Assignment 9 (Cs112 Ee)

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Programming and Data Structure Lab (CS112): EE


1. Give proper indentation while you write programs. [3 marks]

2. Write appropriate comments whenever necessary. [1 marks ]
3. Get your outputs checked in the lab. [16 marks ]
4. Make a folder named as your roll number <​1701EE-XX​> and zip it.
4. Upload the zip file in the following link

Q1. Write a C program which will take two words from the user and find
(a) largest word (by length), using pointer [don’t use any string related
library function].
(b) whether these words are a palindrome or not, using pointer [don’t use
any string related library function].
(c) whether two words are anagram or not, using pointer [don’t use any
string related library function]. Two words are anagrams if they contain the
same letters in any order. For examples, “spar” and “rasp” are anagrams.
Similarly, “qwertty” and “tertqwy” are anagrams .

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