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APA Citation:

Edudemic [@edudemic]. (2018, January 24). “Saving for College: Tech Edition” helps by
informing parents of the advantages of online banking.
Oswald, M. (2017, April 10). Saving for College: Tech Edition. Retrieved January 24, 2018,
from [Tweet]. Retrieved from https://
on January 24, 2018.

Twitter Review:
Edudemic posts Marian Oswald’s article, to parents across the country, about the benefits of
maintaining an online bank account. The full-text article is published on Edudemic’s website,
Edudemic: Connecting Education and Technology. The website was created in regards to parents,
educators, and individuals within the community that want to make a difference. In essence, the
program allows parents and educators the opportunity to get weekly news about events and
experiences other teachers around the world are having in various parts of the country, while
keeping them informed on what’s going on outside the classroom. By these experiences, parents
and teachers (and even students) are able to use their best judgment as to whether or not they
want to incorporate these experiences in their homes and classrooms in order to enhance
APA Citation:
eSchool News [eschoolnews]. (2017). Operation Prevention’s “Operation Prevention” helps
inform members of the community about a growing opiod epidemic.
Education, D. (Ed.). (2017). Home. Retrieved January 24, 2018, from

Twitter Review:
@eSchool News retweets the U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration’s
tweet on the rising opiod epidemic in school-aged students under the age of 18. The full-text
article is published on the U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration’s
website. The article was created to both make people aware of the issue so that the community,
as a whole, can find ways to reduce and eventually put an end to the mishap. This strategy will
be effective in increased focus and learning within the classroom.
APA Citation:
The Hunt Institute [@Hunt_Institute]. (2018, February 14). “Governor’s State of the States
Signal the Beginning of New Era for Edtech”.
ISTE, Team (2018, February 9). Governor’s State of States Signal a New Era for #EdTech.
Retrieved February 15, 2018, from
%20Edtech%2c%20Says%20ISTE. [Tweet]. Retrieved from on February 15,

Twitter Review:
The Hunt Institute posts the ISTE Team’s article about technology. The article, itself, goes in
depth about obtaining technological resources within the classroom. The ISTE Team explains
how introducing technology to students within the classroom could be beneficial in the sense that
it can enhance learning in students who have grown up knowing none other than technology. The
ISTE Team hopes that by including educational programs with computers, than can create a
domain in which students feel comfortable, while accessing resources relatable to them.
APA Citation:
Education Week [@education week]. (2018, February 15). “In Wake of Parkland Shooting,
Proposals for Arming Teachers Likely to Surface”
Will, Madeline (2018, February 15). In Wake of Parkland Shooting, Proposals for Arming
Teachers Likely to Surface. Retrieved (February 15, 2018), from
[Tweet]. Retrieved from on February 15, 2018.

Twitter Review:
After the latest school shooting in Parkland, Florida, there has been talk about allowing teachers
to carry weapons on public school grounds. Officials hope that by allowing this action, students
and teachers will become more aware about incidents related to school shootings. In essence, this
small movement of possessing weapons will allow teachers to protect their students in times of
APA Citation:
Ed Surge [@EdSurge]. (6, February 2018). “Quizlet Raises $20 Million to Bring More Artificial
Intelligence to Its Study Tools”.
Wan, Tony (15, February 2018). A Major Focus of Quizlet’s current efforts is an artificial
intelligence-powered offering, Quizlet Learn, that creates a customized study plan, for free, for
any user. Retrieved February 21, 2018, from
er. [Tweet]. Retrieved from on February 21, 2018.

Twitter Review:
Ed Surge’s article about Quizlet simply explains how the website is “… one of the most widely-
used digital tools in the United States,” (Wan). Wan talked about how the growing use of the
website is, in fact, bringing benefits to the company as a whole. Because Quizlet is used by many
high school and college-aged students, more job opportunities are opening up. Wan said, “The
company plans to grow its staff from 70 to upward 120 employees by the middle of the year,”
(Wan). The growth within the company opens up a wider spectrum for learners, educators, and
people looking to expand their work experience.
School Innovations [@K12Achievement]. (2017, December 19). “School officials stress
importance of attending class” helps by informing members of the community the importance of
avoiding absences among students in the classroom.
Middleton, J. (2017, December 26). The Importance of Attending Class. Retrieved December 29,
2017, from
full/705936/. [Tweet]. Retrieved from on February 8, 2018

Twitter Review:
School Innovations’ “School officials stress importance of attending class” informs the public
about the importance of ensuring children are attending school regularly. The article talks about
an estimated budget that the government grants each school, which is then dispersed to each
student. This disbursement, itself, guarantees each students gets the classroom materials he/she
needs. However, children being absent is detrimental to the budget in the sense that that money is
being wasted with the effects of that child not being able to meet that budget required for the
usage of materials for the day. Thus, the state loses money in the midst of maintaining its budget.
APA Citation:
ISTE [@iste]. (2018, February 21). “Coding in the Classroom with Real-World Learning”
informs the public of the importance of preparing students for the workforce by teaching them in
a digital classroom.
Nash, J. (2017, June 1). “Coding in the Classroom with Real-World Learning”. Retrieved
February 21, 2018 from
world+learning. [Tweet]. Retrieved from on February 21, 2018.

Twitter Review
This article goes in depth on teaching students about coding. In this, students are able to use what
they have learned in the classroom and apply it to multiple different technological devices. By
knowing how these different means of technology function, this puts them one step ahead of
their peers in a sense that they are more job-ready when they are ready to enter the workforce.
Nash talks about the different ways coding is of great assistance. He says that it provides
leverage for many jobs and career paths that “… involve working in computer-based
applications, inquiring into digital issues or overcoming barriers in more tangible areas,” (Nash).
Overall, Nash uses coding as a way, in this day and age, that educators can brainstorm ideas that
will transform and reciprocate learning within the classroom.
APA Citation:
TOP HAT. (21, March 2018). “6 Pros & Cons of Technology in Your Classroom”
Staff, Top Hat (2017). A major focus is not only how education technology is of importance
within the classroom, but also its issues and how they can be detrimental to the education of the
students who can easily access it. Not only does it list the effects of technology within the
classroom as negative, but it gives ways that we as people in the community, educators, family
members, and mentors of these students can prevent these issues from recurring.
Retrieved March 21, 2018, from

Twitter Review:
Too often, we tend to hold on to the innovative ideas with learning as reasons we should continue
to incorporate technology within the classroom. In this, we also have a tendency to push aside
the disadvantages associated with the technology remaining easily accessible to students.
However, this article is bold and comprehensive in the sense that it lists the issues followed by
the way they can negatively reciprocate learning when it comes to providing an education. Top
Hat listed aspects of technology that hurt the idea of education in a digital classroom. Instances
like easy access to cheating, distractions, a digital disconnect, and even lack of social distraction
are listed as ways technology could be detrimental. But, with teachers fully facilitating and
monitoring students throughout online assignments, these issues could be stopped and in the
future hopefully ended completely.
APA Citation:
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (21, March 2018). “What Makes Educational Technology Effective?”
Smith, Steven (8, June 2017). A major focus is listing the effects of educational technology for,
not only students in the classroom, but also associates in business corporations. This article goes
in depth about the ways that educational technology creates a domain in which technology can
be used to reduce the amount of work needed to get a job done, rather than one in which no work
is required.
Retrieved March 21, 2018, from

Twitter Review:
Recently, especially in our classroom, we have been talking so much about educational
technology that we forget that students and teachers aren’t the only ones who use it. In fact,
people in the workforce use it as well. It assists them in areas that previously called for much
hands-on manual work. Now, however, it does all the manual work, leaving room for associates
to complete various other tasks. Smith said technological devices, “… do not replace quality
management and leadership. Instead they replaced tasks that previously required manual effort
with an automated or computer-assisted process.” This sums us the quality of technology, how it
is no longer restricted to teachers and students, rather a medium in which networks of people
share a process in which they are not restricted to traditional ways of innovative learning.
APA Citation:
Dajah Eubanks [@DajahEubanks]. (2018, April 5). “Section 2: Teaching with Technology” helps
by informing both parents and educators the benefits of educational technology in relation to
teaching standards. With more and more schools incorporating technology within their
classrooms, they can now utilize resources like games and websites related to their module to
track student learning and progress.
Educational Technology, Office Of. Retrieved April 5, 2018, from [Tweet]. Retrieved from on April 5, 2018.

Twitter Review:
Many critics reject the idea of technology within the classroom because they feel as though it is
moreso linked to distractions rather than learning. However The Office of Educational
Technology (TET) chose to explain the different ways teachers can use technology within the
classroom to track their students’ learning and progress in relation to teaching standards. They
said, “These teachers can advise students on how to build an online learning portfolio to
demonstrate their learning progression,” so that students can use these portfolios “… as evidence
as what they know and are able to do,” (TET). Therefore, teachers are able to track their
students’ progress and the students are able to make edits to the skills that they have learned.
These online edits can follow them as they enter the workforce and compete with those who have
no knowledge of such skills.
APA Citation:
Dajah Eubanks [@DajahEubanks]. (2018, April 5). “25 Teaching Tools for the Digital
Classroom” lists tools teachers use to help keep students in the classroom engaged while
retaining and reciprocating information.
Acedo, M. (2016, April 12). “25 Teaching Tools for the Digital Classroom”. Retrieved April 5,
2018, from
innovate-manage-your-classroom/. [Tweet]. Retrieved from on April 5, 2018.

Twitter Review:
This article explains how more and more educators are incorporating teaching tools into their
modules. Not only are they able to track their progress when it comes to learning, but they are
able to boost participation and interaction within the classroom. Because of these tools like apps
and education-related games, students are able to easily obtain and retrieve information during
lectures and take what they have learned to apply them to real world situations. These tools are
able to channel throughout the minds of students and provide new ways of learning for students
who are more kinesthetic learners, rather than those who are auditory learners or can easily
understand notes by reading and writing.

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