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WILBUR SMITH The Eye of the Tiger Retold by Margaret Tamer Seis lar: Joke Mie “The Henemann Gude Reader provide cole ofejyale rating Sager, Beene, nti an Upper Ar Tae edie Lebel ol of oe lnc ae ong rain ene fra vote nese 7 oman wh wan ch wderanng of prose fe cay inion mansr aol senna heh sy Bade aton and epi ie ed cal beer Menace Structre Control se ewe ne Rene ls a ken ‘a fave competed an eenentay cove (Other gre Ital estes may cect but hee mde cer hugh conten Sd renforeement. Ths crate thatthe reading, a wal beng opal, proces 2 eontnal Ienming nutt frthe went ‘Semnce reimed in mosses os miu of hee cast tc within entences dere balanced owe of aes tnd ec ‘hres Gener taken wth ronoun reece. ‘ecablary Conta ‘Tice in ase woeabulry of approxima 100 werd. Hep ven spi soe neo fans niche cy te Some afc words snd prams inchs book ae imorane fr tndesanding the sory” Some of those words ic expe Inthe sto some ae show a the icure, and echet se pared wh Duiske tie" Work ch rr se eed the ‘Ghar an page 72, | | | | | Contents 1 Trouble t Ture Bay 2 “He Knew Who | War 3 ahing at Gute Rest 4 Murder! 5 Shery's Story 6 Bapleion! 7 Sher North Agin 8 The Tiger Throne 9 The Search for Dawa Light 10 The Enemies Return 1 Shack! 12 Danger tn che Air 1B ‘Something Shane Bighly.." 1 Death on the and 15 The Pan Suceede 16 The Last Preble Pons or Undertening Giesary sof War Si cies spied) sf a Ieee Level Trouble at Turtle Bay Tice Sechelt Sine ie The was shining and i was ahappy man. bad no mney in my pocket, bur the Wate Dancer belonged to me ‘Tha morning, she looked like «new boat, Everything was clean and shining, Chubby and Angelo, my crew’ had donethelr work well I had cleaned and checked te two engines. We were ready w leave ‘A tax drove slowly down to the wharf Te opped and two men gor out One was short with har, Black eyes- The other man was Younger end alr. He looked tough. He was trouble "Are you Harry Fletcher” the older man calle. He did't sl, “That’sme’ relied. "You must be Mr Materson, Weleome the Wave Dace." rook them downto che cabin Iwas cool there and very comfortable. The Wave Dancer had cow me lo of money and looked afer her well. ‘Weatt down, "Tite Mike Guthrie’ Matson sid Guthrie seared at me, Thesow your” be sid. ‘You'e from London, aren't ah but havent been thee for yar about the fishing, vent on quickly. We “We're noe going fishing, we're going diving!’ Matson sai, "Pay me wel and you can do whatever you want anil answered, ‘Nov, Ihave wo sae early Ted with Welcome abserd he Wave Dancer. ‘Trobe a Tre Bay ‘Allright, chen. Here's a ofthe things we'll need.” looked athe paper Meters had crow onthe cable "Lean ge therm Tsai. ‘Geethem by tomorrow, Fletcher. And ther! he chree af us So we won't need your ere." And Materson looked angly at (Chubby and Angel "Yes, get those so off the boat, fas,’ Guthrie added, "Yess, Tepid. "You're paying” hated ysl fo saying thc. But adn’ waneelosethe jo, I needed the money. "Righe Re ea fora eight tomorrow maming ssid, “You alone, remember." He drew some money onthe table was more than [had asked for. Both men stood up and I watched them go. ! Matern, ‘Thatevening, [was sing ouside my ile houre among the pals ‘weesat Tur Bay, looked aeross the dark sea othe seting su. le angry and unhappy. Thad lived an Se Mary's for five years. Te was a beautiful land off he coat of East Afice, My fe there had ben happy and peaceful Se Mary's was a peace sland. We dae want tex like Materson and Gushve on St Mary's Tknew they were bringing trouble Guthrie eared a gun and he looked ikea kller. Where had he sen me before? In London? Amterdam? South Afra! He reminded me of my pas life. My pas life hadnt been peaceful andeasy.Ihadbeenhardanddangeroushfe Iewavalfe cine want go back to, a “He Knew Who I Was’ *[ gnivarfonhons when vasseveen and gars hone ship, Life on bard ship was hard and rough, but loved fT ‘made money ad I spent east. The I became soldier, fighting other people's war I learnt to shoot and il But never forgoc the sea. One day, nthe middle of Ac, decided what wanted, I anced wo haves boat and ahoreby the sea, Iwanted peace. ‘Bato get these things, woul have to ight once more. To fig fr myself his time and break hela! 1 planned cvo cries, the firs in London and the second in Amsterdam. Both wene wrong, but I escaped. Ness, Twent £2 South Alice and worked fora security firm’, We moved gold tare ll over the word. I worked for this firm fora year. During thac tim {planned another eine, “Thi time I didnt work alone. Igoe Manny Resnick ra help sme. We succeeded, we ge the gold and I had £150 000 in ¢ Swiss tank account. Then I tld Manny Resnick I bad fiihed vith crime, Bu Manny laughed, "Yau'l be back, Haty he planned another job ike this one.” Buc I didn’ go back terme. [shaved my beard off and bought a fale passport. Then I Mew to Aust, Tough the Wave Dencer there and cook her serve the ses to Se Mary's. | sed the rest ofthe money fom the robbery to buy myself some land on he ian, bul ite house berween the palm sees and the white sandy beach. Thee I found the peace | had been looking or. ‘Now I wessitang in the moonlight, thinking about Mattson 1nd Guthrie. needed the money shey had paid ne or he wae oF "Leeme know when you've 1 He Know Who Wes? Wave Dancer. But ddI nee the trouble they were bringing? ‘They were atthe wharf et 8am. This ime, thee men got out cof the tax. The thicd man was tll and fiendly looking. He was younger than the others and liked him. T guessed he was the diver, "Thisis Jimmy Nort,’ Marrson sid when they were aboard, "You will flow his orders.” "Tin giving insruccons, nt orders said imy witha sil, "When we leave the harbour, wavel wet" “Towards the Aan coat Tat ‘The ple hr don't slays welcome scange Well may ofhre® sd Jimmy. ‘Nonh of dhe ever rout! “OK: I sald Burt's dangerous. There ae plie boats and ‘they shoor a sttangers [need more money” "Tehoughe you Would say thc, Materson said softy. Just do sy sys and youl ger your mone." "Are you looking or anything special" Lasked, know these seas. [know every sland and every ree. Tell me what you are looking fr. ean sve you sine and money.” Jimny laughed excitedly "Well he said,’ the dawn b=? "Keep quiet ssid Materson. “What did we ell you! You're here fora ob, Just keep your mouth shur while you're ding i” ‘Materion eat dowa tothe cabin and iy stood beside me on thebridge™, Guthrie sar watching us. couldsee he Reda gun inhispocke. ‘We four nochingon the fat day othe second. On the hited ay, wo cings happened, Matersn tld me heknew who was ‘And Jnmy found what they were laking fr. ‘He Knew Wot Was ‘We had just left the harbour and Iwas alone on the bridge. Materson and Guthrie came up and saad beside me "Te been making 2 few phone ell,” Materon sid soy. “Your pame's Brace, 'e12" "Harry Bruce who di the gold wing you are ~ Hary Bruce. ‘Sony, you've got wrong, No, toe Brice Maron reat, ‘Har Bruce di pagared five yeas ago in Australis, Harry Pletcher arived in Se Marys harbour three sonths Tater You've done well for yous Hany, This i nebo. You've go 8 aod said nothing. What col Tay? 'Now you sen, Hare Bruce, Matersonsidinhissofevoee, “We're looking far something. We need to find i fart. We've decided you can jin us. Jimmy can’ ind the pace slone. You help sand we'l ep your secret. We'll fare: who you are." He "ured and wen down int the cdi. stood without moving, staringae the green sain roneofme, When hy od ound wa thy merengue ey ‘might kill me and perhaps Jimmy too. ‘Guthrie looked at my face and laughed. ‘Tisend Jem up, he sad. Don' try enyching, Hay. You kno I've gota gun” Tehoughe st. Jmmy knew the place he was looking fr, but he acn' old the ethers. Perhaps e also guessed they might ll him. Bur Mattson and Gushvie needed himfor the diving, What cacy were they looking for? “The tea off he African coast ull of ny islands end corat reels. Many ships have sunk there. Was Materon looking for teeasure ~ gold of beeusfal jewele! T hogan to fel exc. TE there was treasure, T wanted may share of cI bean to ‘ink hard, sedded Cuchi Th 3 Fishing at Gunfire Reef immy Non came oxt onto the bridge alone Tes OK, Mr Fetches" he told me. "The others have sid T can tcl yu where we want go. Wee loking fr an sland. Iesabout en miles offshore and perhaps tity miles nor ofthe “That's large area of sea, Jimmy, I sid. ‘Do you know anything ele sbout this island? mm picked up 2 penll and made a quick drawing Telookslike this he said "The sand bas ce hillsand “That's he Old Men, T sd quick Buc that land's about ‘wenty miles offhore. And abou seventy mies north ofthe river. ‘Weren't get thee and back in one day.” “OK. Tiel she others Jimmy i. ‘We renmed ro Se Marys char night, as usual. [Next day, we fock enough fel and food to ay ates fortwo aye, We rerthed the Old Men in the afternoon. The land was ‘neat Gunfire Reef, log lin of eoral facing the open sa. I sered Wave Dance lowly through the ile islands and reef lewasa dangerous place andl was very careful. Werenched ‘he Old Men at ast and {anchor ns quit lagoon. We could hear the noise ofthe big waves breaking on the outside edge of shered. ‘The next morning, after exely beac, we stared the search again. But Jimny refused wo tellme exacy where we were going. Heleoked ar the thee hls and the sea around usover and ‘ver again snd guided me slowiy through the sale ees "After about two hours, we reached the end of Gunfire Ret Folowing Jimmy's insrsction, I tuned io che open sea. We then moved neater > Gunfire Reef again, We were going south ishing at Gf Reef ‘now and the boat moved more strongly in the heavy waves looked ahead. The waves were breaking allalong thereof. Escrpe inne place. Ofcourse ths was Gunire Break. Chub had gone fishing there once and I remembered what he had old ne “If sau go tough Care Break when he de® sigh, you're in the dep ater behind he fst ref. The fish in there ae Tel ig, but you cam ony stayin there foram how. Afr high wae, the sea ours out fom the reef and wakes you back with i, There {is arther way ox, through the back of the reef. Bu that's So dangerous, [dont want oak abv” “Right Tealed out jimmy. Tm stopping here, You want sothrough the Break don't you gues what youre looking fae ln dhere: But we cane goin thee now, the tide se ight” ‘Timmy said nothing, but he went down tothe eabin to talkto ‘he others ‘Marerson and Guchrle came up othe bridge and Matern began shouting. "You've had your orders. You do what mm sys or wel cell the police about you. explained the dngers of Gunfire Break Al they bebeved me- Jimmy came up from the cabin, He was wearing his rubber diving ut. "Tvegotan idea, hesaid. if wecan'egetshroughthe Break, | want to goalong the Reef Illus the sledge", Weean tow efom the back ofthe boat." ‘While Jimmy was puting on his fce mask, hada good lok atthe sledge, U had never seen one like i Before. The sledge {ould be pulled along just under the water, o dive down lower. ‘There were special tanks on the sledge to hold ir. A diver ‘ould le flat on the sledge and breathe through tubes whe The was underwater. There were algo stering controls on it ‘On the side wat the name and address ofthe company ho ‘had but the sledge. The addres that was writen on the ede Teould see ishing ot Gunfire Ref sid: “Bui by North's Underwater Word, 5 Poilon Arcade, Brighton, Susie.” Tim was now ready, "ET ind enyching, Til send wp a yellow marker™ eo the surface’ he ead If you sees red mathe, dat means I'm in trouble Then you mast pull me up — ft "Til wat for you for three hours’ T si, ‘Then Twill ave to take che Wave Dancer away fom the re. The ide will change after thre hours. ew be dangerous to say hereafter that” Timmy nodded and we lied the sedge over the sde of Wove Dancer and into che wate. Jimmy lay down onthe sledge and took ‘he contalsand I bopan to move Wave Dancer long the edge of ‘theres, The dedge dived below che uae ofthe waters the ‘ope was pale ght [slowed the boat down land ITooked back. Jimmy was under the water, and I could se he had moved up to the Break snd pase iby ‘Then Guthrie gave a thou. He was pointing wo place the reef near Gunfire Break "There's he yellow marker. men's found something!" ‘When Jimmy got back on deck, he ws very exated. He ‘quik whispered something to Mateson “Materson tamed tome and said, ‘OK, Fletcher. Jimny wants rogodownand get" "Gee what!” 1 asked. ‘What's he found down there! How igi” "Nor very big, Jany sald ‘Ie weighs about 25 ks. Ifyou can kep the boat steady, Tl se aibage™ co ge icon” And he pointed back excited towards Gunfire Beak Fo for rinutes | held che Wave Dancer eady. Suddenly 1 saw de geen a-bgs. twas time to move avay from the Ree. As we pulled Jimmy onto he deck of Wave Dance again, he shouting excedly. eon! Is there! 've found the~" ‘aid Materson sharply. They all loked et me for 3 "Que 2 ishing at Gunfire Ref ‘moment. Then they turned eo the cbjec tha Jimmy had brought tip fom he sea. easlying on the deck. inmy had wrapped tin Song elath and [couldn see what ew. Twas wry sterested indeed, Then Meters saled up at me, hh aid. "Come and have a look Murder! Mande! | didn'think anything was weong.Lwanted to know wharche objet was. moved quickly down tothe deck, Then Materia ‘whispered, ‘Now! and I was looking ins the black mouth of Gachrie's pun. jumped one sie, bur was too ate. There wasa sharp pin andalowt note A ballechadhitmeinthe ches elagenethe ‘alloftheboacand chen was fling, Falling falling setothe leat green sea 4 Murder! could nr breathe. [waned ait, but died nt go up othe sure nett Tam pt the rae, thr wold sor agin. Popened my eyes an Began a move sony ae the ‘Wave Bence passed above ie “Then everthing wen dar, The sa wasted with Heed — my ‘ood: sould nor nave nye snd needed. Tad ‘Faw a rope from the Wave Dancer hanging down into the sete T ugh th my sige and, bel onto eal pled Inielf up, ander the ern of he bos ‘Thad only one chance ~to get co the sutorsate if in che ‘obin. Thad to get tbefore Matron and Cute me Up! Up! With one ae pl I deagaed eps up onto he deck ly there and locked down sty body Blood was posting fut of my arm and chess My legs mere wesk an my ind Wa tot lee Thes {heed Jay North shoring fom the bow of the bow "You murderers! You've killed him! f'm going down thece to seth boy. Yo'l be hanged fr thi" Jimmy tuned sway snd pulled on his fce mask. 1 tw 4 Materon look at Guthrie and [ed to shout. Guhl moved ‘up 2a img, put che gun to his head and fired. Ssmy was dead, With a splash, his bo ell ino the wacer. “Hel sink sid Mateaon He was wetring lead weights on bial. Bat we must find Fletchers body. Tesew hen that Thad rl Both of chem, Slowly, 1 deagged smysel aro the deck and down ito the cabin, “Tenseconds, please Gd! Giveme ten seconds!” whispered Now the heavy gun was in ny hands, but could not had on soit, eerthed tote for. “Come on!” Uheaed Mattson ey, "Thete's someone inthe cabin, Fetcher's down thee. You didi him, Look! There's ‘Sood all over the deck ‘picked up the fe agin and poinced i cowards che cabin loot fet very heavy snd eau hardy se. ‘Materon ran into the cabin and fed once. fired back, and bis body was teow actos the cabin. There was more Blood in the cabin now ~ Materons blood. But went on ing. “Then Cuthvie was ouside dhe cabin, He pet his hand round he door and fed nce fel back and wacky My st ule ‘ei nthe arm and his gun was thrown across the deck, ‘We eared at eachother. Mateaon’s dead bod lay between ss: ee ove slowly towards Gai He aed cro ‘ick up hs gun There wat no way could stop him. “Thena huge wave irdhehoar, The Wave Dancerose upand ‘ep and he gun fom Guthrie’ sand, He wena slpped in he blod on the deck nd al eal ‘Suddenly, remembered the knife in ny tel. was my ast. chance. Guthrie had his bac rowards me now 1 stood wp sowly fand threw the knife wih all my strength, Outre gave one loud eas and then ly sl. When I ured him over his dead eyes stared up a me. lay on dhe deck and everything wen block [woke up dx hours ater. The or sunbad burned me. There was ‘tere pin in my chest. Guthrie's ble had gone through ty aim and chest and tom a hole in my back, 1 was sil Deeding bly T dragged myelfbackinto the cabin. washed my wounds and covered them | found some cold water and deank and drank. I had enough srength ro stare the Wave Dancer’ engines. There ves no land in sight, Tetthe automat pilocona course for SeMary’s. Then fell bcconto the deckend once agin everthing went lack, When] wokeup, thesun was sera. There was land ahend ~ Cul sland. Thad gone past Se Mary's bu was near home looked a the object on the deck that Jimmy North had Troughe up from the sea. Iwas sill wrapped up and ted with 6 Sherys Sry stzong ope could noe guess what ic was. But knew that dvwe ‘men Badlveady died because ofl wanted to open the bundle TTvanted to ace whae was inside. But Iwas getting weaker and weaker T decided ro push the bundle overboard and come back fer it lacer, Hooked caefll towards Gull lan. Thad vo remember ‘exaclly where was. Then, with che las of my tena, I pushed the bundle along the deck and over the si. ‘My wounde had begun to Bleed agin, fll back onthe deck and slept una the morning sun woke me. (Chu found me, Hehad ge fishing in iso whaleboa* with Angelo. He called my name ani T opened my eyes. But was 0 weak to answer him. Sherry’s Story hha to sayin spit for neatly month. The police came many times 1 ask me questions. 1 didnot el chem anything bout the bundle inthe sex near Gull Island. But though aloe bout Jimmy and why he had ded. hed led him. He had died Beene he tried to help me ‘The President of St Mary's came to see me. He was a good ‘ed af mine, He smiled 2 me a ay in he hori bed "Now, don't worry, Mr Harry, hess, ‘There'll be no rouble for you. The people you led ware real lad men. The police in England know all about chem, These men eame here ro make trouble. Ifyou hadnt kled them, ey would have led yu. "Don’t worry, Mr Harry, You gt well assoon ax you can You rust come to diner with me very soon. want hea the whole story again..." " Shery’s Story There wee no more wists from the police afer that, Chubby sand Angclocamerosee my every day, Angelo'sgirifend, Judith, omerimes cme fon Fee prety face helped met gt beter fast "eh worked ar a ecepeonistat the Hilton Horel where the tourie sayed.H hey ante to hiea boat ro go sng, Jusich save hem my name ‘When Ilef hospi, Tha wrest I drove in ny uck ro my house in Turtle Bay. I swarm and rested in the sun. Slo, my body grew hard and song agin, Bur | had ad scars on ey ches and ny lf em was sll sf and weak Thefishing seeon’* had fished and I needed money quickly ‘Thad o pay Chably and Angela's wagesand Wave Dance had to berepited. One way get money quick was tosmugale goods scrotathe can coart Fors nec, the thre fs, Chay, ‘Angelo, and myself, nade the erp ro Alia, We grew ich Tain forgoten the bundle under the war knew | would se back ro Gull and ane dey, but no: ye, ‘One night, Is siting ina bar wich Chubby and Angelo, when Judith came in Sherys Story “There's lady at the hotel asking for you, Mr Harry, shesaid “Alady! Who i this lady?” Iai “Tdon’t know sai Judith but he's asking for you and she's beau [went up othe hotel next morning, Jadth was ac her desk and she sled acme "She's waiting for you outside bythe swimming pool. She's a blonde lady and she’s wearing 2 yelow bikin. “The pl was rng by the pool reading a magasne. Whe beard me, she tamed and sat up ‘he had a lovely body and lone blonde hae. Her make-up made hr prety face smooth and beau. 1 walked towards het its che sme ive oll peety women. "HI Tai Tm Hay Fletcher She loked at me and sled lle, Harry, she anawered. Tim Sherry North — Jimmy's ‘That evening, as we st outside my Lele house, we raked about Jimmy, Shery showed me a leter in Jimmy's handwiting, Jimny's words were fal of life and excrement. {remembered how much had liked Jimny “OK? sid "You're mse. You' vecometoStMan to seme, Why?" ‘She snewered me witha question, "You kd Jimmy, didn’ you she sid ‘Vike aoe of people, I seplied. “Perhaps 1 like too many people Sherry Story "Did Jimmy cell you what he was d [shook my head. No. And [never Sherry looked a me "Ty led you," she sid quid, ‘And he trated you. 1 ‘ced your help now. I'm ging eo Was You too” ‘Shery moved doses. “Two yearsago, here wasa errible storm here —aeylone. Do you remember it” "Of eoute [do Ie dda lor of damage." "Weal, Shey went on, ‘when the cjelone began, an Ameri- can warplane wa fying near hee. Iwas carrying for nuclear ‘ssl, The plane crashed in dhe sca. The plot escaped, bur che sales sane inthe sea with the plane.” “What has Jimny t do with tis?” asked. “The pilot ofthe plane was Jimmy’ fiend. His name was ‘alia Boyce, He war rescued, They searched forthe mses, hutneverfound hem. Themiesisaresull under thesea. Because of he accident, Bryce los his jb. Bur he never tod anyone that he new where che mises were” Tiared 9 ask a question, but Sherry wet on, "Bryce made a plan. With Jimmy's help he would get che miles up. Then he would sell them back othe Amecians” “Thee missles would be worth lions, Isid sowly. "Go on, Po very interested ‘Of couse, Bryee and Jimmy needed money nd people to help hem, Then Bryce wale in ea acsdene. Js found prone the im, burthey were the wrone kindof people. Poor Jimmy! You know the rest of the sor." “Tino there ssid Tknow everthing —excepewhere he missles went dove 'A Took of anger pase aver She's face, We scared atone nother "Didn’e Jimmy tell you where the mises went down?” 1 ashe. cut here” she asked. sk questions Expsion! ‘She shook her head, Tears came into her eyes "Wel hats that shed. "ve come along way tofind you. Jimny erated you ehought we could work cogether. Buf you wantall the money yours cane do anything about i "Perhaps ean do something abut iT replied. 6 Explosion! herry North was beside me when [took the Wave Dener out of St Marys arbour the folowing oftemeon I didn ust ‘Miss Sherry North and I had done alt of thinking, “The bjectin the bundle carmen had bought up from the sca was nota mise Ie was che wrong shape. But I was aking ‘Shery North co Gull land. | wanted to see what she would do ‘We found the place aay. "Thisis it Lead. "Thisis where Jimmy dived. When he came up, he was very excited That's when the shooting sorted." "Yes he sd, ‘chavs way we mustgo now — before someone "Got" epeated in surprise. ‘No, I'm going down to gett. didn’ come here for nothing." went below deck to getinto my rubber diving suit. But before [came up on deck, Lsvtched off the eleeial power, Now she couldn'eseart Wave Danze’ engines. Tputon my fice mask and moved wl dow che ladder into the water. The water was very clear and I could see the bundle sateen mete below me. fastened a rope tot and swam back o the surface, Tgorback onto che deck and slowly pulled the bundle up from the Hotom af these, a Explasion! ‘When she bundle was on the deck, Sherry looked at it reed "Open it, Harry, open i she sid, Tegan fo nti the ropes. Ae li, Lappe the loth. 1 nas watching Sherry’ face carefully. She kncw what the abject tra before Idd, For one second, he face was full of excitement. But dhe quickly hid her excitement ander face wen blank. The ‘beet on the dec was made of meta, burt bad neverbeen pare (ofa mile. [ewase shipsbell”™ and had been under she sea ‘any yent, Tred ieover carefully and coud ee a ces a the eters WI LI. The rex ofthe leers had been warn away. "That's swange; Ts, looking st Sherry. Panes don't have tells do dey? Sherry did nor laugh. "idon'tunderstand, she aid. She ied wo speak calmly, burl could se she wae very excited, "This what Jn found. Thisis whar dee men did fo,'T ‘id ‘Think Tl go down and lol around” Ii rel Sherry ‘at ele was noe where inmy had found the bel. He had found it far avay at Gunfire Reet. “No, no, Sher said gully. ‘Let's go back, fel seat”, “Take me back, Hare." “wrapped the cach and ted che ropes round che bel agin "usr ofall thls ging back unde the water. 1 be safer thera ‘OK,’ said Shey, butthen er eget back x ule aswecan. 1 thin go and make you some ees. ‘Shery wen nt che cabin, bot came back almost at once “The rove” won't ligt, she si, “You have t0 open the cape on che gaeclinders fst I told her, "And semember fo tum them off when you've finches, Ifyou don't, the boot wil be as dangerous as @ omb." 2 ews. 2sh's bl andi a een aude the ea formany eas Te was dark when we reached Sherry's hotel ‘Daring, I'm sed he ead, Tanto gotobed now. Wecan ‘alk romertow, on the boat" “OK,"Tsid. "Whar ene shal pk you p hore tomorrow” “Don's come here meet you on the boat = about eight sieock "OK, I'l bring the Wave Dancer up tothe wharf at eight soreed (Ga my way home sa Angelo and Judith in che br. "Harr, come and havea dink, Angelo eilled. How are you setsng back home conigh! nthe tue, ofcourse. Why? Do you want ro borrow i" "Can we bortow i jus for tonight, Me Hare, please” said Judith "There's «big paey in che vllage. Angelo wil pick you upin the morning, I promise “Ok, Taid, "Take mehomenow. Then youcan pckmeupat seven tomorrow orig. Thad bad dreams that ight Inthe morning, Angelo arcved ‘on time and diowe him back so Se Macy's Something wat ‘worming me, but did’ know what it wa. "Jus gone tothe boat to iy i up for you,’ Angelo sid ‘She's poo get the colle ready.” didnt ansrer, Instead of going straight to the what, cook the road up tothe Hilton Hoel ‘ie Miss Noh inher room!” I asked che gil at the dee ‘MissNorht she repeated in sures. ‘She forthe sirport sn hour ago, Shel be on the 7-30 plane by now.” Tedida'emale sense, Then suddenly | undertood, ‘Ob, sy God, ih! I shouted, Tran back to the rule and drove of fst as T could "Whar isc, Me Hary Angelo asked "We've got to stop Judith, She mustn't go on dhe Wave Dancer T shouted 4 | Explosion ‘ook foo lng to gt tothe what sod looking ou across the sen Judith was in smal ost. ‘She had jst reached the Wave Dencer. I shouted as she went down int the cabin, but she couldn't heat me. She was too ig what ws ging happen: Shey Nor ad | Bucie was markee-day and the sweets were fll of people. I 6 ‘Sherry Nord Again ‘There was a bright Blue fash and a terrible explosion. ‘The Wave Dancer war lted outaf the water, felland disapeared. Thadneverfeeosngry. Shery had meane okie Instead, she had destroyed my boat and murdered a beautfel young gt. ‘Thad lst my Boat and Angelo had os Juich. Both ou ves had been changed in afew terrible second. aL Sherry North Again. WW covsiategtings fmt Wane Dae ning Sonate ile Bu thet wos al Thad inured Wave Dancer with 3 lal insane agen Bar! son found out he bad been cheatg me. Hebd taken tny money, but hades insued the bot So f eouldt get any money ata Nees =n ary Fletcher was back where he had Thad fnd the blonde gil called Shery Norh. Thad never trusted her. Now I wan sue she wasn't jam News ater But who mas she? And what did se wane! Way had she been seed when she iad en he si a AN had se liso many el sre think abou tac si's ell Many ol his had been shed onthe dangerows eal res Had my found fut shout hip fll of wenste eae had snk nes Guntre Rei re had chen ene gil called Sherry Nord knew about ittoo. Where were gold and jel in cheap, wanted thareof them, Takeda ew queoons a the hos. The nigh before he 6 ‘Shey North Again left, che blonde grt had sent a cable. Ie had been addressed to someone called Manson in London. I had enough soney Tek to gee to London. | would find the gil and che man called Manson there, if was lucy. And Tals had another flue ~ am addess im Brighton. 1 remembered what had been trite on the se of Jnmny’s sledge. I decided to go there firs. Thee might be notes, maps, anything in Brighton, I had tofind dat eeasure! I bought a tcke for he next pln leaving SeMan's England wascoldand wet. Thied?*a car atthe sieportand drove to Brighton. Irvas dark when found Jimmy'sshop. The shop was lose, but there yasa notice onthe doo: "Enquiries 0 Seaview, Downers Lane, Falmer, Suse Trove wo Falmer anfound the comage called Seaview, There wes a light shining from one ofthe windows. Someone was in there. Burwho? Wastroo late parked my car and walked quietly ‘over to the door knocked and wale 'A gil opened che doo, but was’ the Bonde, The gil was very tal with da har and blue eyes. Her akin was eles clear ‘She was very Beau. We saved scone another and chen she said, "You're Hany Flicher ow do you know chat" “Come in and ell you, she answered, Westood in the kitchen looking at each thes, “There was a report inthe papers about che touble at St Marys he gil explained "You pleraze wast the papers, with Jisumy’s That’ ow [new your rare,’ But] don't know yous id slowly, 'm Sherry North she sid ‘Youe the second Shey Now Te mex! Ud wih n ‘Sher North Again She wu vr etm he hr i ad TB what sw: flaca bel ote oy i ‘Nonsense ler eer. Tal erst fi toe Soe ode pe ald einen hens Peep one Sone terRictewsmdng oben ad ed lig Btls ego athe "OA eet i oS anya eas Slo on tel ed ‘well aa hemerng, ous ep nay "Pate astac ence ke wp someine it Sone ones pentru ou fovea wae pfs, Sr raron pon alg en iy wy! Se vtech efoto eno Aor breast we at rogether inthe Kitchen. Sherry told me ive ehe knew, She had Enown very ise about Jim's plans. ‘The pole had wold hee about his death "Who were the people who kl ima?” she asked me. "And what was Jimmy ooking fr? "What do you thik Jy was looking fr” Taked. “Wel, Jimmi was aways nerested in treasure,’ Shey sid, “He wasalvays reading abou gold and sver found at theboctom ofthe "Tow dere are ale offi in Jr's oom, she went ‘on, ‘Thaven' looked a them. Bur perhaps there are some dues In thowe fle” 8 ‘Sherry North gin | wentup ony’ rom and tool down the big Hack les. ‘One of them sonnei ener and Tlooked sought {qc ln de tether looked ot I found someaing. Two ‘fords ~ Dawn Light ~ had Been underined in peel Wher 2d baad those word before? Then | remembered chat dy on he Wove Dan. ny bad sare fo sy someting bat Mateson had stopped hin Iremembered lmmys voir "i's the down HT undenood now. The Daun Light wos thee of 4h eked atthe fener again Yen T ost TnSeptember 1857, he Daun Ligh had sled from nda with tere bogota bo i the tve nd where were they now? “Then I romerbered the ship's bell and the wring on it WN LI Ofcourse knew where the boxes ete They were the boom of he, at Gunfire Ret Tent on reading jimmy’ les ll morning. ke wasal here — alld lforation we need “The Daw Lp bad lef Bombay for London, On the way, she was going to calla Se Mary But the ship bad beet reget oo Basie Reichl snk th sven on ie salut gop gel na wl bt a aly hy ae England, Butshe Dawn Lat end everthing asst Sikeborom afthewa, nae Shery and I were very exited, nny room was fle and papers etockusalengsime ond whacwe were looking ‘Then Shey gave an excel cy. oo late ok ahi’ She fad found’ chaper photocopied" ftom a, book The chapter wat called "Fhe Tyee Throne of nda We read the words together. I knew ac lat what ny fad Bee lecking or an wha Shy and T wee Fong fo - 8 The Tiger Throne he Tiger Throne had belonged ton Indian Prine. Ie was mae of gold and covered with jewels The gold sent was shape ager’ face ~atiger with one reat eye: And in that tye was huge diamond ~ the biggest ever found i ni During the Indian Mutiny, the Throne had disappeared [Nowe knew where had gone ~ no one knew unl now. The Tone had been stolen by an Englishman. He had broken the “Thyone lato four gars ad pt he par into wooden boxes, Al the evel were aken fom the Theone and putin another box, Ie was thos five boxes that che Engin had tried ring t England on che Den igivin 1857. Bur the Dawn Light had sink. and only Sherry and knew wheze ewes! If we could find the ship tnd raise the Boxes, we would be rich forthe ret of our lives, Then I thought abou: che blonde gl and her fiends. They belived tae the Daw Ligt had gon down near Gul and Buc they wouldnt find the treasure there. Then the sland her fiend Nlanson would sta looking for me and Jimmy's sists They would we the ruth from us smmehow. ‘We had co go back to Se Mary's quickly. We had a find the treasure before the thers funds I rld Sherry my pla, “Tknow where the Daun Ligh went down, Isid "Well go tuck mo St Mary's togecher Fl send Chub a eae. He ond Angelo wil hel us. "Well take Jimmy's notes and papers with us. There's an old plan of the ship™ here. I wil help us find the bones, ‘Sherry wasas excited at was. She od me hacshe was very 0d diver, "Then bach of wean go down to find che Do Ligh aL ‘The Tige Throne “We can use Chubbys old whaleboat. k's gor good engines andi wil ge et che Ree. "You wil come wih me, won’ you" Tasked Sherry. He blue ‘eye looked into mine, “Yes, Hey, she said find she wessurevogetber” “pethap I've found my treasure here’ [sald and sok hein say arms. finch wha Jimny staced. Well Chubby and Angee waco S Mays par et us, We Svetmiog ar pe tbc sane ap T coud ee Ey eB Say we wollen weliopeer Sry aniliefChuby and Anglopremtingfrthejoures so Gunite Het took Shor withine ro Tarde Bay wanted felon be ‘When Sey Tue Bay, he was ame Sh ah kev thie, eben fi heven shed arcane were the clour fhe dake tise ‘Singh time aT Bay, lew ave Sher. Onc ot ever la astangeloon refer Bucleoknononte ive ‘asd hoagie loved onaplran nd vere ire “Wile Sher and 1 wete at Ture Bay, Chay ws buy cong the ll rhaleboa ready. We had ved the diving cigs Kem the mel othe Wane Deer. Chay boa amet alone fo and everyting we ered, Wepacted eal fan wide equine and car mse day web of fr OMe dan. ‘We were ping to camp on Old Men Wand and go 0 ‘The Tiger Throne | Gunfire Reef each day. On the way, Chubby told me more shout the narow channel chrough the coral at the back ofthe Gunfire Ree. "Ics dangerous, Me Hany, very dangerous. Bu gues can et the old boat through safely Ife used that channel, we can ‘Eve ajourneyoftwenty mils each day. When weare through the ‘Ganel, we willbe inthe pool in the middle ofthe Rest. ess ‘he Daun Lights down there somewhere. “OK, Chubby, Tsaid. "You know these refsbeterthan do." Wereached Old Men lian inthe late afernoon. We beg ‘mediately to move all our equipment onc the beach. "The fllowing day, Chubby went bak ro St Mary's foe more fuel and water. We decided to make out eamp up in wns caves on the hile, Angelo and I were busy all day carying out tsulpment up to che eaves. When all the equipment was stared {nthe cares I climbed with Sheer tthe top ofthe highee hil ‘Weooked down at che ef “Hive long wil it ake to find the tessure!" Shey asked. “Taare so'Iealdher But we ean oly workin he pool shen theside sight And think the the other “Sherry” willbe lack with her fiends soon. We dd nochave mero find out who they were. But I guess they won'he very nice people "Bac how will we know when they arive” Shey asked, "Well keepin contact with Se Mary's" her “Chuby's frends wl ell us any strange boat arive, They'll ell uri he tl comes back again. I wonder who she'll bring with her.” ‘Wesat therein slence, enjoying the peae ofthe iand. Thad 1 fecing that tis peace would not ast much longer. » 2 The Search for Dawn Light twat dark when Chubby brought dhe whaleboe back. We sated th ne pls up tothe cave Now was inf tell Cabby and Angelo exactly why we were there The two en ened In lence Then Chubby cok somes | thing from is pocket. le was gold coin. On one side af the coin woth ead er one sel ‘Where di you get this, Chubby” [asked in surprise. “When wara bop, esughe big al shin the pool at Gunde Break. When opened the fish, found ths coin inside ve kept "Wel hac shows he stony is re Cubby," Tad That old ship mn be down there nthe poo "afi here, wel find i! Chubby replied wih a smile, ‘The next high tide'sat 140 tomorrow “The ody, Chubby tok w tough se nano chanel and tn the po bend fe Ret Te tage sumed nd ined ‘ven et ap of rp cal Seve cy enol Ke he, bur Chay ptt wales thous me "We'thaverokeepehe engines goin, Chubby lle, This Psu op fora anc" PeeAfc hd ton her iwlch we could wok, We had co wk fis Shr an went own opt pol woes drt hl tones rand we went do snow hows gee ‘The Search for Dawn Ligh ‘The coral had grown into a hundred ciferene shapes in @ ndsed different colors, Small, brightly coloured sh swam all. ‘round us. They shone lke jewels inthe light of our torches ‘We went lover and the water grew darker, Now we were ign an underwater forest of coral and sa-plants Tooked at my watch, We had been Below for about ten rminares, We were atthe boctom now. We moved slowly, We ‘wereloaking for anything whic might have come rom the Dem ight. When we sew anything unasal, we broke fam the coal an! putin our necing-bags™, Tocked st my watch agin and made a sgn to Sherry. [ewas time to go. We swam up to the surface very dol. Going up toe fast was dangerous and could bring death adver. Angelo helped usout othe water. Chubby sated the whaleboat moving immedi "Justin cine, Me Harry, sald. "The ides turing. Wemast sec ou through the channel real fa" ‘As soon as we were back on the Beach at Old Men sland, we empsed our bags and looked athe object we had found "Here's a key small Ley!” Shecry ee Inanother pice of coral there was something white turned icoverin my hand lewas plac of china plate. There was Hae pattem ont and the same rest hat Ihad seen on theship'sbl. "Isa piece of plate,’ said, "When the ship broke upon the Reet everything would have poured ot ofc anta the bottom of the es. Evryching hat was in che Daum Ligh wil be there, But eveything wl be covered in thick oral, ike the pee of plate” “And the creasute” Shery asked. "Whaesbour the weanire boxes!" ‘We satin silence for 2 moment. Then Chubby spoke. “The boxes wilson the ship’ he sald ‘Alle cargo would be inthe front the ship. This part ofthe ship would be very strong. Those boues wl si be there” “Thopeyouare right, Chubby,' Tsai, Ii hore boxefell outa 38 ‘When we saw anything uu, we broke from the coal ‘and pest nou nating fags ‘The Seach for Down Light the ship, theyll be athe bottom covered with coral, Wel find them." Tthoughe que, chen sid, “There ate twa ching we've got to do Fst, we've otto find those boxes ~ and bere they sre the right ones. Then, we've got eo get them out ofthe coral "Well need explosives”, Mr Harry. Well have to blow vp that old coral,’ Caubby sid. "Gan you er seve” Take are, Me Harry, Ff you've got the money 1 can anyching. well ge the explosives she next cme we go to St Marys ve gor sme busines todo thereto." T noted that Shery sid very lite. She had a snange, cold look on her bea face Twas sue now that she ed not tld sme everthing about herelf Bot {didn want to disk about thaenow. ‘During the next five days, we went down into the pool every time che ide was ght I wanted to wok fr. Lad feeling hat ‘nouble was on the way. ‘When the blonde gil and her fiends asved chey would go 9 Gull lan. They woud find the ship's el but nothing ee ‘Then they would star asking question about Harey Fletcher. ‘On te fifth day, we found the wreck ofthe Daun Light. The fone parca the ship had been broken offand was yng agin the bottom of the ret "You were que righe, Chubby’ I sweeystong and haen’eroken apart. Buti ying bottom up and ies covered with thick con. Come dow and bave look "Well need explosives for sue Chubby sid when he came up. Not oo much, just enough to brek up the cor "There's «good mana tonight, Tid. ‘Can you take us back ‘0 StMary’s Chubby nodded. Tewasafter midnight when we reached the wharf No one sw sare. We walked up to Chuys house an had coffe there 3 “The Bnomis Reto ‘Then Sherry and I drove on to Turtle Bay. | ‘Sher fel asleep almos at onee. But Thad a fot of thinking | todo, Iwanted tive things wanted aque fe on St Mary's wanted another Wate Dancer and I wanted Sherry Nort, "To have dhe fest, had ro say fends wit the President of Se Mary’ Toetthe second, ncadedalorofmoney, Andthe hid? ‘That would have to wat 20 The Enemies Return | Eglin mri drove elo the Peo’ vee. The President was delightad to see me "Come in, Harry, my bay, he sai, "Youlook well agin. What Ihave you been doing since you let hospital” Took a deep breath ‘Wel, se," I said slowly. “Tha’s what ve ome to clk bout.” President. Stayt lunch* Tewara long lunch, {had le to tll the Present and he lived carefully. Then he asked alot of questions ~ bu lathe tend, he ngresd with my pans ‘ew late in the aernoon when [drove bac ro Ture Bay. "et aed wh ys Evans OK. The Press vas fon my sie. = 5 . 3 a 3 £ & i g L & (Chub had gothe explosives. ddn’cat him where he had pot ‘The Bneris Retr them fom. gave Mim the money he asked for nd we pu the nm boxer ono the ck "le need some mote fod onthe sand I ad, We'll gee thefood an lead ina the ack. Then you get your whalebost found t Ture Bay, Chubby anyone as, ay you'e gong ing. Wel lead eveything onto the whnebont ths evening ‘Then we can sal back o Gunire Rea eden “Tr sie that the Bonde gl who called her Sherry Nor willbe ack here soon. She's bd news forall of “The tl news came sooner than I thought: Chabby and 1 ge Be Ser a fat hen An cae wit “Nt Har.’ he called, {wanes show yu someting! I'wencoutie and looked where he war pointing. A beau ug ed we hp hd ji pce te ern he aout, There were sme people sanding onthe deck he shore. pen ne e “Thats oubl,’ I sid que, [looked through my bn cals, The blonde gl wh had aed hes Shuey North tris sandlng on the ridge. Beside er stood a man {knew Smlnlyaltcugh I hada sen hin fr ney sb yar Manny Rese! Soe wat Manson. Lem, he had changed hin ame. And he knew who T was. He kc enough about ny old if fo pur me in prion for years And now he was 1% Mar, Tsing forthe Dawn Li athe Tae "Quick, Chubby, fsa. “There's no se co lose. We mast leave St May's tonight. The man on that boa is cur enemy. Aad hts the give dear Wave Ber ad ld Then be apy olen ot Mary’ Ando id ovis {Moss your chs, Ang eh they don kl 2” | ea “nec ticee nfo | went on Lefs gt moving, Angi, you go wh Chubby, Ge Youndo Ture bays guy ar oucan Well met you Bick | there" Tran towards the muck and Shery got in bide me. The | ange hard oe bd ened aber ace, ie esi ‘When we wached Ture Bay, we araded the tc and | wated on he bn or Cy aed Anglo Two ar ite, Teper. Welded sheboatin an hour, Atsunst, we wee sang of Tue By, Sher snd Lt undercover ju ese none five bon Bybee the neon cme up weet oto he rene | a Shark! | was early moming when we reached che Old Men, Chubby find | took out some ofthe explosives. We buried the rest unde some palm ees, (Chul and I worked with th explosives. Ir was a dangerous nd dificle job. We had eo work very eel ‘When we were read, Sherr and { wen down tothe Dawn Light, We fixed the explosives exrefully and eame up. When we were back inthe whalebou, we connected the wes oa battery ‘Chubby cured the switch, lnmedaely, we felt « movement tnd the boa and the water svcd and bubbled. “Right Tad to Sherry. 'Wecan go down now. Le’shope we can nda way ince Dan Light ra Shark We were lucky. The explsion had tor fone ofthe big guns from the woodenthip. There wasahalebigenough fr uetoaimn throush. Tewas dificleco see though the muy water. pushed hard aginst a heavy piece of wood. ied not move. Lied agin, pushing harder Suddenly the wood broke, [el forwards aspaeces ‘wood and coal fllaround me. Ina few minutes we were side the wreck, ‘We moved holy forward and I shone ay torch ll around We swam along the lanach of the ship une we came fo the wooden all of thehold™ Behind that wooden wall wasche Tiger ‘Throne, was sure of looked at my watch. I sumed co Sherry and poinced spwards, We had to gct up (0 the surface. ‘The alr in our fonygen fanks was almost nished. Sherry and U swam out of the ship. Suddenly, ae T looked up, T saw me wete in great danger. “The explosion had kelledhundees ff nd the water was {allofheir blood. Anda lang blak shadow was moving over out beads. ‘A shark Ic had come into the pool to feed onthe dead fh ‘As the shark cummed, Isa its tertble mouth and hundreds of sharp eth Tiooked at Sherry and pointed upwards spain. Back tothe boat! But we ad ro move slowly as we went wp, up, up to the surface. The shark was sil feeding on the dead fish could see ‘he bortm ofthe whaleboat now. Then [wasup and Sherry ws wim, ‘tured and pushed Shecry up and over the side of he boat. (Chubby and Angelo grabbed" her. She wat sf! looked down again. Ar that moment, the shark saw me. 1 reached up, pabbed the side of the boot and pulled my legs. Tus in time! A hice shape burst rough che water and a ‘Shark crashed ngunet the bout. Then the shark evam under the boat find cashed aguina the other side ‘Chubby stood up mith the spear-gun® in his band. As the terible head rove out ofthe water, the spear exploded between ‘he open awsand the water wenered, The dark ellbackineo che swater afte poe ~ dead! pulled of my man and sailed at Sher Tie ogo" Tsa and Chubby surmed the boat back inc the channel and towards Old Men Isind The next side wethed the blood and the dead fh out of che pool There was no sgn of sharks when we dived ino che pool sein "We muse get ina the hold I sid, "The best way in is ‘through the deck. Well use the explosives to blow a hole through dhe deck. Then we'll be able to pull up those boxes wich ropes Sherry and I dived down again to dhe wreck. I placed the explosives caefily and we came up agin to the sce Ths time we dda'r tke any chances! We didn't wanetomeet any more sharks After the explosion, welt the pool and went bck to Old Men Idand, The nex de would wash oat the dead fiah and would be safe ro go bac 'AEOld Men, we ston the beach, we sram and we tied co relax, Weal fl very exceed, Buel was worried. By now, Manny Remick had found the ship's bell t Gul Island I was sure of this He bad a bg, fae ship and pleney of mento help hin. We hnad to get the wreasre out of the Daun Lig before he came Sot fr us Wea en sky fr oped th our ack a (Chub stood 1 with he spear hare 2 Danger in the Air war the afternoon of the flowing dy before we gor inc the hold Inside dhe hol, we had another problem. Whenever we ‘moved something, it sired up mud and rorten wood. I was innposble to see anything. Out torches were useless. searched vith my hands. Suddealy my hands found a wooden bo. twat ‘very hesvy,Shery, Chubby andl dragged icineo a net and used sags to fe co the surce i "The tide was coming in as me got the box ito the oat. |We took the halehost back through the channel. The box wat so heavy that we decided to open it on the beach st Old Mes. ‘We used ion bars to break the box open saw at once hat it | swas’t he Tiger Throne But was teature, The box was fll of lange gold plates! Shery ied one out and rumed ic ver inher | hands | "Tes besusful” she cried. ‘And le must weigh ove a kl!” I took out another plate and looked ati cael "We're ch,’ Tsai 'ifwe find the Throne or not” “These are uso plates,’ Angelo si "Theyre old Tai, "bur ery valuable. They maacbe worth at least a hundred thousand pounds "A hundred thousand pounds! That's ray’ said Chubby. "Geary or not Tad, 'W'srue, We must earch the shipmoce carey! “But we can’t se anything down cher,’ Chub sid ‘fe hada pump we could cleanall he nudand rocen wood ouof che fold, Then we would be able ro see more dearly.” "A pump! That's the answer, T cried. “Your unck’s gor 3 ‘pump, Chubby. We ean borrow it and fixicup nthe whaleboot Danger inthe Air “Then we can wse it to clan all the mud and roten wood out of thebold” “OK, Chubby sid, ‘go back to St Mary's early tomorrow morning with Angelo. We'll ger back here toon a we ean. "Good, id ‘and you ean cake the gold plates back with ‘ya. Bury them a Tuc Bay If anyehing goes Wrong we've got Tomething cha’ worth money, Tal hi "Chubby and Angelo left early the next morning. Afier breakfast, Sherry and I left the caves and went down &0 the beach, We were swioming in the se, when I beard ple Tea coninglow over the and a ying dey towards “ui Ishoute to Sherry. They muse se us, Get bck cosh pai cen Tira outl he wate up che betch andi the palm es. \Weeorereounulver th brokenbandt Wevetetin ie Toke panda pln. hacen oe ar Says tiptoe how one vp oi "Te plane cured an nthe pene ooking ou of he iodo ewssManny Reet Theplan few bck rrr Shere beach, Then tured an few avy, Shey kad "nas sing happen now, Har she i soy. You loo dan teu ‘ "ecw bln eke Helier hs "Wile ad he Tg Thxne ble hyd, Har Shen sige. “Ton ng Tansered. Cub ay have ome news. Lee weuna eg back Chet id ave new anita ba ‘The Slane Sip we sae Se Mary's hou, hs 6 Something Shone Brgy been £0 Gull land,’ Chubby told us. “Then f went back to St ans and the crew saree asking questlons, "Ler hope they didn’ getoo many ansmers Tid We've goto move quchy now. Have you broughe the pump with you, Chub" "Yen, Mr Hany,’ Chubby ssid.‘ broughe the pump and brought his too He bad en auomacc rifle in his hands 3 ‘Something Shone Brightly wed the pomp tcean he muddy water out f the hold Gn our second dive, we found some more boxes. The ‘wooden hoxes were rocten but they were ld together by steps of ton poled avay a pce of wood. There was some soft cloth ‘hind the wood. AST plled sway the cloth, something shone [brightly inthe rorcight. I otked quiekly and Sher helped ne Suddenly, we were looking neo the fre face of suger. We ha found the Tiger Throne! “The face was slmost a mette wide. The mouth was open and wecouldaee the olden teeth and ongue, Thee was hole the middle ofthe frchead, where the pest diamond eye had been, Foramamene, Shery and ould not move, Welooked atthe ‘beautiful golden face, Thea, very careful, we bean to palcup ‘ut ofthe covering cloth, ‘We gor she head up out ofthe water the nextday. le weighed 4" Death on he sland shout 150 los Ie was made of gold, abour25 centimetres thick, "Then we found the jewels. They had been pulled off che ‘Throne and packed together in a smaller box. We cared veryhing up tothe cave onthe hllide. We opened the boxes there, The jewels were diferent colours blue, yellow, red and ireen I cleaned each one and held i up eo the ight TyasSherry who ound thedamondeye.Iewasabouthe size cof ccken's eg and iflshed brightly. Sherry handed me the ‘geatdamond without a word. got up and walked oe back of the cave, Very eareflly, Teed the diamond ica the hole inthe tiger's head The animal seemed to come alive. The gold and che jewels shone inthe ight of eur lamps. “is beaut,” Shery whispered, “Besutifl and Gighening 00. Tcan't belive i's been under the sea for over a hundred ‘yeas. Whar aze we going todo with i, Hae” Tekought fora moment snd dha sid, We sl have ro find the other pieces ofthe Throne. But tomotzow, we ust ge the head andthe jewels auay fom here 1 didn’ el the other, but Thad made my plans already. 1) Fooked at dhe head aga,’ ee for toright- Well sleep now. ‘Well go back to St Mary's a dawn tomorow” a Death on the Island Tors atone he mre Ted | aqulely and went to look atthe tiger's head. The eye shone ikea str inthe ight of my amp. new we mut hide now. | woke Chubby and rgether we ‘Very carey, 1 fed he diamond int the ole in he 4 ger’ head Deaton he Island ah on the sea ‘avid the treasure down to the palm trees near the beach. We, ‘Sned the beaulngrandcheauromatcife under head | rear the place where we had hidden the explosives. ielehappier now that che erasure was hide But was stl ‘woried. I hid to Gnd out mote about Shey North. She bad ‘howed me that she loved me. But she somesimes looked st we inansange way. Iwaseure there weremenythingse hade cad ‘me. Thad to find out what chy were. 1 walked slowly to he highest pint of the ian and looked ‘cowards thesea. The sun was coming upaow and [could ee more clearly " pasped in horor. There, on the dark sea, was the Mandrake.) ‘Manny Resnick had found us akeady! As I watched, the Man, rake anchored and a small motor bose Segan moving cowards, the beach. Istarted ro run down owards the cave. [fll vo of threetimesarTrandown the seep path, Mosel ciation ‘Angelo ek, aiken ‘We've por vison” | ‘Manny Resnick Chubby ase. “Right aid. “Chubby, you ge theifle, Angel, I want you to stay with Mis Shere. “Go with Angelo, Trold Sherry quickly, ‘and cmb upto the bighes point ofthe island. We'll come adjoin you there a: S000 sewe've got the fe Remember keep ou of sight Manny's Hae.” "Yes Mary, know, Sherry answered, Tntched them go and then [pur few thing no bag. 1 put on my bee with ts heavy knife I wene down towards the ‘beach to meet Chubby. Suddenly, head shooting ahead of me. stopped and waited. Chubby came runing towards me, carrying. the automate ee. "Men go off the boat a to diferent places’ Chubby sald "They saw me geting the gun” "Comeon, Teale. "Wemust get ackto Sherry and Angel. re mniade enone aks Soria canis mee, a set crane ee cles gaan Sede wnecuay tae pearance rset pacha tpg Mile: Gat me an beat OO meer A nemueracenunse beret rose ala ae ye oasis bly wih Sanches and nt He wold tee oy nies a wesc ote ee case iouptemeteeay pareilereaayaieldoghe Thien ate yaceacoa aay oie So umcuraacotas a a ress happened to Sherry st He had bee shor reset and she sad was dark each onthe land whalebour,' Chubby whispered. "They're coming back towards the beach "Pugh answered. ‘We've gotta movefast. They've gora oe cofmenand losof puns Andshey'rlookingforus! We vegorone funtand we need another "You stay here, Chubby —and keep the fle, Bur don’ use i anes yo Bavet.” ‘The whaleboatad neal eached the beach. Thee were ten sen on toad al eying ils. ‘an back othe muddy ground, Ihad sand the group ofrmen | who wereon the land. ran gully ound che soft round. Then Topped and bid behind some ree. Iwnited quit ‘As Thad hoped, che men were walking toward the muddy ground and they were nor walking together One ofthe men vas Eoming sos towards me. When he was near enough {stood up {udenly. 1 dew my kaif and ie went deep inc his throat. He {Hopped othe ground without making 8 sound balled out the knife and cleened iin the sand. I ook che ‘man’s machine-gun and moved bac nt the shelter ofthe ees ‘Then I heard the nowe of the automatic rile. A machine-gun anaweredand then there wasslence.Imovedquckly towards the sound ofthe ring. The Fest man I met was running so fas that heneaty knocked me over, Sb ochre were allowing, They had dropped their guns and were running way fom Chubby in Talied the machine-gun and I fred at them until they lays Tran up the tack and found Chubby. “Sorry, Mr Hay, Thad to fre a them, he grinned,“ vere just standing ther. [got ro and the athers ran avay." "They won'trunagsn, Tsaid."Bucremember there are more ‘men landing on the ‘sland, And Manny Resnick bas stl got Sherr” "Al we stood there, heard voice coming esly across the s Death on he sland water ofthe bay. Ie was Manny Resnick’s voice He was sing a Towa Harry Fetches! We've gor something to show you. Why don't you come down sche beach? You ean see i bere from | there | "Don’t go, Mr Har," Chubby whispered, ‘They'leatch ws.” "Tn’t think 50, repied. "Look, the whaleboot i going back. There's noone let om the island bt ws. And chey've got Sherry. Come on,'m going down.” Took he el rm Chubby, “Tim going to walk oneo the beach Eold him. But you hide behind che wees. want them to think dhac!'m alone” T sopped under the pals neat the Beach, Manny and the blonde wereon the deckaf the Marae, Then two men brought ‘Shey up ont the deck nd held her becween them. ‘looked ater cough my binoculars. Her fee was bruised and bloody. There was blood on her blue shire One of her hands ‘wes covered with a white loth, Ie ws red wth Blood. 4 ‘Thad the il. For one moment, |wasso angry cht though | oftiling Resnick: Bur Tllled Manny Resnick, they would il | Sher immediacy, Remick pth aero hsouth and | began ro speak again. Good aernoon, Hany, Gnd you cold jin, We'veben | asking the lady a few quesions. But she dossn’: knoe al the | lnswes. She doesn't know where the treasure ls, 30 she cant | ‘ve ws any more help, “Tellus whore che weasre i, Hare ack, you don’ tells, wel kl her” ‘Sherry loked towards me. She shook her head. She didn’t want me to tll ther The blonde walked up to her and ht hee hard on the face. Manny laughed “Harry, you've got una midday tomorrow ro chink about it and give us your decison ‘Sherry was pulled roughly back nea she eabin and the cxhers ot I z ‘The Plan Succeeds lowe. Twaled slow back tothe paln ees and waledfor Chubby tojoin me “We've gor work» do, my fiend’ [told him, ‘And we've got to work fast!” 15, The Plan Succeeds made hubby repeat the instructions gave. Wecould not snake any mistakes now ‘We worked quickly ani by 3am Iwas ready for my rip ro the Mandrake. Te was a ong way tosis. But atlas I reached the ‘jek shodow of the ship. 1 fined the exploaives to the side of the Mandel. Ina few hours time the Mandrake and everyone aboatd would be blown to peces, ‘Chui was waiting for me onthe beach, He hid me to walk hack to che pln ees Tell down on the sind and lp, ‘Chulby woke me. Eas ready immediazly | gave Chubby the fife. We shook hands, bur sald nothing. Tht would have been ‘lid, ‘When Chubby had gone, I wenr down to the beach and shouted. Almost a once the deck ofthe Mandrake was full of ‘men, Manny andthe blonde were there too, ‘Some men jumped int the motorboat and headed towards thebeaeh A few mates later, Twas on the deck ofthe Mondale withall the guns poinsing at me ‘Wel, Harry lteher ~ or shold Tsay Hory Broce?” sid 55 ‘The Plan Sucteds Manny wih «sale “And now we'e using our real name, cls is Mis Lorna Page, think you bave met before" stared athe blonde gil sanding by hissie. Shesaled and hated he "Lee's ge down to busines, Hay,’ Manny aid, "You've got the Tiger Toone" "Bat of i replied. ‘Only che bend Is gol allright. Ie weighs shout 150 ios "That's noe ali sid Loma Page greedily. "You've got he jewels. The gl tld us ‘So Shorty had wold them everything she knew. They muse have har er badly. "Yes, I've got the jewels “And the big diamond too!” sid Loma Page "Yes. Bute the only one who knows where satis. You wane the dlawond, Well, wane Sheery North 'Shery Nore’ Manny repeated with a luugh, “You'e 3 bigger foo chan | shoughe, Harry. We don’e want the gl any mote, You can have he, "Then you muse give me back che whaleboat, th fuel and water." stopped fora mement and then Ist, “And T want ep ce gers head, "You'e geting too greedy, Hany,” Manny replied. "You take the diamond, Tsid, “and all the echer jewels ‘They're worth millon. Jus let me keep the head." "Youll eake your ife and think yourell hacky,’ Manay answered. is eyes were cold and bard. I knew then that they would il me when chy had found the reasure. “OK! Tai, ‘Thaven't any choice. Bu'm raking the gt” “Of course, Hay, of course,’ Manny said with ase. They beoughe Sherry up on deck nl flooked athe in haror. Her face wasblck and blue where they had hither. took erin my ars “replied, the Bye ofthe Ter? You've gorehar 56! armed my head did nor want theaters ose the hate in hi her nothing owe T "Lege back ‘Shery sa close co me in the motorboat, Lana Page and ‘Manny Resnick sata the back ofthe boxe, “They'e going ca kl us, Hany she whispered “Wha happened to your hand" I aked her. “Teas the grt, Lara Page. She pled out ny Singers. e was tertile, ee held her ele alight now,'I told her. “OK, Harry, sald Manay, as westood onthe beach, "My men se bringing the whaleboat tthe land. When you've shown ue ‘he teasire, you and che gi can go" Leena Page sled. She knew that Manny was not going so 7 ‘The Plan Succeeds "You go fst, Harry.’ Manny sid and we all began 9 move across thebeach. Two ofthe men stayed onthe beats looked at ‘ny watch quickly and walked on. After a will looked roundand thea stopped “Telyour men o dg here, Menny aid, Fourmen bein a quick “Sher hur Ts to Manny. ‘She need to sic down in the shade" ‘Manny nodded. Two of is men walked with us othe wees, out forty metres avay. There was no sgn of Chubby bu chat vas pre of my plan "The men went on digging. Then one of chem gave a shout ‘They all Sood sound the hole, shouting excitedly “Be careful. Use dhe ropes to gee Ie cu,” Manny said "Let He jumped into the hole and Loma Page std at the edge, looking down grey. Tevas perfect Tased my hand to my head. This was che ‘sgn [had planned with Chubby. Then Iyrabbed Shery and kwardeingoa shallow hole that Chubby and Thad dg fale inthe morning, "Now, Chubby, now!” I whispered. I chew myself on top of Sherry and covered her ears with ny hands. There was an enormousexposion. I was deafened by thenoieandbiinde with dus My hands felefr the machine-gun had buried in thesand, {pulled ou the gun and fired at the guards. They ded at once. “Then {went to the place where the others hed been. ‘Allof Manny's men were dead, The body of Loma Page lay ton the sand. Her dead eyes sared up a the bluesy. The rom body of Manny Resnick aya the bottom ofthe hole. Everything vas quer “And chen Chubby was running down che beach to meet us. “Quick, Mr Hoey, we've gor get bac co the whalzbost, Remick’ men are trying to sink i!” Chubby was shouting. | could beat the shots now. [threw down the machine-gun and grabbed the fle fom Chubby. "ou aay herewith Sherry Told Chubby. Bue Chubby an fier me. He wanted ta ger bac ro his boat. ‘Remick’ men were inthe motor boat. One of them was shooting at che whalaboat, ying to sink. raised the rifle and fred at them. Then there was anther shot and Chubby fell at ny fet. "Get him, Mr Harry. Get him before he gets you,’ Chubby whispered. [red agin, bu she motor beat had aos reached the Mandrake. Hooked army wate then down at Cb. Blood was pourng out of hal in his chest ‘Shar knee beside him and hel his head in her arms ‘ail never be sch, Miss Sher," Chubby whispered Buc you snd Mr Hoty willbe al right, Take good cae of her, Me Harty” Twas holding his hand when he died. Sherry and I looked a cach other with teats in ov eyes so ‘The Las Problem ‘There was strange roaring sound fom these, ‘My Ges ook, Hary” Shere ced “The Mandrake and the maror boat had both gone le their places grea:fountan of water showed white aginst the Blu sky. "Then the water fll ack int he sea and all was que. 16 The Last Problem hetry and I spent dhe nex three weeks t Turtle Bay Thad a {Decne with Preset and we aed for more fen to ‘They were not happy weeks, We were sad about Chebby and ‘Angelo. Was the easure woth the deaths of those two good ‘ends? Shery's nals began to grow aguin. Our bodies became stronger, but we had foo many bad memories tobe happy. ‘One evening we sa together bythe sea. knew was ime tell Sherry what had planned. My plan would nor work without hes old her what I ad decided {had put all che measure ince luge cof", Sherry was ‘going co fy ro Zurich, She would be wating there, dressed in black, when the coffin arrived. She would say it contained the body of her husband. Noone would open cofin, T knew people in Zurich who would bay the teasute and ask no questions. Sherylscened and said nothing. took ou a plane ticket fiom my pocket and handed ito her, “But cis ifr a fight tomorrow! she si, “That's igh. 've made al the arangemens” The Lan Problem ‘Bat what about you, Hay? When hl ee you!” “Ti ert Zr two da afer ou My plane lands at 1.30 pm. Be here omen ne” ‘As we dove fo Se Mary's the nxt dey, Sherry di not ook app. She ned fo elle something. But wha she sald id not ine “iy onnhing hema... youlnow sting forever does it Tmean "Whaedo you mesa ii. 'No, ies nothing es jueae— wel, fanyhinghappens shes no mor. Trrathed her get nt he lane Shedd na wave toe Jeo back T completed the fig srangement for geting the ‘olin o ach nape height ald tly the harbo ‘The next dy, lef Se Mar "ArT war day ety, cere was no ne to meet me a Zach ‘Aigo. Ibooket sgh bck to Se Manor 120 pm the felawing ay. Then went and had along eet he pee ai tn the Ifomatien Desk “Conyou help me" asked, when Ihad ened everyihing ober, wil seine, Tvent end aye the ight nasal or. Ar iy, he ‘tog eer rp, neg ‘newspaper and watching people ave. ‘Notte would know me [as wetting that waso0 Big oxime, My har as gey an I was weatg gases When had Tooke nthe mort didn't kow who wast us ar one olka Shey North She was wesng a Nac lente coat and dark gle, But he wasnt lone ‘There wee five men walking blind her, They wba gly srlodagndecenene Tes asretantonel Semen re orders. Sherry bene gl = ‘knew I was in big trouble, Those men were policemen and 6 The Lt Proton _ the ll ha guns Bue waa ng rn now! ta a pan ancl! wat going to sick cot” Fen ro re men wae the panenger tal pes. At ome the deere ane was announced a walked to the Information Desk. At first, the glel didn't reegrse mbt en seine "Fou corny lok decay she sid, "Got these shonboos over the depurae" Traled ony oer tthe phone bout. Tseneds veri wa litte’ up the phone and peed toe Thee Td amoonctnen Wil Mis Shey Noch ome othe Ifmaton Dek Mis Shey North o he Des, pewe “Thro he ls doe of he phone bot, 1st Shr go overs he lvsnaton Desk The plat te dit pee te dhone tooth next mine and Shay whedon “Arson she wen she hone bon Tore he dot aed opened “OKT ium ound, Pacoroman whoever you ae!” She tured and locked at mets hence "ss me ud ld Hy, T ld “Tell me, wha hap pened the ea Shan Nera She wailed, We ound the bay “Thnew Ti. ‘And Many Rick ughed ame. He ney who yo wet, Besse fe had aed led Sten cal ne fos ewan ight, wate Ske ood looting ane, bt dang °So hen Shay Now wat ile T net on, de pce desided you woul ke Her ae, They hoped sone fold omeand ed them othe lr beard yo shone dares inner. Youweretelingthe ple had aed Ad eyo You tha odo. You dl well did't” if you sew al thi, why id You take we wih your shen a ‘She ured an loked at me i hoor. The Las role “Lasn'e sure at fast, Trepled. “And by the time I was sue, 1 was in love with you. And at one time, I thought you loved ‘ma policewoman,’ she sid quickly. ‘And you're thie” "Yes, vas once. But that wat lng time ago” "Bur you've got the Throne ~ she Tiger Throne” "No, Phaven'; sid. "That coffin’ fl of san "Then where's he Throne!" "tes where ic belongs, with the President of Se Mary's 1 replied. "You've given che reasure 1 St Mary's” she sid in surprise, “You've given it up, but you sll came hexe? Why. Hasty? Why? “Tosi youa choice, sald quiet. ‘And you'vegotto make thar choice now. My plane eavesin few minutes. Ino one ops ie Tmgolngt gen beat Ture Bay omer, wltng "But chey'l come afer you, Hay... 'No. Once 'mon SeMary’s, I'l besafe, Godby, "Tsid "Ym soing tobe lonely out there at Tule Bay without you” ‘Trumed and walked slowly tothe departare gate, No one stopped me an I dida't look back veel Tsatin the plane thinking. How long would ibe before she flew out o Se May's? Isl ad aloe ote hr had promised fhe President that'd get the res ofthe Tiger Throne up fom the wreck. The Throne would belong to the people of St May's. ln return I'd get anew beat, I would be able olive well And 1 sll hd the old plates hidden in Turd Bay, No one knew about dem ‘Then I realised that 1 didn’t even now her real name. That would be theft ching] would aeher when Lmethesat St Mary's spor. Tsaback and closed my eyes. thought about the future Tt was going tobe good. o The Las Problem Glossary * Sept wrk on bon Ferns wrk on abot 2 sehen ‘Beg rSroor bere tnesseupsodhatpeorecangs anon. 2 eat as a ctw beds wht pone an al and despa n 4 her ge 4) Pro fering the Wave Dene, Boat an hp ely ‘eferel ty he enaine pronouns =e adh 5 tng (pas 9 thi i ey abu valle taser nd jewel, which ng let week a hp wek war on na sta node find he "eau and grup othe face, eve ap down erp dee water vers want go down deep and say fara eng ime they have she nk of nym aed oie. Se hs sang on page 3 and 36. 6 bret hela fps 1) gigi cairns do mig nich 1 sey fm (one 7) A omy eles ables sd propery pint hve, 8 fate passport (pee 7 ‘hen ia yf go rom one coy to another, hey ca be ‘auahc ecu th ames and propaga ont papers Inerder vol bing cu le thy rnin sense Se pops hd pt sie eral mean here opmphed wenn dct 9 Instron not onder (pg: 8) you flow nsctons = they el ou wha co do, sly na pote Woy, out arc —chey we fen cient ale a 10 ofthe (ag 8) "Alanine of conf ald sec Ac ef an be en acs by me ak ot dp Ce dann, ‘rds ce ner. rave dango plc fl Srna coe ty nto ole ae inde he wa of cr ells epson: An open the ale gtamepe alls 13 bide Seppe pro oa whee he apn stand and ive oder, » anchored (ae 1) 44 Reenter to ayn ne lice whan cuca ope the es te noveren of water nau oa ean. The “The wae inthe oan ovement happens abu very weve ow en shies wealed ah ioitieeniorce ts rae nn ndngey dedi Eecriceces nena Sits Se ticles nasa Sachcancdaat 7 FES mgm erties See enceaee tonne terre Scumegesareick ecto LE arata tha mscan ais {Sidecar cen to ep kino plc wk on 9 ee 12) . 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Ding ‘he Mati rll were abe otal may ae hes oe Pale and cen, 3 Blan of thes ra 32) $ owins showin te deren pars of edi. 51 camping equipment (age 2) SERRE es canrig— ken poe 29 Sein ae 9 Fea ae anata ont er Sing ich hey Ed unde te water The nes alee gs ‘Sobor es te wae Oe 7% Ses of pe adam and kg, An ek i ot under watery acerca 10 skghed ae) erase 41 Bina (ong) Foals etl apjone looking hough she oe ings a2 ‘Seance mere den 42 hy toe 0 ‘ulin bse when ii pt the pron a cveed oer vache 1 Kot Gos a) ¢heparal hstipblow de deck where andere best 44 rab (page tt {Sa snecnetet cach hel ofthe gular Bll hes hy, 1 spear oan 2) pretence ht hander me Sete itueon on pe 46 lode ae 3) steno oh loo ae, your win eed ey 16 8 Sa nn Sees stu pnchie asta 1 sicker (ape 2 ms —_ Be nevada teva n i Rage Power ofthe Sword “The Angels Weep The Boring sore Cr Wal “The Datkofthe Son ‘TheDisnond Hunters Eagle he Sky ‘AFaleon les ‘Gold Mine Haney asthe Sea ‘The Leopard Hunt n Darkness Men of Men, Shout the Dei “The Sound of Thunder “A Sparow Fall “The Schl ‘When the Lion Feds ‘Wil justice 8 Shane ack Scare (Old Ma andthe Boy by DR. Sherman Bristol Marder y Pip Powe “eles of Ga by Les Calor ‘The Superb Pies Pah ‘The Peal by Jon Steck “Things Fall Apr by Chima Achebe ‘The Wonan Who Biepesrd Philp Pose “The Moon & Down by Jn Sede Town Lke Aes by New Sh The Queen of Desh by John Mine Wolakout byJaes Vance Nanblt Meet Men analy Richer! Colm ‘The Geese Oty by Sot egal ‘The Space Invades by Getfey Mahe My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Meer Tr the King of the Cas by Susan a Dracula Bram Siler ‘The Sign of Four by St Anh Con Dsl The Spected Band and Ocher Stores by Sir Avtar Conan Dose ‘The Eye ofthe Tiger by Wilbur Sh The Queen ef Spas and Otter Stories by Aland Pushkin ‘Tae Diasond Huns by Wir Sra ‘When Rain Clels One by Bee Head Banker by Dek Prin [No Longe at Ese Chinas Achebe ‘The Feanchie AM sophie Tey ‘The Case ofthe Lonely Lacy yf Mine fre formation on the full secon of Readers at ll veel nthe eve, lee eet ‘othe Heseann Gated Rees cto

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