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May 2018
MAY 2018


House#6, Lalazar Colony, University of

Peshawar, KPK, Pakistan.

Chief Editor
Attaullah Khan Pluralist
May 2018

Deputy Editor
Dr Roger W. Burt
President Arizona Dream Center

The mouthpiece of freedom and liberty

Resident Editor
Dr. May Li
Macquarie University Australia

Editor’s note

Multiplicity of ideas is the voice of unity and love. Mutual

understanding of these ideas is the key to unlock the door of
homogeneity and peaceful coexistence. However, mutual differences
among societies are a constant threat to global peace and order. We
fight , we hate and we kill on the name of mutual differences. Lack of
intercultural dialogue and pluralism have paved way to clash of
civilizations. Preconceived notions impugn our integrity. It is high time
to explore new horizons of intercultural communication and pluralism.
We need an intellectual bridge between East and West. We have many
shared challenges which cannot be addressed without fostering mutual
understanding. We ought to be committed to realize the ideals of
cultural intelligence and pluralism of ideas. The only way to create
harmony is a scholastic and thorough interaction among different

Attaullah Khan
It is no surprise, therefore, our target for that seeks consensus on uncovering
change must also include the heart! "truth" through rational inquiry. Public
ENSURING MINORITIES DIPLOMACY diplomacy provides an exchange channel
RIGHTS The Christian in Pakistan is considered a for different ideas and opinions. Only
The challenge starts by taking inventory of minority because only 2% of the Pakistani dialogue can generate understanding.
your heart and mind. population is considered Christian, and
98% Muslim, and the question of religious Public diplomacy is a Secondly, public engagement with a
The rights of any rights raises to the surface. new name for an old foreign government and public, can weave
minority human, is an relationship-building a stronger net of interdependence and
issue of the heart, Yet the potential of the human mind approach among states, thus form a counter balance to elite
not just the mind. We reaches its apex in the possibility of one based on setting up dominated foreign policy making
face a crisis in heart possessing the mind of Christ affirmed by mutually beneficial processes. As Singaporean scholar Zheng
issues throughout the Apostle Paul when he said, “But we Dr. May Li relationships. Different Yongnian has put it, current world
Dr Roger W. Burt from traditional
the world identified have the mind of Christ” a mind which is problems are partly caused by the
as “Broken Heart constantly renewed by the heart (1 Cor. closed-door diplomacy, public diplomacy degeneration of the ruling elite through
Syndrome”. Targeting the heart deals with 2:16). Herein the mind can be renewed by involves a wider range of participants, their loss of ability to engage in self-
the issues of hatred as much as love and the heart! including government and non- reflection; and the loss of elite virtue that
compassion. government actors. Public diplomacy motivates governing for the benefit of all
The heart and mind are paramount if we We are challenged to guard the heart channels include media, mobility (such as rather than just ones own class. The
are to see change. when the Apostle Paul prescribed in one student mobility and other mobility motivation for engaging in public
sublime sentence the THINKING of the programs and private activity such as diplomacy for ones country, according to
The twelve to fourteen billion cells of the Christian mind when he challenged society tourism) and cultural industries. Joseph Australian scholar Naren Chitty, is civic
mind are only the shadow of its saying, “Finally, brothers, whatever is Nye includes assistance programs. virtue. Broader engagement will fill in
complexity, for each cell sends out TRUE, whatever is NOBLE, whatever is international networks and intertwine
thousands of connecting tendrils so that a RIGHT, whatever is PURE, whatever is The main benefits of public diplomacy are benefits that will make a genuinely
single cell may be connected with 10,000 LOVELY, whatever is ADMIRABLE, THINK listed below: Public diplomacy could interdependent reality - and make wars
neighboring cells, each of which is about such things”. (Philippians 4:8) promote dialogue and mutual (trade, hot or cold) too expensive to
constantly exchanging data impulses. understanding. The world is becoming contemplate.
These twelve to fourteen billion brain cells So, as humans seeking human rights and more and more connected by
times 10,000 connectors make the human justice; its adopting the ingredients that technological advances, allowing
mind an unparalleled computer. Its like are explicitly positive! otherwise distant cultures to brush against
compared to 1,000 switchboards, each big each other and clash. On the other hand
The true, the noble, the right, the pure, intercultural understanding remains a
enough to serve New York City. In other
the lovely, and admirable all defy negative scared resource. Ironically technology can
words, there is more electronic equivalent
exposition. Each ingredient Is a matter of connect as well as separate. Many
in one human brain than in all the radio
PERSONAL CHOICE ------ and our choices international 'debates' are conducted on
and television stations in the entire world
make the difference in today’s world of different tracks or channels. The
put together!
human rights where religions and eloquence, or lack thereof, of
So, it is no surprise when the mind relationships must tolerate and work spokespersons of states, is often lost to
changes through programs and ideologies, together to bring about these positive the other side. One's own side's opinion,
it will always want to arbitrate and argue ingredients in our religious and spiritual drenched in a particularly flavored
with the heart. Yet, when the heart identity. ideology, impresses ones compatriots and
changes…………………..the head follows! dismays others. Few have ever given a
second thought to communicative action
human intellect irrespective of his race,
caste and creed.
In this modern era we are confronting Open Letter To The Secretary General Of United Nations
multidimensional global insecurities. For
example global warming is impugning our
Cultural diversity is a survival. Religious intolerance is breeding
double edged sword. unending animosities. Global terrorism is Dear Mr Secretary General,
It can prove a force of the sword of Damocles over the head of
cohesion and division human civilization. Genocide and ethnic
as well. The very The panorama of international community is the combination of physical, ideological and
violence have tarnished the beauty of
bright and colorful humanity. These challenges are so diverse psychological differences. We, the human race, are so diverse to be defined. Often , we
Attaullah Khan aspect of cultural in nature as we are. We need to stand
diversity is its perceive our differences as the source of constant hatred. Our divergence never let us to
together. Only concerted efforts can put
amazing power of bridging the gaps us on road to the solution of our shared come together under the flag of humanity. We have to protect the mankind from the
among people with different geographical, challenges. Our differences do not matter.
religious and ideological background. conflagration of mutual hatred.
What matters is the way we perceive
Cultural diversity can prove a cohesive Let's understand each other.
force among societies across the world Psychological differences are vitriolic than
and make the world a safe place to live. physical differences. White, black and
Cultural diversity is driving force behind I am recommending the idea of celebration of international day of cultural intelligence.
yellow can make an eye catching
the brilliant idea of cultural intelligence. combination if they get painted together The United Nations is the most prestigious platform for universal sharing of productive
The core base of cultural intelligence and like the colors of rainbow. Boosting
pluralism upon which the idea of peaceful ideas. Please share my message with the international community. I wish we come close
cultural intelligence is a gateway to
coexistence has been erected is not only tolerance, understanding and pluralism together and shine like the colors of rainbow.
tolerance for mutual differences but it and the ideals of durable peace.
also advocates mutual understanding. For
fostering relations among people of
different beliefs, religions and ethnicities,
we ought to conduct a thorough inquiry May peace prevail on the Earth.
on both sides of the lines of divisions.

The socio-cultural schisms among Regards,

different communities, the East West
divergence and related psychological gulfs
can always trigger the clash of civilizations.
Our distinctive features are providing a
stumbling block in the compatibility,
harmony and social cohesion. Why it is
high time to understand each other? That
is the question of questions and must be
answered with such a logical
demonstration which is acceptable to the

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