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Yasierah K.

Agalin March 20, 2018

BSN 4 Values

Search for a prominent personality in the last decade, read about his/her life and times and
write an assessment paper as to why this person is influential or not

President Rodrigo Duterte was born on March 28, 1945, in Maasin, Southern Leyte,
Philippines. The son of a regional governor, he graduated from law school in 1972 and joined
the City Prosecution Office of Davao City. Duterte became Davao City mayor in 1988 Known for
transforming Davao into one of the most peaceful cities in the Philippines, On June 30, 2016,
Duterte was inaugurated as president of the Philippines and ever since then, the philippines has
seen many changes occuring in the country in less than 6 months of his election.

I believe president duterte’s character is very inlfuencial and we can all see that in his
actions and laws he have made, that sets him intensely apart from all other Philippine
presidents we have had. He seems to have the ability to move people to support his causes and
go out of their way to back him. Perhaps it is because people see that he came to his job
prepared, with a clear understanding of the country’s major problems and a vision of how to
get things done.

A influencial person, as defined by the dictionary, is a person whose actions and

opinions strongly influence the course of events. We dont need to look so far to see how
duterte’s presidency changed the country, from his war on drugs, martial law, maintaining
peace and order and implementing new laws and improvements in the country, i believe
president Rodrigo Duterte has strongly influenced, and is still influencing, not only our country,
but also other countries aside from us and that makes me a very influencial person.

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