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if QATAR GENERAL ELECTRICITY & WATER CORPORATION KAHRA' cL, MAA an pte KAHRAMAA KEON Tender No GTC 299/2009 AL WUKAIR RPS AND ASSOCIATES PIPELINES THRUST BLOCK DESIGN Document No WK-G-Rtd0_ REVIEW HISTORY a SE S| 70-17-2017 | Tesued for Construction BALA SN i 7 | 10-07-2017 | issued for Approval BALA SN BM 0 | 23-05-2011 | issued for Comments BALA SN cu Rev_| Date Details Prepared by _| Reviewedby | Approved by “WW Provecr Shoot No rev | Ra EOW [AlWukair RPS and Associates Pipelines Tem By | Baral date [117372011 Gar | RFS Thrust Block Chekd By] SN | Date |11/3/2011 Office "| INTRODUCTION ‘The Proposed Al Wukair RPS layout consist of 1200, 900 dia & 600 dia reising main. The alighnmnet has vertical and Horizontal bends and tums. The tising main carries maximum velocity of 2.0 mis. The pipe material is PN16 ductile iron. ‘The design of thrust block carried out for 10bars pressure with respective angle of bend ,invert level of rising main. Inver level & bend angle at various sections are considered as per rising main drawings ( WK-C-PL-10 to WK-C-PL-91) LOCATION OF THRUST BLOCK ‘Thrust blocks are provided to restraint horizontal thrust produced due to forced water at the pipe turns & bends. Thrust blocks are provided at the following listed situations:- (i) Horizontal bend (i) Reduction or enlaregement of pipe dia (iijDead end (Vertical bend “The location of various bends in pipe are tabulated & the minimum invert level of raising main identified for the design of thrust block. The pipes having bends less than 1 degree are igonred, since the thrust are very less. TYPICAL THRUST BLOCK DRAWING (0 For Bends having Less than 45 Dea Plan Section (i)For Bends having L Intersection Plan Section KEQW | Proiet Sheet No ev [8 item __| alwukair RPS and associates Pipelines | — By sar _loate_[ss/2011 lasterotiee| _ Res Thrust Block chekd ay] sw___foate_{ n//2013 ist of Horizontal & Vertial Bends @ various Chainages pwg| she} Vertical Horizontal | D®PMm OF Aver | invort Level Tlie eve considered for design ‘Chainage | Angle |Chainage| Angle} | Min Max e | az L220] os7 [aos [as [28] 34 z ao | ose | sees | a5 wis 36785 | 1125 a}s al: a7a0a | 225 aa § | ola» L- ~ | 4353 [11.25 als aaa_| nas 2 = - 450 45. a ~ | asso [as | 240 | 38 ss | 26 _ |i 6 elé 45 asa rae 92533 | 1125 Sig 930.25 | 225 26 8 |é z 7. q |e 976 | 1125 $ 2000_| 12.25 1003.2 | 45 soos. | as | 26 | 320 - | ser [as . - 50 45 § = [ose [an25| 229 | ae . os | - | - | 24 | as] 4. e ow [ - | - $ oss | 33605 | 225 | 207 | 53 2 oso | as_| as ao [as KEOW tree [sheet No nae 3 item | AlwutarResandassocates Pipsines | ey | sata _[oare_| 72001 astarotice] nes Thrust lock crctdoy| sw __foote_| yay20n1 List of Horizontal & Vertial Bends @ various Chainages oag| swe] Mertst | Noiomat | PMR |r te Wo | No Z ig Dia! Chainage | Angle [Chainage| Angle| vin | max | f° esen ~ | - | ss | as an = | tos: [ans |_163 | 357 650 79 | a5 s an : | as | a7 | ass a 20 | 019 | 402 _| as S 163 s an = | aa [ans | rss | 238 i Al? 500 0.03 - - 1.87 2.69 s| a0 [oas| - | - [2m | 331 Ls | 900 | os | a7 | 246 m\|_- | - | 20 | as [16 | 22 anol =| = [aes [as 22 | a7 2/10 800 0.19 652 115 - | 76 [as ~ | - [2s [as ~ [= [oa [as | iss | as vol. [| - | - | - [ise [36s eS s_| 119 | 205 | us 3 = = STS ns : = | 70 [as gw | elvol =. [mm [os | as | ase a § 5/10. - : : - 205 | 314 aai 8 | 2 [enol so [oz] - - | 205 | 32 2 3 mol - : : - [19 | 260 % [awl - | - | - | - | 22 [ass z 200 | 029 | os | as | roi] ana «oo [is | 100 | 4s ~ | 22 [as sol |. | a8 | ia ~ | ass |anas ~ | [ee [os = | as [as am ~ | - [as Tix KEOW [fae sheat No ev | 8 Item _ | Alwukai APS and Assocites Pipelines | _ ay saa [oate_[a1/s/2013 lastarottice] nes Theos Block crekd oy] sw __foate_| 11/3203 ist of Horizontal & Vertial Bends @ various Chainage: we] she | Vertical Horizontal | Depth of aver vet eel Melee considere Pipe Di Chainage | Angle | Chainage| Angle! Min Max for design us| 300 | oss 19 [au ~ | 750 _[a1as : r1a_| 1125 wel - = | aos [nas] use | a6 zi wza_| 1125 7 s29e_| 1125 a ete 19ia_[ 1125 S[ae[ =| a3 [itas| 163 | 293 oii oe ee ee alg z ~ [6 [us ie oe |e 8 jgiel - = [ror [iras| a8 |_293 # | se| 100 | 030 ~ [a7 | aa § [oe | soo ~ |. [ie [ae us| - oe ee 70 | 04a [3967 | 45 ~ | 397 [sas i =| 007 _[axas - ~ | ow [125 : = | oza_| 4s gal woos | as | 167 | 262 alaalss as 8/5 818 3 so | 215 | 3s a i 3 279 alsalgé so | 279 | 38 i kKEOW PROJECT Sheet No Rev | R3 ‘Al Wukair RPS and Associates Pipelines ITEM By [BALA] date [11/3/2011] Qatar Office | RFS Thrust Block Chokd By} SN} Date |11/3/2011 5.THRUST BLOCK EQN PRovect Sheet No Rev R3 AlWukar RPS and Associates Pipanes re By _faatal date | ra071 Gast Tres Thrust Block cnet 8y] sw | pate [raz0%1 5.1 SECTION - A1 KEQWYPROMET] wuts ans Ascosates | SeetNe Rew Ro ITEM Pipelines By BALA Date 11/3/2011 fitarora] ars | TrwstBiocSecton [crear] sv | oe | anon Thrust block alon: '200 Dia with 48 Deq bend (Horizontal) Inputs Diameter of Pipe - i Pipe Material i ppt Pipe Bend Angle(8) se Weight of pipe materiat 5.08 kNim ag “ . ‘Thrust Block Geometry ~ A mm > 8 mm fn S ear . on > mm Co-eff of frition bin soil & cone Pian Weight of Concrete Black 300.33 kN Vol. Bottom block (up to top of pip =(4a00r2s000)(20ar2xs000))x@00aKseo0)-(SsoH2000;—41060) = 976 m? Vol. of Top triangluar patooeyasooeseaRreoRrynODOyAM«ssDesoOOyaxT000) — = «275m Weight of block =(0.76+2.78)%24 300.33 KN Weight of pipe =6.08%550/1000 = 278 kN Weight of waterin pipe =(8.141%(1200/1000}"2)«10%(550/1000)4 = 622 KN Thrust Block Force Calculation (Refer Hydrulic analysis Report) Mass fow in pipe(r) . kal Velocity) . mis Fiud density kal? Pressure(P)- 9 Bars kN? Force Duo to Change in direction Force in X-Direction my (1 ~cosp) pr (di2)*v "(1 - cos) = 13 kN Force in Y - direction = mvsinB pw (4?2)?v? sing 3.20 kN Force due to static Pressure Force In X-Direction = PA(1-cosB) Pw (dl2)? (1 -cosp) 298.1 kN PAsing pm (4/2)? sing 790.7 kN Force in Y - direction KEW PROT] vanair rs and Associates [Sheet ney BS TEM Piseines By BALA Date 11/3/2011 ater Offod RFS Thrust BlockSectonat —[onerd8y| SN | Date | a iraory Resultant force Tota force in X-Direcion «= 2985. KN Total Force in Y-Diretion 802.9 kN Resultant force = 856.94 kN Earth Pressure Calculation Sol Parameters ot Density of soil Nim? Angle of internal friction(6) Deg Depth to invert Lut m hy 0.000 m n = 4300 m iva Prune Co-eff.of active pressure(Ka) tan?(45-$/2) Ka 025 = Pee Earth Pressure = Ket yt 38 ae Pressure ath from GLP, Top) =0.25%18%0.000 0 kNim? Pressure at Bot of Block(P, Bot) =0.25%16%(0,000e4.300) = 19.35 kNim? Line of action of Resultant Net thrust acting on Block e arth pressure: Co-ettof active pressure(Kp) Kp Earth Pressure Pressure at ht from GL(P, Top) Pressure at Bot of Block(P, Bot) Line of action of Resultant Net thrust acting on Block Stability Analysis 1.Check for Overturning moment Factor of safety Design Force (4.300)x(19.35-0)x(1/2)x(4.300/3))+((4:300x0x4,300/2))1((4.300)(19.35- (0)x(172))+((4.300%0))) =14 om (4.300)x(19.96-0)(1/2))+((4.800%0)))x(3000/1000) 42481 KN = tan*(45+62) kNIm? =4.02«18*(0,000+4,300) = 311.15 kNim? =(((4.300)*(31 4.15-0)x(1/2)«(4.300/3)}+(4.300*0%4, 300/2))/((4.300)*(311.1 )x(1/2))+((4.300%0))) = 1430 m =(((4.300)x(31 1.18-0)x(1/2)}+((4.300%0)))*(3000/1000) 2006.9 kN Resistant Force Design Force = Force due to Pressute in pipe _+ Active earth Pressure KECNPROHECT] py wurairrrs and Associates | Sheet No ae re ren Pipelines sy | Bala! date 1103/2011 etar Officd RFS Thrust Block-Section At Chekd By] SN | Date iba (856 94)=(4300/(1000%2)))+(124.81=1.43) 2020.9 kNm Resistant Pressure Weight of block + weight of pipe & Water + Passive pressure (300.33(2000/(4%1000))}+(2006.92%1.43) 3038.06 kNm Factor of Safety 18 21.5, Hence Safe against overturning heck for Sliding Facororauy Resistant Force Design Force Dosign Force = Resultant Force Due Water + Active Earth Pressure 156.94+124.81 = 981.75 KN Weight of block * Coeff. Friction + Passive resistance =300,33*0.4+2006.92 Resistant Pressure 2127.05 kN Factor of Safety 127.051981,75 2aT 21.8, Hence Safe against Sliding ‘3.Check for bearing capacity ae iaeas __ Allowable bearing pressure Design pressure Design Force = Pressure due to Wt of block & Moment / Contact area =900,39/3.55 = 84.6 kNim? ‘Allowable bearing pressure = 300_kNim* Factor of safety -(e 21.5, Hence Safe against bearing PI R KEOW ROJECT| Aj Wuksir RPS and Associates | Sheet No ld . mae TEM Heres By | BALA| Date sia2014 Qatar Oftce| RFS Thrust Block Section At ee eee Thnust block Inputs Diameter of Pipe - Pipe Material Pipe Bend Angle(8) * ‘ Weight of pipe material 5.08 kNim ‘Thrust Block Geometry Z A mm Plan B mm c mm D mm Co-eff of friction btn soil & conc: Weight of Concrete Block , Pipe & Water Vol. Bottom block (up to top of pipe) _=(aa0ar(2«1000)+(r2001¢2x1000)) (1 roar 1000)>(285+2100)2% 1000) Vol. of Top triangluar Weight of block Weight of pipe Weight of water in pipe 1 100/1000)((3800-(3800/2)1200/2)/1000)2)x(285+2100}"2%1000)) =(6.2840.85)%24 =6.06*286/1000 =(8.141%(1200/1000)*2)x10%(285/1000)/4 Thrust Block Force Calculation (Refer Hydraulic analysis Report) Mass flow in pipe(mn) Velocity(v) Fluid density Pressure(P) -9 Bars Force Due to Change in direction Force In X-Direction Force in Y - direction Force due to static Pressure Force In X-Direction Force in Y - direction Resultant force Total force in X-Direction Total Force in Y-Direction Resultant force = kis mis kgim? kNim2 = mv(1-cosp) = prr(di2)?v* (1 - cosp) = 03 kN = mvsinB = pm(d2)*v? sing = 173 KN = PA(t - cos) = Pr (d2)? (1 -cosa) = 775 KN = PAsinB = pmr(d/2)? sing 432.8 kN 778 KN 4345 KN |, 444.45 KN 3.28 m? = 085 m* 99.17 KN = 1.44 kN = 3.22 kN PROJECT KEQ WREST] Arweair RPS ans Associates | Steet Ne a e | ew ere ey | eal dae 1119014 tar ; Qater Offce| RFS Thrust Block-Section At Chekd By] SN | Date | mats Earth Pressure Calculation Soil Parameters ot Density of soi = oy Angle of internal friction() = Deg Depth to invert La . m hy = 0.000 m he = 3800 m el lteakareecan he ‘Active earth pressure: Co-effof active pressure(Ka) = tan?(45-612) Ka = 028 rae Pee Earth Pressure = katy 7a aaa Pressure atht from GL(P, Top) =0:25x18x0,000 = 0 KN? Pressure at Bot of Block(P, Bot) =0:25%18*(0.000+3.800) = 174 kN? Line of action of Resultant ‘Net thrust acting on Block Passive earth pressure: Co-etf.of active pressure(Kp) Kp Earth Pressure Pressure ath from GL(P, Top) Pressure at Bot of Block(P, Bo!) Line of action of Resultant Net thrust acting on Block =(((8.800)%(17.1-0)x(112)x(3.800/3))+((3.800x0x3,800/2)))((3.800)x(17.1- )%(112))+((3.800*0))) = 1270 m =(((8.800)*(17.1-0)«(1/2)}+ (3.800*0)))*(2100/1000) 68.23 KN tan?(45+6/2) 4.02 Kp y'H =4,02%18%0,000 =0 kim’ =4,02%18%(0,000+3.800) = 274.87 Nim? =((3.800)x(274.97-0)%(1/2)x(3.800/3))#((3.800x0*3,800/2)))(((3.800)x(274.97- (0)%(1/2)}+((3.800%0))) = 127 m =(((8.800)(274.97-0)x(1/2))+((3.800%0)))(2100/1000) = 1097.13 KN 12 KEOW PROJECT | Ai Wukair RPS and Associates | Sneet No Lead = ~ | em ee py | BALA] Date 11312011 Qatar Office] RFS Thwust Block-Secton At cnedBy] sn] vate | senots Stability Analysis, {Check for Overturni paraien Resistant Force Design Force Design Force = Force dueto Pressure in pipe + Active earth Pressure =((441.45)x(3800/(1000%2))+(68.23*1.27) 925.407 kNm Resistant Pressure ‘Weight of block + weight of pipe & Water + Passive pressure =(9.17(1100/(4%1000)))+(1097.13%1.27)+(1.44»1100/1000}+(3.22% 1100/1000) = 1425.76 KNm for Sliding Resistant Force Factor of safety Design Force Design Force = Resultant Force Due Water + Active Earth Pressure =441.45468.23 = 609.68 KN Resistant Pressure Weight of block * Coeff. Friction + Passive resistance =99.17%0,4+1097.13 = 1196.80 KN Factor of Safety =1196,80/509.68 21.5, Hence Safe against Sliding 3.Check for bearing capacity Factor of sefety Allowable bearing pressure, Design pressure Design Force = Pressure due to Wt of block & Moment / Contact area 17/1.31178, 75.6 kNIm?* Alowable bearing pressure DE vee Foctr of efety [4s] 21.5Honce Sate againt baring 8 RS KEOW PROJECT] ai wukair RPS and Associates | Sheet No uid ITEM [renee By | BALA] Date 11372011, Qatar Office | RFS Thrust Block-Section At Chokd By | SN Date 41/3/2014, Inputs Diameter of Pipe L Pipe Material | Pipe Bend Angle(®) ae pea Weight of pipe material = 508 kNim ros Thrust Block Geometry RP yg cue A mm B mm Plan c mm D mm Co-eff of friction btn soil & conc Weight of Concrete Block = 93.96 kN Weight of Concrete Block , Pipe & Water Vol. Bottom block (up to top of pipe) =,(26001(2*1000))+{1200/(2*1000)))x(1500/(1000))=((150+2280)(2"1000)) 3.33 mm Vol. of Top triangluar +=(1500/1000)(((2500-(2500/2}-(1200/2))/1000)/2)x((150+2250)/(2% 1000)) = 0.59 m? Weight of block +(3.33+0.59)*24 93.96 KN Weight of pipe -§.06%150/1000, = 0.76 KN Weight of water in pipe =(3.141*(1200/1000)*2)x10%(150/1000)/4 1.70 KN Thrust Block Force Calculation (Refer Hydrulic analysis Report) Mass flow in pipe(m) = kgis Velocity(v) = mis i a : Fluid density = kg/m? 4 Pressure(P) - 9 Bars = kNim2 va 5 Force Due to Change in direction Force In X-Direction = mv(1-cosp) = pm (d2)?v7(1 - cosp) ot = 04 KN i mvsinB pm (di2)*v? sing. = 088 KN Force in ¥ - direction Force due to static Pressure = PA(1-cosf) P 1 (di2)? (1 -cosB) = 196 kN Force in ¥- direction = PAsing pm(d/2)? sing 2206 KN 14 KEOW PROJECT | Ai wukair RPS and Associates ete a bis Pipeli : mem ee by | Bala] Date 11732011 Qatar Office | RFS Thrust Block-Section At Chekd By} SN | Date ae : 117372011 Resultant force Total force in X-Direction 196 kN Total Force in Y-Direction 221.5 KN Resultant force 222.39 KN Earth Pressure Calculation Soll Parameters Density of soi = enim? Angle of internal friction() Deg Depth to invert Lui 7 m hy 0.000 m he = 2500 m Co-effof active pressure(Ka) tan®(45-6/2) Ka 028 = Pow Earth Pressure = Key 1125 ‘080 Pressure at hi from GL(P,Top) __=0.25%18x0.000 0 kNIm® Pressure at Bot of Block(P, Bot) 25x18x(0,000+2.500) = 14.25 kNim? Line of action of Reeultent Net thrust acting on Block Passive earth pressure: Co-etf.of active pressure(Kp) kp Earth Pressure Pressure at hi from GL(P, Top) Pressure at Bot of Block(P, Bot) Line of action of Resultant ={({2.800)%(11.25-0)%(1/2)»(2.50013)}+((2,500*0%2, $00/2)))((2.500)%(11.25- 0)x(1/2)}+((2.500x0))) = 0.83 m =(((2.500)(11.26-0)x(1/2)}+((2.600%0)))x(2250/1000) = 31.64 kN = tan*(45+9/2) = 402 =4,02*18%0.000 = 0 Nm? =4.02%18x(0.000+2.500) 180.9 kNim? =(((2.500)x(180.9-0)«(1/2)»(2.500/3)+((2.500*0%2, 500/2)))/((2.500)*(180.9- 0)x(112))¥(2.500*0))), KEOW PROJECT] ai wukair RPS and Associates | Sheet No ued a _| mem Pipelines By BALA | Date 111372011 Qatar Offi RF = atar Office 3 Thrust Block-Section 1 CherdBy] sn | Date yea = 083 m ‘Net thrust acting on Block Stability Analysis 1.Check for Overturning moment Factor of safety Design Force Resistant Pressure Factor of Safety 2.Check for Sliding Factor of safety Design Force Resistant Pressure Factor of Safely \Check for bearing capacity Factor of safety Design Force Allowable bearing pressure Factor of safety =(((2.800)%(180.9-0)(1/2})+((2.600%0)))x(2250/1000) = 508.78 KN Resistant Force Design Force = Fotce due to Pressure inpipe + Active earth Pressure =((222.39)(2500/(1000%2))}+(31.64%0 83) = 304.249 kNm = Weight of block + weight of pipe & Water + Passive pressure =(93.96*(15001(41000))+(508.78x0.83)+(0.76%1500/1000)+(1,70*150/1000) = 458.92 kNm ] 21.5, Hence Safe against overturning _ Resistant Force Design Force = Resultant Force Due Water + =222.30431,64 = 254.03 kN Earth Pressure = Weight of block * Coeff. Friction + Passive resistance =93.96%0.44+508.78 = 546.36 kN 546. 36/254.03, 21.5, Hence Safe against Sliding __ Allowable bearing pressure ~ Design pressure = Pressure due to Wt of block & Moment / Contact area =92.96/1.8 = 52.2 kNim* BR ve 6 K EQ PRoUECT Sheet No Rev | 3 O AlWukair RPS and Associates Pipelines ITEM By [BALA] Date |11/a72011 Qatar Grice | RFS Thrust Block Chekd By] SN | Date |11/3/2011 5.2 SECTION - B2 7 KEON PROJECT | 4) vyukair Project RPS and Associates | Sneet No art RS . Tem Fipaines. sy | BAA] Date ‘war011 Qatar Office | RFS Thrust Block-Section 82 chekd By | sn | Date tascont Thrust block along section B: ith 45 Deg bend (Horizont Inputs Diameter of Pipe = Pipe Material = Pipe Bend Angle() zi ‘Weight of pipe material = 5.06 kNim Thrust Block Geometry ‘i A = mm : B = mm Plan c = mm D mm Co-eff of friction btn soil & cone Weight of Concrete Block = 374.77 kN Weight of Concrete Block , Pipe & Water Vol of Botton block (42001(2%1000)}+(1200/(2%1000)))*(25501(1000))x((550+3000)(2*1000)) Vol Top triangluar '55011000)((4200-(4200/2)-(1200/2))/1000)/2)x((§50+3000)(2%1000)) Weight of block Weight of pipe .06%550/1000 Weight of water in pipe =(3.141x(1200/1000)"2)x10%(550/1000)/4 Thrust Block Force Calculation (Refer Hydrulic analysis ReportA) Mass flow in pipe(m) = kols r + Velocityiv) mis Fliud density kgm? Pressure(P) - 9 Bars = KNim® “ Force Due to Change in direction S41 Force In X-Direction = mv (1-cosp) = pm(di2)*v7(1 - cosp) = 13) KN Section Force in Y - direction = mvsing = pr(d2)?v? sing = 320 KN Force due to static Pressure Force In X-Direction = PA(1 cos) = Pr (di2)? (1 -cosB) = 298.1 KN Force in ¥ - direction = PAsing pr (4/2)? sing 799.7 kN 18 1222 m? 3.39 m® 374.77 kN. 2.78 kN 6.22 kN Pressure at ht from GL(P, Top) Pressure at Bot of Block(P, Bot) Line of action of Resultant Net thrust acting on Block Passive earth pressure: Co-eff.of active pressure(Kp) kp Earth Pressure Pressure at ht from GL(P, Top) Pressure at Bot of Block(P, Bot) Line of action of Resultant KEOW PROJECT | 1 wukair Project RPS and Associates | Sheet NO fee sis f a - (Tem roe By BALA Date 11/3/2011 ‘Qatar Office RFS ‘Thrust Block-Section B2 Chekd By SN Date 411312011 Resultant force Total force in X-Direction 299.5 kN ‘Total Force in Y-Direction 802.9 kN Resultan force = 856.94 kN Earth Pressure Calculation Soil Parmeters GL Density of sot iin Angle of internal friction() Deg Para fi Pep Pore Depth to invert Lvl ' m o o hy ~ 0.000 m he = 4200 m o| ue a he Active earth pressure: Co-eff.of active pressure(Ka) tan®(45-9/2) Ka 0.25 Pa ose PR ew Earth Pressure katy'H 189 03.94 =0.25*18%0,000 0 KNim? =0,25%18%(0,000+4.200) 18.9 Nim? =(((4.200)x(18.9-0)%(1/2)(4.200/3))+((4.200*0%4,200/2)))(((4.200)%(18.9- Q)*(1/2))+((4.200*0))) =14 om =(((4.200)x(18.8-0)%(1/2))+((4.200%0))}»(3000/1000) 119.07 kN = tan?(45+g/2) 4.02 = Kpty'H (02%18*0,000 =0 Nim? .02%18(0.000+4.200) 303.91 kNim? =(((4.200)x(303.91-0)x(1/2)*(4.200/3))+((4.200*0x4 200/2)))(((4.200)x(303.91- 0)x(1/2))+((4.200%0))) = 140 m Net thrust acting on Block = ((4.200)x(303 91-0f8(1/2))+((4.200%0)))x(3000/1000) Resistant Pressure Factor of Safety Check for Sliding Factor of safely Design Force Resistant Pressure Factor of Safety .Chock for bearing capacity Factor of safety Design Force Allowable bearing pressure Factor of safety KE Nero] arwvurair Project RPS and Associates | SteetNO aw id merits Tem Pores By | BALA| Date 11/9/2014 Qatar otrce | RFS Thrust Block-Secton 82 cher ey | sn | Date nana = 191469 KN Stablty Analysis ‘.Gheck for Overturning moment Factor of safety = Resistant Force Design Force Design Force = Force due to Pressure in pipe + Active earth Pressure =((858.94)*(4200/(1000%2)))+(119.07%1.4) = 1966.27 kNm = Weight of block + weight of pipe & Water + Passive pressure =(874.77(25501(4%1000)))+(1914.63%'1.40)+(2,78%2550/1000)+(6.22%2550!1000) = 2942.36 kNm <1.5, Hence Revise the size Resistant Force Design Force = Resultant Force Due Water. + Active Earth Pressure =856.94+119.07 976.01 kN Weight of block * Coeff. Friction + Passive resistance =374,77x0.4e1914.63 = 2064.54 kN =2084,54/976.01 21.5, Hence Safe against Sliding Allowable bearing pressure Design pressure = Pressure due to Wr of block & Moment / Contact area =374.7714.52625 = 828 kNim? [35] 21.5, Hence Safe against bearing 20 TEM Peas By | BALA | Date 11192011 KEQ WY rete] waka reiec RPS and Associates | Steet No oa Rs Qatar Office | RFS ‘Thrust Block-Section 82 Chekd By | SN Date 111372014 ‘Thrust block along section B: 1200 Dia with 22.5 Deg bend (Horizo! Inputs Diameter of Pipe = Pipe Material = Pipe Bend Angle(®) = a Weight of pipe material = 506 kNim F Thrust Block Geometry = 3 Pu A = mm : 8 = mm Plan c = mm ° mm Co-eff of friction btn soil & conc Weight of Concrete Block = 107.46 kN Weight of Concrete Block, Pipe & Water Vol of Bottom block (4000/(21000))+(1200/(21000)))x(1200/ 1000))«((285+1850)/(2«1000)) = 3.33 m® VolTop triangluar '200/1000)x(((4000-(4000/2)-(1200/2)y1000y2)x((285+1850)(2*1000)) = 0.90 m® Weight of block = 101.46 kN Weight of pipe .06%285/1000 = 144 KN Weight of water in pipe =(3.141%(1200/1000)*2)x10%(286/1000)/4 = 322 KN Thrust Block Force Calculation (Refer Hyd ic analysis Report) Mass flow in pipe(m) ols pee Velocity(v) = mis Tt Filiud density = kgim® Pressure(P) - 9 Bars = kNim? < aoe Force Due to Change in direction a; | Force In X-Direction = mv (1-cosp) ® = pr (di2)*v7(1 - cos) - : = 03 KN Section Force in Y - direction = mvsin = pr(di2)?v? sin8 = 173° kN Force due to static Pressure Force In X-Direction PAC -cosp) P 1 (di2)? (1 - cos) = 715 kN Force in ¥ - direction = PAsing = pm(d/2)? sing = 432.8 kN 2 KEOW PROJECT | ‘aj Wukair Project RPS and Associates | Sheet No ney iid soeteecct| TEM eee By | BALA| Date 132014 Qatar Off RFS ‘Thrust Block-Secti ice rust lock-Section B2 ChekdBy| SN | Date ae Resultant force Total force in X-Direction 778 KN Total Force in ¥-Direction 4345 kN Resuitan force = 441.45 KN Earth Pressure Calculation Soll Parmeters GL Densilty of soit Nim ‘Angle of internal friction() Deg Depth to invert Lv m by = 0.000 m he = 4000 m ee Pressure Active earth pressure: Co-eff.of active pressure(Ka) = tan?(45-$/2) ke 0.25 Pam Poa Earth Pressure = Kat y'H 8 maa Pressure at ht from GL(P, Top) 25x18%0.000 ° kN? Pressure at Bot of Block(P, Bot) 25x18x(0,000+4.000) 18 kNIm? Line of action of Resultant =(((4.000)x(18-0)x(1/2)x(4.000/3))+((4.000%0%4,00012)))/((4.000)x(18- 0}*(172))+((4.000%0))) 1.33 om Net thrust acting on Block =((4.000)x(18-0)x(1/2))+(4.000x0)))x(1850/1000) 665 KN Passive earth pressure: © | Co-ettof active pressure(Kp) = tan?(a549/2) kp 4.02 “| Earth Pressure Kor yH Pressure at ht from GL(P, Top) 02x18x0.000 i = 0 KNIm? Pressure at Bot of Block(P, Bo!) = 4.0218#(0,000+4,000) = 288.44 kNIm? ={((4.000)(289.44-0)«(1/2)(4.000/3)}+((4.000*0%4,00012)))/((4.000)*(289.44~ eee 0}x(172))#(4.000%0))) 433m ITEM Pipelines KEOW PROJECT | 1 wiKair Project RPS and Associates | SheetNo Rev Ro By | Bala] Date 1132011 Qatar Office | RFS ‘Thrust Block-Section B2 Chekd By | SN Date 11/3/2011, Net thrust acting on Block Stablity Analysis 1.Check for Overturning moment Factor of safety Design Force Resistant Pressure Factor of Safety ck for Sliding Factor of safety Design Force Resistant Pressure Factor of Safety .ck for bearing capacity Factor of safety Design Force Allowable bearing pressure Factor of safety =(((4.000)%(289.44-0)x(1/2)}+((4.000*0)))x(1850/1000) 1070.93 kN Resistant Force Design Force Force due to Pressure in pipe + Active earth Pressure =((441.45)x(4000/(1000%2)))+(66.6%1.33) 971.478 kNm ‘Weight of block + weight of pipe & Water + Passive pressure +=(101 46 (1200/(4x1000))}+(1070.93x1.33)+(1.44x1200/1000}+(3.22*1200/1000) 1460.37 kNm 21.5, Hence Safe against overturning Resistant Force Design Force Resultant Force Due Water + Active Earth Pressure =441.45+66.6 508.05 kN Weight of block * Coeff, Friction + Passive resistance =101.46%0.4+1070.98 1111.51 KN 11.51/508.05 ey 21.5, Hence Safe against Sliding Allowable bearing pressure Design pressure = Pressure due to Wt of block & Moment / Contact area =101.46/1.281 79.2 kNim? kNim? [38] 21.5 Honce Safe against bearing 2 Weight of Concrete Block Vol of Bottom block , Pipe & Water Vol Top triangular +=(750/1000)x(((3000-{3000/2)-(1200/2))/1000)/2) Weight of block Weight of pipe +=5.06*150/1000 Weight of water in pipe =(3.141*(1200/1000)"2)x10x(150/1000)/4 Thrust Block Force Calculation (Refer Hydraulic analysis Report) Mass flow in pipe(m) als Volocity(v) mis Fluid density kolm? Pressure(P) - 9 Bars kNim? Force Due to Change in direction Force In X-Direction = mv(1-cosp) pm (di2)*v?(1 -cosB) O41 kN Force in Y - direction mvsinB pm (di2)? v? sing 088 kN Force due to static Pressure Force In X-Direction P A(t -cosB) Pm (dl2)? (1 - cos) = 196 KN Force in Y - direction = PAsinB pm(d/2)? sing 2206 kN 24 (3000/(21000))+(1200/(2*1000)))(750/(1000))x((150+1700)"(2%1000)) 1.48 «((15041700)/(2*1000)) 0st = 42.46 = 076 = 170 Section KEOW PROJECT) nt wukair Project RPS and Associates beheld ee a coors] ITEM ne sy | Bala] Date 111372011 Qatar Office | RFS Thrust Block-Section B2 Chokd By] SN | Date eee Thrust block along section B2 - 1200 Dia with 4 bend (Horize eet Inputs Diameter of Pipe = A a Pipe Material = Pipe Bend Angle(®) 5 x eal Weight of pipe material = 508 kNim Bics Thrust Block Geometry RS paw A rom / B = mm Plan c = mm D = mm Coveff of friction btn soil & conc = Weight of Concrete Block = 4246 kN Net thrust acting on Block Co-eftof active pressure(Kp) kp Earth Pressure Pressure at ht from GL(P, Top) Pressure at Bot of Block(P, Bot) 1 m 3443 kN tan(4559/2) 4.02 Kpty'H =4.02%18%0.000 0 KNim? 0218%(0.000+3.000) = 217.08 kNIm? (((3.000)x(13.5-0)x(1/2))+((3.000%0)))x( 1700/1000) KEOW PROJECT | 1 Wukair Project RPS and Associates | Sheet No Ae bad Leemscarisnt| TEM Pee sy | aaa] date 011 Qalar Office | RFS. ‘Thrust Block-Section 82 ChekdBy| SN | Date eee Resultant force Total force in X-Direction = 196 kN Total Force in Y-Direction = 2215 kN Resultant force = 222.38 §N h Pressure Calculation Density of soil = Kien Angle of internal friction() = Deg Depth to invert Lv = m hy = 0.000 m he = 3000 m Covet of active pressure(ka) = tan“(45-912) ke = 025 Pa Poa Earth Pressure = katy'H 135 21708 Pressure at ht from GL(P, Top) =0.25%18x0.000 =0 kim? Pressure at Bot of Block(P, Bot) =0.25x18(0.000+3,000) = 135 kNim? Line of action of Resultant =(((8.000)*(13.5-0)x(1/2}x(3.000/3))+((8.000%0%3,000/2))y(((3.000)x(13.5- )x(1/2))+((3.000%0))) 25

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