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Practicum BAS 2 - EPC 1903

MST/MCT Final Assessment Report

This report is to be completed by the Mentoring School Teacher in consultation with the Mentoring College
Teacher. It is based on the six teaching competencies listed below:

I) Commitment to the Profession IV) Implementing Learning

II) Planning for Learning V) Assessment
III) Managing Learning VI) Reflection on Practice

Please complete this form and tick the boxes using the following criteria:

A (87-100%)=Outstanding B (86-77%)=Very good C (76-67%)=Satisfactory

D (66-60%)=Marginal F (50-59%)=Marginally unsatisfactory F (0-49%)=Unsatisfactory

1. Name of student: Marwa Abdulla

2. Student’s ID number: H00349820

3. Name of school: Alshamkha school

4. Mentoring School Teacher (MST): Zainab Ahmed

5. MST’s email:

6. Mentoring College Teacher (MCT): Diane Tzovanis

7. Grade level: KG1

8. Absence dates / reasons: No

9. I- Commitment to the Profession: Attendance

The student:

A (87-100%) Prioritizes the needs of the school and students over required working hours
B (86-77%) Always demonstrates consistent attendance and punctuality
C (76-67%) Demonstrates consistent attendance and punctuality
D (66-60%) Displays occasional issues with attendance and punctuality
F (50-59%) Displays issues with attendance and punctuality
F (0-49%) Has not grasped the importance of attendance and punctuality leading to consistent absences
and/or lateness
Result: A (87-100%) Prioritizes the needs of the school and students over required working hours

10. I- Commitment to the Profession: Preparation & planning

The student:

A (87-100%) Consistently prepares high quality materials which are well organized
B (86-77%) Is well prepared & ready for each lesson
C (76-67%) Is prepared & ready for each lesson
D (66-60%) Is generally prepared & ready for each lesson
F (50-59%) Has difficulties preparing for lessons & being ready on time
F (0-49%) Fails to demonstrate a willingness to plan and prepare materials and lessons

Result: A (87-100%) Consistently prepares high quality materials which are well organized

11. I- Commitment to the Profession: Self-awareness

The student:

A (87-100%) Has already considered solutions to improve practice/ can suggest ways forward
B (86-77%) Demonstrates self-awareness when given feedback by discussing points further in a
constructive manner
C (76-67%) Demonstrates adequate self-awareness when given feedback
D (66-60%) Usually demonstrates self-awareness when given feedback
F (50-59%) Sometimes demonstrates self-awareness when given feedback
F (0-49%) Does not demonstrate self-awareness when given feedback

Result: A (87-100%) Has already considered solutions to improve practice/ can suggest ways forward

12. I- Commitment to the Profession: Relationships

The student:

A (87-100%) Develops a range of relationships across the school

B (86-77%) Develops some relationships across the school
C (76-67%) Starts to develop relationships across the school, beyond the MST
D (66-60%) Only develops a working relationship with the MST
F (50-59%) Develops a workable relationship with the MST but struggles to resolve everyday
F (0-49%) Does not develop any productive relationships within the school

Result: A (87-100%) Develops a range of relationships across the school

13. II- Planning for Learning: Producing quality lesson plans

The student:

A (87-100%) Has completed outstanding lesson plans which are consistently printed and
available for MST/MCT upon request
B (86-77%) Has completed solid lesson plans which are printed and available for MST/MCT
upon request
C (76-67%) Has completed appropriate lesson plans which are available for MST/MCT upon
D (66-60%) Has completed poor quality lesson plans which are not always available upon
F (50-59%) Has inconsistently completed adequate lesson plans
F (0-49%) Consistently completes lesson plans which are inadequate

Result: A (87-100%) Has completed outstanding lesson plans which are consistently printed and
available for MST/MCT upon request

14. II- Planning for Learning: Detailed lesson plans

A (87-100%) Lesson plans have sufficient detail to secure successful lesson delivery
B (86-77%) Lesson plans have sufficient detail to secure lesson delivery which is mostly
C (76-67%) Lesson plans have sufficient detail to secure lesson delivery
D (66-60%) Lesson plans have sufficient detail to secure lesson delivery which is partially
F (50-59%) Lesson plans generally do not have sufficient detail to secure lesson delivery
F (0-49%) Lesson plans do not have sufficient detail to secure lesson delivery

Result: A (87-100%) Lesson plans have sufficient detail to secure successful lesson delivery

15. II- Planning for Learning: Student-centred activities

The student:

A (87-100%) Plans student-centred activities which are effective and include more than one
learning style
B (86-77%) Plans student-centred activities which are effective
C (76-67%) Plans student-centred activities
D (66-60%) Plans student-centred activities although these do not secure sufficient learning
F (50-59%) Plans activities which are partially student-centred
F (0-49%) Does not plan student-centred activities

Result: A (87-100%) Plans student-centred activities which are effective and include more than one
learning style

16. III- Managing Learning: Implementing classroom management strategies (CMR)

The student:

A (87-100%) Successfully implements a range of CRM strategies and is able to identify the
reasons for the success
B (86-77%) Successfully implements a range of CRM strategies
C (76-67%) Attempts to implement a range of appropriate CRM strategies based on the age and
D (66-60%) Implements basic CRM strategies with success based on age and context
F (50-59%) Implements basic CRM strategies with limited effectiveness
F (0-49%) Does not implement any effective CRM strategies

Result: B (86-77%) Successfully implements a range of CRM strategies

17. IV- Implementing Learning: Cooperative strategies

The student:

A (87-100%) Successfully implements more complex cooperative strategies which encourage

student independence
B (86-77%) Attempts more complex cooperative strategies which encourage student
C (76-67%) Implements basic cooperative strategies ie. group work and/ or pair work with
D (66-60%) Implements basic cooperative strategies ie. group work and/ or pair work, with
inconsistent success
F (50-59%) Occasionally implements basic cooperative strategies ie. group work and/ or pair
work, with inconsistent success
F (0-49%) Does not implement cooperative learning strategies

Result: A (87-100%) Successfully implements more complex cooperative strategies which encourage
student independence

18. IV- Implementing Learning: Resources

The student:

A (87-100%) Consistently creates and presents a range of resources which reflect aspects of best
practice ie. are legible, appropriate, accurate etc.
B (86-77%) Creates and presents a range of resources which reflect aspects of best practice
ie. are legible, appropriate, accurate etc.
C (76-67%) Creates and presents resources which reflect aspects of best practice ie. are legible,
appropriate, accurate etc.
D (66-60%) Creates and presents resources which usually reflect aspects of best practice ie. are
legible, appropriate, accurate etc
F (50-59%) Creates and presents resources which sometimes reflect aspects of best practice
ie. are legible, appropriate, accurate etc.
F (0-49%) Creates and presents resources which do not reflect aspects of best practice ie. are
legible, appropriate, accurate etc.

Result: A (87-100%) Consistently creates and presents a range of resources which reflect aspects of best
practice ie. are legible, appropriate, accurate etc

19. IV- Implementing Learning: Teacher-student rapport

The student:

A (87-100%) Demonstrates confidence in her position as a classroom teacher

B (86-77%) Establishes her position as a classroom teacher through a positive classroom presence
C (76-67%) Builds a positive rapport with the children she teaches
D (66-60%) Usually builds a positive rapport with the children she teaches
F (50-59%) Sometimes builds a positive rapport with the children she teaches
F (0-49%) Rarely builds a positive rapport with the children she teaches

Result: A (87-100%) Demonstrates confidence in her position as a classroom teacher

20. V- Assessment: Questioning

The student:

A (87-100%) Uses questioning and responds appropriately through feedback or follow up questions
B (86-77%) Effectively uses questioning as a form of assessment
C (76-67%) Uses questioning as a form of assessment
D (66-60%) Sometimes uses questioning as a form of assessment
F (50-59%) Rarely uses questioning as a form of assessment
F (0-49%) Does not use questioning as a form of assessment

Result: A (87-100%) Uses questioning and responds appropriately through feedback or follow up

21. V- Assessment: Monitoring

The student:

A (87-100%) Monitors children through interaction and scaffolds their learning

B (86-77%) Monitors children through interaction
C (76-67%) Ensures children are on task while monitoring
D (66-60%) Monitors children
F (50-59%) Monitors children with limited effectiveness
F (0-49%) Fails to monitor the children in her class

Result: A (87-100%) Monitors children through interaction and scaffolds their learning

22. VI- Reflection on Practice: Self-reflection

The student:

A (87-100%) Is able to discuss how she views herself as a teacher (ie. key characteristics she
wants to develop or display) and provides detailed justifications
B (86-77%) Is able to discuss how she views herself as a teacher (ie. key characteristics she
wants to develop or display) and provides some justifications
C (76-67%) Is able to discuss how she views herself as a teacher (ie. key characteristics she
wants to develop or display)
D (66-60%) Is able to focus on her role as a teacher (ie what she does) rather than key chara-
cteristics of what makes a good teacher (ie who she is in the professional context)
F (50-59%) Is able to focus on her role as teacher but reflections are generally superficial,
indicating limited deep thought
F (0-49%) Reflects in a manner that lacks focus and/or is superficial, indicating a lack of deep thought
Result: A (87-100%) Is able to discuss how she views herself as a teacher (ie. key characteristics she
wants to develop or display) and provides detailed justifications

23. VI- Reflection on Practice: Quality of reflection

The student:

A (87-100%) Is able to identify a wide range of aspects of a well described teaching situation that
she could do differently to better effect, and successfully suggests how these could
be improved
B (86-77%) Is able to identify a wide range of aspects of well described teaching situations that
she could do differently to better effect, and suggests possible, but not always correct/
complete solutions
C (76-67%) Is able to identify some aspects of sufficiently detailed teaching situations that she
could do differently to better effect
D (66-60%) Is able to identify a few aspects of teaching situations that she could do differently to
better effect
F (50-59%) Is reluctant to accept responsibility for aspects of teaching which could be improved
F (0-49%) Does not accept responsibility for aspects of teaching which could be improved

Result: A (87-100%) Is able to identify a wide range of aspects of a well described teaching situation that
she could do differently to better effect, and successfully suggests how these could be improved

24. Observed Strengths:

Good communication with the kids..
Clear instructions and guidance.

25. Areas for Development:

Asking more questions ( opened/ended question/ critical questions/..)

26. General/additional comments (optional):

27. Final grade: A

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