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By :
Ema Sari, NIM : 1622309

Lecturer : Dr. Welly Ardiansyah, M.Pd

Book Review

Title : Human Resource Development Management

Author : Dr. M. Kadarisman
Publisher : PT RajaGrafindo Persada
Year of Publication : 2013
Number of Pages : 509
This book describes activities designed to manage/manage and coordinate human
resources within an organization/company beginning with the understanding, scope, benefits,
and objectives of human resource development. Furthermore, it is discussed on the
development of human resources through mutation; Human resources development through
supervision; Human resource development through empowerment; Human resource
development through work motivation; Human resource development through career
coaching; Human resource development through assessment center; And human resource
development through quality control clusters.
In this book there are nine different subtitles of writing, but in general the whole paper
focuses on the same thing, namely to discuss Human Resource Development Management.
Bring up some subbahasan in this book deliberately displayed, in order to provide color and
point of view for the reader in understanding and adding insight and practice the contents of
this book in various interests. This needs to be realized, because the success and success of an
organization / company lately among others determined much by the success of human
resources in carrying out its duties and functions.

Understanding And Scope Of Human Resource Development

Development of employees, is an activity that must be implemented by the
organization, so that knowledge, skills, and skills of employees in accordance with the
demands of the work they do. Employee development is for the long term and an important
part of an organization. Through the development of existing employees / employees, will
reduce the dependence of the organization on the use of experts from outside the
organization. If employees are well developed, strategic jobs are likely to be filled from
within the organization itself. Promotion and transfer of employee positions also indicate that
they have career opportunities, not just stopping at a job position. Organizations benefit from
operational continuity with increased performance, while employees feel more committed to
the organization.
In the face of these challenges, organizations need to take appropriate steps by taking
priority of employee development through increased expenditures for investment in human
capital. The investment is mainly emphasized on improving education and job training. The
essence of investment in human resource development, are expenditures aimed at increasing
human productive capacity. The logical justification of such expenditures is that healthy,
well-educated, and skilled employees will be productive employees.
The emphasis in the development of employees / employees here is for whom the
development of employees is done. In this development program is certainly adjusted to the
conditions of existing employees within the organization. To conduct development
implementation, the employees can be distinguished from employees who work in
operational technical field and employees who work in the managerial field. Of course the
development of each employee is also different, both from the aspects of development
materials and the ways of development is done. With the development of employees, the
organization will have competitive strength, and become more difficult to imitate so that the
organization is able to compete competitively. In this case, the organization will be flexible in
accepting new ideas that are more productive.
Employee development can be done both formally and informally. Formally,
employees are assigned to the organization for education or training, whether conducted in
the organization or conducted by educational or training institutions. While the development
of an informal, the employees on their own desire and effort to train and develop themselves
by studying the booksdiratures that have to do with work or position. While the benefits of
employee development for the individual, it can be argued that the role of human resources
employees is very strategic and focused on the productivity of employee behavior that
directly implements strategic organizational strategy or employee behavior. There is a new
trend of employee revitalization in the form of employee competence. Employee competence
can be a distinguishing point between the star performer and the deadwood employee.

Development of Human Resources Through Mutation

Mutation of employees can be divided into two sources, namely the mutation of the
employee's desire and the mutation of management policy. There are three basic / foundation
implementation of employee mutations, namely: merit system, seniority system, and spoiled
1. Merit system, is a mutation of employees based on the foundation that is scientific,
injektif, and the results of his work performance. Merit system or career system is a
good mutation base because:
a. Output and work productivity increases
b. Working morale is on the rise
c. The number of errors made decreases
d. Staff attendance and discipline are getting better
e. The number of accidents will decrease
2. Seniority System, is a mutation based on the basis of employment, age and work
experience of the employees concerned. This system is less effective because it is
only based on seniority that is not necessarily able to assume a new position.
3. Spoil system is a mutation based on the basis of kinship. This system kuran bna karna
on consideration of likes or dislikes.
Thus, an ideal employee mutation should be based on a merit system. The movement
of egawai is as a good quality which is deserve to be praised, or good things deserved. This
means that the implementation of system merit in the mutation is the management of
mutations to the employee's human resources based on the achievement, that is all employee's
behavior in the form of being good or bad, this directly affects the ups and downs of career /
career position of employee.

Human Resource Development Through Promotion

A promotion will always be followed by a higher duty, responsibility and authority
than previously occupied. Promotion can be a motivation that encourages every employee to
work better, more active, eager in doing the job to improve his work performance. Therefore,
organizations need to pay attention to the needs of employees through the proper and
objective programming. Despite the sake, there is no full guarantee that the promoted
employee actually meets the expectations of the organization. Therefore, a careful analysis of
the potential employee needs to be taken seriously.
Each method for promoting employees to occupy an existing position, no one is the
most perfect, both merit system, seniority system and spoil system, each method there is plus
minus it. Under such conditions, the risk factor may only be minimized because it is
impossible to get a perfect official without any defect.
Development of Human Resources Through Supervision
Supervision here is as an attempt to determine what is being done by employees in a
certain period, then evaluated the performance results based on standard that has been
standardized. It is also intended to alter dysfunctional or perverted behavior, not to impose
sanctions or penalties immediately, but to help the person change or correct his behavior and
this is usually the last step in the oversight process. So, the main purpose of supervision is to
get results in accordance with the wishes that have been planned previously. The main goal is
to find what is not appropriate in the implementation of various operational activities within
the organization, and not necessarily looking for who is wrong.
Supervision is a powerful tool for increasing work productivity. Supervision is
differentiated into inherent supervision, defined as the process of monitoring, inspection and
evaluation by the head of the unit / organization of work on the function of all components in
carrying out work within the environment of a nonprofit organization and as a process of
monitoring, inspection and evaluation by the head of unit / organization of work On the
utilization of all resources, to identify weaknesses and advantages / disadvantages, which can
be used for the development of work units / organizations in the future.
While functional oversight is the process of monitoring, inspection, and evaluation by
the supervisory apparatus in the government system whose main functions and tasks are
specialized in the field of supervision. The last is public scrutiny, is any complaints,
criticisms, suggestions, questions, etc. that are submitted by community members concerning
the execution of work by nonprofit work organization in the field of government in carrying
out its main duty to provide public service and development for the benefit of life of society,
nation and state .

Human Resource Development Through Empowerment

In empowering employees, the steps taken are:
a. Develop a thorough understanding of the empowerment program. Obtained from
various sources of literature as well as from experts who are competent in the field of
b. Create a list of activities / opportunities that can support empowerment. Of the several
activities that exist within the organization that are considered to support the
empowerment process and required an increase in employees. Activities are socialized
to all members of the organization to avoid rejection from employees.
c. Selecting a variety of activities that have a more significant chance of success and
minimal risk.
d. Provide understanding to employees to understand job expectations and metrics.
Every employee should know about what expectations will be gained. If he carries out
his work and responsibilities.
e. Establish follow-up procedures for sharing progress to individual workers and groups.
f. Creating, maintaining and improving trust.
g. Assess the progress of the empowerment program.
The empowerment model is:
a. Desire. There is a desire from management to delegate and involve workers
b. Trust. Building trust between members of the organization will create good conditions
without fear.
c. Confident. Once there is a sense of trust will arise a sense of mutual respect for the
ability of employees.
d. Credibility. Maintain credibility with appreciation and develop a competitive work
environment to create a high performance organization.
e. Accountability. Employee liability to the authority granted.
f. Communication. The existence of open communication to create mutual
understanding between employees and management.

Development of Human Resources Through Work Motivation

Giving the right motivation is expected to encourage employees to work better.
Motivation as a driver or driver of behavior toward the achievement of goals is a cycle
consisting of three elements, namely the need, the drive to act, and the desired goal. Potential
employees usually like to do work that challenges the optimal physical and mental ability to
perform the task. Opportunity to participate is the hope for every employee. To increase
employee participation can be done by means of laain:
a. Include them in the decision making process
b. Asking their response to the program to be compiled
c. Examine feedback to them on the results of their own work
d. Increasing the delegation of authority and responsibility according to the field
e. Give them a chance to participate in owning company stock (if private organization
Employees in the work actually not only expect the compensation in the form of
material only, but also at the same time expecting the honor in the form of non-material for
the results of their efforts in doing the task.

Development of Human Resources Through Career Development

Coaching a career in an organization's environment needs to be planned and
implemented continuously. Every employee has the opportunity to realize a successful career
for himself. Two main formulation types, namely career path formulation and cadre program.
An employee seeking career development should seek information about:
a. What knowledge, abilities and skills the organization requires from it
b. What promotional system applies to the organization
c. Must attend training both organized organization and outside organization
d. Luck factor in career development
e. Determination of promotion, both with work performance and seniority
Employee career development will have great benefits for both employees and for the
organization. These benefits include:
a. Encourage employees to develop themselves and kemapuannya
b. Adding a high sense of concern to the organization
c. Prevent the occurrence of anxiety among employees who have been under-attention
d. Reduce employees leaving the organization
e. Filling out available vacancies, due to mutation and promotion employees
f. Optimize the use of employee knowledge, skills, and skills, according to the potential.

Human Resource Development Through Assessment Center

Assessment center is a procedure to measure the level of knowledge, expertise, and
ability by using several instruments. In assessing the potential and competencies required for
structural candidates as in the assessment center program, several methods can be used.
However, the most widely used methods are in-basket exercise, group discussion (without
group leader), and case analysis. Other methods, namely role-play, fact finding, oral
presentations, and writen case analysis.
What is identified through a thorough assessment center encompasses three aspects:
intelligence, personality, and managerial skills. The method used is:
a. Psychological-test, consists of a series of tests to identify the level of intelligence
through the types of achievement-tests that measure numerical, verbal, capture,
reasoning and personality tests through projective and interest tests.
b. Simulation exercise, to identify managerial skills aspects of employees through the
implementation of in-basket exercise which contains various official notes, warrants,
reports, telephone records to be answered in a short time.
Furthermore, leaderless group discussions that address specific topics without the
appointment of group leaders from certain occupational role groups must solve organizational
problems to obtain a description of the level of ability and initiative, communication, fighting
power, persuasion, flexibility and self-confidence of employees.

Human Resource Development Through Quality Circle

The quality control group is a formal and institutionalized mechanism that seeks to
solve problems by putting pressure on participation and creativity among employees. The
objectives of the quality control group are: to increase employee involvement in work issues
and solving efforts, reduce errors and improve quality, improve communication and
motivation in groups, create harmonious working relationships between subordinates and
superiors, and improve control and cost reduction.
To achieve success, the quality control group program should clearly set targets,
among others: self-development, joint development, quality improvement, communication
and attitude improvement, team development and work productivity, reduced complaints and
absenteeism, improved discipline and positive employee participation , Increase employee
loyalty and satisfaction, and strengthen cooperation between all levels in the company.

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