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The paper consists of following section:

1 - Aptitude (16 question).

2 - Logical reasoning (16 question.
3 - Essay writing.

Exam was conducted by cocubes on behalf of capgemini.

Some questions which I remembered is.

1 - A man is known to speak truth 3 out of 4 times. He throws a die and report that
it is a 6. Find the probability that it is actually 6.

2 - A fair coin is tossed 4 times. What is the probability of getting at least 2


Around 2900 appeared and 700 is selected for technical aptitude around. It consists
of following section.

1 - Basic coding - 4 questions.

2 - Data structure - 5 questions.
3 - Algorithms - 5 questions.
4 - Digital logic - 2 questions.

Finally 244 student is selected for next round of technical interview. I was also
one of them. He asked me the following question.

1 - Oops concept.
2 - Difference between C and C++.
3 - Compiler and phases of compiler.
4 - Question releated to project.

Those who passed the technical interview went for hr interview, luckily I also got
selected. Note each round was a elimination round. So, finally 120 students
selected for hr round and 94 students finally given the job and I was also one of


1 - Capgemini doesnot want the hardcore programmer so only knowing the basic
program like factorial, Prime, armstrong and similar leval kind of program will be

2 - Basic knowledge of os, database and current trending topics like cloud
computing, iot, bigdata.

These questions were asked to almost every Candidate.

3 - Prepare your resume very well 90. /. Question will be from your resume.

4 - Prepare project very well. They may asked some question like.

1 - How do you provide security to your project.

2 - How is it diferent from others.

For hr round be confident and always say yes when they asked about relocation,
night shift, and bond.
Best of luck.


I am from Dr B.C. Roy Engineering College. Here I'm sharing my experience it might
be helpful for others. We had an on campus drive on 19th and 20th. They started
with a presentation. Please watch the 1 hour presentation very carefully because
your HR round questions will come only from the ppt.

Coming to the aptitude test. There was 2 sections conducted by co cubes. No

negative marking was there. !s section consists aptitude (for this section my
suggestion is to follow R.S Agarwal, IndiaBix).

There were 16 questions and the 2nd section consists of Logical Reasoning. This
section was tough (little bit). There was no hard and fast rule that you have to
complete 1 section first and then you can switch over to the other one. For my
suggestion solve apti section first then solve reasoning part.

Total question 32 (16+16).

Total time 50 min.

Then comes Essay writing. 30 mins is allotted for this round. Min 200 words, Max
240 words. Ample amount of time and you can easily complete the essay within the
stipulated time.

My topic was True qualities of a leader.

We didn't have the pseudo code round. We don't know the cut off but try to score
more than 26. It's a game of time management.

32 students cleared the 1st round.

The Technical Interview round was quite easy. First they ask you to tell about
yourself. They check your CV thoroughly and ask you from there. Don't lie on your
CV, you must be prepared to answer anything and everything related to what you have
put in your CV. My interviewer was the coolest guy I've ever met. He asked HR
questions also. It was just a normal conversation. HR round was just for formality.
Although I became numb in my HR interview. But my technical round was great.

Students who cleared Technical round all of them got selected(28).

Show confidence, even if you don't feel like it. Keep eye contact always. And
please don't lie.

All the best. Don't worry because in capgemini People matter, results count. :).

Hello friends, here is the total deal of Capgemini:-

Round 1 - Aptitude Test (16 Quants + 16 Reasoning) Total time- 25+25=50 mins. There
is no hard and fast rule that you have to complete 1 section first and then you can
switch over to the other one.

Capgemini sets a sectional cut-off as well as an aggregate cut-off, both of which

are kept confidential as a deal is struck between the company and the corresponding

Then comes Essay writing. 30 mins is allotted for this round. Min 200 words, Max
240 words. Ample amount of time and you can easily complete the essay within the
stipulated time.

Round 2- Pseudocode.
20 MCQs,20 mins time.
All the question paper sets of each and every round were different.

Then comes PI and HR on the 2nd day(22/09/2017).

I could not clear the aptitude round but I would like to help others with the
questions that I can remember.

Round 1- Quants:

1) Find out the average of a,b,c,d,e,f.

2) If A can complete a piece of work in 12 days and B can complete the same work in
16 days and if A+B+C can complete the work in 4 days, find out in how many days can
C complete the work.

3) Average speed numerical using formula (2*x*y)/(x+y) [2 such sums].

4) Find the no. of diagonals of a polygon having 16 sides.

5) Sum on Expenditure and Income and Savings.

6) Numbers marked from 1-20.Find the probability of choosing a no. which is a

multiple of 3.

7) Total amount is given 13200. If A gets 2/3 rd of B's share.B gets 1/4th of C's
share. Find out B's share.

8)Problem based on log. Something like: Simplify Log a+Log b+ ...... Log 20.

9)Function based problem.

f()= something
h()= something
g()= something.
Evaluate fohog.

10)Find the 1/3rd of 3333.

11)Current ages of Father and son is in a ratio. After 5 years their ration is
(something).What is the current age of the son?



1) A flowchart was given regarding recruitment of a candidate.

Question A: In total how many times the candidate is liable to rejection?
Question B: What is the 2nd last round before the candidate can get his offer

2) A Data Graph was given comprising of Income and one more Variable.
Question A: Calculate the % of A-B on A
Question B: again related to %

3) If A@B means something (not greater)

A#B means something (not equal)
A&B means something
Evaluate P#Q@S&R ... and so on and so forth.

4) If A@B means A is the father of B

A#B means A is the daughter of B
A&B means A is the grand son of B
Evaluate P#Q@S&R ... and so on and so forth.

5) Paper cutting sum.

6) Problem figure.

7) Syllogism(2-3 such questions).

8) Coding-Decoding.

9) Find the no. of 4's that are preceded by # and succeeded by @ in a particular

10) Data sufficiency question.

11) An expression is given followed by 4 options marked as A,B,C,D.Find out the

option which weakens the corresponding expression.


Essay :

Topics- 1) Good intentions are not valuable if they are not converted into concrete

2) Something related to Ethics and moral principles.


Pseudocode round questions.. as told by the qualified students:-

Out of 20 MCQs 16 were from C i.e Find the output,2 from Data Structure,2 from
Digital Electronics.

In some cases 8 from C,2 from Digital Electronics,6 from DS,4 from basic

I have no idea regarding PI and HR rounds.

I would like to suggest certain points.

1) Sectional cut-off plays a big factor in Apti round so keep it in mind.

2) Essay writing- Space after(.) Space after(,) Minimum mistakes in spellings and
avoid using backspace.

Good Luck :).

Hello guys,

So Eligibility criteria for the students to participate in the Campus Recruitment

Process was:
1) Should have scored 60% or above in academics SSC , HSC and graduation.

2) Only 1 year gap is allowed post HSC (12th) and not after SSC (10th) or between
the graduation years.

3) No live ATKT/Backlog till 5th/6th semester or during Capgemini selection


4) All branches were allowed to appear for the process.

The whole process was divided into 4 rounds:

1) Aptitude(Logical+Quantitative) + Essay writing.

2) Technical Aptitude.
3) Technical Interview.
4) HR Interview.

Coming to aptitude, it had 2 sections Logical and Quantitative each comprising of

16 questions.

So total 32 questions for which 50 minutes was given.

Logical Topics:

1) Syllogism.
2) Figures (Non verbal reasoning) - 2 questions.
3) Coding Decoding.
4) Flowchart - 2 questions.
5) Data Interpretation - 2 questions.
6) Number Series.

Extra Topics to be studied: Blood relation, Statement and conclusion, Directions.

Quantitative Topics :

1) Profit & Loss.

2) Ages.
3) Ratio & Proportion.
4) Probability.
5) Average.
6) Time & work.
7) Number System.
8) Percentage.
9) Simple Interest & Compound Interest.
10) Logarithm.
11)Time ,Distance & Speed.
12) HCF & LCM.

Note : is sufficient for both logical and quantitative.

Then The essay writing part which had 30 mins.

Topics were different for every student.
We had to write 200 words or maximum 240 words.

Around 110 people appeared for the process , out of which 30 got selected for
technical interview.

2) Technical Aptitude:
It was bit difficult for non-IT students, it had 20 questions for 20 minutes.

There were pseudo-code/program given we have to select its output, so basically

output prediction of C, C++, Java.

There was a section of Digital logic design where 2 questions were asked.

Around 30 appeared, out of which 19 got selected.

3) Technical Interview:

1) Introduce yourself.
2) Your projects.
3) Java Features (Encapsulation, Abstraction, Polymorphism, Inheritance) in detail.
4) Data structures (Array, Stacks, Queues) with real life example.
5) Method Overloading , Method Overriding (difference)
6) Java program for prime number.
7) SQL queries.

4) HR Interview:

1) Introduce yourself.
2) Difference between java & C++.
3) Difference between Method overloading & Method overriding.
4) Difference between Arrays & Structures.
5) Weakness.
6) What do you know about Capgemini?
7) Why should I hire you?
8) Tagline of Capgemini.
9) Nights shifts ok ?, relocation ok?
10) Will you work in different domain ?

So finally, 17 students got selected and I was one of them. So guys don't worry
about the new pattern just go through java, C, DBMS and data structures.

Advice: Prepare your CV well , as you must be prepared to answer anything and
everything related to what you have put in your CV. Show confidence, even if you
don't feel like it.

Don't lose hope I was not able to clear aptitude test of Accenture, got rejected
from L&T Technical round, but finally I got selected. Thank you for reading.

All the best !

1) Circumference of the car wheel is 14.28m and it revolves 4 revolution, in 7

seconds what is the speed of the car?

2) If 2 dies are rolled what is the probability to get the sum should be at least

3) Father age is 4 times of his sons age, after 30 years the father age is twice of
his sons age, find the age of the father and his son?

4) Find the average of 83,56,76,98,45,59?

5) A cheetah runs at a speed of 82kmph in 7 sec is?

6) A train runs at a avg.speed of 160kmph for 1000 km and other half distance in a
avg.speed 180kmph find the total average speed in the journey?

7) A polygon has 16 faces find how many diagonals are present in the polygon?

8) The population in the country was 1,25,000 and the birth rate in 1 year was 3.3%
and death rate is 1.3% then after 5 years what will be the population in the

9) In a G.P series 3,2... Upto 8th term find the product of the numbers?


1) Winner is always stands alone.

2) Ethics and moral culture.
3) The qualities of the good leader.

Capgemini came to TICT on 11th September 2017. They allowed students from all
streams including ME, CVL, EE with 60% throughout and no active backlog to sit. The
whole process had 4 rounds:

1) Aptitude and Essay.

2) Technical MCQ.
3) Technical Interview.
4) HR Interview.

1) The aptitude was your standard quantitative and logical reasoning questions, 32
each for a total 50 minutes time. Only one essay questions with max no. of words
240 and min. 200 for 30 minutes time.

This round is taken by CoCubes on behalf of Capgemini. The cutoff was high to
eliminate students. The exam works in slots where you have to enter a pass key in
order to give the exam and the results are declared pass key wise. My slot and I
had a very bad experience with this since they didn't declare the result for our
slot and when we raised the issue with the Cocubes people they said the whole slot
did very bad in their essays and all got zero.

We obviously didn't believe them since its not possible that all 54 people in the
slot got zero. We asked our Training and Placement Officer to look into the matter.
CoCubes did everything they could not to help us and check things out. Finally our
TPO sir went to the Capgemini recruitment head. The Capgemini teams asked CoCubes
for screenshots of our tests. They reviewed it and then 17 out of 54 people got
selected for the next round.

2) The technical MCQ was very tough for us, though for my friends in other slots it
was quite easy. Many people from our slot got rejected. The questions were
conceptual, output based. You had to have enough coding experience to skim through
a code to get the idea of what it did since you won't have time to dry run the
program. You also need to have a general idea of standard questions like armstrong
number, perfect number etc. Since they trick us with those pseudo codes.

3) The Technical Interview round was moderate. First they ask you to tell about
yourself. They check your CV thoroughly and ask you from there. Don't lie on your
CV, you must be prepared to answer anything and everything related to what you have
put in your CV. They asked questions from DBMS, Algorithms, Software Engineering
and the subjects that you have put on your CV. Some of my friends was asked about
Collection Framework of Java and other tough questions.

They also ask HR questions in this round too. Questions like "Why should I hire
you?", What will you do for the company? etc.

4) The HR round was more of a formality. Though if the Technical Interview was not
too great, you will get grilled. But if your Technical was great then they will
just chat with you.

All of us who cleared Technical got selected.

My Advice: Show confidence, even if you don't feel like it. Keep eye contact
always. From my experience also be very careful about your selection process. If
you feel that some problem has occurred like for my case ask your TPO immediately
and don't give up.

I got the job but if I had gone home after not hearing my name after Aptitude test,
then I would have regretted it.

Best of Luck!

Hello guys,

So I was rejected by Accenture after clearing the aptitude test in the interview.
Then the next company coming to the college was Capgemini. I heard the news that
Capgemini have changed its aptitude pattern.

So the new pattern consists of Aptitude (Quants and Logical) and Essay writing.
Guys Aptitude section was very easy to crack just study RS Agarwal nothing else to
do. Next was essay writing..You have to write minimum 200 and maximum 240 words on
the given topic.

So after this we were asked to wait and 46 students out of 199 was shortlisted. The
sectional cutoff was high I think because the test was very easy. Then the next
round was technical aptitude. This round was little difficult and the paper
consists of C, Data structures, Algorithms (I/o,o/p),and digital logic.

So 28 students cleared this round. So after this there was technical aptitude. So I
was waiting for my number to come. So when I entered the interview room the
interviewer asked me to sit and told me to introduce myself.

Then he took my resume and asked me questions related to my projects and advanced
java questions. Guys they only focus on resume so you should be clear with your
resume. Then HR round, She asked me to introduce myself and some technical java
questions. Yes in the HR round also the interviewer were aaking tech questions.
Then typical hr questions like why Capgemini and relocation.

So finally 22 students got selected and I was one of them. So guys dont worry about
the new pattern just go through java, C, Dbms and data structures. And I want to
thank all the people who shared their interview experience. Thank you for reading.

After clearing the first round comes the pseudo code round in that round questions
related to C language, data structures and digital logic design were asked.

20 questions were asked in 20 minutes.

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