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Diagnostic management of clinically suspected acute

deep vein thrombosis

Melanie Tan,1 Cornelis J. van Rooden,2 Robin E. Westerbeek3 and Menno V. Huisman1
Section of Vascular Medicine, Department of General Internal Medicine – Endocrinology, Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC),
Leiden, 2Department of Radiology, Haga Teaching Hospital, the Hague, and 3Department of Radiology, Deventer Hospitals,
Deventer, the Netherlands

Other conditions may simulate clinically manifest DVT,

and in patients under suspicion of DVT based on clinical
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a common disease that may grounds, a definite diagnosis of DVT is confirmed in
lead to potentially fatal complications, such as pulmonary only 10–25% by imaging (Cogo et al, 1998; Wells et al,
embolism. In the past decades several diagnostic tools and 1997).
algorithms for DVT have been studied. Currently the combi- The consequence of falsely excluding DVT is a serious risk of
nation of a clinical decision rule, D-dimer testing and pulmonary embolism, a potentially life-threatening disease,
compression ultrasonography has proved to be safe and whereas a false positive diagnosis of DVT may lead to
effective for the diagnosis of DVT in the lower extremities. unnecessary anticoagulant related – sometimes major or fatal –
Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imag- haemorrhage (Schulman et al, 2008).
ing (MRI) can be useful as additional or secondary imaging Objective diagnosis of suspected DVT is therefore of great
modalities. This review will discuss the elements currently used clinical significance and is mandatory. In the past decades
in making the clinical diagnosis of DVT. These elements several diagnostic tools and different algorithms have been
include clinical decision rules and D-dimer testing, different proposed. The development of formal clinical decision rules
imaging investigations and the appropriate use of these within and the D-dimer test have enabled a more structured clinical
diagnostic algorithms in patients with clinically suspected diagnosis of DVT. Furthermore, the introduction of
DVT. Although current knowledge of the options available to ultrasonography (US) as an alternative to contrast
diagnose DVT of the lower extremities is well established, there venography facilitated the broad application of accurate
are still unresolved issues, including the optimal diagnosis of noninvasive diagnosis. The use of an intravascular contrast
recurrent DVT and distal DVT. Furthermore, the diagnosis of agent with possible associated adverse events, and radiation
DVT of the upper extremities will be discussed, including the exposure, is avoided by the use of US. Although many
different imaging modalities and the limitations of these diagnostic aspects have been well established, several issues
techniques. remain debated.
This review aims to give an overview of the current
Keywords: deep vein thrombosis, diagnosis, clinical decision knowledge of the diagnostic work-up of acute clinically
rule, D-dimer test, ultrasonography. manifest DVT, to address unresolved issues and give future
perspectives of studies in the diagnosis of DVT.
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) of the lower extremities is a
common disease with an estimated incidence between 0Æ5 and
Diagnosis of a first episode lower extremity
1Æ6 per 1000 inhabitants in population-based studies (Nord-
of deep vein thrombosis
strom et al, 1992; Hirsh & Lee, 2002; Kearon et al, 1998). Deep
vein thrombosis of the upper extremity is relatively uncom-
Clinical evaluation
mon. About 4% of all DVT cases are located in the upper
extremity (Flinterman et al, 2008). Clinical presentation. Part of establishing the diagnosis of
DVT is the medical history, physical examination and risk
assessment of the patient. Several risk factors are known to
increase the risk of developing a DVT. These risk factors are
Correspondence: M. V. Huisman, MD PhD, Section of Vascular shown in Table I (Hirsh & Lee, 2002). Although many patients
Medicine, Department of General Internal Medicine – Endocrinology, may present with one or several of these risk factors, a DVT
Leiden University Medical Centre, PO Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden, the can arise without any of these risk factors present, also known
Netherlands. E-mail: as an idiopathic DVT.

First published online 19 May 2009

ª 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology, 146, 347–360 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2141.2009.07732.x

Table I. Major and minor risk factors for DVT. items. For each item one point is given; two points are
deducted when an alternative diagnosis is considered more
Major risk factors
likely than DVT. The decision rule, initially divided patients
Active malignancy
Recent major surgery or trauma into a low risk (£0 points), an intermediate risk (1–2
Recent hospitalization points) and a high risk (‡3 points), was later dichotomized
Prolonged immobilization into a low probability (<2 points) or high probability (‡2
Pregnancy and puerperium points).
Hormonal therapy A high risk, as defined by a high probability Wells decision
Positive family history rule score, significantly increases the probability of DVT [post-
Known thrombophilic factor test likelihood ratio, 5Æ2 (95% confidence interval (CI), 4Æ0–
Previous venous thromboembolism 6Æ0%)], while a low probability risk score significantly reduces
Minor risk factors the probability of DVT [post-test likelihood ratio, 0Æ25 (95%
CI, 0Æ21–0Æ29%)] (Goodacre et al, 2005a).
The interobserver variability of the Wells decision rule is low
Long distance flights
(j = 0Æ85) and assessing the score is independent of the
experience of the physician (Wells et al, 1995a; Cornuz et al,
The symptoms of a DVT include pain in the affected leg, 2002).
tenderness and swelling, increased warmth and changes in skin Although the Wells decision rule brings advantages to the
colour or a combination of these. However, such signs may diagnostic work-up of DVT, there are some drawbacks. First,
also be observed in several other conditions and therefore the Wells decision rule is not completely objective, due to the
simulate DVT. The differential diagnosis may include ruptured subjective element of considering an alternative diagnosis.
calf muscles or tendons, ruptured popliteal synovial membrane Second, the Wells decision rule has not been validated to
or Bakers cyst, muscle cramp, muscle haematoma, cellulitis, certain selected groups of patients with a different risk profile,
chronic venous insufficiency and lymphoedema. Because of including pregnant patients, patients with a history of DVT or
this broad spectrum of causes and the different management pulmonary embolism, patients who have used anticoagulant
consequences, an objective establishment of the diagnosis of treatment for over 48 h, and older patients (>60 years)
DVT is mandatory. (Goodacre et al, 2005a).
Several attempts have been carried out to simplify the Wells
Clinical decision rules. Several clinical decision rules have decision rule. Examples are the Kahn’s decision rule – which
been evaluated. The most widely tested and used uses four items, the St André decision rule – six items and
clinical decision rule is the ‘Wells decision rule’ (Wells Constans decision rule – five items (Kahn et al, 1999; Constans
et al, 1995a). It utilizes information gathered by medical et al, 2001, 2003). Table II displays the clinical items of each of
history and physical examination and consists of nine the four clinical decision rules.

Table II. Overview of the different clinical items in the four clinical decision rules.

Clinical items Wells (points) Kahn (points) St André (points) Ambulatory Constans (points)

Male sex – 1 – 1
Cancer 1 – 1 –
Lower limb paralysis or immobilization 1 – 1 1
Confinement to bed 1 – – 1
Orthopaedic surgery <6 months – 1 – –
Unilateral lower limb pain – – – 1
Local warmth – 1 1 –
Localized tenderness 1 – – –
(Whole) limb enlargement 1 – – 1
Calf enlargement ‡3 cm compared to the other site 1 – – –
Unilateral pitting oedema 1 – 1 –
Superficial venous dilatation 1 1 1 –
Other diagnosis at least as plausible as DVT )2 – )1 )1
Cut-off points £ 0: low 0: low £ 0: low £ 0: low
1–2: moderate 1–2: moderate 1–2: moderate 1–2: moderate
‡3: high ‡3: high ‡3: high ‡3: high
<2: unlikely
‡2: likely

348 ª 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology, 146, 347–360

For all of these decision rules the performance was assessed prospective management studies. Limitations of the Wells
for outpatients by plotting the Response Operating Curve decision rule are the subjective element and the use in specific
(ROC) curve, i.e. a plot of proportion of true positive results patient populations.
versus the proportion of false positive results. The area under
the ROC curve was 0Æ76 (95% CI, 0Æ70–0Æ81%) for the Wells
D-dimer testing
decision rule, 0Æ57 (95% CI, 0Æ50–0Æ63%) for the Kahn decision
rule, 0Æ67 (95% CI, 0Æ61–0Æ73%) for the St André decision rule D-dimers are generated by fibrinolysis of a thrombus, in which
and 0Æ79 (95% CI, 0Æ74–0Æ84%) for the Constans decision cross-linked fibrin is degraded by plasmin. D-dimer tests
rule (Constans et al, 2003). The Wells and Constans decision recognize these D-dimers by monoclonal antibodies. The main
rule appear to be superior in performance than the St André objective of D-dimer testing is to safely rule out DVT in
and Kahn decision rule. In conclusion, the three simplified correlation with a low to intermediate clinical prediction rule,
clinical decision rules seem to perform satisfactorily, with the because of its high sensitivity. Several D-dimer assays are
Constans decision rule even slightly better than the Wells available with different sensitivities and specificities. The
decision rule, however none of them have been adequately D-dimer assays have either an intermediate sensitivity and
validated prospectively. Of note, both the St André and specificity [semiquantitative latex (sensitivity 61–100%, spec-
Constans decision rule include the subjective element of ificity 22–92%), qualitative latex (sensitivity 77–87%, specific-
‘another diagnosis more likely than DVT’. ity 100–100%), whole blood assay (sensitivity 53–100%,
Another way to approach patients with a clinically suspected specificity 20–94%)] or a high sensitivity at cost of a low
DVT is the physicians’ empirical judgment. In this method the specificity [enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (sensitivity
physician makes an estimation of the risk of DVT in the 50–100%, specificity 5–82%), enzyme-linked fluorescence
patient without using a standardized decision rule. The assay (sensitivity 88–100%, specificity 5–82%), quantitative
patients are classified as having a low (<20%), intermediate latex (sensitivity 57–100%, specificity 26–97%)] (Di Nisio
(21–79%) or high (>80%) probability of DVT according to the et al, 2007). A comparison of the different assays is difficult,
assessment of the clinician. Only a limited number of studies because of the heterogeneity of the different tests. The
have been performed evaluating the empirical judgment. A semiquantitative and qualitative latex and whole blood assay
meta-analysis of these studies shows a positive likelihood ratio are qualitative tests. Drawbacks of qualitative D-dimer tests are
of 6Æ2 (95% CI, 1Æ0–40Æ0%) and a negative likelihood ratio of the high observer dependency, especially in case of an
0Æ18 (95% CI, 0Æ133–0Æ26%) (Goodacre et al, 2005a). In intermediate result (De Monyé et al, 1999). Furthermore these
comparison with the Wells score, the empirical judgment tests have the inability to detect minimal elevations in D-dimer
performed similarly. Drawbacks for the empirical judgment levels, resulting in a low sensitivity. For these reasons the
include interobserver variation, the dependency upon the preference exists for the quantitative assays.
experience of the physician and the lack of validation in A normal D-dimer result as a sole diagnostic test can not be
studies. used to withhold anticoagulant therapy in patients with a
Table III presents the four clinical decision rules and the suspected DVT. The D-dimer test has always to be used with
empirical strategy with the proportion of patients categorized the combination of a clinical decision rule or US (see
as low, intermediate and high risk and the percentage of Diagnostic Algorithms) (Ten Cate-Hoek & Prins, 2005).
patients with a DVT in each category. Additionally, using an elevated D-dimer test alone to
In conclusion, while several clinical decision rules have been establish the diagnosis of DVT is also not appropriate, because
evaluated, in our opinion the Wells clinical decision rule is the of the low specificity. This low specificity is caused by the
preferred one, since it has been extensively validated in increase of the D-dimer level in other conditions, including

Table III. Overview of different clinical decision rules for DVT: fraction of patients in three categories of pre-test probability for DVT and incidence
of DVT for each category.

Patient percentage Patient percentage Patient percentage

in low category in intermediate in high category
Rule Study N (% DVT) (% DVT) category (% DVT) (% DVT)

Wells Goodacre et al (2005a)* 271 (24) 38 (7) 39 (21) 32 (62)

Kahn Kahn et al (1999) 271 (27) 20 (9) 71 (26) 9 (76)
St Andre Constans et al (2001) 273 (24) 52 (11) 42 (33) 6 (76)
Constans Constans et al (2003) 282 (25) 25 (4) 64 (27) 11 (58)
Empirical Cornuz et al (2002) 278 (29) 31 (13) 46 (24) 23 (63)
Miron et al (2000) 270 (21) 29 (1) 61 (18) 10 (100)
Wells et al (1998) 527 (25) 49 (5) 33 (29) 18 (73)

*Depicted from meta-analysis; median prevalence for studies included in meta-analysis.

ª 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology, 146, 347–360 349

infection, inflammation, cancer, surgery and trauma, extensive specificity and its limited value in specific patient populations
burns or bruises, ischemic heart disease, stroke, peripheral and clinical settings. The near patient D-dimer tests seem
artery disease, ruptured aneurysm or aortic dissection or promising, but have to be properly validated in prospective
pregnancy (Righini et al, 2008). management studies.
Furthermore the clinical usefulness of a D-dimer test is
diminished in different settings, including inpatients, post-
operative patients, during pregnancy or postpartum, in
patients with a high clinical probability or with previous Contrast venography. Traditionally, contrast venography has
venous thromboembolic (VTE) event and in elderly patients. been used as the golden standard for diagnosing DVT. The
The proportion of patients with a high D-dimer result is diagnosis of DVT is confirmed with the finding of a constant
greatly increased in these patient populations (Righini et al, intraluminal filling defect on two or more views. Treatment
2008). can be withheld safely when a technically adequate contrast
The extent and localization of the DVT also influence the venogram shows no evidence of DVT (Hull et al, 1981).
sensitivity of the D-dimer test. The sensitivity of the D-dimer However, venography has many disadvantages. Not only the
test in patients with a distal DVT is lower than in patients with invasive nature of the technique, but also adverse reactions and
a proximal DVT. The sensitivity of a D-dimer test for distal venous endothelial toxicity following contrast administration
DVT is 86% (95% CI, 84–88%), while for proximal DVT the are well known problems (Albrechtsson & Olsson, 1976).
sensitivity is 98% (95% CI, 97–99%) (Goodacre et al, 2005b). Furthermore contrast venography has a variation in inter-
In most patients the levels of D-dimer remain elevated pretation in up to 10% of the cases and is relative expensive
during the first days of treatment. However, there is an initial (McLachlan et al, 1979). As a consequence contrast venogra-
rapid decrease in D-dimer, which can cause the value of phy is now seldomly used as a diagnostic investigation for the
D-dimer to drop below the cut-off level (Aguilar & Del Villar, establishment of the diagnosis of DVT.
2007). With the use of intravenously administered heparin, the
decline can be 30–40% in the first day after the start of the Impedance plethysmography. Occlusive-cuff impedance
treatment (Speiser et al, 1990; Minnema et al, 1997). The use plethysmography (IPG) is a noninvasive technique for
of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) and oral Vitamin K detecting a proximal DVT. The technique measures blood
Antagonist (VKA) treatment may cause a drop in D-dimer volume changes in the leg as a change in electrical resistance
levels as well. The sensitivity of the D-dimer test declines (impedance).
during the use of VKA treatment to 69Æ2% (95% CI, 42Æ2– Several studies demonstrated the value of IPG in the
87Æ3%) (Aguilar & Del Villar, 2007). Therefore a D-dimer can diagnosis of patients with suspected DVT (Hull et al, 1976;
not reliably be used to exclude a DVT during anticoagulant Huisman et al, 1986). Compared to venography the technique
therapy and US examination is mandatory in this group of has an overall sensitivity of 93% and a specificity of 95% for
patients. the diagnosis of proximal DVT (Wheeler & Anderson, 1982).
A final drawback of the D-dimer tests is the great diversity of Although IPG has proved its efficacy, it is hardly used
tests being used. Because of a lack of a reference method for anymore. This is mainly because US has shown a higher
D-dimer assays, international standardization is not possible. accuracy and is a simpler noninvasive technique (Wells et al,
Apart from the conventional D-dimer assays, very quick 1995b). IPG has therefore largely been replaced by US as a
D-dimer tests have been evaluated. The advantage of these tests noninvasive technique for the diagnosis of acute DVT.
is the quick test result, especially suitable in emergency
department setting. A limited amount of studies, which Ultrasonography. In routine clinical practise, ultrasonography
included small numbers of patients, have been performed. In (US) has become a widely accepted and a primary diagnostic
these studies the near patient D-dimer test gave promising procedure for the work up of clinically suspected DVT.
results (sensitivity 94Æ1–100%, specificity 40Æ4–52Æ9%) (Cini Initially, attempts were made to diagnose DVT by visualization
et al, 2003; van der Velde et al, 2007; Neale et al, 2004). of a thrombus. However this method performed relatively
However a drawback of these assays is the qualitative test poorly, since its visibility may be dependent on the age of the
result. A quantitative near patient D-dimer test has also been clot. A fresh clot may appear almost anechoic and go
assessed with a high sensitivity and specificity (sensitivity unnoticed by visual inspection, leading to under diagnosis
96Æ6%, specificity 60Æ8%) (Dempfle et al, 2006). These near (Cronan & Dorfman, 1991).
patient D-dimer tests seem suitable for incorporation in the At present, several US techniques can be applied in the
diagnostic strategy of DVT. However this has to be properly investigation of clinically suspected DVT. Methods commonly
evaluated in prospective management studies. used, include compression ultrasonography (CUS), colour
In conclusion, a D-dimer test can be used to safely rule out Doppler Flow Imaging (CDFI) and spectral Doppler.
acute DVT in combination with a low or intermediate clinical Compression ultrasonography is commonly used in the
probability using Wells’ decision rule (see Diagnostic Algo- radiological diagnosis of a first episode of clinically
rithms). The major limitation of the D-dimer testing is its low suspected DVT. In this technique, the femoral and popliteal

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veins are directly visualized and subsequently assessed for Non-compressibility of either the femoral or popliteal vein,
their compressibility in the transverse plane (two-point or both, is diagnostic for a first episode of acute proximal DVT
CUS) (Fig 1). in patients suspected for clinically manifest DVT, with a
Patients are preferably examined in supine position with the sensitivity of 93Æ8% (95% CI, 92–95Æ3%) and specificity of
head of the bed raised 20–30! to enhance venous filling in the 97Æ8% (95% CI, 97–98Æ4%) (Goodacre et al, 2005c). The
legs. In a two-point CUS strategy, the common femoral vein is interobserver agreement of CUS is excellent with a j = 1 for
identified first. The common femoral vein is positioned proximal DVT of the leg (Lensing et al, 1989; Schwarz et al,
medially to the common femoral artery. Subsequently, the 2002).
popliteal vein is identified by placing the transducer in the As an alternative for the two point strategy, extended CUS of
popliteal fossa in prone position (or in a sitting position with the proximal deep venous system can be applied. Starting at
the legs slightly flexed). The vein is positioned above the the common femoral vein, subsequent stepwise compression is
popliteal artery. In the absence of a DVT, gentle pressure with applied approximately every 1 cm along the course of the
the transducer (in a transverse plane) causes the venous lumen femoral and popliteal vein. An extended CUS examination
to completely collapse: the vein is compressible. When a could hypothetically lead to identification of more thrombosis.
thrombus is present, compression of the vein is not possible However, Cogo et al (1993) showed, by evaluating the
even with a more firm pressure. This inability to completely distribution of DVT, that all proximal DVTs were located as
compress the vein, or incompressibility, is the criterion in follows: isolated popliteal vein (10%); popliteal and superficial
establishing the diagnosis of DVT (Fig 2). femoral vein (42%); popliteal, superficial and common

Fig 1. Compression ultrasonography. Left image is before compression, right image during compression. Compressible femoral vein. A, artery;
V, vein.

Fig 2. Compression ultrasonography. Non-compressible femoral vein. A, artery; V, vein.

ª 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology, 146, 347–360 351

femoral vein (5%), entire proximal venous system (35%) and distal DVT propagating over days into the proximal–popliteal
common femoral and superficial vein or iliac vein (8%). Of vein and above – system without being detected (see Diagnostic
note, no isolated superficial femoral vein thrombosis was Algorithms).
detected. Based on this study, we prefer the two-point CUS Of importance, no study has been performed in which
method, which is time-efficient by limiting the examination of CCUS has been compared with the reference method contrast
the proximal veins to the common femoral vein and popliteal venography. Therefore the sensitivity and specificity of CCUS
vein. are unknown.
In summary, CUS is a simple, accurate and noninvasive The main advantage of the use of the CCUS is the lack of
diagnostic tool and serves as a first choice of imaging modality necessity for a repeat US after 1 week. However, there are
in the diagnostic work up of patients with a first episode of several drawbacks. Firstly, the technique is time consuming.
clinically suspected DVT of the lower extremities (Lensing The additional needed US time varies between 4 and 30 min,
et al, 1989). depending on the operators’ personal skills and training
Colour Doppler Flow Imaging (CDFI) may serve as an (Schellong, 2007). Furthermore, these skills and training
alternative or complementary technique in the diagnosis of determine the accuracy of the examination of the distal deep
thrombosis. CDFI provides colour code information about the vein system. Schellong (2007) reported very low rates of
velocity and direction of flow. Criteria in diagnosing throm- inadequate examinations of 0Æ4–1Æ4%. These low rates are
bosis include absent (or partially absent) colour-coded flow. contradictory to the high inadequacy rates reported in other
For CDFI, the sensitivity for the proximal deep veins of the legs studies evaluating distal DVT. In these latter studies inade-
is 95Æ8% (95% CI, 85Æ7–99Æ5%) with a specificity of 92Æ7% for quacy rates between 32% and 55% were reported (Forbes &
all DVT (95% CI, 89Æ7–95Æ2%) (Goodacre et al, 2005c). Stevenson, 1998; Gottlieb et al, 1999).
Subsequently, spectral Doppler examination can be added to Finally, around 50% of DVTs diagnosed by CCUS are
the examination of CDFI. In a spectral Doppler, the spectrum isolated distal DVT (Righini, 2007). These cases of distal DVT
of flow velocities is graphically represented and quantitatively can consist of either true positive small distal DVT that could
and qualitatively analyzed. In summary, with US, the diag- also resolve spontaneously or false positive distal DVT.
nostic criteria of a DVT include (a combination of) visuali- Therefore a risk of over diagnosing DVT is present with
zation of the thrombus, incompressibility of a venous segment associated bleeding complications (El Kheir & Büller, 2004).
and abnormal flow in Doppler examination. In conclusion, although CCUS seemed to have promise
Based on the reported high accuracy in literature and its because it is efficient (1 d testing) and can be performed
widespread acceptance, CUS is a simple, robust and noninva- adequately by experienced operators, there are many dis-
sive diagnostic tool and serves as a first choice of imaging advantages to this technique. These include time-inefficiency,
modality in the diagnostic work up of patients with a first potential for over diagnosing and over treating patients with
episode of clinically suspected DVT of the lower extremities a distal DVT and a high rate of inadequate examinations.
(Lensing et al, 1989). As an alternative, CDFI examination In routine practise the use of CCUS as an established test in
may be used, as it seems to perform equally well when DVT diagnosis cannot be recommended yet.
compared to CUS.
Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
Isolated distal DVT. In contrast to proximal DVT of the leg, Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance
distal DVT has been less well examined. Regardless of the Imaging (MRI) may serve as an alternative or complementary
method of US, accuracy is substantially lower as compared to imaging tool to US. However, compared to US, both
proximal DVT. CUS and Doppler analysis were reported modalities are less well evaluated.
to have sensitivities that were just over 70% (73%; 95% CI, In a recent meta-analysis, a pooled sensitivity for CT-
54–93%) (Kearon et al, 1998). In other studies, substantial venography was 96% (95% CI, 93–98%) with a pooled
numbers of examined cases were inconclusive (Forbes & specificity of 95% (95% CI, 93Æ6–96Æ5%) (Thomas et al, 2008).
Stevenson, 1998; Gottlieb et al, 1999). Of note, different techniques and different diagnostic criteria
Doppler US also has limited value with a sensitivity of 71% were used for the diagnosis of proximal DVT. Furthermore
(95% CI, 64Æ6–77Æ2%) (Goodacre et al, 2005c) for distal DVT. most studies were performed in patients with suspected
In addition, there is a high chance of false positive findings due pulmonary embolism, in which the CT scan was subsequently
to the complex anatomy of the distal veins. extended to the legs, usually in patients without symptoms or
signs of a thrombosis of the leg.
Complete compression ultrasonography (CCUS). Complete MR-venography can be performed with or without intrave-
compression ultrasonography (CCUS) is a combination of nously administered gadolinium and both techniques have
the extended CUS of the proximal deep veins and CUS of the been evaluated for their accuracy. The pooled sensitivity and
distal deep veins of the leg. CCUS was introduced by Elias et al specificity of MR-venography were reported to be 91Æ5% (95%
(2003) to avoid the need for a repeat US in patients that had an CI, 87Æ5–94Æ5%) and 94Æ8% (95% CI, 92Æ6–96Æ5%), respectively
initially normal CUS. This second CUS is necessary to avoid a (Sampson et al, 2007).

352 ª 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology, 146, 347–360

In conclusion, although the sensitivity and specificity of CT- performed in all patients with a clinical suspected DVT (see
venography and MR-venography are within the range of US; Algorithm 2, Fig 4). The patients with an abnormal US were
the safety of withholding anticoagulant treatment on the basis treated with anticoagulant treatment, while in patients with a
of a normal CT-venography or normal MR-venography has normal US a D-dimer test was performed. If this D-dimer test
not been studied and therefore these modalities cannot be was normal a DVT was excluded. In case of an abnormal
recommended as first line imaging approaches. CT-venogra- D-dimer test repeat CUS was performed after 1 week.
phy or MR-venography could be useful in patients with a Depending on this CUS result patients were treated or
suspected DVT in whom US can not be performed or is less treatment was withheld. With this strategy, 946 patients
reliable, such as patients with morbid obesity, casts and received a CUS, because of a clinical suspected DVT, of whom
patients with a suspected deep vein thrombosis in the iliac or 260 patients had an abnormal CUS. The remaining 686
inferior cava vein. Furthermore, patients with a suspected patients with a normal CUS result underwent D-dimer testing.
anatomical anomaly of a vein can be imaged by CT-veno- In 598 patients the D-dimer test result was normal, so the
graphy or MR-venography. diagnosis of DVT was excluded. The 88 patients with an
abnormal D-dimer result underwent repeat CUS. In 83
patients the CUS was normal and DVT was excluded. In the
Diagnostic algorithms
remaining five patients the CUS became abnormal and DVT
Several diagnostic algorithms can be applied in patients with a was confirmed. The cumulative 3-month VTE failure rate in
first episode of clinically suspected acute DVT. The most patients with normal CUS and D-dimer test was 0Æ4% (95%
validated approaches include the serial two point CUS and an CI, 0Æ0–0Æ9%) with a low mean number of 0Æ1 of additional US
algorithm consisting of a combination of clinical decision rule, tests per referred patient (Bernardi et al, 1998).
D-dimer test and CUS. Recently algorithms with the use of The third algorithm is the combination of a clinical decision
CCUS have been studied. rule, D-dimer test and CUS (see Algorithm 3, Fig 5). The clinical
In order to detect distal DVT that has propagated into the decision rule divides patients into ‘DVT likely’ and ‘DVT
proximal venous system, several algorithms that included a unlikely’ groups. A low clinical decision rule (<2) and a normal
serial CUS have been proposed. First, an algorithm that high sensitive quantitative D-dimer test can safely exclude a first
solely constitutes of US tests was suggested (see Algorithm 1, DVT without additional imaging tests (Ten Cate-Hoek & Prins,
Fig 3). In this algorithm, CUS was performed in all patients 2005). When a patient with a low clinical decision score has an
with clinically suspected DVT. In case of an initial normal elevated D-dimer test, additional imaging with CUS is indicated.
CUS, a second CUS was performed on the following day A high clinical probability score (‡2) significantly increases the
and, when still normal, after 1 week. A CUS indicating a risk of a DVT, consequently an US examination has to be
DVT was followed by ascending venography to confirm the performed prior to performing a D-dimer test. When the CUS is
diagnosis. This algorithm was prospectively studied: of the abnormal, a DVT is diagnosed. A normal CUS cannot exclude a
491 included patients, 490 underwent CUS of whom 78 DVT, because of the risk of extension of a distal vein thrombosis
were diagnosed with DVT on day 1 and 6 patients were into the proximal system. Therefore a D-dimer test has to be
diagnosed on day 2 and 8. The remaining 406 patients were performed. A normal D-dimer test justifies withholding antico-
left untreated. An abnormal CUS had a positive predictive agulant therapy. In case of an elevated D-dimer result a repeat US
value of 94% (95% CI, 87–98%). During 6 months follow- after 1 week has to be performed. In a prospective study, 317
up 1Æ5% (95% CI, 0Æ5–3Æ3%) of patients with repeatedly patients had a low clinical decision score and underwent
normal tests were diagnosed with VTE (Heijboer et al, D-dimer testing. In 218 patients DVT was excluded by a
1993). negative D-dimer test result. This combination showed a
This approach, of performing two ultrasonographies after a 3-month VTE failure rate of 0Æ9%, (95% CI, 0Æ1–3Æ3%). In 99
normal US is inconvenient for patients, labour intensive and patients the D-dimer test was positive and consequently the
expensive. The mean number of additional US is high, at 1Æ6 patients underwent CUS, which confirmed the diagnosis of DVT
(Cogo et al, 1998). in 14 patients. In the remaining 85 patients anticoagulant
Therefore a simpler algorithm was proposed in which one US therapy was withheld; none of these patients subsequently had a
test after 1 week was performed in case of an initially normal US VTE event in the 3 months of follow-up. Of the patients with a
(see Algorithm 1, Fig 3). This algorithm was also studied high clinical decision score, 249 patients underwent CUS, which
prospectively; 1702 patients had an adequate CUS. Out of these confirmed the diagnosis of DVT in 68 patients. The remaining
patients, 412 patients had an abnormal CUS, of whom 400 were 181 patients underwent D-dimer testing; 81 patients had a
detected at presentation and 12 on repeat testing. The cumu- negative result and DVT was ruled out, none of these patients
lative VTE failure rate using this approach was 0Æ7% (95% CI, developed a VTE event after 3 months of follow-up [0% (95%
0Æ3–1Æ2%) after 3 months follow-up. The mean number of CI, 0–2%)]. The remaining 100 patients underwent repeat CUS
additional US was 0Æ8 using this algorithm (Cogo et al, 1998). and DVT was confirmed in three patients (Wells et al, 2003).
To lower the additional US tests a combination with the Alternatively, the use of CCUS in an algorithm has been
D-dimer test was proposed. In this algorithm a CUS was assessed. In this technique anticoagulant therapy is withheld

ª 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology, 146, 347–360 353

Fig 3. Algorithm 1; serial CUS.

after a single negative CCUS. In a prospective study including

623 patients CCUS ruled out DVT in 410 patients. Its safety
proved to be high, with a 0Æ5% (95% CI, 0Æ1–1Æ8%) VTE risk Fig 4. Algorithm 2; CUS and D-dimer test.
after 3 months (Elias et al, 2003). These results were confirmed
in a second study [3-month VTE failure rate 0Æ3% (95% CI,
Diagnosis of a recurrent episode lower
0Æ1–0Æ8%) (Schellong et al, 2003)].
extremity of deep vein thrombosis
In a randomized study, serial two-point US plus D-dimer
has been compared with complete compression whole-leg The clinical diagnosis of recurrent DVT alone is unreliable.
colour-coded Doppler US. Both strategies performed similarly. Therefore, accurate objective testing is required to avoid the
The 3 months incidence of confirmed symptomatic VTE after incorrect conclusion that recurrent DVT is absent and so
an initially normal US result was 0Æ9% (95% CI, 0Æ3–1Æ8%) for placing the patient at high risk of potentially fatal pulmonary
the two-point strategy and 1Æ2% (95% CI, 0Æ5–2Æ2%) for the embolism, or misdiagnosing DVT and exposing the patient
whole leg strategy (Bernardi et al, 2008). Although the use of unnecessarily to the risks of lifelong anticoagulant therapy.
the CCUS seems promising, the risk of over diagnosing distal Although several diagnostic algorithms for suspected first DVT
DVT is substantial and therefore an algorithm using CCUS is have been validated, the diagnosis of recurrent DVT poses a
not recommended. significant clinical dilemma and the optimal approach is still
In conclusion, three well-validated algorithms exist, i.e. debated. A randomized study has demonstrated the safety of
serial two-point proximal CUS, combined CUS and D-dimer combining clinical probability, D-dimer testing and US for a
test and combined clinical decision rule, D-dimer test and first episode DVT (Wells et al, 2003). The clinical decision
CUS. The addition of a clinical decision rule has made the rules have not been formally validated for the use of a
diagnosis of DVT more structured and less (repeat) US suspected recurrent DVT.
examinations are needed to establish the diagnosis of a first The D-dimer test has been studied regarding the exclusion of
episode DVT. Therefore we recommend the use of a combi- the diagnosis of recurrent DVT. This test showed a low incidence
nation of a clinical decision rule, D-dimer and CUS for the of venous thromboembolic complications (0Æ75%, 95% CI,
diagnosis of a first episode of symptomatic DVT. 0Æ02–4Æ09%) after 3 months in patients with a suspected

354 ª 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology, 146, 347–360

Fig 5. Algorithm 3; Clinical decision rule, D-dimer and CUS.

recurrent DVT and a negative D-dimer test. However, in seven of persistent abnormalities are present in approximately 80% and
the 134 (5%) patients the diagnosis of recurrent DVT was 50% of patients at 3 months and 1 year respectively, after a
inconclusive. If these patients were considered to have had a proximal DVT (Murphy & Cronan, 1990; Piovella et al, 2002;
recurrence of DVT, eight of the 134 (6%) would have had a Heijboer et al, 1992). Therefore, when a patient with suspected
recurrence. Furthermore, as a positive D-dimer test is not recurrence has a non-compressible venous segment, it can be
suitable for establishing the diagnosis of DVT, a diagnostic difficult to determine whether this represents new disease or a
dilemma exists in case of a positive D-dimer result and an residual abnormality from previous DVT with an inherent risk
inconclusive US (Rathbun et al, 2004). for false-positive US results. Similarly, persistent abnormalities
Compression ultrasonography is the most widely used as well as non-filling segments in patients with previous
noninvasive test for the investigation of a suspected first DVT often make contrast venography, the reference standard
DVT, with non-compressibility of the common femoral vein test for a suspected first episode of DVT, non-diagnostic.
or popliteal vein considered diagnostic of acute DVT in In addition, venography is seldom performed anymore.
symptomatic patients. However, the diagnosis of ipsilateral Recurrent DVT is diagnosed by CUS when a new vein
recurrent DVT by means of CUS is problematic because segment has become non-compressible or a previously

ª 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology, 146, 347–360 355

normalized vein segment has become non-compressible remains a diagnostic dilemma as no uniformly available
(Prandoni et al, 1993). An increase in thrombus diameter by technique is available to establish an accurate diagnosis. The
a previously affected segment can also be considered diagnostic diagnosis has to be based on currently defined criteria for CUS.
of recurrent DVT. Initially, a cut-off level of an increase of These criteria include a new vein segment that has become
2 mm in thrombus diameter was proposed (Prandoni et al, non-compressible, a previously normalized vein segment that
1993), which was later increased to 4 mm. The positive has become non-compressible or an increase in thrombus
predictive value of an abnormal US was 90% (95% CI, 77– diameter by a previously affected segment of 4 mm. To
97%) for recurrent DVT (Prandoni et al, 2002). However, implement these criteria correctly, accurately documented
interobserver agreement of measurement of a thrombus reports of previous CUS examinations have to be available.
diameter was found to be poor (Linkins et al, 2006). The The use of MRI is not recommended yet, because this
mean difference between the measurements was 2Æ2 mm (95th technique has not yet been prospectively validated for patients
centile 8Æ0 mm). Compression ultrasonography (CUS) is with clinically suspected ipsilateral recurrent DVT.
therefore only accurate when ipsilateral recurrent DVT occurs
in another venous segment than at the time of the first DVT or
Diagnosis of upper extremity deep vein
when a previously normal venous segment is abnormal.
As an alternative, 99mTC-recombinant tissue plasminogen
activator (rt-PA) scintigraphy imaging has been evaluated. Upper Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis (UE-DVT) is a
This technique relies on the uptake of 99mTC-rt-PA by relatively uncommon entity. Approximately 4% of all venous
C-terminal lysine residues on fibrin. In case of the ageing of thrombo-embolic events affect the veins of the upper extremity
a thrombus, less fibrin sites are available and a progressive (brachial, axillary and subclavian vein), neck (jugular vein) or
decrease in 99mTC-rt-PA uptake is present when compared central thoracic veins (brachiocephalic and superior caval vein)
with fresh thrombus. It has been shown that the uptake of (Flinterman et al, 2008). However, due to the increase usage of
TC-rt-PA was absent after 30 d (Brighton et al, 2007). This Central Venous Catheters (CVCs), especially when used in
technique can potentially distinguish between an old and new high-risk patients, such as those with malignancies receiving
thrombus. However a few limitations exist. First, the use of (intensive) chemotherapy, the incidence of UE-DVT is rising.
TC-rt-PA is not widely available and there is a high chance Similar to DVT of the lower extremity, there is a clear risk of
for interobserver variability (Brighton et al, 2007). pulmonary embolism in patients with UE-DVT. Within the
A recent study using Magnetic Resonance Direct Thrombus population of patients with UE-DVT, the prevalence of PE
Imaging (MRDTI) evaluated the MR signal change over might be as high as 15–33% (Monreal et al, 1994). Most
6 months (Westerbeek et al, 2008). This method is based upon documented PE are subclinical, however, associated fatal
the paramagnetic properties of methaemoglobin, which gives a events have been reported (Dollery et al, 1994). Moreover,
high signal on T1 weighted images. The intensity of this signal the prognosis in patients with UE-DVT is poor; a mortality-
correlates with the amount of methaemoglobin. In this study it rate up to one-third has been reported at 3 months after a
was observed that after 6 months the abnormal MR signal of confirmed diagnosis of UE-DVT (Hingorani et al, 1997).
the acute DVT event had vanished in all 39 patients, while in In view of the diagnosis of UE-DVT, clinical parameters
12 patients the CUS examination was still abnormal. This are known to be unreliable. Overt symptoms and signs, such
indicates that MRDTI may potentially be an accurate method as pain or tenderness, warmth, swelling or oedema, bluish
to distinguish a new recurrent event from an old thrombus in discolouration or visible collateral circulation have a limited
patients with acute suspected recurrent DVT (Westerbeek specificity. The diagnosis was confirmed in only about a
et al, 2008). third to a half of all patients in whom UE-DVT was
clinically suspected (Knudson et al, 1990; Prandoni et al,
1997; Baarslag et al, 2002). Besides, unlike patients with a
clinical suspicion of DVT of the leg, D-dimer tests are not
In summary, the diagnosis of DVT of the lower extremity has evaluated in patients in whom UE-DVT is clinically
made many advances in the past decades. The combination of suspected. Similar to clinical parameters, a D-dimer test
a clinical decision rule, D-dimer test and CUS has proved to be may lack specificity, since many patients have clear contrib-
safe and efficient for the diagnosis of first episode proximal uting factors to increased levels, such as malignancies,
DVT. The recent method of CCUS is potentially able to replace critical illness and CVCs or combinations of these. In the
serial two-point proximal CUS. However the diagnosis of diagnostic work-up of UE-DVT, diagnostic imaging is
isolated distal DVT in this technique is still an aspect of debate, mandatory upon a clinical suspicion of thrombosis.
related to over diagnosis and therefore CCUS can not yet be Contrast venography is still recognized as the reference
advised as a first line diagnostic technique. CT and MRI have standard in the diagnosis of thrombosis (Rabinov & Paulin,
sufficient accuracy in patients for whom CUS is not possible or 1972). With regard to the UE-DVT, contrast venography has
less reliable, but is not suitable as first line diagnostic imaging high to moderate interobserver agreement rates (71–83%) and
modality. Finally the diagnosis of ipsilateral recurrent DVT can be used as a reference test in clinical practise (Baarslag

356 ª 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology, 146, 347–360

et al, 2003). However, US is most often used clinically and has raphy) and the results were independently evaluated by
many advantages. Ultrasonography is a noninvasive modality, blinded observers. Overall, the reported sensitivity of US in
does not expose to ionizing radiation or intravenous contrast, the diagnosis of upper extremity DVT among these studies
can easily be performed at the bedside and is well accepted by ranged from 56% to 100%, whereas the specificity ranged from
patients. Several studies have evaluated the diagnostic accuracy 82% to 100% (Bonnet et al, 1989; Haire et al, 1991; Baxter
of US in UE-DVT (Table IV). However, comparative data in et al, 1991; Köksoy et al, 1995; Prandoni et al, 1997; Baarslag
which contrast venography was used as a reference standard et al, 2002). In symptomatic patients, the technique of CUS
are relatively sparse. A summary of the available studies is had a good performance with a reported sensitivity of 96%,
listed in Table IV, limited to those studies in which a cohort of and a specificity of 94% (Prandoni et al, 1997). These were the
consecutive patients underwent both (US and contrast venog- results of a single study in 58 patients with axillary and

Table IV. Diagnostic accuracy of Doppler-ultrasonography in the diagnosis of upper extremity thrombosis with routine contrast venography as the
reference standard.

References n CVC* Technique! Sensitivity % Specificity % Manifest/subclinical"

Prandoni et al (1997) 58 14% CUS 96 94 Manifest

Prandoni et al (1997) 47 N.I. Duplex 81 77 Manifest
Prandoni et al (1997) 34 N.I. CDFI 100 93 Manifest
Baarslag et al (2002) 99 N.I. CDFI 82 82 Manifest
Baxter et al (1991) 19 74% CDFI 100 100 Manifest
Köksoy et al (1995) 44 100% CDFI 94 96 Mixed
Haire et al (1991) 43 100% Duplex 56 100 Mixed
Bonnet et al (1989) 40 100% Doppler 93 93 Mixed

*Percentage of patients with a central venous catheter (CVC). N.I., Not Indicated.
!Technique: CUS, Compression ultrasonography; CDFI, Colour Doppler Flow Imaging.
"For definition manifest/subclinical, see text.

Fig 6. Algorithm 4; diagnostic management of UE-DVT.

ª 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology, 146, 347–360 357

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bony structures limit the possibility of applying compression. thrombosis of the upper extremities. Annals of Internal Medicine,
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only 56% and 54% of sole CUS, in a study of 44 patients – all
A.J. & Reekers, J.A. (2003) Deep vein thrombosis of the upper
with CVCs. A possible explanation could be that thrombosis in extremity: intra- and interobserver study of digital subtraction
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2005), and therefore inaccessible to compression. Another Diagnosis and management of deep vein thrombosis of the upper
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