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lesson ten JUNE 2–8

America and
“ ‘At that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince
who stands watch over the sons of your people; and there
shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there
was a nation, even to that time. And at that time your
people shall be delivered, every one who is found written
in the book’ ” (Dan. 12:1, NKJV).

The United States plays an important role in the prophecy given in

Revelation. In the end times, all eyes will be focused on the United
States as it plays its pivotal role in what is to come.
Rev. 13:11, 12
The Most Supreme

With a first-world trade profile, leading the world in high technology,

the film industry, and in higher education, the United States of America
still remains “the world’s unchallenged superpower.”* Even for those of us
who do not live in the United States, its power and dominance seem to be
able to reach all, from what we watch to the way our countries are led. But
have you ever wondered why this is? How is it that this country can have
such an influence on the world as a whole?

There is One who is greater still.

Bearing these things in mind, I remember when Barack Obama was
first inaugurated as the forty-forth president of the United States on
January 20, 2009. “A New Birth of Freedom,” a line taken from a speech
by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863, was the theme of the ceremony
as Obama took the oath of office as the new president. Although it was a
huge breakthrough to see the first African American elected to this posi-
tion, I will never forget the buzz that it created around our churches: would
he be the one to bring about the Sunday law? Would he be the “beast”
that is spoken of in Revelation 13? Would his time in office bring the com-
ing of Jesus sooner? Fast-forward nine years; Obama’s presidency has
come and gone, and these prophecies have been placed on the next
The book of Revelation is filled with prophetic symbolism and imagery,
and with each new president that comes, we look toward the signs of that
book. Now, there is nothing wrong with keeping our eyes on what is taking
place in the world, but it can sometimes become daunting thinking that
this great power will be the one to bring into play the things that we read
of in Revelation 13.
Yes, America may be the world’s unchallenged superpower, but we
should never forget that in all its power and might, there is One who is
greater still. Psalm 47:8 tells us that “God reigns over the nations; / God
sits on His holy throne” (NKJV). No matter what takes place on earth, in
the present or the future, God still sits on His throne; He is still in control.
As we turn our focus to the role that America plays in Bible prophecy,
let us not neglect to remember that John’s book of Revelation is to reveal
to us the beauty of Jesus—the Most Supreme!
* Jonathan Adelman, “Why The U.S. Remains the World’s Unchallenged Superpower,” No-
vember 24, 2013,
Abigail Hazel, Wolverhampton, England
sunday JUNE 3
Rev. 3:18; 13:15 Can You See
the Endgame?
The United States has firmly established itself as the world leader in free-
dom and democracy. But the Bible states that this lamblike beast spoke “like
a dragon” (Rev. 13:11).
“In order for the United States to form an image to the beast, the religious
power must so control the civil government that the authority of the state will
also be employed by the church to accomplish her own ends.”1
Be the one.
But what of the religious divide? Consider that the uniting has begun . . .
“The Augsburg . . . Lutheran-Catholic concord ‘is one of the most impor-
tant ecumenical moments of the century,’ said the Rev. Joseph Komonchak.”2
This document, signed in 1999, declares that the doctrine that Luther thought
was central to the Reformation was, in effect, all a misunderstanding.
The agreement has deep implications for future relations among Catho-
lics and Protestants. The accord gives added promise to the ideal of full com-
munion, or merge, between the churches.
In 2001 Pope John Paul II “became the first Pope to set foot in the coun-
try [of Greece] since the Great Schism of 1054 that split Christianity into its
eastern and western branches.” He traveled on to Syria and became the first
“pope to enter a mosque, a symbolic act of friendship towards Islam.”3
Fast-forward 13 years to January 2014, when Tony Palmer, an Evangelical
Episcopal bishop, was sent by Pope Francis as a special envoy to a Char-
ismatic Evangelical Leadership Conference hosted by Kenneth Copeland.
At this conference he shared a video made by Pope Francis, after which he
declared that “the protest is over.”
On September 24, 2016, Pope Francis became the first pope to address
both houses of Congress. His message called for the leading nation to be
more accountable to its impact on the earth’s climate.
The world is not oblivious to the growing relationship of the papacy with
other religious and political establishments and the promising “endgame.”
It just needs people with the spiritual eye salve of discernment to interpret
those signs for them (cf. Matt. 16:3). Are you the one with “spiritual eye salve”
to share? Be the one.
1. Ellen G. White, Maranatha, p. 169.
2. Charles Trueheart, “Faiths Heal Ancient Rift Over Faith,” November 1, 1999, The Wash-
ington Post,
3. Peter Gould, “ Analysis: Bridging Religious Divides,” BBC News, May 9, 2001, http://news

Joseph Higgins, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom

Logos Dan. 13:5;

Well, I Never Saw That

Amos 3:8;
Matt. 11:28;
1 Thess. 5:3–6;
Coming! 2 Pet. 3:11–14

The year 2016 will go down as the year of surprises!

Britain voted for Brexit. A virus threatened to put an end to the Summer
Olympics. The Chicago Cubs won their first baseball World Series since 1908,
apparently breaking a 108-year-old curse, and (with odds 5000–1) outsiders
Leicester City won the FA Premier League in England. Italy continues to “pluck”
hundreds of “migrants out of the sea,”* and thousands more attempted to cross
the Mediterranean as Slovenia, Croatia, and Macedonia closed their borders.
The world reeled from the terrorist attacks in Brussels and from the revelation
of their links to the attacks in Paris in 2015. EgyptAir hit the headlines for a
second time after flight MS804 went missing over the Mediterranean Sea. A
gunman opened fire at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, killing 49 people
and injuring another 53. And a lorry mowed down hundreds of people on a
Nice beachfront, killing 86 on Bastille Day.

God’s Word tells us . . . this is not the end,

but the beginning of the end.
In 2016 we lost Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird; Gene Wilder,
the original screen Willy Wonka; Ray Tomlinson, the guy who invented e-mail;
and Princess Leia actress Carrie Fisher; and we said goodbye to pop icons
Prince and Muhammad Ali—both arguably two of “The Greatest” celebrities
the world has known.
But perhaps the biggest surprise came on Tuesday, November 8, when
American Republican nominee Donald J. Trump achieved one of the most im-
probable political victories in modern United States history as he was formally
elected the forty-fifth president of the United States of America. In a year of sur-
prises, the collective gasp was, “Well, I never saw that coming!” I wouldn’t be
surprised if even Daniel, who declared that God “removeth kings, and setteth
up kings” (Dan. 2:21), might have been caught a bit off guard by that one!
But Paul, in writing to the church in Thessalonica, reminded his readers that
God’s people, by revelation and association, are ahead of the game (1 Thess.
Amos, in presenting the phrase the day of the Lord, had already argued the
point: “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his
servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7).
Even Peter weighs in with the thought that far from being shocked, we
should eagerly anticipate the surprises—not so that we can declare “I told you
so” but so that we should become reflective. “Check yourself,” so to speak, Pe-
ter admonishes in 2 Peter 3:11, as you are awakened to the fact that beyond
the shocks and surprises lies the fulfillment of verses 13 and 14.

Revelation 13 presents us with a picture of two world powers symbolized by
two prophetic beasts. Daniel has already told us that beasts symbolize nations
or world powers (Dan. 7:17, 23). And if you flip back in your mind to a study of
Revelation 13:1–10, you will come to the conclusion that the first beast repre-
sents papal Rome.
We have the forty-two-month time prophecy of Revelation 13:5 ending with
the seemingly fatal demise of the papacy in 1798. Then another beast, this
time not out of the sea but coming up from the land, is revealed (Rev. 13:11).
The historians among us will recall that the United States gained indepen-
dence in 1776, had established its Constitution by 1787, and had formulated
the Bill of Rights by 1791. It’s hardly surprising, then, that by 1798 this new
nation had become a world power. The cold comparison of prophecy to chro­
nology shows that only America matches the description.
America has been dubbed “the land of opportunity and liberty.” In the words
of Abraham Lincoln during the Gettysburg address, “our fathers brought forth
on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the
proposition that all men are created equal.” The first amendment made clear
that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of
the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the
Government for a redress of grievances.”
What power there was in those two lamblike horns—horns of freedom!
What an asylum this nation, founded upon principles of republicanism and
Protestantism, has proved to be to the oppressed of earth, just as Jesus the
Lamb spread forth His welcoming arms beckoning all, “Come unto me, all ye
that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28).
In a chilling foreshadowing of America’s role, the Statue of Liberty has fas-
tened to it a bronze plaque with these words of invitation inscribed: “ ‘Give me
your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, / The
wretched refuse of your teeming shore. / Send these, the homeless, tempest-
tost to me.’ ”
Former President Barack Obama underpinned his campaign with the slo-
gan “Yes, We Can!” This positive epitaph perhaps becomes somewhat uncom-
fortable in light of Revelation 13. From this point on, the second beast, more
and more, takes on the characteristics of the first until he finally forms an exact
image of the former (Rev. 13:11–14).
Did you see that coming? God’s Word tells us in advance that this is not
the end, but the beginning of the end. Since prophecy must be fulfilled, Jesus
offers us this assurance: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye
might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer;
I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

* Philip Pullella, “Migrant Crisis: Italy Plucks Nearly 1400 Migrants out of the Sea,” March 30,

Andrew Hazel, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom

Action . . . and Cut . . .
1 Pet. 1:13

From hostile feelings to imprisonment, fiery trials and sacrifice are inevi-
table for the Christian. Revelation 13:4, 7 testifies of how “they worshipped
the dragon which gave power unto the beast.” And the beast was permitted to
wage “war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him
over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” Questions such as, “Would I be
able to stand if it were happening to me?” race through our minds, which can
make us either fearful or more determined to stand like the brave “fixing our
eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith” (Heb. 12:2, NIV).

He is the righteousness of all who believe in Him.

When life is smooth, being a Christian is easy; but when faced with
troubles, it can be hard. Satan tries to destroy our faith by sending circum-
stances that make us doubt the goodness of the Lord. Overcome with fear,
many fall into the trap of focusing on self as opposed to Christ, who “was in
all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin” (Heb. 4:15).
“The more we contemplate the character of Christ, and the more we expe-
rience of His saving power, the more keenly shall we realize our own weak-
ness and imperfection, and the more earnestly shall we look to Him as our
strength and our Redeemer. We have no power in ourselves to cleanse the
soul temple from its defilement; but as we repent of our sins against God,
and seek pardon through the merits of Christ, He will impart that faith which
works by love and purifies the heart. By faith in Christ and obedience to the
law of God we may be sanctified, and thus obtain a fitness for the society of
holy angels and the white-robed redeemed ones in the kingdom of glory.”*
In this sinful world we should look to Christ as our hope. He is the righ-
teousness of all who believe in Him. We have great hope that the world
will not continue as it is. “This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness
on the part of God’s people” (Rev. 13:10, NIV). The Christian who does not
lower the standard but looks to Christ as the greatest example will receive
a reward in heaven for their endurance.

1. How can you learn from Jesus and exemplify His character when you
go through tough times?
2. With so many world events taking place concerning the end times,
how can you ensure a life free from fear?
* Ellen G. White, The Sanctified Life, p. 83.

Rejoice Huhuyana, Birmingham, England

wednesday JUNE 6
Dan. 12:1;
Rev. 13:14–17 Ready or Not

When we hear America and Babylon in the same sentence, the em-
phasis is usually on “the time of trouble.” There is often so much fear and
discouragement when it is presented to us without practical tips on how to
get through it. So when the time does come, what are we to do? How do
we go about making sure our lives are maintained throughout this period?
Be prepared. Revelation 13 tells us that this beast will cause those
who do not have the mark of the beast to be unable to buy or sell. Satan
has caused this generation to be so consumed with materialistic things
that once we are unable to buy things that are mere wants, our faith could
be tested. We must learn to rely on the essentials, asking God to reform
our minds so that consumerism will not cause us to fall for a simple love
of buying. When it comes to the things we need, it is counseled that we
know how to grow our own foods and make our own clothes! Skills that
seem to be old-fashioned may be just the things that will help us!

Simply by knowing Him and His works, you will be able to

see all other false workings.
Study. The beast is able to deceive the earth through its miracles. But
how will you know a true diamond from a false one if you don’t know the
characteristics of the real deal? Yes, study the role that America will have,
but don’t neglect to study the character of God. Simply by knowing Him
and His works, you will be able to see all other false workings.
Remember who is in control. Daniel 12:1 highlights not only the fact
that there will be a time of trouble but also that Michael will stand up
for His people and deliver them during this dark period. Therefore, we
should not let the time of trouble cloud our minds with fear and de-
spair because God has prophesied in the very same verse that all those
whose names are found in the book of life shall be saved.
In 2 Peter 1:19, the purpose of prophecy is for it to be studied and
applied; and as a result, Jesus will reside in our hearts, meaning the
prophetic words are designed to cause a wholistic change in a person,
changing us to prepare for their fulfillment.

1. What other ways can you prepare for this period in earth’s history?
2. What things do you think are preventing you from being fully prepared?
3. In what ways has studying God’s Word changed you?
John Watta, London, England
America: From Lamb- Rev. 13:11–15

like to Persecutor
Who can believe that America, whose Founding Fathers set up the two
major principles of civil liberty and religious liberty, will, in the last days, repu-
diate these liberties, persecuting those who refuse to give up their religious
beliefs? If you don’t believe that this could happen, think again. Revelation
13 tells us that America, the lamblike beast with two horns (civil and religious
liberties), would emerge from a sparsely populated area on earth. Tolerance
and openness attracted millions to its shores. Those seeking a better life
came in droves, and America quickly became the preeminent world power.

I am determined to stand for God and for truth!

The freedoms America affords its citizenry are America’s most appeal-
ing attributes. Many countries do not offer similar liberties to their citizens. Is
it even possible that America could abandon its foundational principles and
persecute its citizens? Yes! It is not only possible, but the Bible in Revela-
tion prophesies that this is exactly what will happen.
Just before Christ comes again, America is going to collude with the
papacy and declare war on those who reject a false system of worship.
God’s true worshipers will at first be unable to function economically in the
United States and also in the world (as the United States, using its political
and economic might, will seek to force other nations to do likewise). The
ultimate punishment is death to those who refuse to give up their rights to
worship the true God on the true Sabbath. It is all about worship!
What are those who are determined to serve God going to do? If we are
alive during this time of persecution before Jesus returns the second time,
we must each decide whether or not to worship God.
As a Seventh-day Adventist, I am determined to stand for God and for
truth! Christ has promised that all who endure to the end will be saved. God
is faithful and will not let us go. He will be right there with us during those
perilous times. Let us hold fast to Him now and be ready for a rough time
ahead. The lamblike beast and persecutor will not triumph over us.

1. Should Seventh-day Adventists who currently live in the United States
begin to move to other parts of the world to avoid the impending persecution?
2. Do you see signs in the sociopolitical-economic world that show the
United States moving toward uniting with the papacy to form strong ties that
could be detrimental to those whose religious beliefs are contrary to the
papacy’s? If so, what are they?
Arlene Thomson, Orlando, Florida, USA
Rev. 13:11, 12; 20:4
Getting Ready

Has there been a time when you didn’t prepare for the weather? Per-
haps you didn’t tune in to your local forecast and had to face unexpected
rain, snow, or heat. As preparation for the weather is important, preparation
for Christ’s second coming is essential. As the beast rises (Rev. 13:11, 12),
our focus and worship must remain on Christ. While meteorologists aren’t
always correct with weather predictions, we can be certain about the com-
ing of Christ. Because we are certain, we must continue to prepare, for
the time will come when those who have remained faithful and have not
worshiped the beast will reign with Christ forever (Rev. 20:4).

• Listening to the song “Midnight Cry” sung by Jason Crabb. Pay close
attention to the lyrics, “I look around me, I see prophecies fulfilling.
And the signs of the times, they’re appearing everywhere. I can al-
most hear my Father, as He says, Son, go get my children.”
• Discussing the quote by Benjamin Franklin, “By failing to prepare,
you are preparing to fail,” with your Sabbath School class. What sig-
nificance does this quote have in terms of preparation for the end
time and the need for our focus to be on Christ?
• Writing a poem or song about what worship means to you and the
ways in which you worship Christ.
• Writing on a card or a paper the Phillips Brooks quote “Do not pray
for easy lives; pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal
to your powers; pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing
of your work shall be no miracle, but you yourself shall be a miracle.
Every day you shall wonder at yourself, at the richness of life which
has come to you by the grace of God.” Keep it in a place where you
can look at it and reflect on it as you prepare for your day.
• Worshiping with someone who is sick or shut in. Look up Bible texts
together that focus on worship. Discuss the importance of these
texts in relation to preparing for Christ’s coming.
• Having a program at your church for children and youth that focuses
on worship and preparing them for Christ’s return.

Matthew 4:8–10; 24:42–44; Colossians 3:4; 1 Thessalonians 5:1–11.
Wes Peppers, “Reaching the Cosmos,”
Michelle Gordon, Glenside, Pennsylvania, USA

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