Acceptable Damage Description Acknowledgment

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FEMA has issued a very important inspection guidance update, effective May 25, 2017. Inspectors should no longer
use the following terms or acronyms in their inspection comments: “deferred maintenance” or “DFM”, “pre-existing
conditions” or “PE”.

The only two acceptable FEMA definitions for describing damages during the inspection process are:

1) Caused by the disaster – means as a direct result of a peril identified in the Federal Register Notice of a
Presidentially-declared disaster or emergency the component is no longer functional.

2) Not caused by the disaster (NCD) – a component is no longer functional not as a direct result of a major
disaster or emergency. Inspectors may comment on NCD damages.

All inspectors will be required to acknowledge written receipt of this guidance or they will not be eligible for
deployment with Vanguard Emergency Management.

By signing below, you acknowledge receipt, and understanding of this guidance provided by Vanguard Emergency


Inspector Name (print): _____________________

Inspector Name (signature): _____________________

Inspector ID #: _____________________


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