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Rachelle Evans

EDU 210 Legal Growth Paper

Nevada School Law covered many topics in a short period of six weeks. The

major things I learned from this course were how to apply legal rules to the education

system, and how to improve my time management and leadership skills.

I spent the last year in law school. Therefore, I was familiar with the majority of

the legal rules that we were taught in this course. The rules that were new to me were

rules which we learn from courses in our second year of law school. For example, the

rules associated with constitutional law, legislative process, and the separation of church

and state. However, even the rules that I was familiar with before, such as rules

regarding Torts and my main case, Brown v. Board of Education (segregation rules), I

became even more familiar with and how these rules applied to the education system and

how they have changed since their inception. Therefore, this course allowed me to apply

my current legal knowledge to the education system and learn new rules that not only

apply to education, but our whole legal system.

Improving my time management and leadership skills contributed significantly to

my success in this course. In particular, attempting to balance this course, another 2-

week online course, my family and work obligations at the same time became very

stressful for me. I became sick during the first part of the course, because of the

excessive amount of stress. Therefore, during the second part of the course, I altered my

time management skills to prevent illness striking me again. In my case, I chose to spend

hours and hours on my presentation and I successfully finished it in two days, and got the

grade I wanted. I also put a ton of time and effort into being a “leader” in this course.
During the first part of the course, I responded not only the required amount of postings,

but went above and beyond to respond to other student’s postings to help them. With my

law school experience, I hoped to help other students understand the way that there really

is no right or wrong way to answer these questions. It paid off, since we were given extra

credit for doing so later in the course. I also did the same with all student presentations.

I figured I could use my PowerPoint expertise to help other students create better

presentations in the future.

When I started this course, I figured it would be boring and I wouldn’t learn

anything. My attitude throughout the course changed, because teachers need to learn

about legal rules and their effect on our education system. I think the books were

appropriate for the course and not only did I learn the material, I helped improve my own

personal qualities of time management and leadership in the process.

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