How To Create A Lock Folder

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attrib +h +s "Control

How to Create a Lock Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-

Folder? 08002B30309D}"

1. Go to the directory where you echo Folder locked

want to create the Lock Folder. goto End
2. Right Click in the void space.
3. Select ‘New’ from the drop-down :UNLOCK
menu. echo Enter password to Unlock
4. Select ‘.txt’ file from the next folder
drop-down menu.
5. Open the newly created text set/p "pass=>"
document file and paste the
following code in it:
NOT %pass%==Your_Password_Here
cls goto FAIL
@ECHO OFF attrib -h -s "Control
title Folder Name_Of_The_Folder
if EXIST "Control
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-
08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Name_Of_The_Folder
echo Folder Unlocked
goto End
echo Are you sure u want to Lock
the folder(Y/N)
echo Invalid password
set/p "cho=>"
goto end
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
md Name_Of_The_Folder
if %cho%==n goto END
echo Name_Of_The_Folder created
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
goto End
6. Replace the text
ren Name_Of_The_Folder "Control “Name_Of_The_Folder” with the
Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD- name of the folder you want to
08002B30309D}" keep.
7. Replace the text
“Your_Password_Here” with the
password you want to keep.

Note: These signs are not necessary:

“ or “ with either the name of the folder
or the password that you are going to
8. Click the ‘File’ from the Menu.
9. Select ‘Save As’.
10. In the ‘Save as type:’ Select ‘All
Files (*.*)’.
11. In the ‘File Name:’ enter the your
filename with extention ‘.bat’.
For example, ‘Example.bat’.
12. Click ‘Save’.
13. A file with ‘.bat’ extention
appears in the same directory as
of the text document file in which
you have written the code.
14. Double Click that file.
15. A folder named as you wished is
16. Move the files you wanted to get
locked into that folder.
17. Again double click the .bat file
and in the prompt enter ‘y’ or ‘Y’
to lock the folder and press
18. Refresh the directory.
19. Your Folder has been locked
and it has disappeared from the

Note. The folder is not a hidden folder

which can be seen under the hidden
20. To unlock the folder again
double click the .bat file.
21. Enter the password which you
chose and press ‘Enter’.
22. The locked folder reappears in
the same directory.
23. To again lock the folder again
follow the steps 17 to 19.

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