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Vapor Hazard Ratio

The Health
Health Hazards
Hazards of
of Solvents

Nicholas Kob,
Kob, Ph.D.,
Ph.D., R&D
R&D Chemist
Chemist DuPont
DuPont Nylon
Nylon Intermediates,
Gerald Altnau,
Altnau, Ph.D.,
Ph.D., Business
Business Manager
Manager DuPont
DuPont Nylon
Nylon Specialty
Specialty Intermediates
Intermediates Europe

In order to understand the health worker to safely work with a chemical. alth effects. Exposure limits are not in-
risks of working with solvents there This can make working with one solvent tended for use as a comparison metric of
is a need to evaluate their potential appear economically unattractive as well one solvent versus another. However, in
risk to the health and safety of the as presenting a higher potential health practice we have found that in many ca-
user. This article describes the use of risk as compared to another solvent. Ge- ses exposure limits are being used to
a vapor hazard ratio (VHR) based on neric phrases such as low toxicity, high compare the health and safety aspects of
the TLV-Values used in the U.S.A. to flash point, and low VOC are terms used using one solvent versus another.
help employers and workers evaluate by many solvent manufactures to des- This article describes a parameter
the potential health risks of using a cribe solvents, but these descriptions are that can easily be calculated to aid in the
solvent. Included in this article is an relative and are not based on scientific evaluation of the risk potential of sol-
example of how the VHR can aid in definitions. Extensive customer interac- vents. The parameter, VHR (vapor ha-
the selection of a replacement solvent tion with those in the solvents business zard ratio), is based on existing exposure
blend for a paint stripping has revealed to the authors the need for guidelines and on the physical properties
application. additional approaches to aid solvent of the solvent. The VHR can help to com-
users in the selection of solvents or pare solvents and solvent blends for their
blends for a process. In most cases more potential health risk to workers at wor-
than one solvent or blend is acceptable king conditions, and aid in the selection
In the United States of America there is on a performance basis. In these cases of a safer solvent/blend.
an increased awareness about environ- another deciding factor in the selection
mental protection and worker safety, of a solvent or solvent blend is the safety
which has led to debate about which sol- and health aspects.
vents are appropriate and safe to use in Large companies many times rely on Numerous lists have been established
a number of applications and situations. their own internal SHE department (sa- which serve as guides for the selection of
The american government has taken the fety, health, and environmental) to com- safe solvents. These include Volatile Or-
lead regulating the use of several sol- municate and establish information on ganic Compounds (VOC), Hazardous Air
vents under the Clean Air Act of 1990; the safe handling of a solvent or chemi- Pollutants (HAP), Clean Air Act Amend-
for these chemicals it is clear what the cal. However, small to medium-sized ments (CAAA) of 1990, and others. In ad-
hazards are, and that their use presents companies often can not afford to have a dition a number of different exposure li-
a potentially unsafe working environ- SHE expert employed to guide solvent se- mits have been established. OSHA sets
ment. However, a clear understanding by lection. External consultants are an op- permissible exposure limits (PELs) to
the user of a solvent’s safety or potential tion, but many times they are also too protect workers against the health ef-
health risk is the exception rather than costly for smaller companies. In order to fects of exposure to hazardous substan-
the rule. In some cases it is extremely assist in the protection against the health ces. PELs are regulatory limits on the
difficult to accurately evaluate the work- effects of chemical exposure several ex- amount or concentration of a substance
place health hazards created by using posure limits have been established. Ex- in the air, and PELs are enforceable.
one solvent versus another. Many times posure limits refer to airborne concen- Threshold limit values (TLV) are develo-
the perceived health hazard of working trations of a substance and represent ped as guidelines by The American Con-
with a solvent is a factor in determining conditions under which it is believed that ference of Governmental Industrial Hy-
the amount and type of PPE (Personal nearly all workers may be repeatedly ex- gienists (ACGIH) to assist in the control of
Protection Equipment) required for a posed day after day without adverse he- health hazards. These recommendations

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Fig. 1: Hansen Solubility Parameter Map Fig. 2: Low Risk Solvent Blends for Paint Stripping

are intended for use in the practice of in- to evaluate a solvent’s health hazard po- have ceiling limit values that it is never
dustrial hygiene, and are not developed tential. Other countries establish their permissible to exceed.
for use as legal standards. TLV’s are the own exposure limits for chemicals, which Many times evaluation of one solvent
method most commonly used in the U.S. are used similarly to the TLV in the U.S. versus another by comparison of the ex-
Exposure limits are not neces- posure limit is used to evaluate the safety
Tab. 1: Risk Potentials of Commonly Used Solvents sarily an indication of a chemi- aspects of using a solvent. Despite the
cals toxicity, they are establis- fact that exposure limits are not intended
Solvent Exposure limit Vapor Saturation VHR
hed to prevent any adverse to be used in this manner it has been our
*TLV/AEL pressure Conc.
effect on health. For example, experience that many times this is the
(ppm) (mmHg) (ppm)
one chemical’s exposure limit case. For example, if solvent A has an ex-
TPM 100 0.03 39 0.39 of 25 ppm may be established posure limit of 100 ppm and chemical B
Propylene 20 0.02 26 1 due to carcinogenic concerns has an exposure limit of 10 ppm, a con-
Carbonate and another chemical may clusion could be drawn that chemical A
*DB 5 0.02 26 5 have an exposure limit of 25 is safer. However, this may or may not be
DPM 100 0.6 723 7 ppm set due to skin irritation. correct since the exposure limit does not
DMPD 5 0.07 92 18 Therefore, exposure limits do reflect the ease at which that airborne
*Solvesso 50 1 1316 26 not reflect the consequences of concentration can be achieved. Many ti-
150 exceeding them, and many ti- mes exposure limits are used to help
**NMP 10 0.3 394 39 mes chemicals with the same guide the selection of PPE worn by wor-
Mineral 100 3 3947 39 exposure limit will have signifi- kers. Failing to consider the ease at
Spirits cantly different consequences. which an exposure limit can be reached
*d-limonene 50 2 2632 53 Exposure limits refer to air- could result in the employee not having
*DMSO 10 0.6 789 79
borne concentrations of sub- the proper PPE and hence have an incre-
*DBE 1.5 0.1 131 87
stances, but in order to under- ased health risk. Also, a chemical with a
DMAc 10 2 2632 263
stand the potential of that low exposure limit may be inaccurately
Xylene 100 20 26316 263
substance to be airborne at a deemed unsafe requiring the employee
MIBK 50 15 19737 395
given set of conditions the va- to wear excessive PPE that may result in
DMF 10 3 3947 395
por pressure must be conside- an unnecessary increased production
MEK 200 70 92105 460
red. The vapor pressure of a cost to the employer. Clearly, in addition
Acetone 500 248 326316 652
substance changes depending to vapor pressure considerations many
Toluene 50 28 36842 737
on the temperature and pres- other factors need to be considered such
Methanol 200 127 167105 835
sure conditions, hence chan- as the size of the room, and the ventila-
Methylene 50 350 460526 9210
ging the airborne concentra- tion system.
benzene 1 95 125000 125000
tion of the substance. If one Further complicating the assessment
elects to use exposure limits to of a chemicals safety relative to another
* DuPont AEL exposure limits were used since no TLV values available. guide them in the selection of a is that not all chemicals have established
** WEEL exposure limit used. solvent then the vapor pres- exposure limits. DuPont internally evalu-
TPM – tripropylene glycol methyl ether sure of that solvent should also ates the safety of chemicals for its wor-
DB – diethylene glycol butyl ether be taken into consideration. kers and the environment. Through its
DPM – dipropylene glycol methyl ether Most exposure limits are ex- Haskell Laboratory, DuPont has been
NMP – N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone pressed as a time weighted studying for the last 20 years the acute,
DMPD – Dimethyl-2-Piperidone average (TWA) for an 8 hour or subchronic, reproductive, mutagenic,
DMSO – Dimethyl Sulfoxide 12 hour workday. TWA’s permit and other toxicological effects of chemi-
DBE – DuPont’s dibasic ester excursions above the exposure cals. From these studies DuPont determi-
DMAc – N,N Dimethyl acetamide limit provided that the average nes AEL (acceptable exposure limits) for
MIBK – methyl isobutyl ketone exposure over 8 hours is below chemicals, which are DuPont’s internal
DMF – N,N Dimethylformamide the exposure limit. However, in exposure limits. AEL’s are guidelines ba-
MEK – methyl ethyl ketone some cases exposure limits sed on informed judgment, and are not

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vent verses another. It can be used as a siderations. A Danish publication compa-

tool in the assessment of one solvents sa- ring several of these is available. The Da-
fety relative to another based on the ex- nish MAL codes define which safety pre-
posure limit and physical properties. The cautions are required for each of a large
vapor hazard ratio for a chemical can be number of processing operations and
easily calculated by using simple arith- conditions. The purpose of such a system
metic in the following equations: is to suggest that possible substitutes to a
current solvent can be found with a lo-
Saturation Concentration of chemical, wer potential health risk. As mentioned
ppm = (vapor pressure, mmHg / 760)*106 previously, in the U.S. it has been our ex-
perience that exposure limits are being
Then the VHR is: used as the metric for comparison of one
solvent versus another. The additional
VHR = (saturation concentration, ppm) / consideration of the vapor pressure, as
(exposure limit, ppm) done with the VHR, will help solvent
users to consider additional metrics in
their evaluation.
Different VHR’s can be calculated for the Although the VHR describes the risk
same chemical under different condi- potential based on exposure limits; it
tions since the vapor pressure changes fails to describe other hazards which em-
with temperature and pressure. Such a ployer and employee may wish to consi-
comparison of using a solvent safely at der to insure the safest workplace possi-
varying conditions is not possible with ble. A common concern when using
exposure limits alone, and this provides solvents is the risk of fire. Every year nu-
another piece of information that can be merous injuries occur which are the re-
fine limits between safe and dangerous used in the evaluation of solvent safety. sult of a fire involving a solvent. Other
concentrations. They are not for use as This is because the vapor hazard ratio possible hazards/factors include chemi-
relative toxicity indexes, limits for conti- reflects the risk potential of a solvent in cal incompatibility, reaction with the pro-
nuous uninterrupted exposure, or proof terms of not only the exposure limit but cess or other solvents, and the biodegra-
or disproof of health effects. TLV values also the potential ease at which that limit dability of the solvent. One must also
for many chemicals have not been estab- is achieved at a given set of conditions. consider that many chemicals have cei-
lished, and for those chemicals AEL va- Table 1 lists a number of the more com- ling limits of exposure. Employers/wor-
lues are used to guide worker safety in monly used solvents and their associated kers, in addition to looking at the VHR
DuPont, and will be used in this report. VHR; solvents with lower VHR values should consult the MSDS to determine
As previously described, many times have a lower potential health risk (are the human health effects associated with
high exposure limits (PEL, TLV, or AEL) safer to use). In contrast many view sol- exceeding the exposure limit.
for a solvent give a safe impression des- vents with lower TLV/exposure limits va- The following example shows how
pite the fact that the solvent is low boi- lues as having a higher potential health the VHR can be easily and proactively
ling (fast evaporating). The evaporation risk. It is important to notice in Table 1 used to develop safer solvent formula-
rate of a solvent is often overlooked by that solvents with a low TLV/exposure li- tions. Hansen solubility parameters are
many people who do not recognize that a mit do not necessarily have a high VHR. used to classify solvents in terms of
high exposure limit may be reached The concept of the vapor hazard ratio their non-polar, polar, and hydrogen
quite quickly at ambient temperature is currently being used globally to aid in bonding characteristics, and are used
and pressure conditions. People feel the evaluation of the potential health ha- extensively to determine the appropri-
much more comfortable working with a zards of chemicals. Occupational expo- ate solvent or solvent blend for a coa-
chemical that has an exposure limit of sure standards are derived and impli- tings or cleaning application. Every sol-
200 ppm verses one that has an expo- mented from country to country [1]. vent is unique in its characteristic
sure limit of 5 ppm. It is counter intuitive Several countries have guidelines that Hansen solubility parameters, and
to many people that the solvent with the include vapor pressure considerations in hence has a unique place on the Han-
5 ppm exposure limit may be safer to addition to exposure limits. In Germany sen Solvent map as shown in Figure 1.
work with because its limit is reached the vapor hazard ratio is described and Hansen parameters provide a systema-
more slowly or may never be reached at recommended as “Gefahrdungszahl Gz” tic method that is used to identify sub-
a given set of conditions. The challenge is in the technical guidelines of the German stitute solvents, or determine the solu-
that no easy method exists to help them “Gefahrstoffverordnumg” (TRGS 420, the bility of a resin in a solvent or solvent
evaluate solvents based on the exposure German technical rule for hazardous blend. The suitability of a solvent to dis-
limit, and the physical properties. We re- materials). The Danish MAL system re- solve a particular coating or resin in
commend the use of the vapor hazard ra- flects the cubic meters of fresh air requi- based on the principle of “like dissolves
tio (VHR) which is the quotient of the sa- red for ventilation of 1 liter of chemical like”. Therefore, in developing a repla-
turated vapor concentration of a to below the exposure limit. This number cement solvent or solvent blend it is cri-
chemical (at a given temperature and is modified by a constant, depending on tical to the performance that the Han-
pressure) and its exposure limit to aid in the evaporation rate or vapor pressure. sen parameters for the replacement
the evaluation of one solvent versus an- Higher vapor pressures imply a greater blend be similar to those of the current
other. However, it should be made very hazard so the multiplier is larger. Other solvent blend. For further discussion on
clear that we do not intend for the VHR metrics in addition to exposure limits the use of Hansen parameters in sol-
to be used as the only criteria in the eva- have been generated to help evaluate vent selection we refer the reader to re-
luation of the hazard potential of one sol- risks by inclusion of vapor pressure con- ference [1].

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Replacement of a solvent blend in a Paint a replacement solvent in a blend, rather the VHR regards the current blend as
Stripping Application many are possible. A few possible ans- being more hazardous due to the fact the
wers could be: vapor pressure shows it to be more vola-
A typical paint stripping blend (labeled
tile, and hence its exposure limit may be
current blend in Fig. 2) may be:
Blend # Solvents Solvents Solvents more easily achieved. Since the exposure
VHR TLV/Exposure limit alone does not reflect the potential
Solvent Solvent Solvent
limits (ppm) volatility of a solvent blend that informa-
VHR TLV/Exposure limit
Blend 1 40% d-limonene 53 50 tion is not considered if one compares
35% DuPont DBE 87 1.5 solvent blends using only exposure limits.
30% 9210 50 Clearly, the type of information provided
10% propylene 1 20
Methylene by the VHR is of value since it provides
carbonate 16 25
Chloride another approach to aid in the evaluation
15% NMP
40% Xylene 263 100 of the relative hazards of using one sol-
Blend 2 40% DuPont DBE 87 1.5
30% MIBK 395 50 vent blend versus another.
20% NMP 16 25
40% Solvesso 150 26 50
An exposure limit (TLV or AEL) for a li- Blend 3 30% DuPont DBE 87 1.5 Conclusion
quid mixture can be calculated on a 20% DMSO 79 10
time-weighted average exposure basis 15% DB 5 5 Worker safety and environmental pre-
assuming the atmospheric concentration 35% mineral spirits 39 10 servation are two of the most important
is similar to that of the original mixture parameters used in the selection of sol-
(all the liquid mixture eventually evapo- vents for processes. We propose the use
rates). When the percent composition (by The Hansen parameters for the proposed of an easily calculated metric, the VHR
weight) is known the exposure limit of solvent blends 1–3 have similar and ac- (vapor hazard ratio), as a tool for wor-
the mixture is: ceptable solvency to the current blend, kers and employers to access a solvent’s
as shown in Figure 2. Comparison of the potential health hazards based on expo-
Exposure limit mixture = VHR values of the individual solvents in- sure limits and physical properties for a
1/[(fa/TLVa) + (fb/TLVb) + (fc/TLVc) +…(fn/TLVn)] dicates that the proposed formulations given chemical. Further, many countries
are solvent blends of lower hazard po- establish their own exposure limits so
Where fn is the weight fraction of compo- tential than the current blend. The VHR this approach can and is being used glo-
nent n and TLVn is the exposure limit of are TLV/exposure limits for the blends bally (using local exposure limits) to eva-
component n. An alternative method is were calculated: luate and compare solvents. We also ad-
using the VHR in place of the TLV/expo- vise that in addition to the VHR
sure limit to reflect the health risk a sol- Solvent Blend Blend exposure Blend exposure parameter, one should read the chemica-
vent mixture poses based on the not only limit (using VHR) limit (using TLV) l’s MSDS and consider other risk factors.
the exposure limit but the potential ease Current Blend 432 63
at which that limit could be achieved at a Reference
Blend 1 9 4
given set of conditions: Blend 2 31 3 [1] Jankovic, J.; Drake, F.: Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J.

Blend 3 22 4 57, 641 (1996)

Exposure limit mixture =
1/[(fa/VHRa) + (fb/VHRb) + (fc/VHRc) +…(fn/VHRn)] The Authors
The calculations show that by inspection Nicholas Kob, Ph.D.
Using a solvent formulation program of only the TLV/exposure limits of the R&D Chemist DuPont Nylon Intermediates
(DuPont as well as many other compa- blends (the lower the TLV the more ha- DuPont Experimental Station E302/316
P.O. Box 80302
nies offer such services to customers), zardous the blend) one may conclude that
Wilmington, DE. 19880, USA
the Hansen parameters for the above hy- the current blend has the lowest potential
pothetical solvent blend is found to be health risk. However, by calculating the
non-polar 9.1, polar 2.3, and hydrogen VHR of the blends (the higher the VHR Gerald Altnau, Ph.D.
bonding 2.1 (Fig. 2 shows the location of the more hazardous the blend) one may Business Manager DuPont Nylon Specialty Intermedia-
the blend on a solubility map). The Han- conclude that the current blend has the tes Europe
sen parameters show the solvency of the highest potential health risk to the user. DuPont-Str. 1
61352 Bad Homburg, Germany
solvent blend and it is desired that a re- This example highlights the fact that a
placement solvent blend has similar different conclusion on the relative safety
Hansen parameters and present less of a of using one solvent blend versus another
health risk. As is almost always the case can be reached depending on how the
there is not one single correct answer for evaluation method used. In this example Easy Info Nr. • 201

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