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Urology Residents Course Singapore 2018

Instruction for Microteaching sessions

Micro-teaching topics are designed to cover a number of areas of the curriculum rapidly.
Design presentation to give short concise exam style answer.
Max. 5 slides, presentation 5
minutes to cover key points on each topic.

It is important that trainees adhere to time to allow some questions / summary at end of

Day 1 ( 9 July 2018,AM) : Technology

CT Scans of The Urinary Tract: How it is Focus on CT urogram, CT kidneys, CT KUB
Done, Indications, Interpretation (including dual energy). Mention Hounsfield
units and typical values for air, water, fluid,
soft tissue, bone. Use of IV contrast and
timing for injection
Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound: Principles, Also include contraindications

Optics and Camera Systems in Urology: Focus on the Hopkins rod lens system, fibre
Principles, Limitations, Advantages optics, and digital (CCD) systems

ESWL Principles Different types of lithotripters,

contraindications to ESWL
Lithotriptors: Pneumatic and Ultrasound Principles of each type, benefits and

Day 1 ( 9 July 2018,PM) : Trauma and Reconstructive Urology

Urethral Strictures: Diagnosis and
Case-based approach would be useful with
Interpretation of a Urethrogram
illustrative images
Principles of Urethral Stricture Management

Principles of Treatment of Urinary Fistulae Focus on vesico-vaginal fistulae with brief

mention about uretero-vaginal fistula
Principles of Ureteric Stricture Management

Renal Trauma Evaluation and Indications for


Day 2 ( 10 July 2018,AM) : GU Infections, and Paeds

Common epidemiology, presentations.
Genitourinary TB
Characteristic imaging findings and
indications for intervention
Prostatitis: Classification and Evaluation

Prostatitis: Management

Commonly associated conditions,

classifications of hypospadias, and treatment
Posterior Urethral Valve Classification, aetiology, evaluation, and
Cryptorchidism in a 1 Year Old: Approach
Approach to evaluation and treatment, as
and Principles
well as indications

Day 2 ( 10 July 2018,PM) : Testicular Cancer, Adrenal Gland and Others

Adrenal Gland Physiology

Adrenal Vein Sampling Technique and

Include indications, and case study for
Testicular Cancer Risk Factors and Staging

Adjuvant Treatment After Orchidectomy for

Focus on seminoma and NSGCTs, classified
Testicular Cancer
by stage
Priapism Classification, presentation, evaluation, and
Penile Fracture Presentation, evaluation, and treatment

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