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NO MORE TEARS Words and Music by Ozzy Osboure, ‘As Recorded by Ozzy Osboume Zakk Wyide, Pandy Castilo, (From he abu NO MORE TEARSIEpIc Associated) ‘Tablature Explanation page 33 Michael Inez and John Purdell D EWD Dp? BID ws Sg AS BSCS, pe. Bian, Big. Beet a i - ig Rg” Ag fia HELP Em/D Dat ae Girdle DySynth ar for ste) t are Sra MosenteRoad=100 “Rhys Je . one, ra tno ey NC fot = = Pa se pat rebar] wetde (steady gts.) a i: QS i; \e/ad Ub vocal sounds (end Rhy. Fit. 1) W/Ry. Fie 113 times) w/t) D ad TOT rs flows SOE HS had awn 17S: By leering Sapnreo vrn P Li r PM Maye gn te Fg. be US i Cae Ot oe artes pr ae SCA, Prin tr Yo es ry omni ers rg ee eat Asko Porhcr Sr lat & 3rd Verses “WIA lb vocal 3ed time NG ‘ Q BSS BS Ass" Gs FS GSFS Abs The light inthe win dow is 9 cack in the sky. that is 0. ver, can we Just say good-bye? Substitute Rhy. Fil 1 2nd time Gs Fs os Gs_NC bs 6 Ai aS ‘A stair-way to dak - ness inthe ink of an eye | Ta ike to move on and make the most of the night AS GSFS GS FS ANS AS GS FS GS FS bs to learn shell 1 Rhy. Fill Gut Gum we I862 87 Substitute Rhy. Fil 2 2nd time Sms eAtS Gs FS GS FS DS ABS NG nev = er be leave. you this ay bs GS FS GS AMS GS FS GS FS AMS the dark — will bring an - oth - er at = tack T don't know what che to = Substitute w/Rhy. Fill3 2nd time Prechorus AS G5 FS GS” FS Pac ESD 1. You're ma fold you that__ you're. not Red see man— "a - round the cor 31 hee want ~ ed tod Rhy. Fs Get af Substitute Flt 2nd time, Bis Fill? Srd time Es io Bis me— do——— you think. youre if's__ in danger. (her the © sound of someone scream ~ ing — you im ive think — Tm fall ing wilde (ead, side) aL Substitute Rhy. Fil 3rd time only ‘Chorus a e Ne Bb GS. AMS GS FS _— — — tears (vlecho repeats) GUA NE N992 98 xe BS GS ANS GSFS NC BAS GS AIS G5 FS z tt 5 S —— a a 2nd time to Coda 5rd me to Coda HL Ne. Bhs GSADS GS FS DS 2nd Verse Ncwbs) ‘ FS ps ass GS FS Gs FS es Abs Ne ses as thennghtclos-es in, DS. al Coda 7 Gs FS GS As ‘ be tA G5 FSGS FS AMS Gs FS Gs red light oes on to ayy it's time to 40 AMAR JN 092 a on . ~ cof xo (Stings ar. ore) Sout ‘ i g Slower J= 66 wera ipunoar ore) £ ne # £ ft + #4 £ 2 £ ‘w/Rectation (below) ‘im 5 7 Ce ee | ——= + -1 @5-4ty Tuned down 1 wee, “Recitation: 1 juzt a ign ofthe timex. Golne forward bx revere ‘Sule who are fst ast han in the Bush uMR, Ne T982 44 Dasdfit Dai? Pah serving (jstde) widelay-- Pet B Stl Fass EFI) Gua fe Ry. Fig. 2 c cadagt "Sek Dm Bop ae wislde (grad. she) GSabs GS FS Ne. BIS GSAKS GSFS NG BIS GSABSGS FS Fade out oct: Sus hand in the bush. olecho repeats) ca 44 GUTR ane 62 BASS LINE FOR NO MORE TEARS ‘As Recorded by Ozzy Osbourne a (rom ne abum NO MORE TEARSIED Assoatod) + Words and Music by Ozzy Osbourne, S28328 alk Wy, Ray Cast, Michael Inez and John Purdelt Moderate Rock d= 100 (Band tacet) Nea now (Band in) Emp Dm? yD Wo, Ves Tat & 3rd Verses BANC. £Iilek tT ne GO My oine =f de _ kee sn se eee oa oop ee. = = z . SSS SS OS SSS SS cack inthe ky ete) Inst, 8 od - byte) aoe a —4 Aa. Ds GS FS GS Abs Gs FS GS FS AS 2 a ee a peas Zt ne Gs FSGS FS S S ites nba tr gon ugh tm Pret eeu waieiae) FS DS ASS GS FS GSFS5 ABS UNG. s st es bs GSS G5 Abs GS FSGSFS Abs G5 FSGS FS # Bot Zt a ot eI W a yy ¥ 3 Zz x a BS GS AMSGS FS Pa tin Co me Code bp - = 2 He + +t 2 2 ——* 46 GUAR, ANE 192 Ind Verse News) bs Bh z, a yee £2 L ¥,0 ZL Fs Ds ANS GS FSGSES ABS NG. bs = 2 eS. x SRG Ms QR @ ha D Sal Cole at x ot at x tt Gs FS GS FS Ze Ze eye he zo 3 fae & o% SSS : SS aS SS SS SS SSS Fi 1 - 1 a a4 & 4 A BIS GS AMS GB Ss Ne be ot = z = —— Slower d = 66 ined E Est ED Daddfll Dai? Esa E (Bas w/stcings) i741 RG Gcut Dd) © Be GumA ane Ise 47 Guitar roto altempo primo (4 = 100) Fs Gs FS Gs Ds css eer cee) © + + Eos post D Em/D De? BHD (Coda I Play 4 ties Nc Bis Gs AMS GS FSS 48 GUA, ANE 802 ‘Tablature Explanation page 33 Moderate Btues/Rock Shue = 144 TUSH \‘s Recorded by ZZ Top A (Fram te abum FANOANGOMamr robes Recors) Words and Music by Bily Gibbons, oS = S 7 7 OPS 7 % Cyto oust Wee Me A nat Coe caso i gaa Una Farman Cray La Ae Cary GuMR, JNEIS82 118, 2nd time 10 Codg A n 8 DS. (wfrepeats)al Cod 1716 Gum Je 182 See ee ad) Be : : a Sas ( SSS aa j $ = a = ee ees ee = ay f + 2 cee CEE ote \ : : = GUAR, INE882 147 478 GUA ane 902 Tablature Explanation page 33, DEJA VU ‘As Recorded by Yngwie Malmsteen (From the album OOYSSEVIPotysor Records) Words and Music by Yngwie Malmsteen and Joe Lynn Tuer E B Dm fmt Ewen og py Biot me ta abr Me> g- r ae Moderate Rock J = 126 Ne (ram Fly NG Get Ruff (ed Rit A) BT spa by seater lt Verse we'd crose that in Don't need to ques-tion; there's no reason why uITAR JE 082 428, ° (end Roy. Fig. 1) CF psict cts Bich cts The an=swer ies be-fore your eves! (ad Rhy. Fit. 29) Quoras pone SAA ROY ON ho . : 2 ese 2 Sf a E $e eee == _ Deo. ew Dreams. ome tn. 1 ee my soul on (end Rhy. Fig. 2) ee Sy eB ‘rem. bar rem bar Fe _ aizlerring ES pectin a 2p pte RS pee " in-side of you. De - ja wu fam i - iar spir- its (te -— “ Pena ess = ‘rem. bar 8p atcccseeecenneent trem. bar ‘slight vib, slowly) a 124 GLARE 1092 ‘Substitute Rhy. Fi | 2nd time W/RIFEA 6 times) e a (ead Ray! 2nd time 10 Codg a fears z Cross bet-ween worlds through win-dows of ight With 0+ pen ams, we old Back the ight! A Anwar = Rs iat — — — we == : =i is ick t Z trem, bor me # 7 ‘Cavern ¥ — By = 3 % —— = is es] 7 + E Dy ——3—, ts —— er 7 g te sft € frat eens = : oe == fold in our ands Go. on for-ev-er when love i the pla! — = + w/Ry. Fi. 2 wiRthy. Fig 24 DS. alCodg CEDSICECHS BSICE CS BS CF DSICECHS BSICH CHS NC.Bm Fim Eom GH ke Do you un-der ~ stand? Rhy. Fal Git GuTAA, NE T962 125 Gultar solo om. FEL trem bor 128 GUA, ANE 1992 oe Gen, tt os B 2 Aa SFFS STS IS Rana FB we caaa does dae ye hind beat ay, (end Rhy. Fig. 4) Bye Ou. acs FBS HDS wiry. Fig. 4(2 times) A522 fee pre fe ow SS aa BE sos St & cua, une 1962 127 Oe. (end Rhy. Fig 4A) Ds os St ss is snay te . wing F272 ae aae m2 oy ba apa b> wiRy. Fie 44 ‘wiRhy. Fig. 4A (it bar only) ee. me. chops cts Bat. ps CH seas CEs SP int a 7 a E a to i aes . ‘Rock wa ote poston on downbeat. 428 GUAR ANE 1992 Ne. ED9 NC. Fat a De = sw Dreams_come true 1 see my soul inside of you! Fab plc A Fim vo 3 get $3 fF tp pn Some-where in_ time, Beene 2 we Ww a a t = —eOO, SSS trem. bar w/Rhy. Fig. 3A Fim 190 GuR ane 1092 BASS LINE FOR DEJA VU ‘As Recorded by Yngwie Malmsteen Tune dowm te (Prom fe sum OSYSSEVIPcyor Racor) veo) Words and Music by 88-0 Yagwie Malmsteen and Jos Lynn Turner Moderate Rock J= 126 ‘Drum fd Phy 4 tomes nwo NO eae (wfter) ” { - = + 2s ets test + E ea eee eee ie + ‘ie, 2nd Verses His —— — a 11 al = ways knew, (ete) 2.Gross bet ~ ween worlds fete) ct psict cis wics aS Bs ct Dsich cls act C15 (anda) Nc Bn hm E naa Cy esase APIs Pere Udy Foran meena eae (2nd time only) gas ri > (2nd, 3d times) Fim 132 GUITAR, sme 1902 N.carts) cis NC ps cis Ds CIs_NC Ds cis ass ts N Ds Paves C#s eegee St eea Intertude NCES) eee GOR ane ree2 183 DSalCods Coan e ear Fim Play 4 times 194 GUAR, ANE 992

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