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GROUP 4 4/3/17

Tariq Marohomsalic
Jullanne Congreso
Jean Anton Calledo
Josiah Manon-og
Zean Pescadero
Vincent Torcende
Topic: Evolution of MIL


Actors: Jullanne and Zean (Friends); Anton (Guide)
Narrator: On a normal day like any other, a pair of friends were hanging out….
Friends: *while narration is going on, chat and do random stuff with technology (Phones, TVs) *
Narrator: But alas! Silence broke, when one friend asked…
Jullanne: Hey, have you ever thought how did the evolution of our technology happened
together with man’s evolution?
Zean: Yeah, you got me there! I haven’t.
Jullanne: I wonder what it was like back then…
Friends: *ponders for a while*
Jullanne: Well, I haven’t the sligh--
Guide: *a wild guide appears*
Friends: *got terrified*
Zean: What the he--
Guide: Greetings, Friends!
Friends: *panicking*
Jullanne: How did you get into my roo--
Guide: I am here to show you th--
Zean: Yeah, how the hell did you get inside?
Jullanne: What are you even doing here?
Guide: Well… I got inside here by means of… going in an open window. And as the reason to
why I am here… well… I am here to show you the EVOLUTION OF MIL! HERE WE GOOOO!
*flashback sounds*


Actors: Tariq and Vincent
Jullanne: What the--- Where are we?
Guide: Friends, welcome to… the Prehistoric Age!
Guide: In this period, language was not yet discovered so the early humans wrote on cave
walls and grunted to express their feelings.
Guide: Now, look over there. Here, we see the early humans, the cavemen, discovering how to
draw for the first time.
Caveman 1 (Tariq): Hey, hey. Come here. I want show thing.
Caveman 2 (Vincent): What it?
Caveman 1: See black thing?
Caveman 1: *draws things on wall/floor*
Caveman 2: Wooooh! Wooh! Me try.
Caveman 2: *draws things on wall/floor*
Caveman 2: This nice thing. Much good. Very wow. So amazing.
Zean: But how do they… you know? Do the deed?
Guide: What do you mean?
Zean: You know. *winks*
Guide: Ohhhhh. Well you know… they had their ways.
Caveman 2: I be back. Got do something.
Caveman 2: *draws “figure”*
Caveman 2: *do up and down motion facing the “figure”*
Friends: *looks in disgust*
Zean: Well then…
Jullanne: Uhhhh.
Guide: Moving on.
*flashforward sounds*
Jullanne: Just a second. *sighs* Nevermind.


Actors: Josiah and Vincent
Guide: In this period, other methods for writing was discovered. Many instruments were
discovered such as typewriters and the printing press. Welcome to the Industrial Age!
Guide: A pretty boring period to be honest.
Josiah: *writes on paper*
Vincent: *shows paper with print*
Vincent: Ew.
Vincent: *points at paper*
Vincent: Straight.
Josiah: How did you do that?
Vincent: *brings out typewriter*
Vincent: Boom!
Josiah: What’s that?
Vincent: It’s a typewriter. You dumb.
Josiah: How does it work?
Vincent: You do this and this and this and then TA-DA!
Josiah: *in amazement*
Josiah: WOWOowowowoOWOWOOWOwow!
Guide: Moving on.
*flashforward sounds*

Scene 4 (Electronic Age)

Actors: Josiah and Zean
Jullanne: What the-- Where did Zean go?
Guide: Now, over here we see---
Jullanne: Where did Zean go?!
Guide: Don’t interrupt me please. Now, over here---
Jullane: Where is Zean?!
Guide: *sighs* Maybe he’s peeing? Don’t worry, he’s fine.
Jullanne: Sure...
Guide: In this age, people harnessed the power of electricity. And at this time, it became
possible to do long distance communication.
Guide: Here we see Alexander Graham Bell in the process of doing a phone call.
Josiah: *listening to radio*
Josiah: I miss the ol’ wifey. Maybe I should call her.
Josiah: *dials number*
Zean: *enters room* *answer phone*
Josiah: Hello? Are you there? I miss you.
Zean: Yes, I am... My dear. And I miss you too.
Zean: *smiles*
Zean: *make kissing sound*
Josiah: *make kissing sound*
Guide: On to next part of the trip!
Jullanne: Wait. WAIT! I want to see more!
Guide: Unfortunately, we can’t do that. We’re on a schedule
Jullanne: But, I wanted to see more. MORE!
*flashforward sounds*

Scene 5 (Digital Age)

Actors: Jullanne and Zean (Friends); Anton (Guide)
Zean: *enters room*
Jullanne: Where have you been?!
Zean: Peeing
Guide: Told ya.
Guide: Now, th----
Jullanne: We’re back in our room. Is the trip over?
Guide: Not quite.
Guide: There’s still actually one more period other than the three we visited. The Digital Age.
The time you’re currently living in.
Guide: In this period, smartphones were created. Devices became smaller but more powerful
and efficient.
Guide: *point to phone*
Guide: *shows phone*
Guide: Huge amounts of information and data can now be stored in smaller containers.
Guide: *while talking put phone in pocket*
Guide: Now, what did we learn today?
Zean: That through the ages, man adapted to the environment to communicate better?
Guide: EXACTLY! Now, that will be 10000 pesos.
Jullanne: Give me my phone, and get out.
Guide: What phone?
Jullanne: I’m calling the police.
Guide: *runs*
Jullanne: Friend, go after him.
Zean: *chases Guide*


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