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ThammasatInt. J. Sc. Tech.,Vol. 9, No.

3, July-September

Toughness Evaluation
of Steeland PolypropyleneFibre
under Bending
Piti Sukontasukkul
AssistantProfessorDepartmentof Civil Engineering,
Facultyof EngineeringKing Mongkut's Institute
of Technology-NorthBangkok
l5l8 PibulsongkramRoad,Bang Sue,Bangkok 10800
T e\ 02-9 | 3 -2500 ext. 862| -29, F ax.02- 587-4337, Email: piti

Generally, the performance of most materials is characterized by parameters based on the
mechanical properties such as strength,strain, or stiffness etc. However, in fibre reinforced concrete
(FRC), unlike other materials,strengthor stiffrressalone is not sufficient to characterizeits behaviour,
and the value of toughnessis often used instead.In this study,two different methods(ASTM C1018
and JSCE SF-4) are used to measurethe toughnessof steel and polypropylene fibre reinforced
concretesubjectedto bending.Resultsindicatedthat in the JSCEmethod,the informationobtainedby
only one specifieddeflectiontoughnessseemedto be insufficientin reflectingthe characteristics of the
load-deflection curves of both FRCs. On the other hand, in the ASTM method, the obtained
information using the four toughnessvalues at different deflections appearedto better clariff the
of both FRCs.

Keywords: fibre reinforcedconcrete,toughness,ASTM Cl0l8, JSCE SF-4

1. Introduction small because the matrix cracks essentially at

Short fibres have been known and used for the samestressand strainas in plain concrete[8-
centuries to reinforced brittle materials like I ll. The real advantageof adding fibres is that,
cement or masonry bricks. At that time, fibres after matrix cracking, fibres bridge these cracks
were natural fibres, such as horse hair, straw, etc. and restrain them. In order to further deflect the
Now, there are numerous fibre types available beam, additional forces and energies are
for commercialuse, the basic types being steel, required to pull out or fracture the fibres. This
glass, synthetic materials (polypropylene, process, apart from preserving the integrity of
carbon, nylon, etc.) and some natural fibres. As concrete, improves the load-carrying capacity
for steel fibres, wire and metal clips were used beyond cracking. This improvement createsa
first in l9l0s to improve the properties of long post-peak descendingportion in the load-
concrete. Extensive research on steel fibres deflectioncurve.
began in the 1960's ll,2f, and,since then a Since fibres do not significantly improve the
substantial amount of research, development, properties of concrete or strength prior to the
application and commercialization have peak (concrete cracks) as they do on the post-
occurred[3-7]. peak response, it would be more practical to
Typically, the fibre volume fraction in Steel evaluate the performance of FRC based on the
Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) is in the energy absorption (area under the load-
range of 0.5ohto 1.5. At the practical volume deflection curve). The area under the load-
fraction used in SFRC (<1%), the increasein deflection curve is usually referred to as the
compressive,tensile, or flexural strength is toughnessobtained from a static test of a beam

Int.J. Sc.Tech.,Vol. 9,No. 3,July-September

specimenup to a specifieddeformation(not to : fine : coarse) were cast in the form of beams

be confusedwith the fracture toughness,K16). (dimensions of 100x 100x 350 mm).
The two most common methods to Two fypes of fibres were used: Steel and
determineflexural toughnessare based ASTM Polypropylene at 2 different volume fractions:
C l 0 l 8 a n d J S C ES F - 4 [ 2 ] . I n A S T M C 1 0 1 8 , loh and 2o/o.Geometrical details and properties
toughness is specified in terms of toughness of each fibre are given in Table l. The casting
indices (Is Iro and I2e),which refers to the area schedule is given in Table 2. After being
under the load-deflection curye calculatedout to removed from the molds, the specimenswere
three different specified deflections.While, in then cured in water for 28 days before being
the caseof JSCE SF-4. the areaunder the load- subjectedto test.
deflection curve up to a specified deflection All tests were carried out at the Department
(L/150) is measured and referred to as the of Civil Engineering,King Mongkut's Institute
toughness. of Technology-NorthBangkok,using a 1500kN
In this study, both ASTM and JSCE universal testing machine. During the test,
standardswere used to determine the toughness specimenswere placed on a simple support with
of plain concrete as well as steel and a clear span of 300 mm, and then subjectedto a
polypropylene reinforced concrete beams. third-point loading at the rate 0.05 in/min (two
Resultsfrom both methodswere then compared point-loads at 113 of the clear span, Fig. 1).
and discussed. Results in terms of load-deflection curve were
collectedby a PC-baseddataacquisitionsystem.
2. ExperimentalProgram
Plain and fibre reinforced concretewith the
mix proportionsof 1:0.45:I .7'.2.7(cement:water

Table l: FibreGeometry

Length SectionShape and Tensile

Type Material Shape
(mm) Dimension(mm) Strength (MPa)
HookedEnd Steel 60 Circle D i a .0 . 5 0 1000
Crimped Polypropylene /'\-/V\a\,4\ 58 Rectangle 1 . 0x 0 . 5 450

Table2: CastineSchedule

Concrete Volume No. of

type Fraction (7o) Sample

Plain concrete PLN 5

SteelFRC ISFRC t% 5
SteelFRC 2SFRC 2% 5
PolypropyleneFRC IPFRC t% 5
PolvoropyleneFRC 2PFRC 2% 5

Ini. J. Sc.Tech.,Vol. 9,No. 3,July-September

Loading Head

Fig. 2: Fracturetoughnessand Indices according

Fig 1: Test Setup to ASTMC1018

In addition, the terms of toughnessindices

3. Determining Fracture Toughness
(I5, I16and 126)are also calculated.Each index is
Two methodswere usedfor determiningthe
the ratio between the post-peak toughnessand
flexural toughnessnamely: ASTM C1018 and
the pre-peak(elastic)toughness(Fig. 2).
I5 Area OACD/Area OAB
3.1 ASTM CTOT8 T -
rl0 Area OAEF/Area OAB
In ASTM Cl0l8, toughness(or energy
Izo Area OAGH/Area OAB
absorptiondefined as the area under the load-
deflectioncurve) is calculatedout at 4 specified
The residual strength represented by the
deflections(6, 36, 5.56 and 10.56,Fig. 2). The
averagepost-crackingload that the specimen
toughnessis calculatedat the deflection6 which
may carry over a specificdeflectioninterval,are
is consideredthe elastic or pre-peaktoughness
(first-cracktoughness),while the other three (at usuallydeterminedas follows:
36,5.56and 10.56)are considered the post-peak
toughness. Rs,,'o=20(1rc_ Is)
R r o . u=o t 0 ( i r o - l , o )
Area OAB : Toughnesscorrespondingto a
deflectionof6, (T6)
3.2 JSCE SF-4
: Toughnesscorrespondingto a Unlike the ASTM Cl0l8, JSCE SF-4
providesjust a single value of toughness.For a
deflectionof 35, (T:a)
given load-deflectioncurve, toughnessis the
: Toughnesscorrespondingto a area under the load deflection curve measured
up to a specified deflection, 6,6 : L/150, as
deflectionof 5.56,(Tssa)
referredto Area OABC in Fig. 3.
Area OAGH : Toughnessconespondingto a
The toughness factor (equivalent to the
deflectionof 10.55(Tro.s)
average residual strength) can also be
: The deflectionat the linear determinedas:
where 5
factor: toughness
x L/(BH2x 6,6)

where L -- Span length

B : Width of the specimen
H : Height of the specimen
66 : Deflectionat L/\50

ThammasatInt. J. Sc. Tech.,Vol. 9, No. 3, July-September

In the caseof polypropylenefibre reinfbrced

concrete (PFRC) as shown in Fig. 5, the
responsefound herewas a typical
response. The first response was a typical
responseof concrete under bending. The load
increasedproportionallywith the deflection up
to the peak, and then the tailure occurreddue to
the matrix cracking. The secondresponsewas
the load recovery due to the eftect of fibre

accordingto JSCE
Fig.3: Fracturetoughness
SF.4 20.0

! 15.0
4. Results and Discussion 3 ro.o
4.1 Load-Deflection Response
Typical load-deflectionresponsesof plain 0.0
0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0
concrete,SFRC and PFRC beamsare given in
Figs.4 and -5.
Comparingbetweenplain concreteand FRC, Fig. 4: Typical Load-DetlectionResponsesof
it was the post-peak response that really Plain and SteelFibre ReinforcedConcrete
diff'erentiatedthe plain concretefrom the FRC.
For plain concrete,the behaviourwas more in a 14.0
brittle manner.Oncethe strainenergywas high 12.0
enough to cause the crack to self-propagate,
fracture occurred almost instantaneouslyonce z
5 8.0
the peak load was reached. due to the
tremendousamount of energy being released. 3 5.0
For FRC. the fibre bridging eff'ect helped to
2.O Plain concrete
control the rate of energy release.Thus, FRC
maintainedits ability to carry load after the peak. 0.0
0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0
Comparing between each type of FRC, it
Deflection (mm)
could be seenclearly that the flexural responses
Fig. 5: Typical Load-DeflectionResponsesof
of both FRCs were quite different.ln the caseof
steel fibre reinforced concrete (Fig.a), the Plain and PolypropyleneFibre Reinfbrced
'single-peak'response. Concrete
response was a so-called
Prior to the peak, the load increased
proportionally with the increasing deflection. The differences in the load-deflection
and then at the peak (concretecracking).there responsesof both fibres were essentiallydue to
was a slight drop of load before fibres beganto the propertiesof the fibres themselves.In SFRC,
take over and this led to a graduallydrop of load. becauseof its high strength and stiffness,the
Unlike plain concrete where the point of fibres were highly effective in terms of bridging
concretecracking indicatedthe point of tailure, instantaneously over the cracks at a very small
in FRC, with the effect of fibres bridging across deformation or crack opening once the crack
the crack surface.FRC was able to maintainthe started to form. However. in the case of the
load carrying ability even after the concretehad polypropylenefibres which were low in strength
been cracked as shown in the descendinglong and stiffhess, they required much larger
post peakresponse. deformationor crack opening before the fibres
couldrespondto the load.As a resultof this,the

Int.J. Sc.Tech.,Vol. 9, No. 3, July-September
Thammasat 2004

recovery of load was found late in the post-peak and this resulted in a large drop of strength in
response ofPFRC (13). the load-deflection curve. Thus, the first peak
responseprior to the low recovery ofPFRC got
4.2 Toughness no action from the fibre and was, in fact, the
In this section,toughnessesfor both FRCs responseofthe plain concrete.
were measured according to the methods As for the steel fibre, the elastic toughness
described before; the results are compared and (T6) of SFRC changed and dependedon the
discussed. contentofthe fibre as seenby the increasingT6
with the increasingfibre content. Becauseof the
4.2.1 ASTM C1018 high strength and elastic modulus of steel fibre,
According to this method, the toughnessis immediately after the concrete first cracked,
measuredat four different deflections: one prior fibres startedto take action. At low fibre content
to the peak (T) and three after the peak (T36, (lo/o),a small drop of load was found, and then
(Table 3). Once obtained,they
T5.56and T1e.56) followed by a quick recovery of load almost
were then used to determine the toughness immediately.With the volume fraction of 2%o,
indicesas shownin Table 3 and Fig. 6. larger (twice) numbers of fibres were
intercepted at the crack surface. This allowed
Table 3: ToughnessAccording to ASTM fibres to pick up the load as soon as the concrete
cracked,achieving no sign ofstrength drop.

Concrete Toughness(N-m) ToushnessIndices

Tvpe 6 l3d l s . s ol r o . s o I I Irn
lPFRC 2.7 8.3 16.3 30.7 3.1 6.1 11 . 6
2PFRC 2.6 11.2 27.2 65.4 4.2 10.3 24.7
lSFRC 12.9 )4) 49.9 5.5 10.4 21.3
2SFRC 3.5 28.4 55.5 92.6 8.2 15.9 26.6

30 Corrsiderthe post-peaktoughness(36, 5.56
and 10.56)by looking at the toughnessindices,
.9 at small deflection(36 and 5.56), SFRC seemed
E 2 0 to be tougher than PFRC at both volume
8 1 5 fractions as indicated by the larger values of 15
-E 10 and 116.This was because,in PFRC, with a large
B s drop of load immediately after the peak, the area
F under the curve (as well as toughness) of the
PFRC became smaller than that of SFRC.
However, at large deflection (10.56), once the
trt ar, trr,l polypropylene fibres in the PFRC came into
Fig. 6: ToughnessIndicesaccordingto ASTM play, the load started to recover and the
c1018 toughness of the PFRC was found to be
significantly increased,especially at 2o/ovolume
Considerthe pre-peak(or elastic)toughness fractions where the toughnessindex of 2PFRC
(T5). In the caseof the polypropylenefibre, the increased to almost the same level as that of
pre-peak toughness(T6) of PFRC was found to 2SFRC,
be similar to that of plain concreteand remained
constant even with the increasing fibre content 4.2.2 JSCE SF-4
from lo/oto 2o/o.The reasonfor this performance The toughnessvalues and factor according
was partly due to the material properties of the to JSCE SF-4 of both FRCs are siven in Table 4
polypropylene fibre itself. With low strengthand andFie. 7.
elastic modulus, after the first concrete crack,
polypropylenedid not take action immediately

Int.J. Sc.Tech.,Vol. 9, No. 3, July-September

Table 4: Toughnessaccordingto JSCESF-4 curve, rough descriptions of the behaviour of

both FRCs could be achieved.For example,the
Concrete Toughness Toughness small value of Is of the PFRC indicated that the
Tvne (N-m) Factor PFRC did not perform well at the small
lPFRC 8.3 1.24 deflection. However, the increasevalue of Izoof
2PFRC 9.8 1.47 the PFRC to almost the same level as that of
lSFRC 18.5 2.78 SFRC indicated that the performance of the
2SFRC 30.8 4.62 PFRC was quite well at larger deformation.

5. Conclusions
From this study, the conclusions can be
drawn as follows:
i 25 5.1 Both SFRC and PFRC behaveddifferently
i,o ,o under bending. Due to the properties of the
-E 1s fibres, the behaviour of PFRC was clearly a
e 1 0 double-peakresponsewhile the behaviour
5 of the SFRCwas a single-peakresponse.
5.2 Because of the way each FRC behaved
1PFRC 2PFRC 1SFRC 2SFRC differently, the toughnessof each FRC was
Fig. 7: Toughnessaccordingto JSCE SF-4 also different.
5.3 According to the ASTM method, with
Based on this method, for a given load- toughness measured out at 4 different
deflectioncurve, a value oftoughnessmeasured deflections, the obtained information
up to a deflectionof L/l50 (2 mm) is calculated seemed to capture and reflect the true
and then used to determinethe toughnessfactor. toughness properties of both SFRC and
The obtained results indicated that the PFRC quite well.
performanceof SFRC is more superior than that 5.4 On the other hand, the JSCE method,with a
of PFRC at both volume fractions. single value toughness, was not quite
sufficient in reflecting the real toughness
4.2.3 ASTM C1018vs. JSCE SF-4 propertiesof the PFRC.
Comparing between these two methods,
singlevalue toughnessmeasuredusing the JSCE 6. Acknowledgements
method did not have any difficulty reflecting the The author would like to thank the SR Fibre,
toughnessproperfy of the SFRC. However, in Co., Ltd. and the Bekeart Onesteel Fibre
the case of PFRC. JSCE did not seem to be Australasia Co., Ltd. for providing both stee-
sufficient to reflect the true toughnessproperfy. and polypropylene fibres. Special thanks are
For instance,ifthe toughnessvalue providedby also due to the graduate students in the
JSCE is consideredalone without looking at the AdvancedConcreteTechnologycourse(185241)
load-deflection curve, it will lead to the for their assistance.
conclusion that the performance of PFRC was
much poorer than that of SFRC which was not 7. References
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at small deflectionwas poorerthan that of SFRC, Mechanics of Crack Arrest in Concrete,
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the true toughnessproperties of both SFRC and joumal, Proceedings,Vol. 61, No. 6, pp.
PFRC. By considering the toughnessindices 657-61| Jun I 964.
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