-d; CH 18-19 686d-688a; CH 24, 694b-c CH 37, 674b-d; BK IV, CH 7 678e-682a 686e-696a
opher.) 19 AQUINAS: Summa Ther;logica, PART I-II, Q 22 CHAUCER: Troilus and Cressida, BK II, STANZA 22 CHAUCER: Troilus and Cressida, BK II,S'TANZA
31 DESCARTES: Rules, X', 16d-17a' A 2, REP 3 652d-653c 37 26b; STANZA 147-149 40b-41a / Prologue 147-149 40b-41a / Prologue [725-746] 171b-
33 PASCAL: GeometricaIDem onstration, 439b-446a 23 MACHIAVELLI: Prince,CHxxIIr33d-34b [725-746] 171b-172a / Clerk's Prologue 295a- 172a / A1iller's Prologue [3167-31861 212a-b /
35 LOCKE : Human Un4~rstaneJing, BK;. III, .CH .X, 23 HOBBES: Leviathan, PART II, 106a-b; 127 296a / Squire's Tale [lod48-355] 339b; Clerk's Prologue [7888-7932]" ~95a-296a /
SECT 34 299d-300a 128d; 129.b-e; 158d-159a [10,715-722] 345b / Franklin's Prologue 351a / Squire's Tale [10,715-722] 345b / Franklin's
43 MILL: Liberty, 292b-293b 25 MONTAIGNE: Essays, 147b-148a ,Sir Thopas 396a-400a ! Prologue to Melibeus Prologue 351a / Sir Thopas396a-400a /Pro-
47 GOETHE: Faust, PART I [1995-;2000] 47a,-b 26 SHAKESPEARE: ]ulius Caesar, ACT III, 400b-401a / Manciple's Tale [17,154-186] logue to Melibeus 400b-401a / Manciple's Tale
583e-586e 491a-b / Parson's Prologue [17,341-375] 494a-b [17,154-186] 491a-b
lh. The relation of rhetoric to grammar, logic, 27 SHAKESPEARE: Coriolanus, ACT III,SG II [3 23 HOBBES: Leviathan, PART It 67b;PART II, 23 HOBBES: Leviathan, PART I,67b
and psychology 86] 374a-e . 127d; CONCLUSION, 282e-d 25 MONTAIGNE: Essays, 75a-77d; 104d-l05e;
7 PLATO: Phaedrus, 131b-141a,c,f Gorgias,281e- 30 BACON: Advancement of Learning, 1d-2b 14RAB ELAIS: Gargantua and Pantagruel, BK II, 113d-114b; 145d-146b; 148a449a; 194e-200d
282e 25a-e; 78a-d 77b-78b; 101b-106a; BK III, 195e passim; 30ge-310e; 422c-423e; 449b-c; 453d-
8 ARISTOTLE: Interpretation, CH I [r6a5-8] 25a; 32 MILTON: Areopagitica, 383a 25 MONTAIGNE: Essays, 15e-d; 113d-114b; 148a- 454a'; 455a-d; 465e-d; 482b-483b; 502c~504b;
CH 4 [I7al -7] 26b 36 STERNE: Tristram Shandy, 290a-b 149a; 196b-197a; 198b-e; 465e-d 511c:.d
9 i\.RISTOTLE: Rhetoric,BKI,'CH 1-2 593a-598b; 38 MONTESQUIEU: Spirit of Laws, 26 SHAKESPEARE: 1st Henry IV, ACT I, SC III [209- 27 SHAKESPEARE: Sonnets, XXI 589b-c;LXXVI
CH [I359b9":"17] 599d; BK III, CH I":"12653b,d- 266b-e 210] 439d / Henry V, ACT IV, sc vn[35] 597d-598a; LXXXII 598d; CXXx' 606a-b
667b 38 ROUSSEAU: Political Economy, 369d 559a 29 CERVANTES: Don Quixote, PART I; xiiia-c;
10 GALEN: Natural Faculties, BK I, c~ 16, 180d- 40 GIBBON: Decline and Fall, 64a-e; 303e; 384d ,"[ SHAKESPEARE: Troilus and Cressida,AcT III, 1b-e; 185a-b; PART II, 251a-252a
181a .. . 385b SC II [180-189] 122a / Sonnets, LXXXII 598d 30 BACON: Advancement of Learning, 11b-12e;
18 AUGUSTINE :'ChrisHan Doctrine, BK II, CH 36- 43 FEDERALIST: NUMBER I, 29d-30c; NUMBER 58, 8 GILBERT: Loadstone,/PREF,2b-e 63b-e; 64a-66b
37 653d-654b 181b-c CERVANTES: Don Quixote, PART I, xia..;xvid 31 DESCARTES: Discourse, PART I, 43b; PART VI,
23 HOBBES: Leviathan, PART I, 55a-b; 67e; 72a-d 43 MILL: Representative Government, 361 b-362e passim; Ib-e; PART II, 251a-252a 66d
25 MONTAIGNE : Essays, 75a-77dr ; 448d-449c 44 BOSWELL: johnson, 374a.:e o BACON: Advancement of Learning, 11b-12c; 32 MILTON: Vacation Exercise 59a;;.61 b
30 BACON: Advancement ofLearning, 31a-d; 56b- 46 HEGEL: Philosophy of History, .INTRO, 153d 24a; 39b-d; 68a-b; 99b-e 33 PASCAL: Pensees, 14-16174a-b; 22-35 175a-
67e passim, esp 58e-59a 154a; PART II, 273d-274a 33 PASCAL: Pensees, 26-2 9 175b-176a 177a; 48178b
31 DESCARTES: Discourse, PART I, 43b 35 LOCKE: llumanUnderstanding,BK III, CH X, 36 STERNE: Tristram Shandy, 209a-210h;230b-
33 PASCAL: Pensees, 14-16 174a-b 2. The function of rhetoric ,in expository, iSECT 34299d-300a 231a; 287b-289b; 344b-345a
35 LOCKE: lluman Understanding, BK III,. CH X, speculative, and poetic discourse 6 STERNE: Tristram . Shandy, 228b-229b i' 243a- 37 FIELDING: Tom fones, 1a-2a; 49a-50c;223a-
SECT 34 299d·-300a 7 PLATO: Phaedrus, 129d-141a,e 244a 225a; 246a-247a
42 KANT: judgement, 575b-c 9 ARISTOTLE: Rhetoric, BK I, CH 2 [I355b26-35 "[Fr'ELDING: Tont jones., 49a-50e 40 GIBBON: Decline and Fall, 494d;.495a,e;
595b; [I3s6b36--I357a7] 596e; [I358a3-20] IS FEDERALIST: NUMBER 24, 87b-88c;NUMBER 529d
Ie. The relation of rpetofic:t?the a,rts . of 597d-598b;CH 4 [I359bI - I8] 599d; BKIII, 29, 100a-b 41 GIBBON: Decline and Fall, 300b; 327e; 522e-
government: th~ . ora't<;>rand the states- CH 1-12 653b,d-667b j.Poetics, CH 6 [I449b20- MBosWELL: johnson, 284b ; 353e-354a 523epassim; 573a
man 145ob13] 684a-685a esp [145ob4-13] 684 49 DARWIN: Origin ofSpecies, 40e-d 42 KANT: judgement, 513d-514b; 524a-b
4 HOMER: Iliad, BK II [278-3931l2d-13d 685a; CH 19 691d-692b 1 TOLSTOY: TVar and Peace, BK XII, 534c-d 44 BOSWELL: 'johnson; 5ge-61d; 167d-16Sb;
5 EURIPIDES: Suppliants [399-425] 261d-262a / 18 AUGUSTINE: Christiq.n D(Jctrine, BKII, ell 3 J~MES: Psychology, 687a-688a; 692b-693bpas- 215b-e; 217a-b; 284b; 353e-354a; 381d-382a;
Orestes [852-956] 402d-:403c!- 638a-d; CH 36-37 653d.-654b;. BK' IY,675a SlID 454a; 455b
5 ARISTOPHANES: Peace [60t-656] 532d~533e 698a,e 4 FREUD: Beyond the Pleasure Principle, 662a-b 53 JAMES: Psychology, 381a
6 HERODOTUS: History,BK v, 180e-d ,. 22 CHAUCER: Clerk's Prologu~ 295a-296a
30 BACON: Advancement ofLearning, 11b-'12e e . The canon of excellence in style 2c. Methods of exposition in history, scien~e,
6 THucyln.DEs: feloponnesian War, BK III,
12b-e; 38e-39a; 62e-6ge esp 65b / ,NotJ1J, 5ARISTOPHANES: Knights [1373-1383] 486d-
philosophy, and theology .
425c-d; 427a-:e ". ' ' , .
7 PLATO: Phaedrus, 129d-i30c /Apolpgy200a- Organum, BK I, APH 65114b-e 487a / Clouds [314-34°] 491e-492a; [518-562] 6 THUCYDIDES: Peloponnesian War, BK'i, 354b-e
212a,e I Gorgias 252a-294d esp 254d-256d / 33 PASCAL: Pensees,22-23175p; 50-59178b-179 494d-495e; [1351-1379] 504d-50Sb ! Peace 7 PLATO: Protagoras, 50d-52d; 54e-55a; 57a-c /
Statesman, 604e-605e / Laws, BK IV, .684a-686b 35 LOCKE: Human,l.!nd~rstanding, BKIII"CH [734-818] 534e-535e / Birds [1372-14°9] 559b-e Phaedrus, 132b-140b / Theaetetus,542a /
9 ARISTOTLE: Ethics, BK x, CH 9 [I I~ob28­ SECT 34 299d-300a / Frogs [7'77-1533] 573b-582a,e I Thesmo- Statesman, 590d-591c / Seventh Letter;· 809a--e
1I8I aI8] 435d-436a I Politics, BK IV, CH 4 42 KANT: Pure Reason, 3e-4a,c / Practical "BeflSo phoriazusae [95-175] 601e-602b 8 ARISTOTLE: Posterior Analytics, BK iI, CH'I3
[I292a4-38] .491b-d passim; BK V, CH, 5 [I3 05a 294b-e / Pref. Metaphysical Elements ofEthi 7 PLATO: Protagoras,52d-57a / Republic, BKUI, [97b38-39] 133e / Topics, BK VIII, CH3[ls8b8-
7- 1 5] 506d / Rhetoric 5~3a-675a,c espBK I, 376e-d / judgement, 524a-b; 532b-d;575b 328b-331e 17] 215b
CH I [I354b23-34] 593d-59,4a, CH 3-8 598b- 44 BOSWELL: johnson, 130e~131a; 180b 9 ARISTOTLE: Ethics, BK IV, CH 8 [II28aI8-25] 9 ARISTOTLE :.Parts ofAnimals, BK t, CH I 161a-
608e, BK II,CH I [I377bI4-I378aI9] 622b,d- 375b-e I Politics, BKII, CH 6 [1265aIO-12}460b; 165d'passim, esp [639aI-bI2] 161a-d / Rhetoric,
2a. The devices of rhetoric: figures 'of'S1?e~c BK VIII, ClI 7 [1342a32-bI8] 548a,e! Rhetoric, BK t, CH 2 [I35 8aJ-26] 597d-598b; CH 4 [I359b
12 AURELIUS: Meditations, BK VIII, SECT30 287d the extension and contraction' 'of • w. BK III, CH 1-12 653b,d-667b / Poetics, CHI9 1-18] 599d; BK III, CH I [1404aI-I2] 654a
13 VIRGIL: Aeneid, BK I [14~-~I56J 1 0 7 a , course [145ob8-19] 692a-b; CH 22 694a-695a; CH'24 12 LUCRETIUS: Nature of Things, BK I [92'[-95oJ
14 PLUTARCH: Pericles, 129b-130b / Alcibiades, 8 ARISTOTLE : Topics, BK VIII, CH I [I57aI:-I [I400a32-b4] 696e-d; CH 25 [I460bI2-14] 696d 12b-e
159a-b / Phocion, 604b,d-605c / .Cato the 213a-b 2 AURELIUS: Meditations, BK VIII, SECT: 30 287d 12 EPICTETUS: Discourses, BKII, CH23 170a-172d;
Younger, 621e / Demosthenes 691b,d-704a,e / 9 ARISTOTLE: Rhetoric, BK III, CH 1-12 653 PLUTARCH: Lycurgus, 42e-43b / Marcus' Cato, BK III, CH 23, 203u-b
Cicero 704a-723d esp 709a / De1J1.osthenes- 667b / Poetics, CH 21 [I457bI-I458a7] 693a- 279d / Phocion, 606e-d 14 PLUTARCH:Phocion, 606e-d
Cicero 724a-725d CH 22 694a-695a
658 THE GREAT IDEAS 2d t ato 4a CHAPTER 81: RI-IETORIC 659
Doctrine, BK I-III 624a-674d esp BK I . CD'
(2. The function of rhetoric in expository, specula- 37 634c-635c, BK II, CH 6 638a-d, CH9--IO
51 TOLSTOY: War and Peace, BK X, 426a-430b 40 GIBBON: Decline and Fall, 206a-b; 343a-h;
tive, and poetic discourse. 2c. Methods of 640c--641a, CH 12 641c-642b, CH 16 644a- passim; BK XI, 482b-484c; 504b-c; BK XIII, 529d
exposition in history, science, philosophy, 645d, BK III, CH 5 659d-660a, CH 10-1 572b-573b 43 FEDERALIST: NUMBER I, 29d-30c
and theology.) 661c-663c,cH 24-37· 666d-674d 3 52 DOSTOEVSKY: Brothers Kara1nazov, BK XII, 43 MILL~ Liberty, 292b-293b
18 AUGUSTINE: Christian Doctrine, BK II, CH 16 19 AQUINAS: Summa ThtJologica, PART I, Q 1 369a-398d 44 BOSWELL: Johnson, 130c-131a; 475b
644a-645d; BK III, CH 5 659d-660a; CH 10-13 AA 9-10 8d-10c ' 54 FREUD: General Introduction, 450b / Group 47 GOETHE: Faust, PART I [S22-557] 15a-b
661c-663c; BK IV 675a-698a,c passim, esp CH 21 DANTE: Divine Comedy, HELL, IX [61-63] 13a. Psychology,668c 51 TOLSTOY: War and Peace, BK II, 65d-66d; BK
8-11 682a-683d, CH 14 684d-685b, CH22-26 PURGATORY, VIn [19-21] 64c ' v, 194a-198b passim; BK VII, 302c-d; BK VIII,
34. The kinds of oratory: deliberative, foren- 308d; 326d:'327a;· BK IX, 347h~348a;351c:.d;
693c-696a 23 HOBBES: Leviathan, PART III, 246c sic, epideictic
19 AQUINAS: Summa Theologica, PROLOGUE la-b; 24 RABELAIS: Gargantua andPantaaruel BK BK X, 402b-403a; BK XI, 497c-499c; 504b-c;
PART I, Q I, A 98d-9c 1b,d-3a,c 6 , I, 7 PLATO: Phaedrus, 137b 505d-506a; BK XII, 536a-537b; 554b-555c; BK
23 HOBBES: Leviathan, PART I,57d-58a; 67c; 30 BACON: Adval1celnent of Learning, 4c; 39b-d' 9 ARISTOTLE: Rhetoric, BK I, CHI [I354b22- XIII, 565a-b; BK XV, 622a-c
PART III, 169b-c; CONCLUSION, 282c-d 63a- b; 99b-c ' 135S83] 593d-594a; CH 3-IS 598b-622desp 52 DOSTOEVSKY: Brothers Karalnazov, BK XII,
25 MONTAIGNE: Essays, 197b-198a; 198c-200d; 33 PASCAL: Provincial [.....etters, 163b-164b I , CH 3 598b-599c; BK II, CH 18 639a-c; BK III, 369a-370b; 386a-387d
423c; 448b-449d; 455d-456a; 482b-d Pensees, 570-579 273b-276a; 642--692 290b. CH 12 [I4I3b3-1414817] 666b-667a passim; CH
13-14 667b-669c passim; GH 16 [1416bIS]-CH 4. The means of persuasion: the distinction
28 GILBERT: Loadstone, PREF, 2b-c 301a between artistic and inartistic means
28 HARVEY: On Animal Generation, 336d-337a,c 40 GIBBON: Decline and Fall, 346a-b 17 [I4 I8b231 670c-673b passim
30 BACON: AdvancementofLearning, 12a;.c; 64b-c; 41 GIB BON: Decline and Fall, 329d-c330a 12 EPICTETUS: Discourses, BK III, CH 23 201a- 7 PLATO: Phaedrus, 131b-138c
65a-c 42 KANT: Practical Reason, 294b-c; 339b-d 203b 9 ARISTOTLE: Rhetoric, BK I, cH 2 [I355b36-
33 PASCAL: Pensees, 797-800 327b-328a 43 MILL: Liberty, 290a-b 18 AUGUSTINE: Christian Doctrine, BK IV, CH 18 135682S] 595b-d; CH 15 619d-622d; UK II, CH
35 LOCKE: Human Understanding, 87d-88a; BK 48 MELVILLE: Moby Dick, 151b-152a 686d-681d I [I377b21-1378819] 622b,d-623a; BK III, eH r
III, CH X, SECT 34 299d-300a 54 FREUD: Interpretation of Dreams, 248c / Ne 23 HOBBES: Leviathan, PART I, 67c; PART II, [I403bS-I3] 653b; CH 7 659a-660a; CH 16
35 HUME: Ruman Understanding, SECT VII, DIV Introductory Lectures, 816a-b 127d [I4I6bIS-22] 670c-d; CH 19 [I4IgbIO-I.3]
61, 478a 30 BACON: Advancement of Learning, 38b-c 674c
37 FIELDING: Tom Jones, 19a-20a; 49b-50c 3. The role of rhetoric as concerned with ~r­ 40 GIBBON: Decline and Fall, 343a-b 18 AUGUSTINE: Christian Doctrine, BK IV, CH 4
38 MONTESQUIEu:SpiritojLaws, BKXXIX, 266b-c suasion in the sphere of action: the anal- 676d-677a
ysis of oratory h. The structure of an oration: the order oj 47 GOETHE: Faust, PART I [S22-SS7}15a.;.b
38 ROUSSEAU: Inequality, 334a I. Social Contract,
its parts
BK II, 401c-402a 7 PLATO: Phaedrus, 131 b-138c 1 Gorgias. 252a- 4a. The orator's consideration of character
40 GIBBON: Decline and Fall, 213b-d passim; 294d 7 PLATO: Phaedrus, 132c-135b
9 ARISTOTLE : Rhetoric, BK· II, CH 26 [1403833- and of the types of audience: the signifi-
471c-d 9 ARISTOTLE: Politics, BK IV, CH 4 [I292a4-38] cance of his own character
b3 ]
653c; BK III, CH I [I403b5-13] 653b; CH
41 GIBBON: Decline and Fall, 40c-d; 186a-b; 491b-d; BK V, CH 4 [1304b7- I8] 506& Z
526c-d Athenian Constitution, CH 28, par 3-4 565d- 13-19 667b-675a,c 4 HOMER: Iliad, BK III [2°3-224] 21a-b
42 KANT: Pure Reason, 2d-4a,c 1 Practical Reason, 566a / Rhetoric 593a-675a,c esp BK I, CH 25 MONTAIGNE : Essays, 466a-c 6 HERODOTUS: History, BK VIII', 271c-d
294b-c 1 Pref. Metaphysical Elements ofEthics, [I354aI ]-CH 2 [1356835] 593a-596a, ClI 30 BACON: Advancement of Learning, 58c-59a; 6 THUCYDIDES: Peloponnesian War, BK I, 358d-
376c-d / Judgement, 514a; 575b-c 598b-599c, BK II, CH I [1377b21-I378aI 68a-b 360c; 365c-369a; 370a-c; 378c-d; 379b-d;
44 BOSWELL: Johnson, 217a-b 622b,d·-623a, CH 18 [139Ib8-20] 639a-b, CH 385a-b; BK II, 395d-399a; 402b-404a; BK III,
c. The use of language for persuasion: ora- 425a-429a; 429d-434a; BK IV, 478d-479b; BK
45 LAVOISIER: Elements of Che111istry, PREF, [I4 0 3a 33-b3] 653c; BK III, CH I [I403bS-I torical style
2b-d 653b, CH 16 [1416bI5-22] 670c-d V, 484a-c; 504c-507c; BK VI, 511c-d; 512c-
45 F ARADAY: Researches in Electricity, 758a; 12 EPICTETUS: Discourses, BK I, CH 8 113d-ll~ 7 PLATO: Protagoras, 50d-52d; 57a-c / Sympo- 513d; 519c-520d; 533a-c; 534b,-c
777d-778c; 851b 14 PLUTARCH: Pericles, 129b-130b siu1n, 172c / Apology, 200a-c 7 PLATO: Phaedrus, 136a-137c / Critias, 478b-d
49 DARWIN: Origin of Species, 40c-d 18 AUGUSTINE: Christian Doctrine, ~K IV, C 9 ARISTOTLE : Rhetoric, BKlII, CH. 1-12 653b,d- 9 ARISTOTLE: Rhetoric, BK I, CH 2 [135681-25]
53 JAMES: Psychology, 121b-122b; 146b; 153b- 11-14 683c-685b; CH 23-26 693d-696a 667b esp CH I 653b,d-654c 595b-d; CH 9 608c-611c; CH IS [137 682 4-32]
154a; 235b 23 HOBBES: Leviathan, PART I, 73b 12 LUCRETIUS: Nature of Things, BK I [921-9So] 621a; BK II, CII I [I377b21-1378819] 622b,d-
54 FREUD: Beyond the Pleasure Principle, 662a-b 25 MONTAIGNE: Essays, 147b-148a 12b-c; BK IV [1-25] 44a-b 623a; CH 12 [I388b31]-CH 18 [I39Ib22] 636a-
32 MILTON: Paradise Lost, BK IX [664-678]26 12 EPICTETUS: Discourses, BK I, CH 8 113d-114c; 639b;CH 21 [I39SaI8--bI9] 643a-c; BK III, CH 7
2d. Principles of interpretation: the modes of 262a BK III, CH 23 201a~203b [1408RIO-37] 659a-c; CH 14 [I4IS825-_b21]
meaning 33 PASCAL: Geon1etrical Demonstration, . ~ 14.PLUTARCH: Lycurgus, 42c-43b 1 Alcibiades, 668c-669b; CH 16 [I4I7816-bI2] 671b-d; cn 17
7 PLATO: Protagoras, 52d-57a 446aesp 441a-b 159a-b / Marcus Cato, 279d-281h / Demos- [I4I8b2J-33] 673b-c; CH 19 [I4I9bIO-I9] 674c
9 ARISTOTLE: Po~tics, CH 25 696d-698c 35 BERKELEY: Human Knowledge, INTRO, SE thenes, 692d-695d / Cicero, 706a; 713b-715a 13 VIRGIL: Aeneid, BK I [142-156] 107a
12 EPICTETUS: Discourses, BK I, CH 17 122d- 20 410d-411a 8 AUGUSTINE: Confessions, BK v, par 10-'-11 14 PLUTARCH: Per£cles, 129b-130b
42 KANT: Judgement, 535b-c 29b-30a / Christian Doctrine, BK II, CH 36 15 TACITUS: Annals, BK I, l1a-b; 12d-13c
18 AUGUSTINE: Confessions, BK III, par 9 15a-b; 43 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENC E: 653d; BK IV, CH 10-12 682c-684c; CH 17-26 18 AUGUSTINE: Christ£an Doctrine, BK IV,. CH 6"
686c-696a 678a; eH 27-28 696a-697a
BK V, par 24 34a-b; BK VI, par 6 36c-d; BK XII, [95-108] 3a
43 FEDERALIST: NUMBER I, 29d-30c; HOBBES: Leviathan, PART II, 127d; CONCLU- 25 MONTAIGNE; Essays, 34Sa-b
par 32-36 107a-l08c; par 41-43 110a-d; BK
SIaN, 282e:-d 26 SHAKESPEARE: Julius Caesar, ACT III, SC II
XIII, par 36-37 120c-121a / City ofGod,BK XI, S8,181b-c
CH 30-32 339c-340d; BK XIII, CH 21 371a-c; 43 MILL: Representative Government, 361 b-3 6 SHAKESPEARE: King John, ACT II, SC I [423- 583c-586c
BK XV, CH 2-3 398c..399c; CH 25-27 419a- 44 BOSWELL: Johnson, 374a-c 467] 384a-c 27 SHAKESPEARE: Coriolanus, ACT I, SC ( [5 1-
421d; BK XVI, CH 2 422b-423d; CH 6 426c- 46 FIEGEL: Philosophy of History, INTRO, 1 o BACON: Advancement of Learning, 12a-c; 192] 351d-353c; ACT II, SC III [44-162] 366b..
83d-84a 367d
427a; eH 37 444b-445a; BK XVII, CH 3 450c- 154a; PART I, 250d-251a
50 MARX-ENGELS: Communist Manifesto, DESCARTES: Discourse, PART I, 43b 32 MILTON: Areopagitica, 381 b-383b
451c; BK XVIII, CHA2-44 496d-498c; BK XX,
BERKELEY: Human Knowledge, INTRO, SECT 33 PASCAL: Pensees, 47178b / Geometrical Dem-
CH 21, 549d; CH 28-29 556c-557c 1 Christian 433d passim
20410d-411a onstration, 441a-442a
12) to 5b CHAPTER 81 : RHETORIC 661
646d-647a; CH 2) [140385~9] 652d; BK Ill, 32 MILTON: Areopagitica, 382a-383a
43 FEDERALIST: NUMBER I, 29d-30c elI 17 [14 18ar -3] 672b 33PASCAL: Geometrical' Demonstration, 439b...
(4. The means of persuasion: the distinction be- 43 MILL: Liberty, 292b-293b EPICTETUS: Discourses, BK I, CH 8 113d-114c 446a
tween artistic and inartistic means. 4a. The 44 BOSWELL: Johnson, 209a BACON: Advancement of Learning, 99c 35 LOCKE: Human Understanding,BK III, CH X,
orator's consideration of character' and of 49 DARWIN: Descent of Man, 570c-571b KANT: Pref. Afetaphysical Elements of Ethics, SECT 34 299d-300a
the types of audience: the significance oj his 51 TOL.STOY: War and P7race, BK v, 194a-198b 376c-d 42 KANT: Judgement, 535b-c
own character.) paSSIm; BK VIII, 326d-327a; 332a-b; BKI 44 BOSWELL: Johnson, 285c; 475b
40 GIBBON: Decline and Fall, 529d 347b-348a; BK XI, 497c-499c esp 498c-d; B (2) Rhetorical proof: the use of enthymemes 46 HEGEL: Philosophy of History, PART II, 280a-b
43 FEDERALIST: NUMBER 1,29d-30c XII, 533a-534d; 536a-537b; BKXV, 622a-c 8 ARISTOTLE: Prior Analyties, BK II, CH 27 92a-
43 MILL : Representative Government, 331a;349b-c 54 FREUD: General Introduction, 450b Sa. The purpose of oratory and the.' exigencies
93a,c of truth
44 BOSWELL: Johnson, 374a-c 9 ARISTOTLE: Rhetoric, BK I, CH I [1355 84-'-17]
46 HEGEt.: Philosophy of History, INTRO, 153d- 4c. Rhetorical argument: the distinction be.. 6 HERODOTUS: History, BKv,169a-d; BK VI,
tween persuasion and demonstration 594b; CH2 [1356836-1358a35] 596a-598b; CH
154a 9 [13 6883 1-33] 611c; BK II,CH 20 [I394~9]~CH 186b-c
48 MELVILLE: Moby Dick, 30a-36b; 117a-122b 7 PLATO: Protagoras, 50d-52d; 57a-c / Phaedrus 26 [I403bI] 641d-653a,c; BK III, CH 17 672a- 6 THUCYDIDES: Peloponnesian War,HK III,
51 TOLSTOY: War and Peace, BKV, 194a-198b 137b-138c /Aleno, 176d-177a / Gorgias, 254d: 425a-d; BK VXII, 584b-585a
passim; BK XI, 497c-499c; 504b-c; 505d-506a; 256c /Timaeus, 457c / Sophist, 558a-561a 12 EPICTETUS : Discourses, BK I, CH 8113d-114c 7 PLATO: Phaedrus, 131b-138c I Symposium,
BK XII, 536a..:537h; BK XV, 622a-c 8 ARISTOTLE: Prior Analytics, BK II, CH 27 92a- "c.f2 KANT: Pref. 1\1etaphysical Elements of Ethics, 161 b-d / Apology, 200a-c / Gorgias252a-294d
93a,c / Posterior Analytics, UK I, CH I [7 Ia1- 1 0] 376c-d I Theaetetus, 52Sc-526a; 544a-c / p,hilebus,
4b. The orator's treatment of emotion: his dis- 97a / Metaphys£cs, BK IV, cn 5 [1009aI5-22] 634b-635a
play of emotion; the arousal of .• his &(3) The topics or commo?,places whicha~e
528c 9 ARISTOTLE: Rhetoric, BK I, CH I [135S&2I-b7]
audience 9 ~~RISTOTLE: Ethics,. BK I,CH 3 [I094b24~28j the source . . of premlses: the orator s 594c-d; CH 2 [I356b36-I357a7] 596c; [13588J-
5 ARISTOPHANES: Acharnians [352:-565] 459c- 339d-340a / Rhetonc, BK I 593a-622d esp CH r knowledge of various subject matters 26] 597d-598b; BK,III,CH I [I404al-2]:654a
461c [1355&4--b22 ] 594b-595a, CH 2 [I356al- 2S} 7I?LATO: Phaedrus, 131b-141a,c / Euthyphro, 12 EPICTETUS: Discourses, BK II, :.. CH24 172d-
6 HERODOTUS: History, BK VII, 214d-215c 595b-d; BK II, CH 18-26 639a-653a,c; IlK III, 193d-194b,l Gorgias, 253b-262b esp 257a-d, 174b
6 THUCYDIDES: Peloponnesian War, BK v, CH I [1403b5-13] 653b;CH 15 669d-670c; eH 18 AUGUSTINE: Confessions, BK I, par 28-29
484a-c; BKVII, 557a-b; BK VIII, 584b-585a 17-19 672a-675a,c 8 ARISTOTLE: Topics,BK I-VII 143a-211a,c 7d-Bb; BK V, par 10 29b-d; par 23-2433c-34b
7 PLATO: Phaedrus, 136b-137c / Ion,' 145a-b I 10 GALEN: Natural Faculties, BK I, CH 16, 180c- 9 ARISTOTLE: Rhetoric, UK I, CH 2 [1356a21~29] / Christian Doctrine, UK II, CH 36 653d; BK
Symposium,169c-170a / Apology, 208c-209b; 18la 595d; cn 2 [135 882 ]-CH IS [1377bI 3] 597d- IV, CH 2 675d-676a; CH 4-6 676d-678c;, CH
210b-d / Gorgias, 260a-262a 12 EPICTETUS: Discourses, BK I, eH' 5 110b- c; Cll 622d; BK II, eH 18 [139Ib23]-CH 19 [1393 a20 ] 10-12 682c-684c; CH 28 696c-697a
9 ARISTOTLE: Athenian Constitution, CH i8, par 8 113d-114c 639b-640d; CH 22 [1395b20]-CH 26 [14 0 3a34] 23 HOBBES: Leviathan, PART I, 67c; CONCLUSION,
3-4 565d-566a I Rhetoric, BK I, CII I [I354al 3- 18 AUGUSTINE: Christian Doctrine, BK II, eH 36- 643c-653a,c 282c-d
26] 593b; CH 2 [1356aI3-25] 59Sc-d; BK II, 37 653d-654b; BK IV, CH 4 676d-677a 30 BACON: Advancement of Learning, 58c-59c; 25 MONTAIGNE: Essays, 147b-148a
CH I-II 622b,d-636a; BK III, CH 7 659a-660a; 19 AQUINAS: Summa Theologica, PART I, Q 83, 68a-b; 83b-85a 30 BA<:ON: Advancement of'Learning, 12a-d;
CH 14 [14 1582 5-4 0 ] 668c-d; CH 16 [1417837- A I, ANS 436d-438a; PART I--II, Q 7, A 1, REP I 66c-67c
b 7 ] 671c-d; CH 19 [1419blo-27] 674c-d I 651d-652c aihe evaluation of oratory and the orator: 32 MILTON: Paradise Lost, BK II [108-228] 113b-
Poetics, CHI9 [1456833-b8] 691d-692a 23 HOBBES: Leviathan, PART I, 67c; PART II, the justification of rhetorical. means by 116~ / Areopagitica, 382a-383a
12 EPICTETUS: Discourses, BK III, CH· 23 201a- 127d; 128d the end of success in persuasion 35 LOCKE : Human Understanding, BK III, eH X,
203b 25 MONTAIGNE: Essays, 446d-450a; 453c-45'4d} 5 EURIPIDES: Suppliants [399-425] 261d-262a / SECT 34 299d-300a
13 VIRGIL: Aeneid, BK I [142-156] 107a 30 BACON: ,AdtJancement of Learning, 58c-59a Orestes [852-9561402d-403d 43 FEDERALIST: NUMBER I, 29d-30c; NUMBER 29,
14 PLUTARCH: Pericles, 129b-130b / Nicids, 427a 66c-67c 5 ARISTOPHANES: Acharnians[35 2 -384] 459c-d lOOa-c
/ Tiberius Gracchus, 672b-c / Caius Gracchus, 31 DESCARTES: Rules, x, 16d-17a / Knights 470a-487a,c esp [1333-13831 486c- 44 BOSWELL: Johnson, 374a-c
682d-684a / Demosthenes,692d.;695d/ Cicero, 33 PASCAL: Geometrical Demonstration, 487a / Clouds 488a-506d esp 1882-11°4] 499b-
719d-720a 442a Sh. The orator's concern with justice, law, and
502a / Wasps [652-724] 515c-516d
15 TACITUS: Annals, UK I, 1Ia-b; 12d-13c I 35 LOCKE: Human Understanding, UK III, ca'x 6 THUCYDIDES: Peloponnesian War,BKII,. 395d- the good: the moral virtue of the orator
Histories, BK I, 198c-199c; 207d-208a SECT 34 299d-300a 396a; BK III, 425c-d; 427a-c 6 HERODOTUS: lIistory, BK VIII, 274b
18 AUGUSTINE: Confessions, BK I, par 27 7c-d 36 STERNE: Tristram Shandy, 227a-228a PLATO: Euthydemus, 74d-75a / Phaedrusll5a- 6 THUCYDIDES: Peloponnesian War, UK I, 358d-
/ Christian Doctrine, UK II, CH 36 653d; BK 37 FIELDING: Tom Jones, 261c-d 141a,c esp 136a-141a,c / Apology, 200a-d; 360c; BK II,39Sc-"399a; BK HI, 424d..4 28desp
IV, CH 2 675d-676a; CH 4 676d-677a; CH 24 42 KANT: Prej. Metaphysical Elements of Ethic. ,208c-209b / Gorgias 252a-294d 427a-c;429d-434a;BK IV, 468a-469b; 469d-
694b-d 376c-d ARISTOTLE:· Rhetoric, BK I 593a-622d esp CH I 470b; BK V, 504c-507c; BK VI, 512d-513a
23 HOBBES: Leviathan,PART I, 57d-58a; PART II, 43 FEDERALIST: NUMBER 14, 62a-d [1354f:\I-I355b22] 593a-S95a 7P~ATO: Apology, 208c-209b I Gorgias 252a-
127d·-128a; 129b-c 43 MILL: Liberty, 284b-c EpIcrrETUS: Discourses,BK I, CH 8113d-114c; 294d / Republic, BK,II, 314c/ Sophist, 579a-d
25 MONTAIGNE:Essays,147b..:148a; 310c; 405a-b 51 TOLSTOY: War and Peace, BK BKeIl, CH23 170a-172d 9 ARISTOTLE : Rhetoric, BK I, CH 1 [I354aI-1355a
26 SHAKESPEARE: Julius Caesar, ACT III 580b- EPILOGUE I, 672a-b AURELIUS: Meditations, BK I, SECT 7253b-d 3] 593a-594a; cn 2 [1356aI-13] 595b-c; CH
587a TACITUS: Histories, BK IV, 290a-d 3-15 598b-622d; BK II, CH I [I377b21-I37saI9]
30 BACON: Advancement of Learning, 66c-67c 4C(1) Rhetorical induction: the use ofexam
AUGUSTINE: Confessions, BK IV, par 2 19d; BK 622b,d-623a; CH 21 [139SaI8-bI9] 643a-c
33 PASCAL: Pensees, 15-16 174a-b / Geometrical 8 ARISTOTLE: Prior Analytics, UK II, CH 24 IX, par 2 61d-62a / ChristianDoctrine,BKu, 12 EPICTETUS: Discourses, BK III, CH 23, 203a-b
Demonstration, 441a-b 91a / Topics, BK VIII, CH I [I56bIO-18]212c CM 36 653d; BK IV, CH 2 675d-676a; CH 4-6 14 PLUTARCH: Pericles, 129b-130b / Nicias, 427a
35 BERKELEY: Human Knowledge, INTRO, SECT CH 8 [160a35-bl] 217d / Sophistical Refutati 676d-678c; Cll 12 683d-684c; CH 23"-:26 693d- / Phocion, 604b,d.. 60Sc/ Cato the Younger,
20 410d-411a CH 5 [167&9-13] 229d-230a / Metaphysics, 696a 628b-d; 643a-644b / De1nosthenes, 696a~697a
35 HUME: HUlnan Understanding, SECT x, DIV II, CH 3 [995&6-8] 513c ONTAIGNE: Essays, 67c-68a; 75a-76b;147b- / Cicero, 709a / De1nosthenes-Cicero 724a-
93,492b-c 9 ARISTOTLE: Rhetoric, BK I, CH 2 [1356& 149a 725d
37 FIELDING: Tom Jones, 320c-321b 135 8a2 ] 596a-597d; CH 9 [1368a29-31] 611 BACON: Adt1ancement of Learning, 12a-c 15 TACITUS: Annals, BK XI, 101c-l02a
40 GIB BON: Decline and Fall, 529d BK II, CH 20 640d-641d; CH 23 [I398a32-bI
14 PLUTARCH: Theseus, 13a-14c I Solon, 66d-67
(5 • The evaluation of oratory· and the orator: the 15 TACITUS: Annals, BK I, 6c-8a; 12c-13d; BK II, 36 STERNE: Tristram Shandy, 255a-256a; 393a-
76a-c / Pericles, 129b~130b / Coriolanus,179 _
justification of rhetorical means by the end 26c-27a; 34d-35c; BK III, 56a-b; BK XIV, 395a
184c / Marcus Cato, 287d-288c / Nicias, 427
of success in persuasion. Sb.The orator's a 150b-c / Histories, BK I, 198c-199c; 211c-212b; 37 FIELDING: Tom Jones, 320c-321 b
/ Caesar, 579c-580b / Cato the Younger' 40 GIBBON: Decline and Fall, 25b-c; 64a-c; 269b-
concern with justice, law, and the good: the BK III, 24Id-242c; 244c; BK IV, 269d-270b;
628b·-d / Tiberius Gracchus 671 b,d-681a,cesp 270a; 337a-b;384d-385b; 427a-c; 564b-c
moral virtue of the orator.) 290a-d
672b-c / Caius Grac#hus, 681 b,d-685c esp 41 GIBBON: Decline and Fall, 381a-d; 408d-
18 AUGUSTINE: Christian Doctrine, BK IV, CH 7
17 PLOTINUS: Fifth Ennead, TR IX, CH II, 250d 683c / Demosthenes 691b,d-704a,c /. Cicero
678c-682a; CH 20-21 688a-693c 409c; 426b-c; 428c-d; 574b~575d; 577b-d;
18 AUGUSTINE: Christian Doctrine, BK II, CH 37 704a-723d I Demosthenes-Cicero 724a-725d
24 RAB ELAIS: Gargantua and Pantagruel, BK II, 587b-588a
653d-654b;BK IV, CH 18 686d-687d; CH 24, 15 TACITUS: Annals, BK XI, 101c-l02a; BK XIII 43 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE: [1-6] 1a;
694b-c; CH 27-30 696a-697d 126a-b '
26 SHAKESPEARE: Richard III, ACT V, SC III [95-'108] 3a
19 AQUINAS: Summa Theologica, PART I-II, Q 7, 23 HOBBES: Leviathan, PART II, 106a-b
[237-27°] 146b-c / Henry V, ACT IV, seIII 48 MELVILLE:, Moby Dick,30a-36b
A 2, REP 3 652d-653c 25 MONTAIGNE: Essays, 147b-148a
[16-67] 555d-556b / Julius Caesar, ACT III, SC 50 MARX-ENGELS: Cornmunist Manifesto, 415a-
23 HOBBES: Leviathan, PART I, 77d; PART II, 30 BACON: Advancement of Learning,
II 583c-586c 417a,c
106a-b; 127d-128b; 129b-c 66b-67a
27'SHAKESPEARE: Coriolanus, ACT I, SC I [1-167 51 TOLSTOY: vVar and Peace, BK III, 149d-150a;
25 MONTAIGNE: Essays, 345a-b 32 MILTON: Areopagitica, 383a
351a-353a BK IX, 380d-381c; BK X, 415b-416c; 426a-430b
26 SHAKESPEARE: Julius Caesar, ACT III, SC II 36 STERNE: Tristram Shandy, 290a-b
30 BACON: Advancement of Learning, 23a-26a; passim; 445c; 466b-467a; BK XI, 482b-484c;
583c-586c 38 MONTESQUIEU: Spirit of Laws, BKXII, 8ge-
69a-b 497c-499c; 504b-c; BK XII, 533a-534d; 536a-
30 BACON: Advancement of Learning, 66b-69c 90c
32 MILTON: Paradise L05t, BK I I [1-487] 111a- 537b; BK XIII, 565a-b; 566a~c; 572b-573b;
esp 66c-d 38 ROUSSEAU: Political Economy, 369d
121b; BK V [663-904] 189b-195a; BK VI [414- BK XV, 621 b-622c
32 MILTON: Areopagitica, 382a-383a 39 SMITH: Wealth ofNations, BK v, 338d-339a
495] 205a-207a / Areopagitica 381a-412b esp 52 DOSTOEVSKY: Brothers Karamazov, BK VI,
43 FEDERALIST: NUMBER I, 29d-3Oc 40 GIBBON: Decline and Fall, 23d-24a; 303e-
381b-383b 148c-170b'; BK xII,·'369a-398d
43 MILL: Liberty, 292b-293c / Representative 304a; 364a-c; 669a-d
Government, 361 b-362c 41 GIBBON: Decline and Fall, 225b-c; 327a-d
44 BOSWELl;..: Johnson, 374a-c 43 FEDERALIST: NUMBER 58, 181b-c
43 MILL: Liberty, 284b-d / Representative GOtJern-
6. The education of the orator: the schools of ment, 331a; 361 b-362c; 375a-377a
.rhetoric 44 BOSWELL: Johnson, 374a-c for: The general conside~ation of the liberal arts, see ART 4; EDUCATION Sb; and for the relation
7 PLATO: Phaedrus, 136a-138c; 141a-c 46 HEGEL: Philosophy of History, PART II, 273d- of rhetoric to such liberal arts as grammar and logic, see LANGUAGE Ia-I b, 8; LOGIC 3b.
8 ARISTOTLE: Sophistical Refutations, eH 34 274a The role of rhetoric in the sphere of philosophy, and its relation to or distinction from
[183bI7-I84bI] 253a-c 50 MARX: Capital, 8d-9c passim dialectic and sophistry, see DIALECTIC 5; PHILOSOPHY 6b; TRUTH 4d.
9 ARISTOTLE: Rhetoric 593a-675a,c esp BK I, 50 MARX-ENGELS: Communist Manifesto, 430e..
The function of oratory in the sphere of politics, see DEMOCRACY 7a; E!\10TION Sd; STATE
CH I [1354aI2--I355a3] 593a-594a 432a passim
14 PLUTARCH: Pericles, 124d-125a / Demosthenes, 8d(2).
692d-696a 8. Examples of excellence in oratory Discussions relevant to the broad conception of rhetoric as the art of achieving eloquence
18 AUGUSTINE: Confessions,· BK I, par 27-29 ·7c- 4 HOMER: Iliad, BK I [59-303] 3d-6a; BK II [56.. . and effectiveness in any sort of discourse, and as concerned \vith problems of style and
8b; BK III, par 6-7 14b-d; BK IV, par 2 19d; 394] 10c-13d; BK VIII [1-37] 51a-b; BK IX principles of interpretation, see LANGUAGE 3a, 6, 12; POETRY 8b-8c; SIGN AND SYMBOL
BK V, par 22~23 33h-34a; BK IX, par 2 61d- [225-6 55] 59c-63c; BK X [2°3-253] 67a-c; BK.
62a / Christian Doctrine, BK IV, CH 3 676a-d; XI [655-8°3] 79a-80c; BK XII [309-328] 85b~c 4c-4dw
CH 5 677a-d BK XIX [54-275] 137c-139d Discussions relevant to the narrow conception of rhetoric as the art of oratory, and as
30 BACON: Advancement of Learning, 11b-12c; 5 ARISTOPHANES: Acharnz'ans .£.352-627] 459c concerned with the means of persuasion in the sphere of action, see EMOTION Sd; HONOR
31a-d; 66b-c 462b , 3a-3b ; INDUCTION 4b; REASONING Sd; TRUTH 4d.
39 SMITH: Wealth ofNations, BK V, 338d-339a 6 HERODOTUS: History, BK v, 182b-d; BK VII,
40 GIBBON: Decline and Fall, 19b; 364a-b; 389d.. 214d-220a; BK VIII, 269c-270c; 279b~280b;
390a; 529c; 669a-670b 286b-287d
41 GIBBON: Decline and Fall, 40b 6 THUCYDIDES: Peloponnesian War, BK I, 357a
360d; 365a-371b; 378c-380a; 384c-386c; B
7. The history of oratory: its importance under II, 389d-390b; 395c-399a; 402a-404d; 411
various social conditions and in different 412c; BK III, 418d-420c; 424d-429a; 429 Listed below are ,;yorks not included in Great Books ofthe Western World, but relevant to the
forms of government 434c; BK IV, 449b-C; 451a-452c; 461b-463 idea and topics with \vhich this chapter deals. These works are divided into two groups:
5 ARISTOPHANES: Knights [211-222] 472c; 842- 468a~469b; 469d-470b; 478d-479b; BK
I. Works by authors represented in this collection.
358] 474a-b; [815-880] 480a-481a 484a.:.c; 504d-507c; BK VI, 511c-516a; 518
II. "Vorks by authors not represented in this collection.
7 PLATO: Phaedrus, 141a-c / Apology 200a- 520d; 529b-534d; BK VII, 55Sb-557b; 559
212a,c / Gorgias, 285a-294d / Republic, BK 560b For the date, place, and other facts concerning the publication of the works cited, consult
VIII, 413d-416a 7 PLATO: Phaedrus 115a-141a,c / Symposiu the Bibliography of Additional Readings which follows the last chapter of The Great Ideas.
8 ARISTOTLE: Sophistical Refutations, CH 34 169c-172d / Apology 200a-212a,c
[I83bI7-I84bI] 253a-c 13 VIRGIL: Aeneid, BK XI [234-444] 334b-340 I. II.
9 ARISTOTLE: Politics, BK IV, CH 4 [I292a4-38] 14 PLUTARCH: Pericles, 124d-125b / Corio Ian ACITUS. A Dialogue on Oratory ISOCRATES. Aegineticus
491b-d; BK V, CH 5 [I305a7-I5] 506d / Atlze- 179c-184c / Aemilius Paulus, 217d-218a; 226 ,UTARCH. "Lives of the Ten Orators," in Moralia - - . Against the Sophists
nian Constitution, CH 28, par 3-4 565d-566a / 227c / Cato the Younger, 628b-d; 643 GUSTINE. Divine Providence and the Problem of - - . Panegyricus
Rhetoric, BK I, CH I [I354aI2-1355a3] 593a- 644b / Demosthenes, 697c-698b /. Cit< Evil - - . Antidosis
594a; BK III, CH I [I403bI5-1404a39] 653b,d- 709a-b; 719d-720a / Marcus Brutus, 81 · The Harmony of the Gospels DEMOSTHENES. Philippics
654c 816a OBBES. The Whole Art of Rhetoric CICERO. Orations
CICERO. De Oratore (On Oratory) DE QUINCEY. Rhetoric
- - . Brutus W HATELY.Elelnents· of Rhetoric
- - . Orator T. CARLYLE. "Stump-Orator," in
LONGINUS. On the Sublime phlets
QUINTILIAN. Institutio Oratoria·· (Institutes of Ora- SCHOPENHAUER. The~Vondas
Chapter 82: SAME AND OTHER
DEMETRIUS. On Style - - . "The Art of Controversy,"
.J\LCUIN. Rhetoric Essays
T. WILSON. Arte of Rhetorique LEWES. The Principles of Success in UL.VLr~

FENELON. Dialogues on Eloquence EMERSON. "Eloquence," in Society and

LA BRUYERE. "Of the<Worksof the Mind," in V ERLAINE. Art poetique
Characters PATER. An Essay on Style
J. HARRIS. Hermes, or A Philosophical Inquiry Con- BRUNETIERE. An Apology for Rhetoric ,HE problems of identity and diversity- physical discussion as indulging in "vicious ab-
cerning Universal Gramnlar CROCE. Aesthetic as Science of Expression
BUFFON.Discours sur Ie style - - . "On ~relling the Truth," in The of sameness· and otherness, similarity and stractions" or as verging on the meaningless,
VOLTAIRE. "Style," in A PhilosophicalDictionary Life "erence-occur at that level of philosophical can easily avoid such notions as identity and
\V. G. HAMILTON. Parliamentary Logic BUCHANAN. Symbolic Distance ught which deals with being and with unity. diversity. It is not merely that ordinary speech,
G. CAMPBELL. Philosophy of Rhetoric - - '. The Doctrine of Signatures tinus, for example, says that in addition to as well as scientific discourse, must use such
BLAIR. Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres RICHARDS. The Pkilosophy of Rhetorit:
BENTHAM. The Book of Fallacies
ng, Motion, and Rest, "weare obliged to words as "same" and "other" almost as fre-
- -.... Interpretation in Teaching
it the further two, Identity and Difference, quentlyas the words "is" and "not" or "one" and
that we have in all five genera~" "many." Those who are critical of theorizing
IlAristotle's conception, terms like 'being,' and who want to save discourse itself from be-
e/ and 'same' have a greater universality coming "too n1etaphysical" are still obliged to
the terms he calls the highest genera, e.g., give some account of what it means for things
stance,' 'quantity,' 'quality,' 'relation,' and to be the same or different and of how we know
rth. These latter represent categories or when they are.
es under which certain things. fall and Semantics . curren tl y has vogue as· a critical
rs do not. Not everything is a substance or instrument for safeguarding discourse from
llantity, but in Aristotle's opinion there is ambiguity and nonsense and perhaps also for
~ing of which it cannot be said that it is a spotting metaphysical legerdemain. But seman-
g in some sense,. thatit has some kind of tics itself cannot go far in its own analysis of
y, that it is identical with itself,. and that, wor,ds and meanings without having to explain
ared with anything else in the whole uni- how the same ,vord can have different meanings
is in certain respects the san1e, in others or how the same meaning can be expressed by
different words. It does not seem likely that an
,'he··.lundarrlen.tal relation of quantities with adequate explanation could be developed with-
namely, equality, consists in their out some theory of sameness and otherness.
same. The fundamental relation of
consists in their being alike, or the THE "SENSE OF SAMENESS," says William James,
spite of some difference in degree or "is the very keel and backbone of our think-
e.g., a brighter and a darker red· of ing." I-Ie is here speaking "of the sense of same-
hue. The notion of relation itself ness from the point of view of the,.lnind.'s struc-
to be as fundamental as that of sameness, ture alone, and not from the point of view of
comparisons one thing is said to be the the universe.... Whether there be any real
different only in relation to something sameness in things or not, or whether the mind
it also seems to be true that rela tions be true or false in its assumptions of it," he goes
the same or similar, for the essence of on, the point ren1ains that "the mind makes
or analogy lies in one thing's being cantinual use of the notion of sameness, and if
to a second as a third is to a fourth. The deprived of it, would have a different structure
of two relationships is the object of from what it has.... Without the psychologi-
cal sense of identity, sameness might rain down
considerations are sometimes called upon us from the outer world forever and we
with an invidious tone. But no be none the wiser. With. the psychological
even those \vho would eliminate meta- sense, on the other hand, the outer world might

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