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SY Tae hay: A research based monthly magazine on Published by Divya Yo Mandir (Trust) Haridwar, under the Yoga, Ayurveda, Cultural and Spiritual message «guidance and encouragement of Honourable Swami Ramey Mahar] ? wien — a Or fe TUS UEUn AL RLU CL STA LOC TSEC Sum Ce Nasi © Etemal truth : Conclusion of Life PX Editorial: Swarni Ramdev : A struggle BD Special expressions: TV series based on life and Ba Health in Herbs: Akarkara BD In premises of Patanjali 69th Republic celebrated B Spiritualism: Matah Sarvabhutebhyoabhayamastu YOG SANDESH ba YourBper hts ©8600 our Experience Special on Women's Day B Introspection: For elites of India BD Tradition of Sages: For women tor © Special on martyrdom Day krishna Associte Eor office Patanjali Yogpeeth Maharishi Dayanand Gram, DelhHavcwar national Nay, Tear Banadaraba avgwar-249405, Utarakhand Phone © 0534 240008, 2a07, 245737 Fax 0 O14 244805, 240668 Annual sports competition @ concludes at the courtyard of Patanjali ©D special ono al 9 yosantesiaaaenca ee EDP eseand see theresuts __ sem BD Ayurveda: Iridosh in the content ‘One copy Bs). 7 we ea. Bi Treatment: Astima: Syrnptom and. Five Years Er00/- : ee Sem o° Ayurveda and Rasayan: Rasayan | Matti) Rom ® BE Self confidence : Sef confidence or theism = @ wh @ @ @ B Institutional Messages Besentholsay Mppricr © Institutional Message: Suresh Raina Visited pataniali (banat) painless ety: Mita . rte al PBuilding society : Miltary taining for civilians... © Natural way of treatment : Important nutrients to cure anemia Te tp i ng nat ah Peace © Poem: You will have to fight now rar Satara m.cemae ate Real ths maga yours npe fre otra ed andthe place he new fies that hs att, beng ped HOLE) Aan eaem Rave de Great Licensee toon etd em CUES ou) DD Eternal truth emanating out of eternal wisdom of respected Swami |i Maharaj » Conclusion of Life @ Success from struggle: Decline from carelessness © vogsandesh@divyayoga com Getting success in life is a dream of everyone in the world. Social, political, economic or spiritual success in life , one has to pass through the path of a big struggle. Most of the people lose their composure after seeing a bit of struggle and they fail to get their goal. I am of the view that parents, elders and mentors have got a responsibilities to make people who are in their patronage have the attitude of struggle and they must save everyone from carelessness as only this is the main reason behind our failure . Opposition and dispute becomes your main strength if your life and behaviour are spotless. Gratefulness and compassion are two main foundations of divine life. Knowledge and endeavour and service to others are the essence of life. Lack of knowledge, lack of devotion and carelessness lead to pain, poverty and decline. Life is the biggest blessing and gift of the Almighty, we have got to become a great man from a common man and from common man to the superman could become. - Swami Ramdev 3 March 2018 \y “This Discovery Jeet serial made with an investment of Rs, 100 crore is meane to depict the story of a living person and his success story to inspire masses. Ic is meant co show that how amid scarcity, injustice, ignornace, seruggle and challenges, displaying unflinching courage, faith, resolve, endeavour, examplery courage, yoga in cooperation with the sociery, Ayurveda, indigenous, Vedic culture, service to the nation, exc. a world record has been created, Let us come and learn a few things from the life and achievement of this sage. Strong resolve rebellion, endeavour, service to others: Ihave very deeply experienced these four things in the life and achievements of Swami Ji, One he decides to do something, he docs not budge from his decision, he works with a great passion, he has fire in his belly, Ahamindro Na Parajigye, Kritam Me Dakshine Haste Jayo Me Satya Ahitah, Agnirasmi NODE!) 4 vorsandeshadiwaioeacom @ Janmana Jatveda, etc. are some of the Vedic mantras which I have witnessed in che character of respected Swami Ji. Swami Ji also says that be resolute and win the world, Once resolved, continue with your struggle by devoting your soul, until you get success On the other hand revole against orthodoxical customs, superstitions, show off, useless rituals and destiny are needed, Swami Ji has set these as the goal of is life and he is moving ahead in his mission. Yoga, Dharma, Adhyatma, service and the life of a sage got a new definition from him, He has presented an example of ideal conduct. ‘A multi dimensional personality: A man’ growth of life may have multiple dircetions and its ideal form has been presented by ‘Swami Ji. No ideal form of life is unknown to Swami Ji. A man is the best creation of the Almighty on the earth and Swami Ji Maharaj has been. making this a reality. Let us also come forward and take inspiration and make our life great in every aspect. This way we should set an example for the society. From the life and achievements of Swami Ji, next generation could take inspiration afver watching this serial, thousands of men, women, youth, children could struggle hard for grand success and make their country and society feel proud , this is our expectation, India will soon become the spiritual and economic superpower of the world, this is bound to happen, To make India » the conqueror of the world by 2050, we aze needed to come togather and sake endeavour and serve the country and the society as the Patanjali has been doing and this way we should play an ideal role, @ © vossandesha@aiayogacom 5 March zoe ® Special expressions - TV series based on life and achievements of respected Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev on Discovery Jeet TV channel Special expressions of dignitaries on mega premier of Swami Ramdev: A struggle Ayurveda, indigenous and Indian culture are to be spread in 190 countries of the world with a resolve, TV series ‘Swami Ramdev: A struggle is based on sacrificing life of Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev ji Maharaj and its premier was held at Chhatrasal Stadium in New Delhi attended by B)P president Mr. Amit Shah, Mr. Arun Jaitley, Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad, Dr. Harshvardhan and Mr, Rajat Sharma They thanked Discovery Jeet TV channel for starting this series and also wished for the success of the series. it is to be noted that telecast of this series will start from February 12 and it will be running from Monday to Friday at 830 pm. is today when I got to know about initial struggle of Swami Ramdev Ji but his struggle has been observed by the whole world forthe lat three decades. Yoga and. ‘Ayurveda were largely forgotten but in his such a brief work he revived them i the world and this isa great thing that he has done for good health of everyone. This isa great job which he has done. Even in the past many people came forward to promote the cause of Swadeshi but no one could present an aulternative. But Swami Ji by the means of Swadesi has presented the Alternative of indigenous products before the world. I would like to request to Swami Ji thathe has promoted and popularized yoga and indigenous and now he take up the responsibilty to restore the glory of our ancient educational system. I is often asked about successful marketing, smanagets at premier universities that where this product belongs to, but today we can take pride in RUMMY |e Spr fC dsomlsyem nnn isn em Iris high time to modify Indian educational system according to the need ofthe hour and take it President, e 7 5 resident] forward. Our sages have done tremendous jb in the field of education which has purity and Sanskar of che students and takes it ahead. Iam of the view that cas solution to many problems. day Swami Jihas become a subject of discussion in every houschold, Swami Ji has promoted yoga.asamass movement in the country. When he came forward emerging, as the voice of the people troubled duc to corruption ia very tough time for him bbccause the result of such a struggle is also very difficult. There was hardly any law thatwas not misused against him by the chen government, Swami JI agreed lakhs of crores of people to stand by him and kepe himself way from the polities of power and kept his activities confined to 1eforms Swami Jialso had discussions with me on the economy and rax structure of many countries “The most important thing that he would suggest was that there had been a huge amount of currency in the country and this was required tobe reduced. That time itcould nor be felebucin course of time economists understood this . Besides Ayurvedic medicines, Swami Ji also created a wide range of bE) ‘consumer products against big companies and his biggest decision was to invest the profit from this Finance Minster, venture on education. Government of india WEEE! 6 yossandeshayayeeacon @ Up March zoe heel ACP EM CAC EI) Law Minister, Government of india heal TASES ‘Science and Technology Minister, Government of India wiman and edo, India TW ‘® Vogsandesh@divyayoga com Sede SSSI dia has been the mother of many great souls. Some of them are such people who sacrificed all their lives in serving and awakening the country and the society-Swami IWhas awakened the energy, Sanskar and culeure of the country. India i the country of Sanatan Dharma and yoga has been our ancient tradition but the job of popularizing Yoga among the people of India and the world is outstanding. On one hand Modi ji has vowed to reate a healthy India by the means of sanitation, on the other hand Swami ji has vowed to bring good health and prosperity through yoga and by doing this he has given it the form of a ‘movement and this way he has aid he foundation of a healthy India, He has taught India one thing again and again - Indias destiny has been to become a world superpower. The confidence with which, he awakens the whole country , especially its energy, culture, Sanskar, its industry, itis in itself a historic contribution. By the means of Discovery channel, hislife and his success story will inspite the whole country and the world and this great contribution will be observed by the world, it isa matter of pride. is a mavter of great pride for us, the people of India, that we have Baba Ramdev, he belongs to India, Besides Yoga, Swami Ji has also taught us the duty towards our nation. Even in our childhood we talked about Swadeshi or indigenous and we did small activities but while working on some concrete plans and concepts if we have seen anyone , itis Swam Ji, At a meeting held in Japan in 2000, some 125 special personalities unanimously said with a great confidence that in the 2st century "Health and Welfare System Development’ and "Health for All” isthe target that will be achieved with the energy of Pacanjali. Even Iam a great supporter of Ayurveda and as a health minister, have seen Swami Ramdev Ji and Acharya Balkcishna Ji Maharaj from close quarters. The way they have workd inthe field of Yoga and Ayurveda, the people of India will always be grateful co them, Broadcasting this T'V series by the means of Discovery channel, in my view it proves that if anyone dreams to achieve something great and want to work for the country and society and has a goal to revolutionise them, then the kind of energy and struggle are required it can be understood from the life and achievement of Baba Ramdev. «sing some glimpses of the life and achievements of Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj I remembered the days when [first met him. Those days, Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee was the Prime Minister of India, When the episode was over, he called me and asked in alight hearted manner- Where did you get such a strange creature? Which world he bbelongs to? He added that normally on Aap Ki Adalat programme people clapped on my questions but chat day people clapped on every answer that he gave. This shows how brilliant and effective and. logically sound character he had been. I have always seen different aspects of is character and from coming episodes you will also realise it. The diversity that we observe in life, they teach us a lot ‘Swami Jihas gota lot of fame and he also led movements and he won the trust ofthe people but he used them to serve the people. Today he owns no wealth his dress has not changed and it continues to be the same as it was many years ago. He has the same , simple way of living, and this is what we learn from him. We get to know that we should not live for ourselves but we shoul live for others as well. He has popularised yoge and Ayurveda in many parts ofthe world, Swami Ji was earlier known as only a yoga guru but today he is no les than a great scholar of medical science. As a great teacher, a farmer, agriculture and animal husbandry ete the much he knows, such acomprehensive knowledge ino found anywhere. I am confident that when this programme and its episodes will be seen all his great characteristic qualities wil be seen. Despite achieving such a great success, he is far away from arrogance. This is what we the youth have to lear a lot from him. 7 March zoe Mg Ser Ress ———E J LM eCIED ED Sr. vice President Discovery Communication india heel ELC GSUIET Mahara} General Secretary, PatanjaliYogpeeth he life and achievement of Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj is an example and he has in the country and in the world has done revolution inthe field of yoga and Ayurveda and enabled people to enjoy physical and mental health and in the form of Patanjali he has presented an innovative model of business in which thousands of people have been inspired. For me, thisis avery small peak of the mountain called Swami Ramdev. Today when we talk of Swami Ramdev Ji, most of them talk of his suecess, but very few people know that he has done alot of struggle in is life and itis his this struggle which propelled him to this tage. On the show of Discovery Jeet, the series of 85 episodes, the purpose is that in all bigand small place of India every child must dream that despite all difficulties he can bring a great change. This will show that dreams of everyone can come true and this is what Swami JI has proved. Its happening, here for the first ime that in 190 countries ofthe world digital broadcasting staking place through Discovery and proposals have been coming from many other countries ofthe world would like to thank the entire Discovery team that during entire year with Swami Ji and through other forms of discoveries ic ensured that this show must be based on authenticiry. is a matter of great pride that ic is the birth anniversary of sage Maharshi Swami Dayanand Ji who revived the traditions of Vedas. I pay my tribute in the feet of Maharshi Dayanand Ji Mahara. In fact, Swami Dayanand Ji the main source of inspiration for our movement. By taking inspiration from him. Taking inspiration from him Swami Ramdey Ji never gives up, never gets tired never concedes defeat, he neither takes rest nor he allows others to do so. Taking a pledge inthe world is not so easy and after taking pledge abiding by i is very diffcule job. Such a difficult job ean be done by rarest of rare people. Ifwe go {nto present and past, Iam of thet view that Swami Jw always be remembered asa pioneer: ‘When history is being created many people dont have its realisation, thatthe history which is being, cteated today, we are prevy to it and ic isa great fortune for us If today we have to find a bold, couragious,a strong and a great sacrificing son of mother India, no doubt itis Swami Ji Maharaj. It is our great fortune that today we are associated with him, We have been a part of his sacrifices and his mass movements. Crores ofbrothers and sisters living with this great fortune and those who have faith in Indian culeure and tradition, for them Swami J has been a great source of pleasure. bel CSS Se AT Swami Ramdev ji Mafra) Sars Discovery is know for spreading information and knowledge across the world but Discovery Jeet has been promoting the Sage traditions of India and making people of the world know about che great souls of Inida who are working extensively living inthis tradition. IFa foreign channel comes, with a pledge to make the world know the work and achievements of a sage then in my view itis a big example ofthe victory of Swadeshi. It is for the first time that a series oF 85 episodes has been prepared on a person, This will help to spread it in various languages and various countries of the world successfully. This is the vietory of indigenous movement, Indianity, Indian culture, ancient Indian Vedie culture. Indian tradition, Indian philosophy, Indian traditions, ete. will be known to the world by the means of it. Yoga and this life of strugele will be known to the world that too in every houschold, I congratulate Discovery channel for this. Lal give my best wishes to all the actors, and other team members ofthis project. Leading a good life is dificule but its acting is also dificule and when it comes to play the role of a person whose life has been full of seruggle, it is most difficult thing, Both the actors who made the character of such a diffcule personalities live on the screen, I give my greetings to the two actors Krantiprakash Jha and Naman Jain from the core of my heart. @ ensitivity towards knowledge and eneavour are blessings of the Almighty: Endeavour fall of knowledge and faith are the truth oflife. Those who move ahead amid controversies and obstacles they become their main force. The education with which we grew may that system be revived in the country. ‘We will putall our strenght , education and power to revive Indian education, Sanskar and Indian tradition, We have the power to change the country and the world and in stead of Macaulay system of education, great Indian education system will be revived. ‘The result of struggle is suecess and lack of sincerity leads to debacle and I have given most importance to gratefulness in my life, We have got the support of lakhs of crores of people of the country. For this Iwill always be grateful. [am also grateful vo Discovery Jeet Channel. @ 9 March zoe Mg eee IY Premier programme of iscoveryee'sT series swami Ramdev Ek Sangharsh based onthe if of Swami began with auspicious resolve of Hawan y b> San and Acharya offered shaw to Chet gusto the programme Mr. Amit hal Shah, Nationa President ofthe BP, to welcome him atthe programme 4 )> Lighting amp with respected swami ji Mahara Ministers (Left) and Mr. ranti Prakash Jha, wh plays role of Swamijiin the TV series, (Right) WEEE 10 vossandeshoaveyosacom © March zoe —= with both the respected sages, dignitaries sharing stage are- Mr. Amit Shab, Mr Arun jaitley, MF. Ravi Shankar J Or. Harshvardhan, Mr. Rajat Sharma and Mr Karan Bajaj Sr )> vos devotee men and women at chnatrasal stadium getting to know about struggle fullifeof swamiji Maharaj © Vogsandesh@civayagacom 11 EEE March zoe PUT ita mee Meee) oe) Rs Mach Se se re chest Ayurved Manish Acharya Balkrishna [i Mahara) Anacyclus Pyrechrum Linn, Lag. Syn- Anacyelus Officinarum Hayne Asteraceae Pellitory Root Akarkaram, Akallak Akarkara Aagargatha Alkkalkari Akarkaro Akarakaramu Akkirakaram, Akarkaram Akarkara Akarakara, Akkikkaruka Spanish Pellitory, Spanish. Chamomile Aagargatha, Aagargatha, Audul-gatha 12 Vogsandesh@divyayogacom @ March zoe arkara plants basicaly a native of Arab region therefore itis also called Morocco Akarkara. itis also found in some parts of India With the frst rain of rainy season it's small plants appearin the sol. ‘The taste ofits roots is charpera and when ie is chewed it gives a hor sensation. Ik feels like the tong will get burnt. In terms of Ayurvedic properties the one imported from Arab region has gor great medicinal values. Ie is being used for around four hundred yearsin Ayurveda. Although no mention ofthis herb is found in Charak and Sushrut sangeeta, it cannot be believed that this medicine was not used in ancient India. There are three types ofthis plane which are found in India- 1. Anacyclus pyrethrum (Linn,) lag. 2. Spilanthes acmell var oleracea CB Clarke, Syn- acmella oleracea (Linn,) RK Jansen 3. Spilanthes Aemella var. calva (DC) CB Clarke, Syn-Acmella paniculata (Wall. ex DC.) RK Jansen. In medicines Anacyclus pyrethrum (Linn.) Lagascais used. Besides two more species of ths plant are also found which are used for treatment of diseases. One of it’s main properties is its sexually stimulates therefore i is used for increasing sexual potency. When i is used with the medicines of similar properties it strengthens sperm increases sex power and itis Seambhak in navure. Those who are prone to cold and cough this medicine is very useful for them. External shape Akarkarambh: Irs small plants appear in the soil just in the beginning of rainy season. Its branches, leaves and flowers are like why two baboon but and its stems are a bit with Pole. Stems and branches have fur. They emerge from and spread in many, Its roots have fragrance. Its roots are thick and heavy. Main bark is thick, brown and also have wrinkles. Ic is also. important to note that the properties of other plants get destroyed in just one year but the properties of this plant are not destroyed for seven years. It one chewsit the taste of other acrid bitter taste of any thing is not felt. In Maharashtra, its stems are used to make pickles and vegetable. indian Akarkara: Iris a 30-60 cm high, rainly and leafy plant. Its trunk is straight, ics lesy, contains fur, base is also like ths, its leaves are normally opposite, oval and pointed in shape, triangular oval , etc. Its lowers are yellow or redish brown, oval or rectangular in shape . Its fruits are lat, a bit curved on surface, oval and triangular'Their colour is black. Besides above mentioned species of this plant, Acmella Panicculata (Wall. ex. DC.) RK Jansen is its one more species, itis used for treatment of diseases but it medicinal values are very low. Long stem Alarkara: Ir has many branches, it is smooth, straight, around 30 cm long leafy plant. Its leaves have Veint, they are oval and pointed in shape. Ie is 2-4 em long, its lowers have Drigh Vrine, yellow in colour, its lowers are used for treatment of diseases. It is used in place of Akarkara. Gargal of itis useful in teeth and throat related problems. If powder of is flowers is used to massage teeth, it cures pain in teeth. ‘® Vogsandesh@divyayoga com Chemical composition Ayurvedic properties and effect: ‘Akarkarambh: © ic gives serengeh, it is acrid, ic is Lalashravajanak, pradahkarak, it gives strength to veins, increases sexual potency, cures pain, it is Pratishyaya and cures swelling. © is roots give strength to heart, Raktimakarak and gives strengeh, @ Ic prevents bacteria, destroys germs, worms, cures pain in teeth, Grasnishoth, ‘Tundikeri_Shoth, stoke, Ardhanghat, chronic eye problems, headache, Apasmar, Vichusika, Aamvat and cyphus fever, etc @ Ics seeds show the propertics of Alpagarbhashravak. Indian Akarkara: © cs juice is biter in taste, hot, rough and causes gastric and pitta © Ics Lalastravavardhak, stimulates, it does deepan, it removes cough, it is Swedak, good for digestion, cures pain in stomacch and fever: @ Is flowers are bitter, feel warm, cures cough, cures pain, Swedjanan and cures fever. 13 EEE March zoe Ag yo Medicinal use quantity and method to use: Head problems: © Headache: Make paste of Akarkara roots and flower, make ita bie warm and apply on forehead, it cures pain, © Keep Akarkara lowers between teoth and chew it , it will cures headache due to cough and cold. It also curues pain Dadh. For one time use; one flower or litde lesser is sufficient, Eve problems: © Chronic cye problems: Pour 2-4 drops of Akarkara roots juice in nostils it will cure the problem. Nostril problems: © Pinas: Pour 2-4 drops of Akarkara extract in the nostrils, Pinas, cold, and other such diseases are cured. Ie is bitter in taste, therefore use on children and sensitive persons by adding some water in it. For Akarkara extract, use fresh roots, it is useful in Pratishyaya. Mouth diseases: © ‘Teeth pain: ‘Take Akarkara root or flower and its one-tenth part camphor and add some Sendha salt in it, make cheir powder and apply. Ie cures all sorts of teeth problem, © Bad smell from mouth: Akarkara, Majuphal, Nagarmotha, roasted alum, peppes, Sendha salt, mix them together and make their powder. Use it to clean teeth as tooth powder. Ie will cure all such problems, Italso cures bad smell @ Teeth pain: By chewing its flowers, ie is useful in the teeth problems and i also cures bad smell problem, © Iss flowers are used for swelling in chin, germs in teeth, swelling in gums ete Bad smell of mouth: Take Akarkara, NEE 14 Vf March zore Majuphal, Nagarmotha, roasted alum, pepper, sendha sale in equal quantities and make their powder. Use this powder to clean teeth, This will cure all the problems of teeth and gums. This will help cure all mouth related problems including bad smell © Teeth pain: By chewing flowers of Akarkara, teeth pain is cured and it also cures the problem of bad mouth sel © This ower can also be used to cure chin swelling and germs in teeth, pain in teeth, swelling in gums, ete © Akarkara roots or flowers, turmeric and Sendha sale should be taken, make their powder, mix a bit of mustard oil in it and use it to massage teeth will cure pain in teeth, Besides bad smell of mouth and gums problems ate also cured. Ieisan amazing thing © Chewing Akarkara_ roots and wearing the kawal of its tea and Gandush, helps cure the problems of germs in teeth, teeth pain and gastric related mouth problems are cured. Throat problems: © Throar: Using 250-500 mg of Akarkara powder, the voice of singers and children becomes sweet. You can also keep Akarkara roots or Akarkara flowers in your mouth and such them as it is very useful for the problems of throat © In the problems of Talu, teeth and throat, gargle using Akarkara ea will be very effective Chest diseases: @ Hiccups ; When hiccups strike, take from half to 1 gm Akarkara root powder and lick with honey. It shows amazing results © Breathing: Take fine powder of Akarkara which has to be well filered and smell it, Ie will clear blockage in breathing, It is very useful © Cough: Take 2 gms of Akarkara and 1 gm dry ginger and use them to make tea and take its 10-20 ml in the morning and evening . Ie cures even chronic cough problems. @ Taking 1-2 gms of Akarkara powder is useful in cough related problems. Heart problems: © Take two parts of Arjun bark and ‘one part Akarkara root powder, mix them together and erush them and take half spoon of it in the morning and evening. It cures anxiety, high hheare beats, pain, vibration and weakness. @ Take Kulanjan, dry ginger and Akarkara 2-5 gram and boil it in 100 ml water, when only one fourth of it remains in the por, then drink it, taking this tea regularly many types of heart problems , anxiety and pulse weakness, dysfunctional heare problem is also cured ‘Stomach diseases: © Stomach problem: Take Akarkara root powder and small pippali powder in equal quantities and mix abit of roasted fennel and take half spoon in the morning and evening after meal. Ie is useful in heare problems, © Mandagani (Afara): Take Shunthi powder and Akaskara 1-1 gm of cach and use it Ie is very useful in ‘Mandagani and Afara Diseases of reproductive system: @ Menstruation: Prepare tea of ‘Akarkara root and add a pinch of Hing. Taking it in the morning and evening cures pain during menstruation. Weakness of body organs: © Take 20 grams of Akarkara roots and use its one-fourth to make tea @ and then make powder of 10 gm of Akarkara roots and apply on penis. This cures weakness of it, Allow the paste to be there for a few hours While applying the paste leave the upper part of penis Joint pain disease: © Gridhrasi- Take Akatkara root powder and mix i in walnut oil for rassage. eis useful in Gridheasi. © Gastric problem: Take Akarkara root Kalk and paste of tea, Senkai, Dhawan, te, are the forms in which it is to be used. If it is used externally, problems like arthritis, paralysis and weakness of vein are cured. ‘Skin problems: @ Pama: Take 5-7 gm of Indian ‘Akarkara Panchang and make its tea, Using this cures itching and other skin problems. © Vian or sore: Take Akarkara root tea or root powder and apply on sores. It helps cure it fast. Ie also prevents chances of infection, © Kandu: Take fresh leaves of ‘Akaskara and flowers and make their paste, Ie cures kin problems. Mental problems: © Apasmar: Take Akarkara flower or roots and make its paste in vinegar and add some honey and lick 5-10 aloft. Ie cures

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