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MCT/MST Lesson Observation

Feedback to student teacher

Student teacher’s name: Ayesha Observer’s name: Diane Tzovanis

Unit/Lesson: English Grade Level: 3
Date: 19 March 2018

F = Unsatisfactory D = Marginal C = Satisfactory B = Very Good A = Exceptional

Competency Area F D C B A
Commitment to the Profession X
Planning for learning X
Managing Learning X
Implementing Learning X
Assessment X

Reflection on Practice X

 Pre-observation intervention: lesson plan verified, and feedback given to student

 Post-observation intervention: feedback given to student and follow-up discussion

Strengths of the lesson:

- Lesson plan submitted: complete and well written
- Ayesha ensures that students understand the meaning of the word “comprehension”:
she solicits answers, adds to these answers. and then she has students repeat their
understanding – super!
- Picture of an octopus: well used to introduce the story
- Ayesha reads the text and stops, intermittently, to ask various questions (definitions,
identify an adjective, etc.). This ensures that students understand/follow and that they
remain focused on the lesson
- Ayesha does a very good job of involving students in a whole class activity (this is not
easy and quite risky!!!) – she keeps their attention the entire time! They listen to her
read to text, and they participate very actively in answering her questions
- Ayesha’s instructions are clear!
- During the independent work segment, Ayesha circulates appropriately and supports
students who are completing their work
- Ayesha gives students positive reinforcement and rewards them with stickers for
completing their work. She announces students who have completed their work quickly
and well
- Ayesha’s level of English is very good!! 😊
- Although classroom management can always be improved, Ayesha did a very good job
managing behavior
Areas for development:

- A student admits he doesn’t know what an adjective is, but Ayesha does not exploit this
as a learning opportunity (she could ask: “who can tell us what an adjective is?”)

- When a student does not have a correct answer, ask him/her as many questions as
possible to help him/her solve the question independently. Saying “you must think
about this answer” is not always sufficient

Overall comments:

Ayesha has done extremely well during this TP. She is an exemplary student teacher and she
has made the ADW Education Department very proud!

Ms Sasha, her MST, has nothing but great things to say about her. From the very beginning,
Ayesha has taken initiative, become fully involved inside the classroom, and has been very
helpful to her mentor teacher. She is always well prepared and is not afraid to challenge
herself. She has considered and applied her MST’s feedback (great!) and has maintained a
high level of professionalism.

Because she is so hard working and thoughtful in regard to her teaching, Ayesha will make
an excellent educator!

PS – Although Ayesha was very sick today, she made an effort to go through with her lesson
observation despite her poor health. Once more, this demonstrates Ayesha’s high level of
commitment and professionalism. Thanks Ayesha 😊

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