Ather F Aith: Essage Y R Illiams

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Rom : 4: 17 - 19: “As it is written: “I have made you a father of many nations.” He is
our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed—the God who gives life to the
dead and calls things that are not as though they were. Against all hope, Abraham in
hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to
him, “So shall your offspring be.” Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact
that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and
that Sarah’s womb was also dead.”
There are 2 things in this world existing, is right even now the fact and the truth. The fact is in Abraham’s life he was
aged and his body was considered as dead in terms to give bath. Scientifically there is no possibility to a guy to give
birth to a child, and his seed was dead as per science that is the fact. The truth is God can give life even to the dead part
of our physical body. Now if you believe the fact you are going to die. There is no doubt on that, if you believe the fact.
if you believe the truth which is nothing but the word of God, and you will have life. Now you have to decide what you
want, which one you are going to follow are you going to follow the truth or the fact. God gives every freedom to every
man and women. To choose whatever you like not whatever God likes. That’s not the way our God acts. If you go to a
hospital for a medical checkup if the doctor say that you have a cancer that is fact that is science. Don’t say spiritually
emotionally “Oh! I believe only the Lord, whatever the medical report say put it in the trash, don’t speak in the air.
Some people who come in Pentecostal movement they speak everything in the air. They never speak the reality. You
can’t say that science is false, I am a science student I know that. Science is a fact but not truth. The truth is the word of
God. When they suspect it as cancer they do all scanning and give a report on you for which they discovered stuff may
be a cancer, or TB or some other sickness on you. That is the fact. If you keep on focus on fact you cannot see the
power of God in your life. If you keep on seeing the fact you cannot see the truth from the fact. Abraham know very
well that his body, his skin, his seed was dead. He cannot give birth a child at that age. The Bible says as seen earlier
without weakening his faith he faced the fact, that is his body was as good as dead he knows how to face the fact. Some
people try to escape from the fact which is not possible the fact is there in every one’s life in different different ways.
But there is a truth which can help you that’s the word of God. Abraham knew very well that he has to see the fact and
he has to face the fact and he did it. And he knew very well that he cannot really give birth a child. But he knew very
well the promises of God will never fail, whatever fact he is having in his life.


In the end of the last year I was asking God before getting in to 2009 I was asking God “God everything goes bad
especially in US. Here I say India is far better in terms of many things compare to US. At the end of the last year a few
million people lost their job, from January to May there are more than 80 million people lost their jobs. A 93 year old
lady went to a bank for a robbery, and took the money she could not run because she was aged, and before she get out
of the bank she was caught by a cop and the judge asked that lady, what made her to go for a robbery at that age she
said my son has no job, my grand-son has no job, my grand to grand-son has no job I have no choice I don’t know
what to do could not able to pay for mortgage, could not pay for the car and the home and could not pay for anything
and could not even able to buy a bread could not able to by milk. That is the to-days situation in United States. That is
the fact. But the truth is those who are in US who trust in the Lord they will not lack for anything. Lord of Church is a
good mega churches, previously there are 18 16 pastors but now there are only 2 pastors, the pastors are reduced
because they cannot pay the reason is the people lost their jobs. That is the fact. I was planning for cost cutting last
year, I was telling Lord God next year in 2009 I will not go to Brazil, or to Mexico I was just coming to a conclusion.
But God said William get up and go to Chapple. My office and Chapple are side by side I went to the Chapple and
kneel down and I asked God, “God what you want to say” and the Lord said in the year 1976 when there was a great
economic crisis did you lack for anything I thought for a while because the God is asking me and I said “No Lord” and
in 1986 there was great economic crisis again did you lack of any thing I thought for a while and said “No Lord” again
in 1996 and 1997 and again there was a great economic crisis in this world and the Lord asked me did you lack for
anything I said “No Lord” in the year 2001 September 11 the World Trade Centre was collapsed and the great stock
exchange broken completely again there was an economic crisis and all over the world because of the New York stock
exchange and the trade centre Santa. The whole world was lost completely and the loss was more than millions and
trillions of dollars in the year 2001 and do you lack for anything I thought for a while and said “No” all through this
great famine time I was with you and I lead you and I gave everything to you. What makes you now to think and do
cost cutting in my ministry. I really cried for many hours and said sorry Lord I did a mistake sorry Lord. In this year so
far this is June, I travelled many Countries I haven’t travelled so far this many times , I don’t know how the money is
coming and how it goes out I don’t know how. It comes and it goes if I think God won’t give, again the fact when the
world is in economic crisis, job cutting, business loss problem, the worldly people they will know no other way.
Financial Institution failed, so called the great in the world, United States, America failed in everything we have many
beggars now in New York, street 71 is the biggest street in the world in every traffic line you can see the beggars in
every subway you can see the beggars now why in the midst of all these things what is going on and what is happening
now I tell you what you see is the fact and that is the truth but the children of God will not lack for anything.


And the Lord told me a piece of land Egypt, there lived 2 groups of people one group Pharaoh, Soldiers, mighty
people, rich people, big guys they lived at that place. There were another group of people lived the children of God, so
called slaves, they have no jobs, they were slaves, they were beat by the soldiers, years to gather they didn’t have a bank
balance, they didn’t have any dollar in their hands, they didn’t have a food they didn’t have anything. Both the group of
people lived in the same piece of land in Egypt. When the plague came when the sickness came everything enter in to
the people who dint believe God, in the same piece of land those who believe God so called Israelites they dint get even
one sickness. The Lord told me in the last year at the end of the year on December when I was praying. I asked God,
“God what do you want to say I am going to Nation to Nation Lord, every people will ask me William what do you
want to say for the nations, I don’t want to say false I want to say what you have said to me I must tell to the people”.
And the Lord said “tell my children what I did in the time of Moses I came down to do the same now, with the same
power with the same way I have come down to do what I have done in the time of Moses. And Jesus said whoever
believe and say that will happen, surly it will happen. Jesus dint say send the cheque to me for 100,000 rupees I will pray
for you and you will be healed. When Jesus dint say like that why you are doing like that I see lots of things are going in
India I see many Preachers what they are doing in India they will be answered at the end of the time. Jesus said I give
freely you give it to everyone freely, if any one sell the God’s word they will be completely condemned by God there is
no other truth other than the word of God. God said in these days that we are leaving the every truth will happen a
great famine, a great sickness and the deices this was said by the God last year on December at that time there is no
swine flu, God said there will be a virus there will be lots of things will take place in this world but my children will
rejoice in me.


The whole world will cry the whole world and street and the neighboring people will cry and weep but in my children’s
house there will be joy of the Lord my children will rejoice but everyone will cry it may be your friends in the place you
were working your business partners everyone will close their business you will open the new business. One of my
friend in US everyone is shutting down their business but this guy is giving an advertisement for an employment I called
up that guy and said “Hay! What’s the problem with you every one is closing their business do you want to take more
people, why can’t you use the people who is already there” he said Pr. William I got more than 10 million dollar project
now and I want more people he believed God. The problem is we see facts. Bank of America collapsed, GM Motors
bankrupts, AIG is a bankrupted these are fact, if you keep on reading the fact, if you keep on see the fact, if you keep
on listening to the fact, your heart will be melted, but if you focus on truth, in the midst of everything what is going on
in this world your God will make a way for you and me, if you believe it will happen, if you don’t believe it will never
happen. But if you think how it will going to happen, where it is going to happen, when it is going to happen, it will
never happen in your life.
The fact what you are seeing in this world a great economic crisis and problem that is the fact, I never say no, that is the
fact, but the truth is those who trust in Lord they will prosper. Even now, even after the bad situation if anything going
to be worst I will tell you one thing there is nothing going to be good in this world because the book of revelation and
the book of Daniel and the book of prophecy word must take place whether you pray or you don’t pray or you fast or
you scream for God to bring the blessing to the whole world nothing good will happen everything will go worst and
worst and bad and bad because the devils time is a short time he will do his best now in the midst of everything you and
me will be protected by the blood of Jesus. I was sitting in the flight it was a journey of 23 hours from US to Asia I am
was transiting in Singapore airport and the devil told me, now I say the more you come, the more you do ministry, more
you come closer to God, the more the devil will talk to you. Some people will think the movement when they become a
Pastor they were just next to Jesus even the angels cannot speak to them only God will speak to them. When Jesus was
ministering though he is a God, devil went and spoke with Jesus. I was sitting in a flight and when I am was travelling
suddenly the devil said to me that you are going to die due to swine flu.

Will be continued……..

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