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Criteria  4  3  2  1 
Creativeness  I was able to  I was able to  I was able to  I was only able 
integrate various  integrate  integrate some  to integrate a 
materials (more  materials (5-7)  materials (3-5)  couple of 
than 7) when  when designing  when designing  materials ( less 
designing my  my scene.   my scene.  than 3) when 
scene.  designing my 

Techniques  I was able to  I was able to  I was able to  I was unable to 
thoroughly explain  explain my  somewhat  clearly and 
my project in clear  project clearly  explain my  logically 
and logical way.  and logically.  project clearly  describe my 
and logically.  project. 

Accuracy  I had zero  I had 1-2  I had 3-4  I had 5 or more 

calculation errors.  calculation  calculation  calculation 
errors.  errors.  errors. 

Presentation  When presenting,  When  When  When 

I demonstrated  presenting, I  presenting, I  presenting, I 
great effort and I  demonstrated  demonstrated  demonstrated 
presented in a  effort and I  some effort and  little to no 
very creative,  presented in a  I presented in a  effort and I 
organized, and  creative,  somewhat  presented in a 
effective way.  organized, and  creative,  non-creative, 
effective way.   organized, and  unorganized, and 
effective way.  ineffective way.  

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