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Text of Al-Mandoomah Al-Bayqooniyah

‫متن المنظومة البیقونیة‬
(‫)بسم هلل الرحمن الرحٌم‬
This 'Basmalah' is the part of the Poem , because mentioning name of
Allah is Blessing . This is Prophetic instruction to begin work with
Bismillah especially when the work is related to Deen .

‫ ُمح َّم ٍد َخٌِر نب ًْ أُرسال‬... ‫ص ِلٌّا ً على‬

َ ‫أبدأ ُ بالحم ِد ُم‬
( Begin I do with praise, and prayers and salutations
On Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬the Noble Prophet, the finest ever commissioned )

Beginning with Hamd (Praise ) and Salaat for Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬.

َ ‫) وذِي ِمنَ أق‬

( ‫ و ُك ُّل واح ٍد أتى وحدَّه‬... ‫س ِام الحدٌث عدَّة‬

( So what follows are a number, of the Hadīth divisions

And all of them do come, with their definitions. )

There are Different Divisions or Types , eg " AQSAAM " is used by

Muhaddiseen for different Terminologies . ! The Ode Mentions the
different terminologies and defines it. The Standard Classification of
Hadith when it comes to Authentication are 2 or 3 . Some Scholars say
they are 2 ( As-Sahih(‫ & )صحٌح‬Ad-Da'eef(‫ ) )ضعٌف‬, Some make more

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clarification Adding ( Hasan(‫ ) )حسن‬. For Sahih and Hasan he gave
Definition and for Da'eef he gave diff Examples coz Da'eef is very vast
SAHIH is most Superior of All .

( ‫شذّ أو ٌُع ّل‬

ُ ٌَ ‫ إسنا ُدهُ و ْلم‬... ‫ص ْل‬
َ ‫وھو ما ات‬
َ "ُ‫أولُھا "الصحٌح‬
َّ )

(The first of them is Sound (SAHIH), and that is neither broken

in its chain, nor does it contradict or have a hidden failing.)

This is a Narration Which is Reported by Persons who are

MEMORY/RECOLLECTION , having a continuous and connected chain or
narrators , free from any irregularities and free from any clear or obvious

( ‫لھ‬ َ ً‫ ُم ْعت َ َم ٌد ف‬... ‫ط ع َْن ِمثْ ِل ِھ‬

ِ ‫ضب ِْط ِھ ونَ ْق‬ ٌ ِ‫ع ْد ٌل ضَاب‬
َ ‫وٌھ‬
ِ ‫) ٌَ ْر‬
( One who is upright and precise, narrates from his like
Reliable in his precision, as well as his transmission )

"Yarweeh" come from "Rivaayah (narration) " means narrated . it is

being narrated by the person who is "ADL (‫()عدل‬upright)" , "DABT(‫(ضبط‬
(Precise in MEMORY)" from the Person of Same Quality.

So "This is a Narration which is Reported by Persons who are

3.Having a CONTINUOUS and CONNECTED chain or narrators
4.Free from any IRREGULARITIES (Shaadh).
5.Free from any Clear or Obvious Defects"

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There are 5 Condition for Sahih Hadith
1. Continuity of Chain(Muttasil-ul-Sanad)
There Should not be Gap b/w any Narrator, He Should listen from the one
who is before him, no narrator should be Mubham (Unknown).

This Continuity Might be Mubasharah or Hukman

Mubasharah :- This is Narrating of a Narrator from his/her immediate

authority using certain phrases that show for definite that they met each
other , phrases such as '(Qaalalee) he/she said to me ' , '(Haddasanee)
he/she told me' , '(Sami'tu) i heard him/her say' , etc.

This actually gives you impression that These both have met Each other, the
first one had Actually spoken the hadith and Second one receiver has
Listened the hadith, they do not have any gap b/w each other.

Hukman :- This is the Narrating of a narrator from his/her immediate

Authority using phrases that show the possibility but not certainty that
they both met eg. '(Ann)on the authority of' , '(Qaala)he/she said' , 'he
did' , etc. ( may be they have met , we are not sure )

So it is not clear whether both have met or not, To make it Muttasil

(connected chain) we Should have proof that they both have met , they
actually lived in same period of same era and there was possibility for
two to meet and take from each other .

2. Uprightness (Adaalah) of the Narrators in Deen and Manners

istaqamatud-Deen ( Uprightness in the Religion ) :- The Narrators in the
chain must all be known to be persons who perform the obligatory
actions , avoid the prohibited actions and are free from both major and
minor sins .

istaqaamatul-Muroo'a ( Uprightness in the Manners & Etiquette ) :- The

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Narrators must all be persons whom the people consider to be
praiseworthy , by way of character and etiquette and are not look upon
as persons who indulge in acts the people consider to be blameworthy.
Thus, the narrators are persons who engage in those actions which are
known to good amongst the people and they stay away from those
actions which are known to be bad amongst the people.

3. Preciseness in the Narrators (Dabt(‫ ))ضبط‬- Which is known by

the comparison & endorsements.
it has 2 types.

Precision of the Heart

Precision of Writing

Dabt(‫ )ضبط‬means to be with a very Accurate and Perfect Memory that he

narrate according to what has been said by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬without any
major mistake or major difference while narrating.

It is known by Comparison , When you compare the rivaayah(narration)

of raavi , you will know that this raavi is very much precise in his
statements , he rarely has any errors , he is accurate , even if he brings up
difference in his words he doesn’t actually change the meaning , he
knows what he is narrating .

Precision of the Heart: - A Person who listens carefully and then he

narrates accurately without making any major or minor mistakes

Precision of Writing: - A Person Who Notes Down and Clearly Writes

hadith narrated to him without making any grammatical mistakes by
writing, changing the words, changing meaning, so he is very much
careful while writing down, his writing is neat.

If a raavi are Not actually weak but some issues with Memory, but they
are very accurate while it come to writing, they are securing their notes,
and write in accurate form free from errors, such a raavi will be

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considered a Raavi of Sahih hadith.

4. Free from being Shadh(‫()شاذ‬irregular)

It is related to Sanad or Matn not purely related to raavi

A Narration is considered Shaadh(irregular) when a narrator who is

trustworthy transmits a narration in opposition or contradiction to the
narration of a more trustworthy narrator (i.e he/she is has more integrity
or is more sound in memory or he/she sat with the Shaykh more times
than other Narrator )
eg.1 Suppose we have two Narrators and both are Trustworthy , but 2nd narrator is
more trustworthy then 1st one , he is higher in his status and trustworthiness , so we
give Precedence to 2nd narrator over first even though 1st one is AdL(‫()عدل‬Trustworthy)
, good in deen and memory but still we have another narration that contradicts with
the narration of 1st Narrator and he is more better in terms of trustworthiness and
memory so we give precedence to this(2nd ) raavi over first one and we consider first
rivaayah as a SHAADH narration and other narration a SAHIH Narration.

eg.2 We have 2 Students , one student accompanied a Shaykh(teacher) for eg. 1 or 2

years, another student spent half of his life eg. 30-40 years accompanying a certain
sheikh. so we have narration and there are two opinions the first one bringing diff
meaning and second one brings totally different meaning with a contradicting concept ,
so we will take the narration of the one who Actually Accompany the Sheikh for Longer
period because he is more familiar with the Hadith of his Sheikh.

5. Free from having " illah " ( obvious defects ).

The term means that after examining and analyzing a Hadith , The
Muhaddith comes across an apparent defect or fault ( those are not
easily discovered) either in the chain or the text which renders the Hadith
weak .these are called Hidden Defects .

Only a Muhaddith(Scholar in Hadith Field) who is very much keen, very

much knowledgeable about the Ahkaam of the Hadith in terms of Matn
and Sanad , and has a Very vast Reading in Different Books of Hadith and
knows the different Kalaam of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in order to Compare it with this

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hadith , such a Muhaddith(‫ )المحدث‬is only eligible and as a Capability in
declaring certain Hadith having defects or the ilal . for student of
knowledge who goes on with the basic principles , he might declare a
certain hadith to be Sahih but a Muhaddith would find out its hidden
defect and he clarifies it to people and declare it Da'eef.

So if any of the Condition is not Fullfilled then the hadith is Not Sahih.

1. Continuity of Chain (Muttasil-ul-Sanad)

2.Uprightness (Adaalah) of the Narrators in Deen and Manners
3. Preciseness in the Narrators (Dabt(‫))ضبط‬
4.Free from any Shadh(‫()شاذ‬irregular).
5.Free from any " illah " ( obvious defects ).

Ruling regarding the Sahih Hadith

It is Obligatory to Act upon the Hadith according to the consensus of the
scholars of Hadith , because as long as we declare the Certain hadith to
be Sahih , what remains upon us is to apply this hadith and accept it . if
it’s a Hukum or Order we have to act Accordingly and if it is related to
Belief we have to Believe on it . so whatever come from hadith which is
Sahih we have to take it and apply it in our Deen.

Certain Books Compiled and Mentioned Hadith that are SAHIH

and the books actually meant for writing the Hadith that are

 Sahih Al-Bukhari . Considered the most Authentic Book after


 Sahih Muslim . Considered the next most authentic book after

Sahih Al-Bukhari.

There is Lot of debate in people that there are certain areas in

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which imam Muslim is better then imam Bukhari , and they have
given certain reasons for that , eg. the way imam Muslim had
compiled and the way he classified the Hadith etc. but Overall
Sahih Bukhari is Given First Position and Sahih Muslim 2nd as
compared to Bukhari.

 Sahih ibn Khuzaymah :- compiled only Sahih hadith in this book

according to its Muallif ( author )

 Sahih ibn Hibban :- compiled only Sahih hadith in this book

according to its Muallif ( author )

 Al-Mustadrak Ala Al-Sahihayn , by Hakim al-Nisapuri :- compiled

only Sahih hadith in this book according to its Muallif ( author )

What Mustadrak Means that imam Hakim Takes the Conditions of

imam Bukhari and Muslim and Applied those conditions on Hadith
which imam Bukhari and Muslim didn’t included into their books .
so imam hakim mentioned those hadith in his Mustadrak
mentioning that these hadith are Qualified and fit to be according
to conditions of imam Bukhari and Muslim in their Authentication.

*Note , All Hadith in the Books mentioned above Except Bukhari and
Muslim are not Completely Sahih . There are some Weak narrations in
those books as declared by later Muhadiseen ... but those imam
mentioned that they will not include any weak narration in their book.
that is why we mentioned their name under the List of those Books
which were written with the purpose of including only Sahih hadith.

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Levels of Authenticity
When we come to know that these hadith comes from certain Book or
Certain condition we give it a Grading of Authenticity without discussing
the things related to it like its sanad , matn etc because the Quality of the
hadith that we mentioned.
So we have Certain Hadiths , if it happens to be among these Levels
mentioned below , we will declare it Sahih without any Doubt

1. That reported by both Al-Bukhari & Muslim.

2. That reported by Al-Bukhari Alone.
3. That reported by Muslim Alone.
4. That fulfilling the conditions of both Al-Bukhari & Muslim , but not
reported by them.
5. That fulfilling the conditions of Al-Bukhari , but not reported by him.
6. That fulfilling the conditions of Muslim, but not reported by him.
7. That authenticated by others , not fulfilling the conditions of both
Al-Bukhari and Muslim

So We are giving Precedence and priority to Hadith Authenticated by

imam Bukhari and imam Muslim over other Muhaddiseen they have been
Finest in this Fields and their conditions to be well known to all the
Muhaddiseen to be the Finest conditions of declaring the Hadith to be
SubhanAllah these are two imaams Accepted by Whole Ummah without
any Doubt.

Imam Al-Bukhari is Known to be AMEER-UL-MU'MINEEN FIL HADITH

(AMEER-UL-MU'MINEEN in the Sciences of Hadith).

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