Propaganda Lesson Plan: Animal Farm

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Secondary Lesson Plan Template

UNLV Student: Jami Anderson Mentor Name:

Course & Grade: 10th Grade English Lesson Topic: Animal Farm

Date: Estimated Time: 2 hours

State Standard(s):
- RL 9-10.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development
over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific
details; provide an objective summary of the text.
- W.9-10.2a Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information to make
important connections and distinctions; include formatting (e.g., headings); graphics (e.g.,
figures, tables); and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.

1. Teaching Model(s): Student based learning

2. Objective(s): Students will be able to identify and explain the connection between the
Russian Revolution and Animal Farm by developing their propaganda flyers with the
character that they feel should run Animal Farm
3. Materials and Resources: The novel Animal Farm and colored pencils, crayons, and
4. Instructional Procedures:
Introduction Teacher’s Actions Students’ Actions
5 minutes (5 minutes) Students will come in and
sit in their assigned seats.
I will greet students at the
They will pull out their bell
door and remind them that
they should be pulling out ringers and work
independently while I take
their bell ringers
I will take attendance while
they are completing their
bell ringers.
Activities or Learning Teacher’s Actions Students’ Actions
Experiences (8 minutes)
83 minutes As a class, we will discuss Students will participate in
chapter five of Animal a class discussion regarding
Farm. We will address the chapter 5. Students will
main ideas in this chapter to respond to questions about
ensure understanding of the novel
important details,
specifically Snowball and
Napoleon and their
propaganda for the building
of the windmill.

(5 minutes) Students will listen to class

I will explain the instructions and ask
instructions for the students questions if further
to think about who they clarification is needed.
think should run Animal
Farm. They can pick any
farm animal they would
like, but they must have a
picture and a slogan for
their flyer. I will explain to
the students that these
propaganda flyers need to
entice voters to choose the
candidate they have decide
to pick.

(70 minutes) Students will work

independently to create
I will walk around the
classroom as they are their own propaganda
developing their flyers and flyers.
assist the students as
necessary. This will be a 2-
day project as I want them
to be creative and take their
time with their projects.

Closure (How will Teacher’s Actions Students’ Actions

students reflect on (3 minutes)
learning goals?)
I will collect their flyers at
the end of the second day of
Extension and Teacher’s Actions Students’ Actions
Contingency Plans I will ask the students to Students will come
consider the novel and how prepared to read chapter 6
it relates to their lives and following this project.
the lives of the citizens of
Russia during this time in

5. Accommodations and Modifications:

Students with difficulty seeing the board will be moved to the front. Any students who
have difficulty with English will be paired with a student who does speak English. Other
specific modifications for students with difficulties will be addressed on a case by case
6. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:
Formative Assessment: I will collect a formative assessment throughout the lesson by
developing their own propaganda flyers. Having them consider all the characters in the
novel and picking the one they feel would best run Animal Farm helps for the students to
develop a better understanding of the novel, as they need to know character traits of the
animal they choose.
A formative assessment will also be completed by collecting the flyers at the end of day
7. Reflection:
a. Strengths: Students will make a real-life connection to the novel by completing
their own propaganda flyers. They will need to understand personality traits of the
characters to complete this project.
b. Concerns: Students not being engaged in the project.

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