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Presentation of ………...……………………….............................

(4) (3) (2) (1)

Great Very good Fair Poor

Excellent, Good, nice,

attractive but font style Careless and
Infographic Chaotic,
colours and only non-unified
design. incomplete.
unified font occasionally style.
style. unified.

All the ideas and On the whole, With

Infographic concepts are everything repetitions
and loose-
content. consistent and right without and loose-
well organised. repetitions. ideas.

It includes
Structure and It includes almost It does not
Contents half-
everything everything provide the
organisation of required, well- required, well-
finished and
the infographic. disorganised.
organised. ordered. structure.

He/she has not

He/she has been
Communication Well in general been understood at
with confidence,
terms. But, understood in all. It seems
and knowledge demonstrating
some aspects part and that he/she
fail. revealed wasn`t involved
gaps. in the

Keeping pace Low
Coordination Higher on and
with the others participation,
motivation, coordination
with team undertaking and
and fulfilling
problems with
partners. responsibilities about his/her
engagement team
. participation.

Improvement proposals, other…

(Say what you think that has been lacking, too much long, the best…)

Date and signature:

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