Interviewer.: - What Do You Know About Our Company and What Aspirations Do You Have To Occupy This

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Cargo: gerente de oficina.

Entrevistador: Geraldin Giménez Giménez. ID: 541487

Entrevistado: Santiago Ramos Ausique. ID: 297211
Entrevistado: jeissy Michelle Rodríguez Cortez. ID: 456504

1. Question: interviewer.

- What do you know about our company and what aspirations do you have to occupy this

Answer candidate 1.

Is a Colombian bank that was founded in 1972 as Las Villas Savings and Housing Corporation In
1997, it became a subsidiary of Group Aval Actions and Valor’s, and my aspirations to this position
are to continue training and learn new knowledge.

Answer candidate 2.

It is a company well known for its great work and my greatest aspiration is to grow every day more
work and enrich my knowledge every day more.

2. Question interviewer.

- What has been the most interesting work for you, how did you handle it?

Answer candidate 1.

I have never really worked this is my first time as a sponsor to a position.

Answer candidate 2.
I think that all the works are of great interest because in each place you learn new things that are
useful for your daily life.

3. Question interviewer.

- What do you do when you have difficulty solving a problem?

Answer candidate 1.

When I have difficulties to solve problems I ask in different sources and in addition to this I ask
for advice people who have experience.

Answer candidate 2.
advise with my work group listen to new ideas and find possible solutions for better results.

4. Question interviewer.

- What is the most boring task that you have had, how did you develop it?
Answer candidate 1.

The most boring task I have done is when I have developed activities that should be worked in a
group and that the classmates do not collaborate and it is up to all the work alone.

Answer candidate 2.

I did not like to handle personnel at the beginning but then I learned that it is a lesson from your
work and that in order for everything to turn out very well, you must love what you do.

5. Question interviewer.

- In your last job, what were the most important achievements?

Answer candidate 1.

As I said before, I have not worked.

Answer candidate 2.

learn to know me more knowing that you can get very far if you intend to because in that job cresi
much work.

6. Question interviewer.

- Tell me about a situation in which you proposed an improvement for the area where
you were? How was it? What were the results?

Answer candidate 1.

Whenever I want to look for improvements in the activities to develop I consult with the people
who have a greater command I make my proposal and to tell the truth almost always the results are
the best.

Answer candidate 2.

at a time where the staff was little and had to answer for the operation has a shift that covered me
the two shifts at once, it worked very well as it covered the afternoon and part of the morning and
did not generate overtime.

7. Question interviewer.

- If you had to manage your schedules in a different way, to take some courses that the
company demands, how would you organize yourself?
Answer candidate 1.

If that were the case, I would organize my class schedule only for Saturdays and midweeks, so I
would dedicate time to work and to the courses that the company will give.

Answer candidate 2.

I would take the courses at night so as not to affect the work.

8. Question interviewer.

- What do you usually do in your free time?

Answer candidate 1.

In my free time I sometimes read or listen to music and besides this I dedicate time to my university

Answer candidate 2.

my free time is dedicated to my son we go to the park we play we go to cinemamy free time is
dedicated to my son we go to the park we play we go to cinema.

9. Question interviewer.

- What do you think are some of your faults?

Answer candidate 1.

Well, I consider that the biggest of my defects is the character that I have, I consider myself a
person of strong temperament and besides this I am very perfectionist.

Answer candidate 2.

I consider myself a very sentimental person and that can be a big defect sometimes.

10. Question interviewer.

- How many tasks can you do and do you like to do at the same time?
Answer candidate 1.

The tasks that I can develop at the same time without deconcentrating myself are writing texts on
the computer while listening to music.
Answer candidate 2.

I do not like to do everything at the time it is good to have a sequence order to ensure that things
are done well.

11. Question interviewer.

- How do you handle the claims and concerns of the collaborators? And those of your

Answer candidate 1.

I handle them with serenity absolute tranquility and always trying to find solutions and not make
the problems bigger.

Answer candidate 2.

I always listen very well and I analyze the situation calmly and if I see that it is my fault I do not
argue otherwise I contribute my point of view.

12. Question interviewer.

- When you delegate new activities, which does not correspond to the work you were
doing, how do you react?.

Answer candidate 1.

Reaction in a passive way and always following the orders that give me to meet cavalidad with my

Answer candidate 2.

I am a person open to changes so it does not bother me if I request a justification if it is outside my


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