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Lesson Plan for Teaching via centers/groups

Student-Teacher: Haya Mohamed Almansouri

Date: March 19,2018
Course: EPC 1903

Grade Level: Kg 1
Subject: English
Strand: The Letter (J, j)
Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words): student will be able to write the letters and words

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

Picture and words of Ji Make the picture of (J, j) and the letters
A4 paper Create the PowerPoint
Video / PowerPoint Find the video
Get materials
Key vocabulary
J, j
(Jet, Jelly beans, Jacket, Jam, Jug)

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

First, I will do the Colander I will start with Days, month, years, weather, numbers, colors, shapes and then I
will take one of the student and let him to take the attendance through Count the Boys and girls.
Time: __ min

watch a song video, then will Describe the letter + How to say it + how to write it in the board or the lines. (in
the PowerPoint)
Find the word that start with (J, j). (in the board)

Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)




Write the letter and sort the pictures

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)
Find some things or ‘student name’ start with (J, j) and write it in the paper (they can ask the teacher)
Independent Experience (small group activity 2)
Choose a picture of (J, j) and draw it in the paper with colors
Independent Experience (small group activity 3)
Make the J, j in the play Doh center or (Art corner) in the A4 paper

__ min

Review The whole class, take each student to write the letter in the board
Homework (I will give them a story and they will find the Word start with J, j)

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