In D Ex - : Assignment (Fundamental)

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Hindu law is most important for the Hindus. Every Hindus should know the
Hindu Law but also other Law or rule of their religion. In Hindu religion,
those rule inflict on the Hindus there are used as law or hindu law. Hindu
Law today in the result of some ingredients (such as sruti, smiti,
commentaries on the smities, puranas, judicial dicisions, legislation , justices
equity and good conscience, custom and usage etc).

Wills is the most important fact for the Hindus, This assignment has been
made on wills.

Making this I have got help of my brother, uncle and my teacher. Book of
JHABVALA is & thumb must. I am heatly grateful.

Assignment (Fundamental)

Chapter 1: Computer Era– An Introduction -------------------1

Chapter 2: Introduction about software---------------------- 3
Chapter 3: About PC------------------------------------- 6 Chapter
4: Communication Concept-------------------------- 8 Chapter 5:
Operating System & DOS----------------------- 10 Chapter 6:
Microsoft Windows XP Introduction ---------------13
Assignment (Fundamental)
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Chapter 1: Computer Era– An Introduction
1) What is Computer?
 A computer is a device that process given data to derive the required & useful

The computer performs various function during the processing as follows:

- Accepting data from user
- Accepting instruction from user
- Performing various arithmetic & logical operations as per the instruction
- Presenting output or information to the user.

2) Describe various types of characteristics of computer.

 Ch a r a cte r is tics :
- Fastness: A powerful computer is capable of executing about 3 million calculations
- Accuracy: A computer is very accurate in its work. During process error seldom
occur if
there is an error in the instruction given by user.
- Reliable: A computer is a reliable & trusted component that is the given instruction
true then the information will be true & correct.

- Versatile: A computer is capable to generate desired output in desired form & it is all
the programming technique that makes the difference. It can work upon numbers,
graphics, audio, video etc.., making it versatile.

- Large storage capacity: A computer have many storage devices like Winchester
disk, CD
ROM, hard disk etc.., which have large storage capacity.

- Works automatically: A computer can work automatically without any human

intervention until the completion of execution of program. But need of human
operator to press the necessary keys for any operation is required.

- Diligent: A computer is a machine, so it does not feel tired & distracted. It performs
consistent even to an extent of more than 10 million calculations. It does each &
every calculation with the same speed & accuracy.

3) What is the storage devices present in computer?

 Storage devices:
- Hard Disk
- Winchester Disk
- Compact Disk Drive
4) What is the Winchester Disk?
 A Winchester Disk is a storage device that is permanently housed in sealed container
is free any contamination. These were firstly used to provide backup to dual 30MB
5) Describe briefly the basic operations of computer.
 3 Basic Operations of computer:

- Firstly access & accept information:

Computer is capable to access & accept information through various input output
from the user.

- Arithmetic & logical operation:

After accessing & accepting the information, the computer performs basic arithmetic
logical operations on the data.

- Generate Output:
At the final, computer is capable to generate the output in the desire form.

Assignment (Fundamental)
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6)Explain the characteristics of each generation’s computer.
 1st g e ner a tio n:
- The first electronic computer ENIAC
- Invented in 1946 by an English mathematician “Charles Babbege”.

- Capability to perform 5000 calculation per second.

- Occupied about 1500 sq. ft.
- Weighted about 50tonnes.
- Vacuum tube technology.
2nd generation:
- Transistors were use in place of vacuum tube.
- Less area than 1st generation’s computer.
- More power consumption decrease.
3rd generation:
- Compact Integrated Circuit of silicon chips.
- Cost, heat generation & power consumption decrease.
4th generation:
- Used integrated circuit with very large scale integration (VLSI)
- High processing power

- Low maintenance
- Low power consumption
- High reliability
5th generation:
- Optic fiber technology
- Very high processing speed
- More reliable
7) What is micro computer? Give its advantages & disadvantages.
 Micro computer is a digital computer that works on micro processor. Mostly it is
used in
homes & offices & performs tasks such as word processing, desktop publishing &

- Small size
- Low cost
- Portability

- Low processing speed.
8)What is minicomputer? Give its advantages & disadvantages.
 Minicomputer is known as the mid-range server & it is medium sized, multi
processing &

multi user computer. Generally it is used by small sized companies.

- Cater to multiple user
- Lower costs than mainframe

- Large
- Bulk
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9) What is mainframe computer? Give its advantages & disadvantages.
 It is known as enterprise servers & it occupies entire rooms or floors. It is used to

centralize computing.
- It supports many users & instructions

- Large memory
- High size
- Expensive
10) What is super computer? Give its advantages & disadvantages.
 It is fastest & expensive & used by application for molecular chemistry, nuclear
weather report & advanced physics.
- Speed
- Generate large amount of heat during operation.
Fill in the blanks:
1) The unprocessed facts, which are not arranged in any order, are collectively known
2) Processing the collected facts, arranging them & giving them a meaningful shape is
known as
3) In spite of its high speed of processing errors seldom occur is inAccuracy

of computer.
4) The total capacity of floppy disk is1.44 MB & rotation speed is360 rpm.
5) The full form of CD-ROM is compact disk read only memory.
6) Computer performance is consistent even to an extent of more than 10million
7) Infirs t generation computer used vacuum tube technology & machine language
was the

language of these computer.

8) The second generation computer developed inTransistor .
9) The3rd generation computer use compact integrated circuits (ICs) of silicon chips,
in place

or transistor.
10) The fourth generation computers have High processing power, low maintenance,

Assignment (Fundamental)
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Chapter 2: Introduction about software
1) What is compiler?
 Compiler is the type of software that will accept the total program code as input &
converts it into machine code.
2) What is interpreter?
 Interpreter performing the same task as compiler, to convert the program code into
machine code but it is different from compiler. Compiler takes the complete program
input but an interpreter takes the program code line by line as input.
3) What is programming language?
 Programming language are the languages that to use for giving instruction which are
followed by the computer to perform the requested task.
4) Give different names of programming languages.
 Different programming languages.

- Machine language: These languages are machine dependent languages & the programs
written in these languages are non portable. These languages are understood by
directly as it consists of series of binary digits.

- Assembly language: Assembly language is the first step in program preparing process
involved in replacing the numeric binary machine language operation codes with the
mnemonic names.

- High level language: High level languages are oriented towards certain specific
processing problems which are application specific like mathematics problem, file
processing, scientific application etc. High level languages are portable from
computer to
computer with slight variation.

5) What is algorithm & flow chart?

 Algorithm: It is a step by step procedure involved in solving any problem written in

simple & understandable human language. It is a text based solution.

Flow chart: It is a graphic based solution, which using various graphical symbol,
the basic flow of the program.

6) Draw a flow chart of adding 2 nos.

Assignment (Fundamental)
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Fill in the Blanks:

1)Machine languages which are understood by the machine.

2) The program written in assembly language is called source program.
3)Object program is the converted program of a assembly language.
4)Interpreter is a special program/software which is used for translating a high level

language program into machine language.

5)Algorithm is a step by step procedure involved in solving any problem.
6)Flow chart is a graphic based solution of solving any problem
Assignment (Fundamental)
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Live ware
Firm Ware
High Level

- Keyboard

- Mouse

- Scanner

- Pointing


- Monitor

- Printer

- Speaker

- Binary
- C++

- Oracle

- Java

Data safe in
Major Components
Chapter 3: About PC
1) Major components of computer.
2) Give the Basic Input Output devices of the computer.

Input Devices:
- Key board
- Mouse
- Pointing device
- Scanneretc….

Output Devices:
- Monitor
- Printer

- Speaker etc…
3) What are parts normally present in system case?
 Front side of computer:

- Power switch to turn on/off computer

- CD/DVD Drive ROM
- Floppy drive & Hard disk
- LED to indicate system status
Back side of computer:
- Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) & cooling fan
- Input– output ports in built on motherboard

- USB ports
4) Give the name of I/O ports present in the mother board.

- Serial Port
- LPT Printer port

- Monitor port
- Sound port
- Joystick port
- USB port
5) What are the main units of CPU?
 Memory Unit:
- Primary memory (RAM / ROM)
- Secondary memor
Assignment (Fundamental)
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Control Unit:
ALU: Arithmetic & Logical Unit.
6) Write the BIOS checking procedure at the time of booting a computer?
 Basic Input Output System (BIOS):

- Check all peripheral devices, memory & hardware of the computer.

- Power On Self Test (POST) is performed before the PC boots operating system.
- Functions perform by POST.

Checking power supply & mother board

Comparing system configuration with PC configuration program
Checking memory devices & drives
Checking system memory
Starts display & audio devices.

7) What are control unit & ALU in processor?

 Control Unit: Control unit is the unit of CPU, which coordinates all the activities of
each &

every elements of computer. This unit does not process data but it acts as the central
system for data manipulation.
ALU: This unit performs the arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication & division. It also does logical operations such as comparison of
numbers etc.

8) Write down different types of storage devices.

 Different types of storage devices.
- Magnetic device
- Optical device
- Solid state storage device
- Digital audio tape
9) Which part of computer consider as primary memory?
 Random Access Memory (RAM) & Read Only Memory (ROM)
10) Write down different types of output devices.
 Variout output devices:
- Display system, Display Card, Sound Card, Printer, Fax
11) What is a good example of firmware?
 The micro instrument on safe in ROM is called Firmware.
Fill in the Blanks:
1) Software is a set of instruction usually termed as programs which are required for
processing activities of the computer.
2) Mouse is the input device specially used for GUI.
3)The system case, some times called the chassis/enclose.
4) 220– 240 voltage is used in SMPS for asia.
5) ALU unit performs the arithmetic operations.

6)Power on Self Test (POST) is performed by BIOS.

7)Sound card is the type of Audiocar d.
8)1 Gigabyte = 1024Megabyte.

9)RAM is primary type of data storage.

10)A video card referred to as a graphic acceletor card
Assignment (Fundamental)
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Chapter 4: Communication Concept
1) What is Data Communication? What are the different types of network?
 Data communication is a process of sending data electonicallyfrom one geographic

to other, which is clone usually by linking these location using network.

Types of network:
- LAN (Local Area Network)
- MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
- WAN (Wide Area Network)

2) What is difference between analog & digital data transmission?

 In analog data transmission the data is transmitted as a continuous wave from one
to other, while in the digital data transmission use distinct “ON” & “OFF” electricity
3) What is modulation & demodulation?
 Modulation: The process of converting digital data into analog data befor
transmission in

known as Modulation.
Demodulation: The process of reconverting an analog signal into digital pulses is

4) What are various communication devices?

 Various types of communication devices:
- Interfaces
- I/O ports & cables

- LAN card
- Modem
- Network Cable

5) What are the components of NIC?

 A network card, network adepter, LAN adepter or Network Interface Card is a piece

computer hardware designed to allow computers to communicate over a computer

network. Every card has a unique 48 bit serial number called a MAC (Media Access
Control) address, which is stored in ROM carried on the card.
6) What are different types of transmission media?
 2 types of transmission media:
- Point to point: This is a quite simple channel configuration, where the units/ devices
be connected use dedicated communication line.
- Multipoint: This configuration of communication channel has envolved to remove
short coming of point to point channel of under utilization & cost.
7) Compare the different type of transmission media.
Assignment (Fundamental)
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- Only one device can be connected with
direct line
- This involves high cost as for every
- This need separate cable for every
- Two or more device s can be connected
using a single line
- This involves low cost than point 2 point
- This does not nedd separate cable for
every device.
8) What does T mean in 100BaseT?
 T mean “Transmission” in 100BaseT
9) What do 100 mean in 100BaseT?
 100 indicate the speed of transmission in 100BaseT.
10) What makes Fiber Optic Cables immune to EMI?
 The fiber optic cables are made from one or more filaments of glass fiber, whose

is hair thin are wrapped in protective jackets. These transmit data as pulses of light
are generated by lasers. The rate of transmission is about 30billion bits per second,
is about 60 times greater than co-axial cable & about 3000 times better than twister
wire lines..
These characteristics makes fiber optic cables immune to EMI.

Fill in the Blanks:

1) Analog data is transmitted, as a continuous wave from one terminal to other.
2) Digital data transmission uses distinct “ON” & “OFF” electricity states.
3)The process of converting digital data before transmission into analog data is
known as

4)The process of reconveting an analog signal into digital pulses is called
5) Point 2 Point is established using direct lines which connect the devices to other
6)8P8C is short for Eight Positions, Eight Conductors.
7)Ethernet network card has a unique 48 bit serial number called a MAC Address.
8)The cover & insulation of the Co-axial cable minimizes interference& distortion
of the

9)In Fiber Optics cable transmit data as pulses of light which are generated by lasers.
10) USB full form is Universal Serial Bus.
Assignment (Fundamental)
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Chapter 5: Operating System & DOS
1) What is Operating System?
 Operating System can be defined as “Set of programs that are capable of managing
resources as well as the operations of a computer.”
Operating system hides the hardware virtually from the user.
2) Give some examples of network based & server based operating system.
 Network based:

Windows – 2000 / XP / 2003

Server based:
Windows Server 2003, Unix, Linux, Netware.

3) Describe brifly the booting process of operating system.

 Booting Process: A process after which our system will load the operating system &

determine that our system will OK condition or not

Types of Booting:
- When machine ON, then it called COLD Booting.
- When (ALT+CTRL+DELETE) / Reboot happens, it is called WARM / HOT
- POST (Power On Self Test)

- RAM Test
- Drive Checking

A: (Floppy Disk Drive)


C: (Hard Disk Drive)

- Kernel of DOS

I/O Sys (System fill of DOS, to manage input & output system)

MS– DOS.sys (System fill of DOS to manage,

 Processor Managemet
 Memory Management
 File Management
 Device Management)

- Config.sys (user made file)

- (command process of DOS)
- Autoexec.bat (used made file)

4) Write the functions of Config.sys

 Functions of Config.sys:

- BUFFERS (It is used to specify the disk buffer)

- COUNTRY (It is used to specify the country code)
- DEVICE (It is used to load to device program in memory)
- DEVICEHIGH (It is used to load & replace the device command program in the

memory area)
- DOS (It is used to replace device command program in high memory area)
- Drive PRAM (Iis used to modify the disk & tape device)
- FCBS (File control Block in used to specify the no. of file to open at a time in DOS.
It is

actually data structure to store the information which is currently opened)

- FILES (It is used to specify the no. of file to open at a time in DOS.sys)
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- INSTALL (It is used to specify the installation of TSR (Terminate & Stay Resident)

program in high memory area)

- LAST DRIVE (It is used to indicate you the valid device driver of your system)
- NUMLOCK (It is used for ON/OFF system)
- SETVER (It is used to set the variable and its value)
- SHELL (It is used to load the user defined command processor)
- STACKS (It is used to specify the stack in buffer no.)
- SWITCHES (It is used to specify the keyboard specification)

5) Which type of file type support by MS-DOS operating system?

 MS-DOS operating syster supports following types of file:
- Text File:

These are the files which are used to store data. The data can be in the form of
characters, numbers, & any other symbols. These are the files which are used to store
input as well as output data of the programs.

- Batch File:
These are the files which contains set of instructions, which are to be executed as a
batch in a sequential order. These files are useally used to perform a specific task.

- Application Program Files:

These are the files which usually as application specific. They are used to do perform
specific tasks which will enble a use to do his job easily. Word processors,
spread sheets etc. are some of the application program files.

6) What is File & Directory?

 File: File is the collection of records, which are logically related.

Directory: Directory is logical grouping of files. A directory contains the names of the
it holds, along with their extension, the file size, the data of creation or the data of last

7) Write purpose to used the command & their syntax.

a) VOL:
 Display the lable of the volume in the drive specified.
b) MD:
 Creates a sub Directory
 To perform the specific task.
 To change the Prompt
 To check hard disk drive status
 To format a disk
8) Give the tree structure of directory structure
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9) Write the utilities of the DOS.
 Apart from the files IBM, IBM, & two other
programs which

are quite important part of MS.DOS are:

- Config.sys: This is used to configure the system.
- Autoexec.bat: This file contains the list of command which are to be executed when

system is started i.e. booted. Terminology which is used by MS-DOS.

Fill in the Blanks:

1) Config.sys is used to configure the system.

2) Resident & Initialization part is present in the memory for DOS limit.
3) Dos is used to replace device command program in high memory area.
4) Transition part is loaded in the high memory area on the
5) File is collection of records, which are logically related.
6) TYPE command displays the contents of the file on the screen.
7) BACKUP command application that enebles users to backup their data on their
8) DISKCOMP command compares the contents of a floppy disk in the source drive
to the

contents of a floppy disk in the target drive.

9) XCOPY command copies the content of more than one directory at a time.
10) The filename can be at most Eight characters long
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Chapter 6: Microsoft Windows XP Introduction
1) Which type of operating system is Windows XP?
 Windows XP is the client based GUI (Graphic User Interfaces) operating System.
2) What are the names of Windows XP Edition?
 Mainly there are two names of Windows XP Edition.
- Windows XP Home Edition
- Windows XP Professional Edition
3) How you delete the files permanently in WIN XP?
 Follows are the steps to delete the files permanently in WIN XP.

Select the particular object by single click on it

Press Shift + Delete on the keyboard


4) Which are the components present in desktop?

 Following components present in desktop.

- Taskbar
- Icons
- Start button

- Date & Time

5) Why we configure outlook express?
 We configure outlook express to check, compose & send e-mails.
6) Why we use icon?
 We uses icon for access the content that they represent.
7) What is the function of shortcut?
 Icon with an arrow in the lower left corner are shortcut icons. Function of shortcut is
access to the object.
8) Which software you use for internet browsing?
 For internet browsing usable software is INTERNET EXPLORER.
9) Write function of Recycle Bin.
 Recycle Bin Stores all temporary deleting objects.
10) Describe different types of serch procedure.
 These are different types of search critera.

- All or part of the file (document) name:

Enter the filename, the first few letter of the filename, or any letters found in the file

- A word or phrase in the file:

If you are looking for a file that has a specific word or phrase in the filename, enter
word or phrase in this search field.

- Look In:
Select the drive or folder you want to search
- Specify Dates:

Select from modified, created, or last accessed. Select modified to find all files
modified since the date criteria you enter, select created to find all files created since
the date criteria you enter, or select last accessed to find all files accessed since the
date criteria you enter.
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Assignment (Fundamental)

- Between/During the previous:

Between allows you to search for files modified, created, or accessed between two

- Specify size:
By specifying the approximate size of the file.
- Other options:

Search system folder only


Search hidden files & folder only


Search sub folder (include)


Search in Tape Backup


Search those files which are case sensitive

11) Mention different types of views.
 Different types of views.

- Thumbnails View: This displays images.

- Icon View: This display icons to represent drives, folders, & the contents of folders.
- Tiles View: This view is larger than the icon that display when you choose icon
- List View: This displays all of the files & folders without supplying the size, type, or

- Details View: This Display the size, type & date modified.
Fill in the blanks:
1) Icon are litte pictures that represent different programs or saved items.
2)In the lower left-hand corner of the Windows you click on the button a menu will
which we will call the Start Manu.
3)Windows XP tracks the last default 15 files you used. It lists these files on the Most
Recently Used Document list.
4)Any letter found in the filename. Use the * as a Wild Card.
5)If there have multiple account on your system then there have a Switch User
option, which
provice you switching between two accounts without log off them.
6)All tasks which are currently on used are shown in the Taskbar.
7)To protect the monitor screen damage from continuous ejection of electron beam &
using unauthorized access by providing screen saver password protection.
8)A Web Browser is a program such as Netscape Communicator or Internet Explorer
allows you to surf the internet from a computer.
9)Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE will cause the computer to show a dialogue box that
lists the
current applications that are running on the computer

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