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Running head: OMNICOGNITION 1

Omnicognition: A Postmetamodernist Holographic Consciousness

Model Encompassing Quantum Neurophysiology and the Non-Dual

Ontology of the Holoflux

Nolan Boatright
Seattle Central Community College

∑ n=n

Table of Contents
1 Abstract …..….. 3

2 Holographic Neurophysiology …..….. 4

2.1 Minkowskian Consciousness Quantification

2.2 Relation Between Photons and Neural Pathways

2.3 Pribram’s Synapto-Dendritic Processing Web

3 Quantum Mechanics …..…. 11

3.1 Bohm’s Framing of the Implicate and Explicate Order

3.2 Bridging Bohm and Pribram, the Macrocosm and Microcosm

3.3 Gabor Wavelets and Hilbert Space

3.4 Cosmic Topology

4 Dialectical Quantum Materialism …..…. 20

4.1 Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Methodology

4.2 Chinese Academy of Somatic Science


4.4 Mind Control and Pyschospiritual Oppression

5.3 Psychotropics and the Default Mode Network

6 Non Duality

6.1 Art as Sensory Experience

6.1(a) Cockcroft on Abstract Expressionism

6.1(b) Lynchian Surrealism

6.2 Holonomic Philosophy

6.2(a) Moral Epistemological Implications

6.2(b) Synchronicities in East and Western Philosophy

6.3 New Age Holographic Model, Jung-Minkowskian Framing

6.3(a) Implications of Biophoton Transmission and Entanglement

6.3(b) HSP, Spin Liquids and Unlocking the Secrets of Consciousness


1 Abstract

As we approach the end of the second century of the millennium, the scientific and

cultural movements succeeding postmodernism ever since Y2K have well begun to tire

and humanity sits on the precipice of an era rapidly abandoning the state of

complacency and normalcy that Western humanity has been accustomed to since the

advent of the Cold War. These social and geopolitical shifts will come with imminent

exponential advancements in quantum computing and artificial/augmented reality

combined with global destabilization and collapse of capitalism. In this moment between

eras, the expiration of scientific traditions in physics and neurophysiology give rise to a

collection of astonishing discoveries and experiments with cutting edge technology in

the last few years, forming postmetamodernism. These studies revolutionize

neurotransmission, consciousness and perception in a way that affirm synchronicity with

ancient Vedic scripture in simultaneity with hinting towards where the future will bring

humanity. In this paper I will assemble these into a cohesive omnicognitive model,

relating quantum entanglement with respect to the Bohm-Pribram holographic model to

neural biophoton emissions and synaptic processing webs, leading into an entirely new

way of perceiving existence, reality, consciousness and human identity in connection

with quantum computing and virtual technologies.


2 Holographic Neurophysiology

2.1 Minkowskian Consciousness Quantification

In Trevor Carniello’s (2013) essay The Space-Time Contiguity Theory of

Consciousness: An Interpretation of the Holographic Manifestations and Representation

within Minkowski Space on determining real and virtual dualism in consciousness , he

delineated the left and right brain cognitive processing as dependent and independent

of time respectively, the left hemisphere’s categorical cognition is an aggregation of

fractal matrices of four-dimensional spatial iterations over time as modeled by

Minkowski space f (x , y , z , t). This contrasts the right hemisphere which operates in

two point functions modeled by reduced Minkowskian space. The reductions from four

to two dimensional processing occurs through special relativity, in which the conditions

of simultaneity are modeled as:

Δ t '= y (Δ t− ) Δt' relative time lapse Δx' relative spatial change
1 m
γ = c=3⋅108 Δt time of occurrence Δx spatial change between objects

Now another element of special relativity needs to be accounted for, which arises from

the thought experiment in which twin brothers are born, one lives on earth and the

other travels into space. When the latter returns to earth, he finds his brother aged


Δ t '= y (Δ t− 2
) Δ x= y (Δ x −v Δ t)

v Δ x'
Δ t= y (Δt '− 2
) Δ x= y (Δ x '−v Δ t ')

If these two frames, prime and non-prime are simultaneous, all the delta terms run to

zero as there are no spatial or temporal differences. Thus creating the conditions for two

particles, regardless of the distance separating them, to exist in overlapping spatial and

temporal configurations The framing of prime as a virtual particle ik and non-prime as a

physical particle k allows for the application towards photon-electron pairing in the


Now that the framework for the conversion between left and right brain

processing has been established, the mathematical representation starts with the

2 2 2 2 2 2
Minkowskian spacetime differential arc equation ds =dx 1 +dx 2 + dx 3−c dt modeling one

point of 4D spacetime in the left brain, which when the conditions of simultaneity are

2 2 2
applied reduces time and the third spatial dimension to zero, producing ds =dx 1 +dx 2

which represents the two point line element function of the right brain. Carniello

postulates that consciousness is measured by this loss of Δ x and Δ t , which is

compensated for through biophotons.

To demonstrate the relation between biophotons and consciousness, Carniello

takes the mass of the universe as 10 kgand the highest resting mass of a photon as

−52 104
10 kg, concluding there are approximately 10 photons in the universe. This is then

−23 −1
plugged through Boltzmann’s entropy equation S=(1.38 ⋅ 10 JT )ln W , where W is the

number of frames whose natural log is multiplied by Boltzmann’s constant relating

104 −23 −1
energy to temperature. ln 10 =239.47 → 1.38 ⋅ 239.47=330.47 →S=330.47⋅ 10 JT →
3.3 ⋅10 J

In 2010, Michael Persinger published his calculations and experimental

measurements of the quanta of energy associated with the action potential in neural

transmission, which arrived at 2⋅ 10 J for an action potential with a −120 mv voltage
change. The coefficient is slightly variable and dependent on voltage and a myriad of

other factors, and is nearly identical to the universal photon energy measured through

entropy. These are just two of numerous different methods of calculation and

experimentations resulting in a photon or AP energy measuring in the same order of

magnitude 10 J.
Carniello additionally models the property of photons in that they’re not bound by


traditional spacetime through the length contraction equation L= γ =L 0 1− 2

√ 2
Or taking β= , L=L0 1−β . As photons

travel at the speed of light, lim β = 1. And

v →c

the Lorentz contraction lim γ = 1.


Taking these limits reduces the relative

length of any object to zero and drives the

gamma function to infinity, supporting the notion that photons are not bound by

traditional spacetime, allowing for the facilitation of entanglement and simultaneous

communication regardless of spatial boundaries and separation.

Biophotogenesis is modeled through Feynman’s quantum electrodynamics, how a

photon is emitted when an electron sinks to a lower energy level, and the shedding of

that energy when passed through the synaptic membrane disturbs the Casimir field

produced with the neuronal plasma membrane, which through the electromagnetic

dipole produces the Casimir force. As matter is highly organized, its production

produces negative selection pressure disturbing entropic equilibrium. But the produced

Casimir force allows for the Bose-Einstein Condensate to form the lowest quantum

energy state, which results in the formation of a superimposed entangled photon in the

synapse, carrying a translated copy of the info encoded in its paired electron. These are

the mechanisms behind the equations at the beginning of this section, of the relativity of

simultaneity function compensating for the twin paradox describing the connection

between and superposition of the physical and non-physical and the creation of a

physical particle k from an imaginary particle ik - or a photon from the energy its

electron sheds.

As the formation of Bose-Einstein condensates protects entropic equilibrium, the

universal drive to maintain balance begets the accumulation of biophotons, which are

confined to the boundaries of Hilbert space in contrast to its paired electron, whose

spatial configurations are bound by reduced Minkowskian space. This upholds the

holographic principle of the macrocosmic mirroring the microcosmic, or the whole is

reflected in all of its parts

∑n = n

Thus, the spatial and temporal reduction of the four-dimensional spacetime differential

arc represents the encoding of energy and waveform information into the phase shift

velocities of biophotons as copied from the electron spin state when they are

superimposed in the synapse.


2.2 Relation Between Photons and Neural Pathways

Now that the mechanism for biophoton production and entanglement has been

established, an experiment published last year from the University of Calgary by

students from the Institute for Quantum Science & Technology and Department of

Physics & Astronomy indicates that the myelin sheath that coats and insulates the axon

acts as the waveguide for biophotons to propagate (Kumar 2016). Myelination primarily

facilitates saltatory conduction of the action potential, protecting and raising the

velocity of the signal. But these new findings indicate that these tubes of white matter

also conduct the propagation of electromagnetic energy packets.

This is supported by the relative refractive indices of the myelin, axonal fiber and

interstitial fluid as measured by solving Maxwell’s 3D electromagnetic field equations.

The myelin measured at 1.44, where the axon and fluid outside measured 1.38 and 1.34

respectively. Those are for an example wavelength λ int =612 nm as the central frequency

between the shortest possible λ min=200 nm and λ max =1300 nm , the upper bound of

observable biophoton wavelengths (Zarkeshian 2017).

Myelin’s ability to reflect light

significantly better than its surrounding

elements is a result of its azimuthal

polarization, tangential and perpendicular to

the optic axes, which follow parallel to the

axonal path vector. This prevents the light

from scattering and preserves the biophotons

for transmission.

The myelin tubes are separated by ≈ 1 μm segments, or Nodes of Ranvier in

between hemispheric caps on the end of one and start of the next, called the paranodal

region. The University of Calgary study also modeled the percentage of light

transmission while crossing the Node of Ranvier and paranodal regions. It depended on

l paranode
the p ratio, where p= , the ratio of the length of the paranode to the diameter of

the myelin sheath, which also directly correlates to the length of the Node of Ranvier.

This chart depicts the

correlation as how

minimizing p and maximizing

d myelin , regardless of

wavelength always optimizes

optical transmission. Yet as p

increases, you either have to

increase the wavelength or minimize axon width. According to this data, a biophoton can

travel along the axon with all of its energy preserved regardless of wavelength in thicker

myelin tubes, causing shorter Nodes of Ranvier and less scattering while crossing the

gap. With the exception of short wavelengths and high p values, where thinner axons

preserve more energy.

Light transmission was additionally modeled through bends (measured by change

of curvature Δ κ) and non-circular cross sections, and to account for variables such as

absorption and interference between neighboring axons. When accounting for every

variable, the maximized realistic light transmission was estimated at 96% for a

biophoton with λ=.61 μm , p=2.5, r axon =3 μm , rmyelin+ aon =5 μm , l Node of Ranvier=1 mm ,

P varying area=2.5% , Δ κ =.039 μm , σ non−circularity =13.33 % , and 1 μm separation between

axons. And unlike the action potential, it can travel in reverse, from axon terminal to

hillock (Kumar 2016).


2.3 Pribram’s Synapto-Dendritic Processing Web

The abstract for Karl Pribram’s (1999) paper “Conscious Awareness: processing in

the synaptodendritic web,” he posits that conscious processing occurs in Hilbert Space,

the aforementioned spatiotemporal boundaries of biophotons, which arises from the

complex web-like structures composed of teledendrons, dendrites, and their connecting

synapses. That axons forming new pathways in a neuroplastic manner are taking cues

from this sort of alternate yet ubiquitous spectral plane of existence facilitated by the

quantum properties of electron-photon pairs. This has astounding implications,

especially coming from a time far before concrete measurements and experimentation

with biophoton emissions in the brain. It’s already a foundational principle in

neurophysiology that the brain is constantly changing and making new connections, but

to have this concrete method for relating the quantum behaviors of light particles

embedded in our neural pathways, which seemingly have data records of our conscious

encoded in phase shift velocity patterns, to the ways that our physical neurons connect

and in what direction. Pribram explains the physiology of this neural web as such,

At the distal end of an axon where it synapses (makes a junction) with another neuron, it
splits into branches, called teledendrons, which connect to the dendrites of another cell,
its non-axon branches, through chemical. synapses and electrical ephapses. The
teledendrons and dendrites form a web of fine fibers in which processing occurs that does
not involve nerve impulses. Rather, fluctuating (oscillating) polarizations-depolarizations
and hyperpolarizations of the electrical potential differences in the membranes of the fine
fibers - are the basis of such processing. My hypothesis is that what we become aware of,
our conscious experience, is due to what is going on in this processing web. When
behavior becomes automatic, when we do not attend to it, behavior is organized by the
generally accepted nerve impulse circuits, because input and output through the web has
become readily matched and thus, rapidly paced. The web hypothesis is that we become
aware of our conscious experience due to a delay between an incoming pattern of signals
before it matches a previously established outgoing pattern. In this web, chemical as well
as electrical patterns are able to influence processing (p. 207).
He includes a chart comparing neural density in the cortex in humans compared to a

range of animals from whales to mice, and there is shown a direct correlation between

body size and neuron density, and between density and web complexity (less of the

former allows for more of the latter). Pribram also found a rough correlation between

complexity and problem solving abilities, thus the correlations can be strung together

explaining our ability to solve complex problems with the perfectly aligned size our


He then explains the composition of this conscious processing in Hilbert Space as

made of Gabor wavelets aggregated into holographic vector fields, and that how info is

processed in the brain is controlled by an ebb and flow of electrochemical foci in our

neural field. Gabor wavelets are very relevant to the visual cortex, which will be outlined

in section 3.3. The holographic nature of our brain is partially manifested through the

distributed and non-localized nature of neural action, which highlights the importance of

cell assemblies and their influence from phase sampling not only from our conscious

Hilbert Space through photons, but through sensory input - reconciling the simultaneous

amalgamation of our internal thoughts and reactions of our field of perception across

senses that in live time manifest the resulting kaleidoscopic structures of neurons and

the teledendron-synaptodendritic web within the circuits. The analysis of these wave

patterns that manifest conscious through the oscillations in our dendritic webs through

the Fourier Transform and their physiological roots will be explored in the following


3 Quantum Mechanics

David Bohm began his career in quantum physics in a time of classical relativity

and Bohr-ian physics, where the prevailing notions of subatomic particles were that they

either only exist while observed and/or can’t travel faster than the speed of light,

depending on how you reconcile those two concepts. Bohm remained dissatisfied by

both, and solved the dilemma raised here by coining the concept of the quantum

potential, a weak field invisible to us but spread evenly throughout the universe

(Talbot 1991). This field exists in another realm only accessible at the subatomic level, at

which point the properties governing physical location and dimensionality as we know

them are shattered, and every point in space is at the same point as all others.

He inspired to apply this principle of nonlocality by the discovery of twin particles, in

which an electron and its antiparticle, a positron, collide and morph into twin photons

that travel apart in opposite directions. The fascinating part, which has been

experimentally verified, is that these photons coordinate and match their polarization

angles faster than the speed of light regardless of the distance apart we observe

between them. His other main source of inspiration was plasmas, which also achievable

through superconductivity and superfluidity, create the magnetic conditions under

which electrons behave in coordinated waves as opposed to scattered separate particles.

Thus, Bohm concluded that our entire universe is in the form of a hologram, which

as we know it is a collection of interconnected light wave interference patterns that

when illuminated produce a three-dimensional image of whatever object the recorded

light waves were initially reflected off of. This can be pictured by imagining the surface

of a pool while it’s raining, as all these raindrops fall and collide with the surface of the

water, the concentric waves that emanate outwards collide with its neighbors and form

incredibly intricate and complex interference patterns. Everything in our physical world,

when dissected at the subatomic level ceases to become “real” and its source in the

united deeper realm is revealed. One of the atoms on the tip of a hair follicle in my left

nostril contains a portal connecting directly to an atom contained in a gold particle

ingrained in the decor on display in the Château de Versailles. Which is also connected

to the exact center of the earth and the center of the stars at the edge of far off galaxies.

And from every point of space in between them.


3.1 Bohm’s Framing of the Implicate and Explicate Order

The unified source that the holographic illusion of reality is projected from is

labeled by Bohm as the implicate order, which is the invisible deeper substance that

contains all of temporospatial dimensionality, all of its iterations over this time

dimension and the iterations of electron spins as projected energy wavelets manifesting

in and out of the IO and EO to form these objects around us that become our perception

of existence. Michael Talbot explains this best in his 1991 book The Holographic


When an electron appears to be moving it is due to a continuous series of such

unfoldments and enfoldments. Put another way, electrons and all other particles are no
more substantive or permanent than the form a geyser of water takes as it gushes out of a
fountain. They are sustained by a constant influx from the implicate order, and when a
particle appears to be destroyed, it is not lost. It has merely enfolded back into the deeper
order from which it sprang. A piece of holographic film and the image it generates are
also an example of an implicate and explicate order. The film is an implicate order because
the image encoded in its interference patterns is a hidden totality enfolded throughout the
whole. The hologram projected from the film is an explicate order because it represents
the unfolded and perceptible version of the image. The constant and flowing exchange
between the two orders explains how particles, such as the electron in the positronium
atom, can shapeshift from one kind of particle to another. Such shiftings can be viewed as
one particle, say an electron, enfolding back into the implicate order while another, a
photon, unfolds and takes its place. It also explains how a quantum can manifest as either
a particle or a wave. According to Bohm, both aspects are always enfolded in a quantum’s
ensemble, but the way an observer interacts with the ensemble determines which aspect
unfolds and which remains hidden… Because the term hologram usually refers to an
image that is static and does not convey the dynamic and ever active nature of the
incalculable enfoldings and unfoldings that movements create our universe, Bohm prefers
to describe the universe not as a hologram, but as a “holomovement.” The existence of a
deeper and holographically organized order also explains why reality becomes nonlocal at
a subquantum level. As we have seen, when something is organized holographically, all
semblance of location breaks down. Saying that every part of a piece of holographic film
contains all the information possessed by the whole is really just another way of saying
that the information is distributed nonlocally. Hence, if the universe is organized
according to holographic principles, it, too, would be expected to have

nonlocal properties (p. 47-48).

To call this profound is an astronomic understatement, it renders practically the

entirety of the human race’s efforts to dissect and understand the material world it

exists in as ultimately futile - not that the rules of nature we divide into chemistry,

physics, biology and such are wrong, but they are no more arbitrary than the results of

rolling a googolplex-sided dice. They may accurately model our world, but from the

perspective of the implicate, laws of nature are just what happens to be how the passing

fleeting moment between the big bang and the eventual collapse of our universe has

been manifested. Before it, countless other iterations of existence governed by entirely

alien laws of nature have been enfolded and unfolded and countless more will follow. But

this isn’t really happening one before the other in any sequential order because

remaining in the implicate perspective, the notion of sequences is nonsensical. All that

we are just happens to be, and it is but it won’t be for long. It has been and always been

in all the different ways it can be, but all these ways are different angles to view the

same unified truth.

3.2 Bridging Bohm and Pribram, the Macrocosm and Microcosm

The symbiosis between this way of describing the universe hologram modeled

from an alternate nonlocal dimension as just one instance of a unified whole, and of the

previous section’s model of conscious as physically manifested in the brain through

entangled electron-photon pairs being generated in the synapse and transmitted

axonally through the myelin sheath and neuroplastic circuit forming governed by Hilbert

Space phase sampling and self recognition of such through the oscillating patterns in

dendritic webs is seamlessly demonstrated through perceiving this thing we consider as

our contained consciousness as a piece of matter not unlike physical objects in their

subatomic impermanence, and that the formation of one's soul and insertion into the

body in birth is like dipping an empty cup into the cauldron of the universal human

subconscious in which all parts of every aspect of humanity are represented in each bit

differently as momentary iterations along the range of aspects of our existence.

These concepts aren’t entirely abstract, and can be explained with many concrete

mathematical and geometric models. Taking Hilbert Space as the unifying expansive

implicate dimensionality within which the universal source and consciousness operate,

everything is described through waveforms, through which the foundational concept of

superposition is modeled as such:

The bottom shows five different

frequency waves, that when

superimposed and converted

through the Fourier Transform,

−i 2 π Ft
f (F )= ∫ x (t)e dt .

This converts the entire frequency domain into a signal in the time domain, and

demonstrates how one manifestation of energy in our perceived dimension can contain

the summation of many different wave patterns. The relevance of such phenomenon

within neurophysiology follows that

in a normal computing machine, the currently active information is stored in a

generally small number of registers. But in the brain a huge number of
separate patterns of neural excitations can be present at one time. These

patterns can become correlated to stimuli and response, and can mediate
the behavior of the organism… The main postulate of the model is that
every conscious event is the psychological counterpart of a certain special
kind of Heisenberg event in the brain, namely an event that actualizes a
pattern of neuronal activity that constitutes a representation of this general
kind. However, any such representation must be formed before it can be
selected: the representation must be constructed by unconscious brain
activity before it can be actualized. During this preliminary mechanical
phase, a superposition of many such representations must inevitably be
generated. During the subsequent actualization phase, only one of these
representations will be selected (Stapp, 2009, p. 25).

The gate which connects our unfolded holographic reality to the spectral realm

has a precise width of l p =1.6 ⋅10 m .This is the minimal radial separation of concentric

photonic energy states, and it’s at this order of spatial magnitude where localized order

bottoms out and gives way to the nonlocal implicate realm (Joye, 2016, p. 114). If the

spatial dimensions can be dissected into its foundational subdivisions, it follows that

temporal dissection is necessitated. Through the speed of light, this is derived as

t p =5.4 ⋅10 s for planck time. This temporal quanta is the barrier through which any

smaller time frame sheds linearity all together. Combining planck length and time as the

unifying base units of our perceptual realm, existence as a holographic film of sorts can

be imagined as the entire universe emanating from a single point, with a frame rate of

10 cycles every second. And every
point contained in the three spatial

dimensions connects to every single

other, because it’s all from the same


3.3 Gabor Wavelets and Hilbert Space

First introduced in section 2.3, Hilbert Space is the realm that Karl Pribram posits

facilitates conscious processing through biophotons. This processing occurring through

aggregated holographic vector fields of Gabor wavelets, which is phase sampled by

Hebbian cell assemblies. Shelli Renée Joye’s dissertation on the Holoflux delineates

Hilbert Space as the superposition of the electromagnetic and frequency dimensions

with the orthogonal spatial ones. Dennis Gabor solved the absence of time from this

model in the 40s using the Fourier transform to create the Gabor function

2 2 2
−x' +γ y' x'
g(x , y ; λ , θ , ψ , σ , γ )=exp( )cos(2 π + ψ ), x ' =xcos θ + ysin θ , y '= ycos θ−xsin θ

2 λ

In the complex domain instead of the real, the same Gaussian is convolved with

i (2 π + ψ)
e λ as opposed to the plane wave. Within Gabor space, a wavelet is modeled by

JG Daugman at Cambridge in his lecture Information Theory and Coding

−(x−x 0)
f ( x)=exp( 2
)exp (−ik 0 ( x−x0 )) localized at x0 , modulated by frequency k 0

with a size of a . When Fourier-transformed into F(k ), the function remains nearly

identical with a few parameters changed (2013). These being at optimal stabilization

under Heisenberg’s uncertainty law led Pribram to adopt the function as characterizing

the holographic info packets in the spectral domain, in which its aggregation and flow

form the electromagnetic flux of consciousness. The superposition of these frequency

patterns are holographically projected onto the cortex in sensory processing, which

Pribram observed as conducted through dendritic contour patterns in the cerebral

cortex. When he mapped the coefficients of voltage potentials in the cerebral cortex, he

discovered patterns resembling fractals or a Mandelbrot set. He predicts that all

sensory systems take input from the frequency domain at some stage within dendritic

webs (Joye, 2016, p. 60). Cortical applications of Gabor wavelets have been well

documented for decades, such as how Daugman modeled the spectral analysis of the

neuronal receptive field in the lateral geniculate nucleus as

F(u ,v)=∬ f (x , y)e−2 π i (ux+vy) dxdy (Daugman, 1980, p. 848).

3.4 Cosmic Topology

With the foundational science around the dynamic between the implicate and

explicate orders and holographic consciousness laid down, the key in bringing all this

towards a cohesive and comprehensible worldview is through the cosmic topology found

in Joye’s holoflux dissertation. This starts with the Teilhardian concept of isospheres,

concentric divisions of matter and particles. On a macro scale, the different layers of the

planet and layers of its atmosphere are considered the isospheres of Earth. Teilhard

extends this concept to the micro levels, that at the level of 10 m is the Planck
holosphere, containing the implicate order. With radial separation of Planck length, the

concentric isospheres extend outward all the way to the outer edge of the universe, with

a diameter of 8.8⋅10 m . So every single holosphere at the bottom of the universe has
isospheres radiating outwards to the top, which with a separation of Planck length

would produce −35
= 5.5⋅1061 isospheres per holosphere. Planck length is also the

minimal radial separation photonic energy states, and in section 2.1 the number of

photons in the universe was estimated at 10 . If each photon is or contains a
holosphere, then the total number of isospheres in the entire universe could be

approximated as being to the degree of magnitude of 10 .
Each of these spheres consist of arrays of qubits covering its surface area, whose

limits are governed by the Bekenstein bound, in which the upper bound of entropy

−35 2
equals the surface area divided by 4⋅(1.6⋅10 ) . This was originally derived for the

thermodynamics of black holes, in which the surface area was of the event horizon

instead of of a sphere. Joye uses the example of a red blood cell, which with a diameter

of 10 m would carry 1060 qubits on its isosphere. This introduces an entirely new
view of electron movement, where instead of spinning in two-dimensional orbits, they

flow across concentric quantum states at different tangential locations on their surface.

This is the mechanism allowing for holomovement, the unending transformations,

translations and interactions of matter and energy all over the universe throughout time,

while also explaining the Planck time frame rate of the universe in which the universe

flickers in and out of projection 10 times every second. It’s not like a cosmic light

switch being flickered absurdly fast, but every particle folds in and out of the implicate

order as it goes between isospheric energy states producing the illusion of movement

and transformation.

4 Dialectical Quantum Materialism

4.1 Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Methodology

A mistake often made in science is when sociopolitical neutrality is projected on it,

that a scientist’s environment and context are removed from the science, which comes a

simplicity and reduction in scope of diversity of thought in modern humanity

symptomatic of Westernism. At this stage in the derivation of omnicognition, there’s a

vital methodical distinction I need to make between American tradition and where I see

virtue – metaphysics is a term often found in paranormal and spiritual subjects, and is

often thrown around without a second thought to its implications and value. As children

of traditional science, universal epistemology is seldom given any consideration, with

the assumption of eventual chaos, disorder and elusiveness as the conclusion of any

extension of cosmic inquiry. That the true meaning or dissection across the myriad of

mysteries of existence will never be comprehensible to us. In my judgement this is an

enormous fallacy and tragic misstep of method, one subconsciously pervasive even in

much of the quantum research world, such as metaphysics being referenced numerous

times in Joye’s thesis.

The true way to advance man’s perception of existence originates from Karl Marx

and Friedrich Engels, the former writing of historical materialism and the latter of the

dialectical method. These are both aptly named methods, in which history is viewed

holding the physical and material conditions of a class or state as governing its evolution

over the ideological, and the fusing of a concept and its contradiction into its synthesis

pointing towards the truth through argument. These come with the revelations of

civilization being in a constant flux, a series of actions and reactions of the material

world where all social structures such as capitalism are temporary consequences of

what came before and will bring about its eventual consequences and evolution beyond.

It then shouldn’t be a surprise that dialectical materialism isn’t popular with capitalists,

as their survival is predicated on subjection of the proletariat and people are less likely

to rebel against a system they perceive as immutable permanent result of human

advancement. This is explained by Marx in a postface of Das Kapital Vol. 1,

In its rational form it is a scandal and an abomination to the bourgeoisie and its
doctrinaire spokesmen, because it includes in its positive understanding of what exists a
simultaneous recognition of its negation, its inevitable destruction; because it regards
every historically developed form as being in a fluid state, in motion, and therefore grasps
its transient aspect as well; and because it does not let itself be impressed by anything,
being in its very essence critical and revolutionary (130:1).

Going into the 20th century, Lenin published Materialism and Empiriocriticism, which

cemented dialectical materialism as anti-revisionist and the foundational method of

Marxism-Leninism, which guided the Russian proletariat into the revolutionary toppling

of tsarist tyranny and the formation of the soviet union. Stalin succeeded Lenin in ruling

the USSR in the 1920s, but it wasn’t for more than a decade when he published

Dialectical and Historical Materialism. It’s here from the very beginning that Stalin

delineates the supremacy of dialectical materialism as such:

Contrary to metaphysics, dialectics does not regard nature as an accidental agglomeration

of things, of phenomena, unconnected with, isolated from, and independent of, each other,
but as a connected and integral whole, in which things, phenomena are organically
connected with, dependent on, and determined by, each other. The dialectical method
therefore holds that no phenomenon in nature can be understood if taken by itself,
isolated from surrounding phenomena, inasmuch as any phenomenon in any realm of
nature may become meaningless to us if it is not considered in connection with the
surrounding conditions, but divorced from them; and that, vice versa, any phenomenon
can be understood and explained if considered in its inseparable connection with
surrounding phenomena, as one conditioned by surrounding phenomena. Contrary to
metaphysics, dialectics holds that nature is not a state of rest and immobility, stagnation
and immutability, but a state of continuous movement and change, of continuous renewal
and development, where something is always arising and developing, and something
always disintegrating and dying away. The dialectical method therefore requires that
phenomena should be considered not only from the standpoint of their interconnection
and interdependence, but also from the standpoint of their movement, their change, their
development, their coming into being and going out of being (1a-b).

4.2 Chinese Academy of Somatic Science

A decade after Stalin’s Dialectical and Historical Materialism was published, the

People’s Republic of China was established under Chairman Mao. In 1952, Ch’en Po-ta

of the CCP Central Committee addressed science under communism:

The October Revolution introduced new areas of research for Soviet Scientists and
transformed unity of action with the masses into a real possibility. The Communist Party
and the people showed the highest respect for their endeavors. Again and again utilitarian
targets were set for the scientists. Thus, the scientists closed the psychological gap by
following the experimental results of personal research to the acceptance of the basic
principles of Communist doctrine. A parallel situation was created in China after the
people’s revolutionary victory… First, I oppose the presentation of a biased formulation of
the problem of relating theory to practice. One might ask: “Is it not sufficient to practice
without theory?” The answer is no! We should not! As long as theory must be related to
practice, there remain two sides to the problem. If there were only one side, the problem
of finding a relationship would be nonexistent. What I mean to say is that the two must not
be isolated but related. It is incorrect to speak of theory without practice or practice
without theory. Stalin said: “Theory without practice, is empty theory. Practice without
theory, is blind practice.” Chairman Mao often quotes this remark to refute the extremist
tendencies: the favoring of theory over practice and the favoring of practice over theory.
The integration of theory with practice is demanded by the Marxist-Leninist doctrine in
every scientific endeavor. Stalin said: “Theory is the total experience of the international
labor movement” (p. 3-7).

This integration of theory and practice carried into the 90s with the Chinese Academy

of Somatic Science, which, guided by dialectical materialism, pursued “the science of

man in his cosmic environment… a synthesis of classical physiology, modern psychology,

psychophysiology, neuroscience, the scientific elements of Chinese traditional medicine

and Qigong (transcendental meditation) (Issue 1, p. 2). This includes exploration of

paranormal abilities of humans, such as an experiment included in the first issue of the

Chinese Journal of Somatic Science where pills were sealed inside a glass bottle with the

goal of a subject removing them without breaking the seal. Captured with video and 400

fps photography, a remarkable half of 50 experiments were successful. A series of


continuous frames in one case started with the glass in normal state, then the next

depicted a pill sticking out of the bottom of the bottle as if it was fused with the glass

after the subject shook it. This is similar to another experiment where paper was

removed from a bottle:


Their conclusion was that these breakthrough

points in the bottle cannot be anything but

directly through the glass. The tablet passed

through at 2.8 and the paper at just

.3 , thus the speed of passing through is
variable and can easily be slow enough to

follow in real time. Though the exact process of glass allowing an object through it is too

small to witness, the photo and video recordings were incontrovertible evidence that the

paranormal phenomenon of solid object passing through barriers is very and able to be

wielded by humans. Who has this ability or how it can be accessed is an entirely other

subject, but at minimum, Zhang Baosheng, who was one of the subjects of these

experiments certainly possessed these paranormal abilities.

This leads to the necessity for abnormal states of matter, as objects pulled

through a glass bottles that remain intact before and after could not be in any

traditional state of matter. This is clearly a challenge to the traditional understanding of

matter as immutable and real, but within the holographic framework is no surprise at

all. In their normal state, the pill or paper maintain their structure as we expect all

objects too. But perhaps when brought under the abilities of Baosheng, the electrons

composing of the object are temporarily brought out of manifestation in the explicate

order, between isospheric energy states in order to facilitate their passing through

another solid object. Perhaps Baosheng’s consciousness manipulates the holoclock cycle,

making the object “unreal” for longer than everything else. Or it might just be a

harnessing of the intrinsic holoclock cycle, where in the alternating Planck time

segments in which electrons are folded out of manifestation, Baosheng’s conscious will

maintains governance over the object’s holographic projection.


While the Chinese Academy of Somatic Science was the most recent instance of

concerted scientific efforts in probing the holographic nature of existence governed by

the science of dialectical materialism, much of the foundational discoveries in the field

came from the USSR earlier in the century. In fact, the initial discovery of biophotons

came from Soviet scientist Alexander Gurwitsch, who sought to explain morphogenesis,

or how living tissues transform and communicate. In 1923 he first detected UV rays

emitted from an onion as a result of enzymatic processes and physiological changes.

This set off the paradigm shift towards dynamic particle-field interactions and

abandoning linearity of biological systems (Tzambazakis).

The second paradigm shift that came from early Soviet science was the genius

work of Nikolai Bernstein, who in the 1930s had people dress in all black body suits

covered with white dots and recorded video of them dancing and moving against a black

background. Then the film showed just the white dots moving around, Bernstein traced

the paths they made and Fourier analyzed them into waveforms. There were patterns in

these waveforms that could predict how the person would move, carrying the

implication that when the brain analyzes movement, it is through an analogous Fourier

transform and waveform analysis process (Talbot 29).


As a result of the aforementioned capitalist fear of dialectics, Marxism found its

dominant enemy in the US Intelligence Community, who kept close surveillance on the

communist parties of China and Russia. And while the USIC did not share a dedication

to the Marxist-Leninist method, they were very keen on parapsychology and altered

states of consciousness for the purposes of weaponization and warfare. In 1978, the

Defense Intelligence Agency launched Project STARGATE, dedicated to psychic

phenomena. It was under this project that records of Chinese sources and journals

were collected and later declassified after the CIA terminated it in 1995. In 1983,

Lieutenant Colonel Wayne McDonnell of Military Intelligence wrote to his commander

an assessment on a range of neural and psychic phenomena, from holograms, to the

relationship between consciousness and energy, to alternate dimensions and astral


This includes the “gateway process,” as dubbed by the Monroe Institute for

expanding consciousness. McDonnell describes it as a system to focus and synchronize

brain waves between the left and right hemispheres with the goal of breaking out of our

dimensions and temporospatial limitations. This is supposedly achieved with the

amplitude and frequency of EEG patterns between hemispheres aligned. He then

outlines and concurs with the analysis of matter as just grids of energy fields projected

holographically, and relates it to the gateway process as such:

as energy passes through various aspects of the universal hologram and is perceived by
the electrostatic fields which comprise the human mind, the holographic images being
conveyed are projected upon those electrostatic fields of the mind and are perceived to
the extent that the field is operating at a frequency and amplitude that can harmonize
with and therefore “read” the energy carrier wave pattern passing through it. Changes in
the field which comprises the human mind determines the configuration and hence the
character of the holographic energy matrix which the mind projects to intercept meaning
directly from the holographic transmissions of the universe. Then, to make sense of what
the holographic image is “saying” to it, the mind proceeds to compare the image just
received with itself. Specifically, it does this by comparing the image received with that
part of its own hologram which constitutes memory. By registering differences in
geometric form and in energy frequency, the consciousness perceives (p. 8).

He includes another framing of the aforementioned holoclock from section 3.2,

where instead of as a uniform square wave the universal energy is presented as

sinusoidal, with its upper and lower bounds being instantaneous moments of rest in

which energy returns to the implicate realm to then bounce back into its explicate

unfoldment. Given our inability to directly measure the oscillation patterns of conscious

energy, I think the precise waveshape and characteristic is not of importance as long as

the principles of oscillating energy back and forth between the universal infinite and our

holographic dimensions at the rate of Planck speed below Planck length are present

However, the importance of local extrema to differentiation and integration makes me

wonder about any relation between calculus, a science of translating between

consequent higher and lower functional orders, and these moments of breaking through

into the Absolute. As the derivative of a sinusoid measures its rate of change, the

minimum and maximum bounds, which in this case represent the bottom of the universe,

would yield a zero value for the prime resultant. Hypothetically this could model the

perspective from within the implicate order, looking out from the collective unconscious.

As the energy is reunited in moments of zero, it oscillates back out into the reality that

we perceive and back to the implicate at zero. This produces a new set of extrema

which would be thought of as the maximum level of unfoldedness.

McDonnell extends this energy-wave model in a way that I see as succinctly

resolving the mechanisms necessary for the paranormal experiments of the CASC

(Chinese Academy of Somatic Sciences). When the frequency of the energy waves of

ones consciousness reaches a level at which the intermittent clicking out into the

Absolute happens so rapidly it approaches continuity, the smoothness of movement in

our holographic reality decomposes, allowing for glitches and instances of matter

projections to behave outside the rigid bounds of our spacetime dimensions. The

experiment subjects that were proven as being able to pull objects through sealed glass

bottles could simply have had ability to maximize his energy frequencies to achieve

connection with the implicate order and channel that ability to tunnel out of the laws of

physics that traditionally govern our existence. The rarity and difficulty necessary to

genuinely produce this effect I think speaks to the enormous distance we have put

between our awakened conscious and our innate extraperceptual abilities.

4.4 Mind Control and Pyschospiritual Oppression


5.3 Psychotropics and the Default Mode Network

The high metabolic activity of the PCC and the default-mode network (DMN) with which is
it associated has led some to speculate about its functional importance, positing a role in
consciousness and high-level constructs, such as the self or “ego.” Indeed, the DMN is
known to be activated during self-referencing and other high-level functions linked to the
self-construct. Moreover, DMN regions are also known to host the highest number of
cortico-cortical connections in the brain, making them important “connector hubs.” These
hubs may be critical for efficient information transfer in the brain by allowing
communication between different regions via the fewest number of connections. However,
such an integrative function would confer a significant responsibility on these regions,
which may explain why their deactivation has such a profound effect on consciousness, as
shown here.

5.4 Cold War Reflections on East-West Dichotomy in Application of Holography

6 Non-Duality

6.1 Art as Sensory Experience

6.1(a) Cockcroft on Abstract Expressionism

6.1(b) Lynchian Surrealism

6.2 Holonomic Philosophy

There are significant cases of non-duality appearing in global discourse between

~400 BCE and present times, such as seven centuries later in the Neoplatonist

movement, forged by Egyptian philosopher Plotinus, and flourished around Rome’s

Arabian province and Lebanon in the Eastern Mediterranean

By elevating the experience of the individual soul to the status of an actualization of a

divine Form, Plotinus succeeded in preserving, if not the autonomy, at least the dignity
and ontological necessity of personality. The Cosmos, according to Plotinus, is not a
created order, planned by a deity on whom we can pass the charge of begetting evil; for
the Cosmos is the self-expression of the Soul... the Cosmos, in Plotinian terms, is to be
understood as the concrete result or 'product' of the Soul's experience of its own Mind
(nous). Ideally, this concrete expression should serve the Soul as a reference-point for its
own self-conscious existence; however, the Soul all too easily falls into the error of valuing
the expression over the principle (arkhê), which is the contemplation of the divine Forms.
This error gives rise to evil, which is the purely subjective relation of the Soul (now
divided) to the manifold and concrete forms of its expressive act. When the Soul, in the
form of individual existents, becomes thus preoccupied with its experience, Nature comes
into being, and the Cosmos takes on concrete form as the locus of personality. (Moore)

6.2(a) Moral Epistemological Implications

6.2(b) Synchronicities in East and Western Philosophy

6.3 New Age Holographic Model, Jung-Minkowskian Framing

6.3(a) Implications of Biophoton Transmission and Entanglement

6.3(b) HSP, Spin Liquids and Unlocking the Secrets of Consciousness



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