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Center for Campus Ministry

Marian Evangelization Community
Sampaloc, Manila

Emergency Preparedness Plan

The UST – Marian Evangelization Community will be having its annual pilgrimage project
entitled, “Resurrectio: An Easter Pilgrimage to the Churches in Pampanga.” The said
project will be held on May 1, 2018 from 5:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the various churches in
Pampanga a as indicated in the project proposal. In line with these, the officers prepared an
Emergency Preparedness Plan in case an unfortunate event happens on our pilgrimage.

An ocular visit by a contact person from Pampanga shall be done to the targeted churches
that are to be visited a week before the event. Moreover, Vans shall be the form of
transportation. Communication devices i.e. cellphones shall be obliged to bring by every
participant to ensure that there is a mode of communication between each person. In
addition, bottled water and umbrellas shall also be brought by the participants. However,
the officers shall also bring extra bottles and umbrellas as a contingency plan. Furthermore,
a buddy system shall be established at the beginning of the pilgrimage so that nobody is alone
in the journey. All reminders shall be disseminated by the public relations officer of the
organization prior to the event.

In this activity, there will be a person in charged with the first aid unit: Dr. Froilan Ace R.
Geronimo, a duly licensed physician and alumnus of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery;
who has underwent basic first aid training.

With these, it will be strictly implemented that every participant should follow the
regulations set by the Organizers in the entire trip so as to prevent accidents and further

Thank you and God bless!

Prepared by:

________________________________ ______
Vergel Jigs B. Enriquez
M.E.C. 2017-2018

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